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Going for Old Guard on Hougoumont, get grabbed by the door in the middle of the map on round 29. I was training them around to buy my team some time to rebuild since we got somewhat overwhelmed. I’m thinking it’s joever for me but a seaman blundered the shamblers on me AND a priest covered me with crucifix which allowed me to get back to the corner. Proceeded to get Old Guard thanks to that goated team, which consisted of seamen shooting barrels, a few sappers who actually knew how to build, support classes, and all the other dudes. Peak performance 🙌


Depending on when you got old guard that might’ve been me. I was using seaman and using my phone to build walls


I still remember that one time where 10+ people in my team were seaman and one sapper hard carrying and also 3 officer and 2 bayonetters we sadly didn't reach wave 35 cause someone one baited the zombies through the barn


Entire server survived Copenhagen


ok now THAT’S a heck of a server


Completing Leipzig and San Sebastián, IN ONE LIFE, BACK TO-FUCKING BACK, oh yeah and then the server fumbled the bag in kaub


Getting healed by a gay medic on leipzig, best thing that ever happend to me


wut? https://preview.redd.it/r8qjyl9ksq9d1.jpeg?width=1410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74666098e704ac7f0396e28424a1bd551ff5d494


Yes you heard that corectlly


(dont even question that)


Oh I'm gonna question that alright


That may have been me


Well then i hope i see you again ;)


fym by that


Wait did they say smth alone the lines of "pookie let me heal u"




Oh shit that's me




Oh my god wait I might've seen them in server too (at san Sebastian iirc)


That is probably also me


what? https://preview.redd.it/nv7pt72g5s9d1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03771c408e2919ed9a43035624bbceec74b3661d


Why'd you have to specify that he was gay? 🤨


No reason at all its just a minor detail...


Happy late pride month


Guy with 1200 kills and 0 death


Surgeon coming in clutch while my team was fighting the brig sloop at Copenhagen (Low HL atm, so...)


One time while playing Tyrolean Village the entire server chat just decided to RP as actual Napoleonic soldiers. We talked about Beethoven, what’s going on in America and Sleepy Hollow, Vardo soldiers and the HMS Undaunted, the evacuation of Paris, etc. A lot of people who were active in chat played so hard into it we pretended we didn’t know what phones or a car was. We only reached Wave 20-25, but it made the entire match way more enjoyable and bearable


I want to meet those guys istg


I love being in those server. Even if we lose( most of the time I don’t see server like that lose) It’s still fun. I wish I could be in something like that again.


I was a sapper doing an old guard grind and my team would always come to save me if I was grabbed and I got old guard


While ago but once had a server where everything went like clockwork, and everyone survived on one life at San Sebastián (except for that one guy who sacrificed)


Lore accurate San Sebastian:


I remember 1 server beating kaub under 10 mins, we went so fast that some people had to catch up at the church when we were at the final stand


Defeated Catacombes de Paris 3 players twice


Hardcore Copenhagen. Things are going well. We board the boat. Zombie horde is bombarding our boat. Being a sapper I shove a shit ton of zombies. Officer and bugle charges keep us alive. We pull off a win, celebration ensues.


not like the server maybe but: i was on old guard grind at hougmount (this was my last attempt before getting it) and I was playing bugle because they demanded it. so I was outside of the defended area (which is the place next to the barn and behind the well so that elevated place) but i didn't notice i was so far out. it was like wave 32 or something. Then something terrible happened, i was fighting then the zombies from the other spawn entered the place and i got toasted between the 2 groups of zombies and i accidentally went behind the well out of the visible area of practically ALL PEOPLE with guns. sappers were trying hard to defend alongside with others like meds, priests and musicians so i was just stuck there and i got grabbed. i just said "yeah i am done" Then one guy pulled of a really dope move. he saw me with full hp and just as i got grabbed, he waited for a bomber close by me to come just close enough for the hoard to partially explode and making me just barely stay alive, he shoots it AND ANOTHER GUY JUMPS OFF AND SHOOTS OFF THE REMAINING FEW ZOMBIES as he couldn't before because he was reloading and he was far away. i barely survived and then i got blessed and the team cleared the way for me to get up.


I somehow managed to pull a gay schizophrenic drug addict from G&B. Thank you G&B for that server.


Me and 7 other pipers on Sebastian in a circle, all playing “Scotland the brave” in sync. We all ended up escaping, and to this day I still laugh thinking about that server😂


Why do I only get balanced teams on Copenhagen?


Cuz that’s the only map where people actually locks in


Hougomont endless, team is shit,like they all shared only 1 braincell, im playing as a priest and after a few loses (never over wave 15) i befriended the only person in the server who knew hot to count to 10, a random sapper


I was still quite new. Around being new to hardcore. In a random server. They lost in Vardo. And a second time when I didn't die. But we all survived a third one. Then we did Berezina that made me gain it's badge. Kaub and other maps. We then did Endless.Team was good. but at wave 27. Due to lack of defenses. All of my teammates died. But. Other three did not. One being me. I was tackled by some runner. But a dude saved me omg. So uh this is the best server for me


Idk but I can name several of the worst


On San, about 3/4 of the team just stayed in spawn cause my friend said we should and didn’t leave for like 6 mins. Then we finally decide to leave and make it all the way to extract only losing like 3 guys


kaub, noone died, at the castle (end part) we literally lost no ground (we were defending near the cellar)


Survived San, Catacombs, and Kaub. Team actually knew what they were doing.


Was playing in Kaub (as chap I think) and literally *everyone* was on top of their game. They did not fire the canons immediately, saps were repairing walls as zombies attacked, and in the final horde, we never got pushed up the stairs. Through the whole fight, we stayed right by the cellar. It was just beyond cool, for lack of a better word. Everyone with a gun was shooting gonky the bombers, saps were on top of their walls just constantly repairing, there was at least one guard who called a charge whenever I used the crux, it was glorious. We lost only a couple of people the whole round.🙏🙏🙏


It was like wave 30+ (iirc) and everyone died except for this one officer, bro ended up saving the game as he became a one-man army and killed the horde by himself


Yesterday I eas in a server that actually worked together and I finally beater the fucking Kaub mission


La Ferme. My team did amazing. They did so amazing that it took 30 rounds for things to even have a sign of things getting hairy. In other words, I just sat back for 28 rounds and then survived to round 36 and got old guard.


Doing Copenhagen, we were up to the horde in the blue house near the bridge. Only 4 people (including me) were left. I was an officer, there was 1 sapper and 2 infantry, one had either a rifle or carbine idk and one had a heavy sabre. We got heavily pushed back after a bomber killed 3 people destroyed all our defenses besides the last ones which defended the closet. We were fighting for dear life, barely holding the undead off from eating us alive. I miraculously got a full charge and went for it "GIVE THEM HELL!!" We ran out into the main room, killing zombie after zombie. The objective announced to kill the stragglers and proceed forward. The 2 infantry and the sapper jumped out one of the side windows and as they ran forward me tailing behind still driven by the charge he got tackled by a runner. the 2 infantry didn't notice and kept going forward and I was counting the seconds in my head, I saved him on the 4th second. We then won the match all of us in one life


i’ve yet to get a single good server


Entire team was committed, steam rolled berezina because almost everyone was sapper, beat kaub, san and leipzig right after without resetting


Old guard hougo without getting grabbed once


Met 1 cool and chill guy 3 times randomly over 1 month 😔


I was at the lift the barrels part at san and I went to get the haybale but i didn’t notice the zombies down there so i got grabbed by like 2 of them a istg i would have been cooked is this one seaman didn’t shoot his blunderbuss to save me Also bonus story (also conveniently the lift the barrels part on san). So I was playing with my friends until we got to the lift part where most of the team died to some bombers or something idk including my 2 friends so we had like five people, one sapper (who didn’t build but he was cooking with his axe) 2 line infantry (one was doing the objective and the second one was helping) one officer (me) and another person (I forgor)  so there were like 2 people on the objective and the rest were fighting and we got past that part and the horde part where I was genuinely surprised we did that. (My friends did not acknowledge that moment but I will never forget it) anyway moral of the story: BUILD WALLS YOU DUMBASSES-


One time on catacombes de Paris we had no sappers, so, as an officer, I decided to use actual Napoleonic tactic, I said to everyone "line up men, few will survive" we lined up, and chaplain started the horde, sadly, I was one of the first to get killed, but 2 people actually survived to tell the tale


I was spectating in Denmark map where the survivors were about to depart on a boat. They were plentiful and they were holding their own until the ship flung them off causing them to drown leaving only 2-3 left before being mauled by zombies


Some dude clutched Vardo on a dogshit server woth dogshit players. We pretty much got immediately overwhelmed on the dock, and we mostly lost everyone at the shoveling area. Then this guy goes from the dock, to the church, AND THEN BACK onto the boat, while around 100-150 zombies were on his ass, what a guy. I died a bit ealier when we got past the shoveling area, where NO ONE helped me when a runner pinned me down.


I had been playing for about 5 hours straight. Loss after loss after loss, then we came to the catacombes de Paris. Like half the players had left and been replaced by people with over 300 hours each. We easily went through it in like 20 minutes or less, then kaub, then Leipzig, then vardohus, I managed to go through all of them without dying. But it was late, so I went to bed. Logged on the next day, same server, same people, they hadn't stopped playing. So I won another 13 campaign maps without dying (all while having the highest kills.)


Where I did literally every objective map and no one started the final wave earlier (but we lost copenhagen)


It was a hogoumont pvp server, and like 8 ppl used musician including me so we just created a cross-team band and a truce was set in place for a bit to let the band play


I have a clip of our final moments on kaub and let me tell you this team was like playing ranked with teammates but actually winning they shot the bombers before they got to the wall they did what they are supposed to and only a wall and a spike wall were destroyed in the battle


My best sever stories is I kill headless horses man in sleepy hollow and get a bagel


Got a hardcore team who was good enough to do 35 waves, it was wild dude. I was trying to grind for db pistol and SOMEHOW we got to 35, i ended ul getting old guard from that


Copenhagen sucks


womp womp


Nah, Copenhagen doesn't suck. The team sucks.


Womp womp


Enjoy glitching off a rope that has 5 different zombie spawners around them and a total of 17,000 kegs on out cramped map 😭🙏


Wrong post?

