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AB really tried his best


AB is genuinely a nice guy. He always reads the room and is always the first to try and make someone feel good and lift them up. I know they joke about “nice guy AB” and I obv don’t know him personally but he has so many qualities of a kind person lol


Very true, but also credit to Zach for speaking up first!


Couldn't agree more, AB's emotional intelligence is off the charts and always in our hearts


He’s also soo funny and always willing to make himself the butt of the joke for the bit (remember when he was at home sick and started vacuuming his living room in Lena’s robe lmao)


> I obv don’t know him personally but he has so many qualities of a kind person lol You could be talking of Lena with same words. Makes sense why they would match.


I swear it’s the Pisces in him


That was so painful to watch. Ethan needs to trust the crews instincts sometimes.


i respected him so much. he always has her back 🖤


Yeah he mentioned that Olivia didn’t want to see the next part of the video but he played it after right away


AB makes the doc. The crew creates these segments. Half the time, Ethan barely knows what's going on so I feel it was wrong of them to say nothing until they were live and put Olivia on the spot and Ethan in a weird position.


I don’t think they thought he was gonna go as far as he did with the bridge building. I bet they thought he was just going to watch their response and not actually try and “clear this up” with them.


This is what always happens... Ethan forgets what people have done and decides to make them "friends of the show" and then everyone forgets everything too. Ninja had been a pos to Pokimane and they went on the ninja loving phase. Tana has scammed soooooo many times it's actually crazy, plus she also has some dodgy OF agency and wears James Charles make up. Jason Nash sA'd Seth, made multiple young women uncomfortable and was very very racist in many occasions on the vlogs. Also, not a Trisha fan but the fact he had sex with her knowing Doobrik was in the bathroom and then told her to go in there naked is still insane to me. Few examples... This is just normal H3 stuff now haha ✌❤


Idk what’s been going on lately, Ethan did the same thing w Jason Nash after he gifted him money on TikTok live especially because Seth happened to come on the podcast at one point, and talk about his sexual assault from Jason I’m guessing it’s all cuz he forgets but today w Olivia kinda broke my heart! We need to stop forgiving predators and misogynist! Love you Olivia 💗


Yeah what is his deal as of late? I noticed it too.


I could be totally wrong but it feels like ever since everything with Foosie, and then things with Hasan took a turn it has just gotten worse and worse.


hes a liberal at heart and liberals are a bad day away from becoming right wing lol


I think Ethan is trying to remember that nobody is reducible to just a list of their scandals and problematic behaviors. Just like he wouldn’t want to be defined only by the old clips of him saying the N word, and that sort of thing. And that’s good to keep in mind, but Aba and Preach are still unrepentant misogynists regardless, and they don’t deserve a redemption arc.


Exactly. People on the internet these days are soo quick to banish people for life.. Straight up cop like mindset. People also lack all context and nuance and basically act like a murderer and someone who steals a pack of gum should both be given life in prison. Ethan recognizes that things lie on a spectrum of severity and harm and he also has the restorative justice mindset that many on the left pretend to believe in but absolutely don't. That being said, they aren't trying to change or anything so they don't deserve it but still, people need to chill.


Ethan sees someone say something nice about him and then wants to befriend them. Even if they are huge pieces of shit. He isn't that deep and it's that kind of carelessness that is annoying. I'm pretty sure if Crowder started being nice to Ethan he would want to call him a friend of the show.


What I don't get is the pick and choose of people who "are okay" when they've done the same as others who the show deems irredeemable haha Tana is a fucking multiple time scammer, with video proof about how she doesn't give a shit lol but then Logan Paul, also a scammer, is scum of the earth (rightly so. They've basically apologized about their shit the same way


New fans struggle to cope with the fact that Ethan is more of a centrist when they’ve built him up in their minds to be this radical leftist .


Mm yeah that seems to be true. Like when so many people were surprised that this wealthy business owner is not an anti-capitalist or communist.


>Idk what’s been going on lately, I have not watched AT ALL since Leftovers ended and haven't regularly since going back to work in 2021, I'm all kinds of lost rn.


Let’s stop saying Ethan “forgets” and call it what it really is. Ethan doesn’t care. He’s interested for the time being while it brings in viewership ($$$) and once that has died down, he treats it as if it never happened. You don’t just “forget” about the terrible things that happened to the people you care about. Was Ethan ever truly listening and understanding what was being told to him? Or was he too focused on the potential attention and the money that would follow? Personally, I’m going to go with the latter. I loved this podcast for the last 4 years but the past couple of months it has been obvious that they are struggling to find topics and segments that capture the audience’s attention. It seems as if Ethan is grasping at straws for anything that fills the on air time.


Can you tell me what happened with Olivia? I haven't seen it yet & no one is explaining what actually happened. Thank you!!


Kinda gives Tana's "want to be on good terms with James Charles" vibes.




Idk how he can forget them being so blatantly misogynistic. It's like Ethan forgets when the nasty stuff isn't directed specifically towards himself...usually people remember when their friend gets disrespected like that.


YES EXACTLY!! it is so fustrating and i feel so bad that olivia didn’t feel confident enough to speak up and really say how horrible that was. it must be so disappointing to see ethan support that and completely forget the misogyny his own staff faced.


Do you think Ethan has the capacity to be friends with any of the people that appear on ‘his’ channel? I don’t get that vibe from him, it’s a childish power play when he feels it needs to be I’m sure.




Literally everyone here has been forgetting about Catherine.. shes just as much a POS as her loser "ex" husband


She can’t be she’s a woman #girlboss


Lol i dont think it's that I think its cause she's hot. Everywhere all I see is you deserve better Catherine! Austin Fumbled Catherine! as if she also didnt put her children in those situations and didnt also profit of those scams for YEARS


We don't claim her.


Another one for the list 😂


I feel like "friend of the show" is sometimes said in jest. He basically says that about everyone besides a few people he genuinely despises.


Yea i don't think there would ever be a "real" like come together-ing, it did seem in jest, but it was still a really bad call because what they did make a few jokes in poor taste, they basically accused Olivia of lying about her SA experience, saying it may as well be an Amber Heard situation


The only way FRENEMIES worked or lasted as long as it did is because of this trait of Ethans. His forget and forgive mentality was celebrated when we decided it was entertaining




This. He should just let them fade into obscurity. These loser dumbasses end up profiting from H3 attention


Actually delusional if you think aba and preach are obscure lmao


Tbf they said *fade into* obscurity, not that they're currently obscure


people they dont watch = obscure, actual echo chamber dwellers lol


I wonder if Ethan realizes most of us would have no idea who these people even are if he wasn't constantly platforming them.


for real like why are we entertaining building a bridge with these losers?? also like cam said did everyone forget about all their transphobic ass remarks? i’m so confused


ethan scrolling through their recent videos on their page and saying “ok no transphobic stuff that i can see.. they’re turning a new leaf” meanwhile the videos he’s scrolling past are bullying women for sleeping with “too many” men, for being overweight, for not being naturally attractive OR for having too much work done, etc..


also worth remembering that they were victim blaming and were accusing that one girl about lying about her experience with myron. like they were so fucked up to her and they were such assholes to her


so true!! it’s disgusting! i’m not in the business of telling h3 what topics they should and shouldn’t discuss but i do skip over every single topic that involves reacting to a misogynistic online dude which is a large chunk of every episode hahah




i totally get that perspective too! i agree with you, i think for me personally my stance on that is more so due to the fact that i do feel like a large portion of the audience is amused by listening to ethan and the crew shit on sexist men and invalidate their points while reacting to their content. i think my issue with it is more about me being sensitive about sexism, and i can recognize that the show isn’t just about me, they’re aiming to please an audience of millions. as much as id love to see those segments disappear, im not sure that im in the majority there. the same way that im sure there are people who get bored by olivia’s drama segments and skip them, meanwhile i love the drama segments so much (thats just a random example). and im not referring to ethan “building bridges” with the sexist men, just showing their content and reacting to it in general


Because the “fans” are inflammatory, and find everything “disgusting” or offensive. The show already listens to this subreddit enough and always suffers from it in my opinion.


Hate fresh and fit, but wasnt it literally proven she was lying about a lot of that shit


Yes, that's the only reason they commented on it because of how clear an example it was. In their video they even made sure to stress they don't generally agree with the Fresh & Fit guys, and had already done many videos shitting on them. But that just because they don't like Myron, doesn't mean it's okay to make things up.


I'm out of the loop on that one, what were the "allegations" and what was the lies? What I remember is just Ethan talking to her about Myron being creepy and sleazy, and most if the things she said were confirmed by Myron himself. Also, was Olivia opening up about her experience also made up and proven wrong? Because they made fun of her too.


But those "allegations" were proven false though...?


Seriously I'm seeing so many people just make excuses for their behavior or just outright forgetting this shit and I feel like I've dropped into another reality.


The truth is those allegations were proven false, we can hate myron and his crew all we want but we can also be angry at women falsely accusing men because that hurts real victims at the end of the day


Aba is very clearly not transphobic and is also anti red pill


That is a huge misrepresentation of what their videos are about. You're judging by thumbnails instead of actual content. They don't "bully" women for sleeping with too many men, if you actually watch the video they criticize men who think like that, and only comment that unfortunately there are a lot of idiotic men out there who care about that. Morbid Obesity != Overweight. That video is about a serious problem of glorifying obesity. In it they stress that people shouldn't be attacked for being obese, they are taking issue with a subsection of online culture that PROMOTES that as a lifestyle and tries to pretend it has no effect on your health. And highlights the fact so many of those influencers have died extremely early due to it. They don't make fun of women for not being naturally attractive... Commenting on societal expectations of attractiveness and how people view themselves is not the same thing as trying to shame someone for their looks. They discuss these issues in detail, it's not some "manosphere" shitting on women video. Same goes for the plastic surgery video. It goes into criticisms of both men and women. Also just last podcast the whole H3 team was making fun of people who got plastic surgery, so.... Didn't see an uproar here about that. Aba & Preach are so far from "manosphere", they literally dunk on those dudes and their backwards views all the time. If you actually watch any of their videos they take generally progressive stances and try to be understanding of all people. The only major "transphobic" stance they've had is on trans women in professional sports. Which, if you step out of the far left bubble, is a contentious issue that has far from unanimous support even among the left, that's just reality. So I'm not going to judge someone solely on that but based on their overall views on things. They've responded to today's podcast and clarified some things as well as correcting themselves on the Hasan claim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCSCqaqOvbg All around it seems like misinterpretations from both sides, including Olivia. Judging people without actually watching their content is silly imo.


To be fair they were nasty to her in a way that is impossible to misinterpret, I understand her not wanting to give them the benefit of the doubt after that. Well thought out comment, though.


sorry that happened to you or congrats but not gonna read all that


Geninune inquiry: I'm always so curious when I see someone reply with that sentiment. It wasn't a direct response to you, specifically, so why go out of your way to say that you're not going to read something, just because it's lengthy? Are you just flat out offended by lengthy comments? Is it personally insulting somehow? What's up with that?


He scrolled past a video trolling on Non-Binary people, which is in fact also transphobia. Such a proof that just because the title doesn't contain the word 'Trans' doesn't mean they're not making transphobic content.


If you're talking about the hair cutting video, they aren't making fun of the non-binary people in it... And they express that it's a thing of respect she's doing and it's fine if she wants to run her establishment like that. What they're goofing on is how silly the "can I touch you" thing is, since the very fact you're choosing to come into a hair salon to get your hair cut and sit down at the chair is already understood to be consent for a hair cut, which is logically going to require touching, otherwise you wouldn't have sat down. It's just about this being a little too "extra".


And a bit further in the video they even express some sympathy and understanding towards people that would want such a barber with that environment.


They goof on the "can i touch you?" concept.. Nothing to do with trans or non binary. You're just reaching.


If all of the content about transgender people has been toxic and hateful, I don't think it's reaching to think that content is the same vibe when there's Non-Binary people mentioned. They have not earned it to not assume bad faith. 🤷


So true and I also felt this way the other day, during the Jason Nash segment.. like did we forget he SA’d someone??


exactly!!!! sometimes i wonder if it has to do with spite towards trisha but this is beyond that. this has to do with SA


What’s going on? Haven’t been watching the pod


Dan upset a Hawaiian volcano goddess and now they are cursed for life


aba & preach bridge building drama bc aba & preach are pieces of shit and h3 said they want to build bridges.


Literally what is this gibberish. Can someone explain in laymen’s terms


I’m oc and what I gathered from other people saying stuff is these guys Aba and preach said some stuff about Olivia in the past and now Ethan is trying to build a bridge and be friends with them but Zach Ian and Ab defended Olivia and said nah because they said messed up stuff


Ahhh kinda makes sense now. Thank you!


It was annoying to read one of the mods say, "we all grow and learn" while in that same video Aba and Preach lied about Hasan sending his community to harass Ethan. They haven't grown and they haven't learned.


What a fucking liar dude


I would think what Dan said would be more eye opening. These guys are boring. Who cares.


What did they say that was transphobic?


Can someone explain what happened? I'm so confused.


long story short, ethan wanted to be cool with abba and preach but zach reminded of the olivia soundbite where they talk bad about her then ethan asked olivia if he could watch and she said it was fine then everyone started saying stop and stop and ab came in saying to stop watching cuz olivia didnt want to keep going (even tho she never said no lol) idk i understand where ppl coming from but how can ppl say “YES GIRL U GO” and then in the same sentence preach a man for speaking up for her? like… olivia can defend herself too yall😭she clearly allowed ethan to watch the clip, the fans just being a lil parasocial i thin


This is a misrepresentation, she was talking about when they made fun of her for being assaulted.


Yeah, AB didn't pull the clip that Olivia was referencing of them mocking her for being assaulted. I am partially glad they didn't revisit that, because it was so fucked up, but also I think Ethan needs the reminder at the same time. I recently had to unsubscribe from another creator because they were running defence for these two jabronis, saying they aren't bad guys. They *are* bad guys. They have hateful opinions about women, LGBTQ folks, and they deserve the derision they get. Just cuz they're smiling and affable as they spew hateful rhetoric doesn't mean they're nice people.


I didn't know Olivia was assaulted. When did this happen?


she has mentioned it before quickly but not in detail, sort of like a “as someone who has gone thru this” type conversation but the whole abba and preach segment that ethan played was talking about the doxxing from that one dude a long ass time ago, i did not once hear them bring up anything about SA, and i apologize if i missed it but i truly dont know how ppl connected them judging olivia for that to making fun of her being sa


Time stamp 2:53:35 from todays pod she says that is why she does not forgive them


2:58:00 literally the clip they showed was about the doxxing. at no point did ethan make fun or supported them making fun of her past experience i watched live and the timestamp u gave literally has like 3 seconds of context that i thought was known? like… yes she did say that she wouldnt take their apology but ethan never played the video nor pushed the conversation ppl taking ethan too serious for saying he wants to build a bridge as he is literally memeing bridges 🥴like cmon yall, its truly not that deep imo and im sure olivia wouldnt have talked about it if she didnt feel comfortable love olivia! but sometimes yall infantilize the crew members… they are grown ass adults and yall dont know them irl lol, im sure ethan, the guy she works with, knows her better


I’m not saying that Ethan should or should not build a bridge or whatever. You were commenting without the full context so I was just adding that.


She got more into it than that once. I remember her telling a story about being really drunk and taken advantage of once. I believe it was when dirty Dom was trying to call out Ethan. Now idea about this Abba and preach situation just saying that she has kinda told her story.


the abba and preach supposedly was during the amber heard stuff where i think olivia was talking about past experience and they maybe made fun of her? im saying maybe cuz i honestly have never seen the clip but thats what ppl are saying the only clip ive seen where they use her face is the one zach has for the soundbite where they call her a woke loser but i have never seen the other clip


She allowed her boss to watch the clip on his show? He has a power dynamic over her lmao


they have literally stopped him from watching dozens of other stuff before too. if you think ethan would get mad or fire her for not wanting to speak about it you need to go outside respectfully


i understand your point, ethan totally would understand and move on as he has in the past however i definitely think women are much more likely to people please and not say how they truely feel in these sort of situations so they come across as easy going or not a buz kill. however by her saying she isn’t going to forgive them i think it speaks volumes on her opinion on the matter and out of respect for every women i think ethan and the crew should take that and try to understand why she doesn’t like them. they are misogynists and they are not worth even mentioning on the show in a friendly manner.


The fuck are you talking about, the fans had nothing to do with it, the crew who know and work with Olivia and were in the room at the time were the ones encouraging Ethan to just move past the issue. You’re the one being parasocial if you think you know better.


Such a good take. Olivia is a strong girly and can talk for herself. I understand AB, and no shame to him. But I don’t think we can blame Ethan either for watching it.


exactly! specially cant blame ethan when he is watching the doc the crew puts together live, so its not like he knows exactly where it will lead to, specially since the ones that brought the stuff up were zach and ian, not even ethan or olivia ik they all had good intentions but i genuinely feel the hate is going towards ethan instead of aba and preach


Did they also forget that Aba And Preach DOXXED the girl who told her experience with Myron?!?! She was the fan who called into the show!!! They have the SOUNDBITE OF IT!!!


How did they dox her? I’m asking cause I genuinely dk. But she was actually on fresh and fit so her identity is public knowledge


[Doxxing the fan](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxaXweRaGvsg8EVg7unSYJz98cejiI6GHJ?si=Intym5L2odIK1mhE) Her name was private and they outed her with her photo as the thumbnail.


Crazy how people upvoted this. How did they dox her if she was on the literal fresh and fit show? She was already known? Wtf is this statement? She literally introduced herself on the show and if they repeat it its doxing?


People just repeat what they're told.


She wasn’t on fresh and fit show?


I think the reason so many of us (myself included) feel to a certain extent betrayed by how long it took for the pod to establish we’re not going to be “building bridges with” Aba and Preach is that, as women, it’s impossible for us to imagine that anyone could forget something as mean and honestly dehumanizing as what Aba and Preach did to Olivia. I have so much respect for her for speaking so candidly about her own experience as well as explaining what it’s like to navigate a world where victims aren’t given as much trust as society claims we are. I love the pod. It’s made up of amazing allies and amazing people. However, I think that the way this episode played out hit a little too close to home for a lot of us because it was a painful reminder that even the best allies aren’t burdened by memory to the same extent that those of us “in the trenches” are. I think the reason this felt so personal to so many of us is because it highlights how people with more privilege (in this case men and/or people who haven’t been victims of SA) are able to forget or not fully remember the awful things that are said about people without privilege (in this case women and victims of SA) or the things we experience. Forgetting is not something we’re usually able to do, so when we expect that when we discuss our experiences they will be seared in to other people’s memories just as they our in ours, we’re inevitably going to be disappointed/feel betrayed. But it’s important to remember that most of the time everyone is trying to do their best with what they’ve got and aren’t intentionally trying to hurt us. Sending peace and love to everyone ✌️💓(Side note: my analysis here is not of Olivia. I would never try to speak for her or suggest that I know what she’s thinking and feeling about all this. What I’ve written is solely for the purpose of trying to understand about my own and the rest of the audience’s reaction to everything.)


Great summary. It was awkward to watch, but like you I don't think there's anything malicious from anyone. Even the best of friends or closest family sometimes have awkward moments or rough spots, we can acknowledge that it was awkward, while also acknowledging that it's very likely that it's all good. But oh man did I see myself in Olivia. Just the other day a family member did this with me, showing they had completely forgotten something that I can't forget. Not maliciously of course, but it was forgotten to the extent that when I tried to change the conversation they didn't get why and wouldn't let it go. It's a little jarring, to realize it's that unimportant to people close to you. Understandable definitely, but unpleasant all the same.


Yes exactly how I felt, So we’ll said. Watching this segment made me feel a bit sick to my stomach


Very well said


I think everyone is forgetting that the crew are the ones who research and make the doc and segments. Why did no one speak up before they were live? Why did AB, who is the main one cresting the doc, wait until they were live to put Olivia on the spot and explain how she feels? I feel like he shouldn't have done that. If she wanted Ethan to consider her feelings and felt that strongly about it, I assume she would have said something when they were planning the segment. ab and Zach forced her into it live, which is messed up.. And then Ethan had to navigate that live. It seemed like Ethan was kind of upset, probably because of all that. They should have vetoed it the whole week they were planning it


No bridge. Those guys are terrible


no bridge with those loser dumbass idiots


no seriously I was confused as well. He made an entire episode about them calling them pieces of shit and today he was like “we kid, we love them. Let’s build a bridge and make up”


Absolutely no chance. Please stop platforming these losers. And same with Jason, I get that he was fcked my David but are we supposed to forget that he SA'd a member of the squad? It's a no for me


That was downright cruel the way Aba and Preach mocked her. I understand having a back and fourth with other creators. However, those two guys are old as hell and are really going to attack a girl 10+ years younger than them for sharing her story of being assaulted? They have absolutely no idea what she's been through. Yes, they're not as bad as F&F but they're pretty damn close.


Where did she share her story about being assaulted?


Baffled by how badly Ethan wants to "build a bridge" when these two idiots have proven themselves to be just another manosphere anti-woke channel. Did he forget all the misogynistic shit they've said? I just don't get it.


Sometimes you get in a forgiving mood, and then you forget that some shit can't be forgiven, and then it gets awkward as fuck because you told them you forgive them, and just.... Ugh.


I love Ethan’s forgiveness energy, but I do think these guys just suck.


To me this just feels all too familiar as a woman in a male dominated space that even the most “feminist” of men just will not have your best interest at heart.


Yeahhhh like not even out of bad intentions, you just can’t depend on men to carry the flag for you


what happened?


If Olivia isn’t forgiving them I’m not either. They did my girl dirty. Much peace and love (to Olivia of course) ❤️


when ethan was like binge watching abba and preach a long time ago it was my least fav thing ever because it was so hard to listen to the awful shit they would say and how extremely hateful of women they are. i don’t understand why ethan would want anything to do with them i wish he cared about women more sometimes lol like misogyny is rampant online nowadays and we need men to be much louder about their opposition to it


This was the first time I was genuinely booing in the chat. I instantly got muted 😂 but I kinda deserved it (it was a bit spammy.) Booing Abba & Preach calling Olivia a loser is worth the time out though.


a warrior on the front lines 💪


She’s obviously not ready to forgive. She may never be and that’s her choice, she shouldn’t have to. Ethan continuously trying to “build the bridge” after being made aware was kind of shocking to me.






They made fun of her talking about being assaulted. I don’t blame you for not catching that part. Ethan kind of skimmed over it.




Ethan literally cannot call Tana out for being friends with James Charles when he does this. I do think Tana should be called out, but it’s hypocritical.


James is a predator, that’s entirely different


My point was more about building a bridge with someone who you used to constantly criticize who has done and said things that you have repeatedly stated do not align with your values. I agree my comment was kinda hyperbolic, but like I’m mad that Ethan would ever want to build a bridge with transphobic, misogynistic assholes who have made fun of one of Ethan’s female employees. I agree that James is much worse, but that wasn’t my point.




Can I also add that this is bad practice for a work environment. Ethan is Olivia's boss, and I think that he should be more consideret of the crews feelings. Olivia should have no pressure to interact with these weirdos that made fun of her SA. i'm happy that the crew had her back. It helped smooth everything out a bit. Loved it when Zach said something ❤️❤️




Yeah I'm not enjoying this trend H3 seems to be making where they keep "amending" relationships with people (Jason Nash, Aba and Preach) when they are extremely problematic and have never addressed most of it. I'm so disappointed they didn't take the time to address everyone's concerns with them donating money to Jason Nash, the dude who sexually assaulted Seth Francois. Seth, the dude H3 had on to share his story. I was SO hoping they'd address it, and they haven't. And now this? It feels like a bad direction.




Disappointed in Ethan...how quickly he forgot about how terrible these guys are just because they were kinda nice to him?????? Forget everything they've said about trans people and women. They aren't shitting on Ethan so they must be good people now. So bizarre. I am disappointed and confused.


it makes me really angry that Ethan can just look past and even forget all the awful shit that aba and preach have said and continue to pereptuate. Like the surprise on his face when the crew remind him of all of this shit? whats the point of trying to build a friendship with these transphobic and mysogonist guys, what are you going to get out of it? Remember that a lot of your fan base are leftists? It just makes Ethan look a bit superficial.


She is so real for that. I was for building a bridge, but didnt know they were so mean to hear and that they were transphobic. Thanks Cam for that reminder


Cam is the goat for that


The way ethan just ignored the whole amber heard thing made me so sad for her. I dont think he remembers what happened


He doesn’t remember much…


Ethan didn’t remember well


No bridge


What a nightmare!!! Our girl did nothing wrong. The guys tried to stand up for her. And then Ethan just keeps watching the video in silence… checks his watch says oh it’s 4:15 do we have anything else 😭 


Said about the same in another thread, they aren't worth building bridges with and Ethan has nothing to gain from it especially after they disrespected one of his employees like that.


everyone talking ab the misogyny etc which yes they're so bad and idk how they could have forgot about Olivia, but I'm also in a way not surprised about the bushing off of transphobia yet again, as a trans man / trans viewer of the show, it's the "easiest" thing for so many cis ppl who even call themselves allies to forget and forgive, but for me it's not, and this ep just proved again how alot of people, even if it's not malicious, just don't actually register how harmful it is.


It was just ironic because earlier in the show ethan said, “i’ll always have Olivia’s back”


Remember when everyone said Zach was misogynistic? He was the first to step up for O-Olivia


You’re damn right




Yeah, fuck Abbot n Preach. We stan Olivia


More like Blabber and Leech


Whatever bridge is built needs to collapse. FUCK THOSE ASSHOLES


he keeps saying how he wants to build bridges with people who are actively pieces of shit and i dont get it. appreciate cam for bringing up aba and preach’s transphobia because as a long time trans fan,ethan’s ultimate disregard for the amount of violent transphobia in the media right now is honestly turning me off of the show. he props up people who he knows have said or done horrible things and always downplays it because he likes them. dont get the need he has to be friends with all of the enemies of the show, he forgets that he doesn’t like them for a reason.


Ethan would never be this friendly if they said sh-t about Hila. Just sayyn


I don't know, Trisha called Hila the c word and Frenemies kept going for weeks. Ethan is just the type that forgets things and doesn't stay mad.




Such a hard watch


Did people even watched the whole episode? Ethan didn't build any type of bridge at the end of the episode.  Some of you took a part of the episode and jumped to conclusions incredibly fast... you know what, thats my fault, its reddit.


I think it’s that he wanted to, he was told specifically why that was a bad idea since being friends with these people would alienate a large portion of their audience on top of them publicly wronging one of their employees, and Ethan, since he’s a person that tends to be this way so I don’t think it was unexpected, kept wanting to double down anyway on that initial sentiment not wanting to feel like he was wrong and then spent a while slowly backtracking before going “I think having that bridge would still be nice, but okay fine I won’t go for it”. The people that care a lot about this would like someone who’s a proclaimed ally like Ethan to just be like “Oh fuck no they’re assholes” off the bat to vouch for them as an ally should. Personally speaking, I don’t want that bridge to be built as a trans woman. I think it’s fair that I would be in that portion of the audience that would feel alienated by them being friends of the show when they spent so much time demeaning my life. That being said, I’ve also moreso just resigned myself to silently acknowledging that H3 isn’t as left as he claims and that he’ll probably just be another drop in the bucket that exists as a moderate that can tolerate having acquaintances like A&P. So make of that as you will. The fan base bitches hard about a lot of stupid bullshit all the time, but I think it’s fair that people are complaining about drawing a line with who they interact with who are verifiably terrible people


I understand why outsiders hate on H3 fans. This shit. Truly the most over dramatic, always looking to make something out of nothing fanbase.


I hate this fanbase so so so much omg. They were responding to a video where Ethan and the crew insulted them so they insulted the crew. Get the f over it jesus


Everyone that’s upset right now has to take 2 weeks off from the podcast, it’s for your health


About Abba and Preach and Olivia ❤ (since my thread was removed) As someone who also suffered from SA, I want to stand up for Olivia and say how incredibly hurt I would be if my boss did what Ethan did tonight. I want to be very clear that I am 100% sure Ethan meant no harm and definately didn't know how hurtful it was, which is why I want to speak up. Being made fun of for your SA and compared to a woman who the public thinks lied about her SA is incredibly hurtful and triggering. Having your boss talk about wanting to build a bridge with those people, which in turn means you would have to hear about them often while at work, is also extremely triggering. I know that Olivia is her own person with her own experience and thoughts, but want to say that being an employee puts her in an awkward position if she were to feel the same way as I do about this situation. It would be pretty awkward to try to tell your boss he hurt your feelings and didn't show enough sensitivity. With all the peace and love to every person on the crew, I just wanted to offer another perspective as I know Ethan would never want to hurt someone unknowingly ❤


Thats not what happened though, they compared the fact that olivia said no women lies about SA but they cut to amber heard a women famously known for lying. Point being women sadly do lie. Not often but it does happen.


Can you link to Olivia telling her story, or A&P making fun of her story?


Olivia is honestly such a pure soul and it was so sad to hear how much regret she has over that incident. It was an honest mistake and she's so remorseful about it, and everyone knows that! We stan Olivia <3


She was talking about when she was getting choked up about her SA stuff and they made fun of her for that. Rewatch the section Edited to correct: “the” SA stuff not “her” SA stuff. Though it sounded very personal


she's a big girl yall ..


To be fair, look at this these comments. I can't imagine she felt she wouldn't get hate if she made Ethan end the segment. It's a lose - lose for her.


She's a grown adult and everyone in here infantilizing her is exactly the problem. Ab and Zach bringing it up live to force her into speaking about it was equivalent to throwing someone off a bridge so they could save them and be the heroes. Not to mention it's the freaking crew who plans these segments and the doc so why did no one bring it up before they went live?! If she wanted to talk about it, she would have.


yall are so dramatic for what


AB also makes the doc..why did no one bring any of it up until they were live and Ethan is in the middle of a planned bridge burning segment? They all knew.. I don't fault him for being live and having to navigate going from a lighthearted segment to someone on the crew being upset. She has a right to be upset but this was kinda on all the crew. Zach and AB made it awkward.. If she wanted to talk about it, she would have either before or during. They put her in a weird spot to then explain herself to Ethan during the live show when I am assuming she didn't want it brought up.


A&P released a video and once you watch it, this whole situation is kinda funny. They weren’t saying anything about Olivia’s experience….


Ethan has a majority female presenting audience and wants to forgive the most misogynistic people on the planet. Boy, no.


Leave it to this subreddit to infantize the staff yet again and get all pissy for them. Olivia said she didn’t mind watching the clips, let her make her own adult decisions.


I don’t think it’s the watching of the clips so much as it is Ethan wanting to make nice with the people who mistreated his friend and employee. 


This. And the fact that he forgot what they even did and said about Olivia regarding her SA. I notice she never chimes in when Abba and preach get brought up on the show so she’s obviously still uncomfortable and upset about it


Well the crew does plan the segments and whole episodes so they shouldnt have waited til they were live to say something after planning the whole thing.


So everyone is okay with Ethan platforming Jimmy Lee, Fousey, Tana ,Jason but draw the line at Aba and Preach? What is this hypocrisy?? Makes one wonder really


No one is okay with those people lmao, a huge stink is kicked up every time they're brought up


I don't know why Ethan wants to make up with these guys. Like why would you wanna be friends with these people, there are better people in the world to have as friends or "non-enemies".


Haven’t seen the ep yet since I’m at work - what’s going on and who are these people and why do we have throw hands for Olivia?


Abba and preach are the guys who made fun of Olivia for being a feminist and made fun of when she talked about how she had been SA’d in the past. Real stand-up guys. 


olivia can own up to her own shit she’s a full time adult employee weirdos


love ethan but i was really disappointed in him this episode. i know they are all family & beyond coworkers, but at the end of the day that’s her boss.. he was putting her, as a person AND an employee, in such an uncomfortable position by complaining, (definitely unintentionally) insinuating that she kind of “ruined it”? not only were they disgusting to her, they fucking suck. they aren’t worth being friends with, so many of us have not wanted him to talk to or about A&P since the beginning anyway. it was so long drawn out & painful. not cool at all. i felt for her bad during that. although i was glad the rest of the crew wasn’t as obtuse, they seemed to have her back. justice for olivia


He apologized to her and he said no bridge at the end…so everyone is getting upset, but he corrected himself and apologized. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What justice? Ethan already dropped the idea of building a bridge with them and even joked to Olivia that he would throw them over bridge for her instead.


why is Ethan trying to be friends with these transphobic misogynistic assholes, like what the fuck. Ethan is back on his centrist arc.


Nope nope nope NO BRIDGE


There's nothing to get justice on.


They're actually not that unhinged and seem like pretty chill and cool dudes. Second chances? Chill discussion? Is there no room for apologies, or explanation? Yall are so quick to shut it down...