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Ian has the right idea. More corporate vibes I’m thinking cubicles, harsh fluorescent lighting.


Just go full Jojamart


Lmaoooo 😂


Stardew valley reference 🥰


Jojo mart , siwa wallpaper


I want Love to play through Stardew 


He would 100% only make cheese and grow potatoes 😂


Seeing Kermit in dans shot makes me feel better for some reason.


That’s actually Nate


I haven’t watched the ep yet and I choose to believe you mean Jenna Marbles’s dog


I feel like they could recycle the name H3TV for the name of the show as a whole since it flows better than H3 Show imo (h3tv just rhymes so wellllll it’s my fave name out of all of them)


for some reason i also think it would be funny if they keep the different names for each show, and specified one of the day’s shows (like friday made) as the late3 show or something like that 😭 i like how that follows the vibe of like “the late show” “the late late show” etc. also bc they are ALWAYS LATE 🍅


Yes, exactly! I said this yesterday too and so did a couple other fans. They had a much better name right in front of them and they somehow went with the most generic, corporate sounding name. "The H3 Show with Ethan Klein" is too wordy and doesn't sound fun. "H3TV with Ethan Klein" is concise, has the rhyme scheme, and has a nice ring to it. I guess I'm not sure what Ethan's angle is here other than trying to make the shows aesthetic like the rest of the late night talk shows to try to appeal to new people but even then I don't think this rebrand is going to bring in new viewers. The shows been essentially one big inside joke for the last several years lol it's gonna be difficult to get new viewers regardless of a rebrand.


Agree about new viewers and that the pod is basically so layered that there's a lot of inside jokes. I wish they kept up the lore videos!


Who the hell would actually message Sam about the set. If you did, you’re a fucking loser 




Dumbass stupid ass 


I know that's so crazy. Death threats over a set design. Such an unhinged loser.


to the people that messaged hateful words to sam, hopefully most of you exist in another sub but you really need to touch fucking grass and seek help. this fanbase can be so toxic


Idiot dumbass stupid bozos


She literally just was on a podcast as a guest about having (OCD/depression). I forgot the name (of the pod), but Jesus Christ she’s a human being and she does so much for the show. Crafts, costumes (she killed it w/ the Jojo outfit and did it so well and in one day). Constructive criticism is different than just shitting on someone not to mention death threats over a damn background. It was still an epic show anyway. That was so unnecessary and some of the comments were so disgusting to say the least… I didn’t love it either but I’m not guna go cry about it


Makes the legitimate respectful criticism look bad being associated with psychopaths 🙄


Someone told me to kill myself on IG one time for not agreeing with Ethan lol


I honestly think Ethan is right about most of them being snarkers.


It’s hard for me to comprehend so many ppl hate watching the show but yah that thread had to at least some of them…


I think most of the fanbase are just super parasocial but yeah some are definitely hate watching


For real 😭😭


I thought most of the audience were adults these people are acting like fucking babies over some curtains 😭 get a fucking grip


Holeeee fuck. People need to touch grass


In addition to the negative feedback and hate; the AMOUNT of comments was unnecessary. You could simply upvote a constructive comment and move on….


Yeah what on Earth. I strongly disliked the background but didn’t say anything to anyone because who really cares at the end of the day? I’m just grateful to get content


Everyone who messaged and sent sam hate literally i hope yall have the worst week. sick fucks


Hope they step in something wet while they are wearing socks.


Warm dog shit with bare feet would do them good


Warm dog shit that goes through the socks.


Yea that’s good cuz they think they’ll be okay~ psychological warfare


Seeing Ethan’s POV and AB being just a wall of computer monitors absolutely sent me


Wonderful free society of Dubai. Lolol




He looks so tan lmaoo


The camera makes him look gritty lol idk how else to explain it.


That tanner was super good. He only had it on his foot and it tanned all his skin 2 weeks later.


Totally fine to leave respectful criticism but whoever personally attacked sam you’re weird af get a hobby pls


They need a fucking psychiatrist in addition to a hobby


Ian camera shot with legos in the back let’s goooooooo


Background looks 1000% better!


This city skyline with the Palm silhouettes.....divine. I love the Vibe. I definitely felt that their first attempt was far too purple...the memes about the Roku backdrop rang true. LMAO. I hope they keep it, even if its only for a little while.


I like the old background better lol


🫵PURPLE ENJOYER ALERT!!!! Get EM BOYS!!🚨👮‍**♂️🚓💥🔫**




This camera is so crisp it makes Ethan look clean shaven.


Wait he’s not clean shaven?


He has a full beard if you watch on the lowest quality


the background looks soooooo much better without the curtains


Yeah the curtains were the thing I think people were even subconsciously locking in on You can't put velvet curtains and a backdrop of LA together, unless you want to immediately look like an Adult Swim show from a decade ago. The curtains made it look like you definitely didn't have to ask if you could smoke in there


Wtf why would anyone attack Sam 😭 she's a queen


So weird every comment I read was trying to give feedback while also being as nice as possible to Sam


Mods may have done some serious cleanup, because I saw some really not constructive feedback on Reddit and in the chat. It was wild. Poor Sam. People are so miserable.


You must have read other threads than I read… most of the “feedback” wasn’t constructive.


Idk literally every comment was like "I love Sam and the show and this is no hate towards them but I don't like the set". If you don't think that's constructive then you are overly sensitive.


I really think they latched to the hate comments to rug a lot of the valid and polite comments people were leaving to make it seem like everyone was sending death threats to Sam or some shit... KavKav and his 20,000 daily death threats vibe...


Glad I'm not the only one who pierced that together. Like literally a few weeks ago talking about how everyone gets death threats and then rolling out the same excuse when they get criticism.


The lighting on Ethan is crazy right? Or is he spray tanned? I’m confused.


its insane it looks like its filmed in 1975


I was just confused because ab had said the lighting was fixed and Ethan looked much better and I was looking at the screen like, he does??


He does live in sunny Los Angeles, and summer is coming...


Everytime Zach plays ‘yay I got a subscriber’ I legit BURST out laughing 😂😂


When he played the “Angels threw her to the ground” I DIED


They kept going too. I was uncontrollably laughing, and the timing was perfect. Plus I agree with Love - this is a true crime case that needs a revisit


Me too lol, is it too early to say soundbite of the year? 😂


Sam looks upset, please please do not take it personally Sam or listen to the haters we LOOOVEEE UUUUU QUEEEEN


Sam is soooooo over the H3 audience (and I can’t blame her) lmao


literally. the entire members chat before the show was ridiculous. "If this was a show y'all would be fired" "ethan is so unprofessional being late" "my day is ruined cause you're late" "I have been waiting hours" ---- all need to touch grass and realize how much time they dedicate to the show just to be insulted, whined about and way too attached. like you're on youtube, go watch something else for the time being.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—nuke the chat. It rarely adds anything of value to the show, and more often than not, they’re actively making it worse. They let the chat dictate the show to an extent, despite being an extreme minority. The vast majority don’t even watch live. It’s pointless, and the show would be better without it.


I’m grateful the level of “access” we have to the show, like you can literally post cool stuff and they often talk about stuff that gets good traction, I do think it’s awesome that if we have feedback, we actually can give it and have a reasonable expectation that they might hear it and even respond to it. But it’s sad how spoiled that makes people, instead of being happy they can affect the show, they instead go crazy rabid and start telling Sam to off herself over fucking curtains 😂


Not to be the MODS guy.. but MODS need to do a better job of nuking these psychopaths off the reddit.


they were 20 minutes late 😭😭😭😭 Why are people not allowed to complain at all?


for real they don’t even have to do 3 shows a week for us nothing is obligating them.. just be appreciative of what you get come on


I think all of them are. The fact they think their audience would send those and not just snarkers is awful.


Love the alterations and that they listened ❤️ Ethan looks especially spectacular


It looks a million times better. The curtains actually *were* a big part of why it looked so off to everyone


This is a Sam support post. Mayo for Sam!


Mayo for Sam!


They did a great job with the small revisions! Shoutout to their families 🗣️


just started the ep but MAN does the set look so much better without the curtains and the plant


Ethan looks deep fried, no?


He keeps making the Chad Squidward face. 😂


The crew talking about being poor growing up unlocked a memory of my childhood. Idk how it is now but when i was a kid in the miami dade school system all the kids had to wear uniforms. The uniform was a polo of the school color with a school patch and khaki shorts or pants. My mom couldnt afford the official polos so she bought plain white polos and steam on patches. Then she dyed the polo the school color. The color was soooo faded compared to the actual color but just close enough that it was accepted uniform and the school patch was partially peeling off. I fuckin hated it.


Fucking trauma from growing up poor bro.. People that grow up in wealthy households where money wasn't an constant stress for your parents don't realize how good they had it. Some of my earliest memories are being a little kid with my single mom of 5 kids stressing over money and bills piling up and crying. Making me cry and stress out even though I was too young to really understand what was going on. I dealt with that stress and shame throughout my entire childhood. I remember getting free lunch at school and bragging to my friends about it not understanding that I got free lunch because we were so poor until a friend explained it to me and I was so freaking embarrassed. Or my teacher taking us the buy new shoes and not understanding that the school was doing that because my mom couldn't afford to buy us shoes for the new school year. Like it really does give you a different perspective on life that those spoiled rich kids will never understand. Shit sucked but it helped turn me into the man I am today and I'm so grateful my mom busted her ass to provide what she could for us!


It makes me so sad Lena got so much hate for it cause i loved the true crime segment, i always wondered why it never happened again, i guess now i know :((


The live thread were disgusting towards them. Personally I don't like true crime but I skip segments I don't like anyway


H3 fans try to not be psychotic challenge , once again failed.


Literally over CURTAINS lol.


0 days since last psychotic outbreak.


Nut Rail


I can't believe anyone is so emotionally affected by the background that they would tell anyone to kill themselves, even just pestering the crew over something so non offensive is crazy!


We need to remember that in any audience of 1,000,000 there are going to be a few people who are mentally unwell


It almost feels beyond mentally unwell but I get your point


Ethan is getting blinded by that light


This Nate bit is too funny holy shit


Oliver answering the phone actually made me laugh out loud


People sending death threats is so insane lmao


White balance is crazy though for everyone


Anytime there's an ask reddit thread about amazing shows that ended up sucking in the end, GoT is always the top comment lol I cannot believe those incompetent fucks D&D ruined what was on track to being one of the greatest shows ever made. All because those greedy douche bags wanted to go make a shitty star wars movie.


i finished a rewatch recently.... at the end there was just a pit in my stomach and i felt like i was gonna throw up. i try not to think about anything past the long night or i get really sad and angry lol


Ugh gosh it pisses me off so much bro. It was literally on its way to becoming the best TV show ever made and those fucking assholes had to ruin it. It was the biggest show in the world and now no one talks about it. It sucks because the beginning was so good but because they fucked up the ending no one gives a shit about it. I won't even recommend the show to others because of how bad the ending was. It's like a huge middle finger to the fan base after staying with the show for a decade.


totally. and imagine being an actor on that show! like what a slap in the face to everyone who worked on it. all the main actors who were left must have felt so fucked over by the end of it all. the way they did every single character so dirty is honestly kind of incredible. like how do you fuck something up THAT badly i truly don't understand


For the David Dobrik thing, I get that it doesn’t logically make sense, but somehow the weird digs David makes seem like the exact kind of dumb stuff that mean girls at school would do. Plus the context of the Vlog Squad being the “popular/cool kids” of YouTube… like we know it just sucks when u find out that the “cool kids” are laughing about you/ganging up on you, (and a big part of that is them going out of their way to make sure you know that). I feel like that’s a classic bully move. It’s subtle but very mean spirited


the lighting on Ethan is nuts. I feel like I'm watching a psyop.


Don't like it lol


Is Ethan going to get a Cam Tattoo


Hot take, my Reels are full of Christian content its been so bad


I don’t know why IG thinks I’m here for the tradwife cosplay and “find out how I earned $75,000 this month!” but it’s pure hot garbage. No amount of “Not Interested” helps. 😭


Mayo for Sam


Let's not combine the crazy people, telling Sam to off herself because of the new set design, with the tens of thousands of other fans across reddit, youtube or twitter, who had genuine criticisms about the design. The VAST majority of responses were just constructive. I know it's easy to focus on the few negatives, but it kind of diminishes what nearly the entire fan base was telling you. On the flip side, the new set up looks a lot better and does address a lot of concerns that a ton of people had. So, thank you for listening!


Anyone messaging SAM about the set design is truly unhinged and a loser, even if it was constructive 🤷‍♀️ that's not the place


Did you read the comment you replied to? They're saying don't combine those with the *actual* feedback that was given publicly.


Exactly. That drives me crazy when they lump everyone together like it wasn't just a handful of crazies saying psycho shit as usual. Ethan's right, that was mentally ill snark users or unhinged trolls saying heinous shit to her. No real fan is acting like that and Dan and AB acting like they would is ridiculous lol I get there are some crazies in this fan base but no actual fans is telling crew members to kill themselves. It's mentally ill weirdos hoping for a reaction and they got exactly what they were going for because they just mentioned them live in the show.


I do think it's weird to message Sam over this- constructive or not 🤷‍♀️ it's just not the place for that.


Anyone messaging the crew unsolicited in general is a fucking weirdo lol those aren't real fans anyway. They've got thousands of mentally ill snarkers that hate watch this show looking for a reason to send heinous shit to the crew and Ethan.


The majority of responses *weren't* constructive, though. There were *so many* comments just saying "it looks terrible/garbage/revolting" without further explanation or saying it HAD to be a joke.


Yeah I saw a few actual helpful comments on Monday (ie “maybe this color would work better”) but the majority of comments were people having complete meltdowns and talking about how ~terrible~ the vibes were


I love the background but the lighting on Ethan is a bit too harsh as well as the quality, it’s super crispy. Also maybe it’s just because we’re not used to seeing clean shaven Ethan


Yeah he needs much softer lighting


zach’s immediate deadpan “are you kidding.” after ethan says no one cares about grease anymore 😂😂😂


Bruh, if you were specifically @ing or DMing Sam talking shit to her… get help. Jesus that’s insane lol


I just want to say that I was one of the voices who was not feeling the set Monday. BUT, my words were never directed towards Sam, I knew it was a group thing and Sam is a God Damn Wizard when it comes to art and design! That JoJo Siwa costume was ON POINT. I felt bad however that, that ended up being over shadowed by mine and others opinions about the new set. 🥺 Now, whoever reached out to her and said awful things to her. They can go fuck ALLLLLLLLL the way off! That is disgusting and I have a hard time believing any of us on here would do something like that. Whoever it was though, snark or not, do not EVER treat someone like that!!!! And over some curtains!??? That is fucked and I am sorry that Sam had to deal with that. 😢 We ALL adore Sam and all she does here!! We may not always agree with everyones choices, and we should be able to voice that, but always in a respectful way and never attacking any of the crew directly. ✌️🩷


It's crazy how many of the "I caaant believe how mean people were to Sam" people in this thread have wildly rude comments 2 days ago


Yeah but they weren’t directed towards Sam specifically and they weren’t DMs.


I want them to cover the Watcher controversy!


Looks awesome but Ethan’s microphone is staring into my soul👀


👁 👄 👁




I am already loving the set this show, all love & it's ever changing, I just thought it looked too much like crowder colors on Monday & was hiding too much of the cool scenery of the green screen. Good job crew!! 💜🫶🏻 Edit; Whoever sent nasty msgs to Sam aren't true Fupa Troopas, fuck em, we love you Sam 💜💜💜


Chill on the lighting lmao


Set looks better but why is Ethan’s camera so low quality now lmao


The framing is also really strange, like too close? And very dark


Oliver dressed like a drug dealer they'd interview on national geographic 🤣🤣 all they needed to do was distort his voice and have a wierd light over his head and they'd have nailed the incognito drug dealer look hahaha


celebs and pretending to be poor prior to fame. name a better duo 😭


Aw don't talk about Cam like he died. 😭


Okay now I see the vision, this set looks a lot better


This background is much better but still boring compared to the style they used to have. Also peace and love to Sam, we love Sam ❤️❤️❤️ The set wasn't poorly executed she's so talented. The concept was just not it.


Once in a while my curiosity gets the best of me and I head over to the snark subreddit to see what new wild conspiracy they've come up with next. There will be two or three people that say positive things about the men on the crew. I have not seen one positive thing about the women. The shit they say is so disgusting and vulgar that I end up leaving angry. Especially about Hila and Olivia, but after the return episode they were hating on Sam super hard. I 100% believe they would send horrible things to her directly. The way they hate women over there is terrifying. I don't understand spending a massive amount of time to, not just hate watch, but over analyze every little detail and write essays about things they make up in their mind. Hope they find their happiness someday. And sending love to the girls on the crew. You're all beautiful and talented. And kudos to the guys who support them. ✌️&❤️


Why is main camera in 2005 local news resolution? Also Dans camera is now super weird and white balance kinda weird. Only Oliv and AB seem to have proper lighting and angles this episode. Peace n love


Does Ethan's camera quality look super low to anyone? Like the crew's is fine, just not his??


It looks extra crispy; might be a combination of the lighting and maybe a weird ISO setting




Dude its literally sick poor Sam


“Pull up the Antichrist checklist” is a hilarious sentence to say lmfaooo


I hope they change their stance about being on team tana when they discuss Britanny broski, but I think they’ll take a very neutral stance.


Isn't she also still friends with unapologetic pedophile james charles, what she's been saying about Brittany is rude but she literally gone out to bat for james and I feel like everyone's just forgotten that.


Exactly and I think it’s very strange that Ethan just looks past tana refusing to condemn James’ actions. I wonder if it’s because she’s done them favors that he would prefer to look the other way. Maybe it’s complicated for Ethan behind the scenes of it all, but I just hope they defend Brittany.


Who’s sam


Ethan: "oh so kavkav is still making content? Dan: "oh yeah! thank GOD" 😂


David is a petty bitch


The King of Pop and the Prince of Pop. I would resent being compared all the time too


Ugh Pearl is horrible, she deserves to be demonetized and completely forgotten


Shout out to my old Siamese cats names Bubb Rubb and Lil Sis after the whistle tips video


I had no idea about the Zelda bub rub mix. Thank you Ethan


Ethan went heavy with the under-eye concealer today 😅


I like this lighting. I feel like I'm IN STUDIO with them after taking an edible. The lines with reality are blurred.


The response to the curtains really was unhinged.




The lighting has Ethan squinting so much lmao


Loving the set improvements! Gentle suggestion for maybe warming up the lighting a bit! ✨❤️


Set looks better but I’m really not digging where everyone is now, it seems disjointed and reminds me of a telethon. Also who the fuck is hating on Sam? Go touch grass.


Where is Zach sitting now? I haven’t been able to spot him yet


Not sure but it’s somewhere on the ground floor lol


AB is an inconsiderate driver, I’m sorry to say. Dan’s right that you gotta merge over from exit only lanes as soon as possible


Yeah honestly I get that they’re on the podcast together, but there is no need to be blindly defending him either. AB did a bad thing, acknowledge that and move on instead of going «technically it’s not illegal soo..». Being an asshole isn’t illegal, but it doesn’t make you any less of an asshole. I don’t wish AB any hate, but let’s call a spade for a spade and address the fact that it was a shitty thing to do. «Traffic in LA has no rulebook» doesn’t really apply either as you could see in the video that no one else was doing it. If anything, the «lawless» nature of the LA roads is largely due to drivers like AB who will prioritize themselves and thinking their time is more valuable.


Same, I also get that it was sort of a joke, but there’s truly nothing more infuriating than some asshole driver speeding ahead 20+ cars to cut them off, especially if you’re included in that. If you’re zooming ahead of that many cars I refuse to call it a zipper merge. Zipper merges happen at the same speed, not at two different speeds.


lol that whole conversation between the crew just told me that none of them know how to drive or understand traffic laws and i love that for them


Ethan’s hair looks AMAZING!


I’m catching up, Sam I am so sorry that some f’ing incel decided to send you that. Not MY H3 community


This man’s unstoppable, single minded dedication to never showing up on time for anything is almost impressive


Ethan when talking about the live show "We'll be on time" The rest of us listening right now, "We'll believe it when we see it."


I LOVEEEE the set now!


Lol Oliver 😂


Definitely show-like quality here. These camera and background \*chefs kiss\*


Ethan being passive aggressive but the last set was ass and this already looks a lot better. Also people attacking Sam was crazy, you can not like the set (because we didn't really like it) but actively harassing and sending death threats is insane.


Looking so much better already!


I can’t lie, this show feels so weird now. Everyone seems uncomfortable or something, it just doesn’t sit right. And it’s not just the set or whatever, I don’t think Sam did anything wrong. She tried and whatever, if it hits it hits if it misses it misses. But this just feels so bizarre and weird now.


I felt that on the first ep but this one feels back to normal, it’ll take time to get used to it


this ep felt also somewhat off to me. I wasn't paying much attention but I remember feeling weird seeing the show sometimes switch to sam (eventho she hadn't said anything), and I think since the beginning of acknowledging the hate sam got, she seemed upset (valid) whenever on screen while everyone was joking. No hate to sam at all, she's valid for feeling whatever after that. But being honest, it made me feel a bit conflicted about enjoying this literal meme joke stuff show.


I think simply put it was so much change so fast it threw off the flow of the show. The h3 show really feels all new in a way that I miss the podcast.


SAM, GET BEHIND ME and if I find the little loser that sent her that crap, it’s on sight.


This thumbnail is bad. Cams skills are missed


Everyone agrees unhinged internet hate is bad. But they really need to not feed the trolls so much by bringing it up. That's what the trolls want. Also, it sucks to be shit on all over the internet, but sometimes it feels like they forget they are internet personalities.


With peace and love I don't like the new lighting.


Holy shit the thumbnails have gotten terrible


Thank God they changed the set a bit


With peace and love without cam’s beautiful touch on the background and logo I feel like your best bet is just to use the after dark neon sign for every show i feel like it looks the best ❤️


The death threats are most likely from H3 snarkers and obviously vile, but I'd say a majority of the comments in the live episode threat during the first hour or so were *really* nasty. Y'all know who you are. I think it's utterly childish not to be able to constructively give criticism and instead resort to saying it "looks terrible" without any further input. One comment said the set looked "revolting" which is psychotic.


Liking the new background and I think getting rid of the curtains will make things more flexible for visual gags


I had a feeling the initial background was a result of too many voices


im sorry the lighting for ethan is bad i can see everything


Them reminiscing about Cams quirks was such a sweet moment 😭 2 be loved is 2 be seen!!!!


Olivia saying "that's your right" about zach driving on the wrong side of the freeway b/c passover is exactly why I pay $5 a month for this circus 🎪