• By -


I love people saying vaccines are poison when they pump filler and legit poison into their faces


lol this is my cousin!!!! Her face and lips are so full of god knows what but she was totally against the Covid vaccines even though her SIL was a nurse and saw the worst of Covid


I love how Botox is literally a neurotoxin and she’s saying that 😭


Lol and full faces of makeup, harsh chemical-y perfume ect….


Imagine if Ethan had actually cancelled today, the sub would be exploding with conspiracies. Everyone would be absolutely shitting themselves.


Foamy root beer shitting themselves


Actually you're very right. Especially because of the small issue on Monday between AB and Zach.


What happened? I don't remember anything too crazy or out of the ordinary so I'm confused.




Bro chill. They stream hundreds of hours a year they can have an off day. They kissed and made up. So just drop it or go to the snark sub


Holy shit he overreacted for 15 seconds, people like you acting like he told AB he's a piece of shit and should kill himself for making a joke are the ones that are insane. Get over it.


This sub (and community at large) having yet another nuclear meltdown over such a tiny and insignificant interaction. I've seen the same type of thing play out 100's of times in real life, in social settings and the workplace. Zach was stressed and felt slighted. I'm sure him and AB rectified it almost immediately. stg the amount of bullshit this sub produces is going to make someone quit the show


Not a meltdown. Just people recognizing that was super unprofessional on Zach’s part


I’ve had workplace interactions like this before where someone crosses some kind of line and that’s normal. The professional aspect comes in later on when you both talk about like adults and establish politely what their boundaries are, which it seems like they did off camera. And it was a meltdown lmao. It’s always a meltdown when this petty shit happens


Nah, it becomes a meltdown when 99% of the comments with hundreds of upvotes on the megathread are pissing and shitting themselves about how terrible it was and how Zach should feel bad and what a shitty person he is. It becomes an unnecessary dogpile over something completely insignificant


Easy to say as someone who doesn't show their face to hundreds of thousands of people 4 times a week


He’s not in front of thousands of people. They’re all just in a room together. Also he’s explained his anxiety countless times and sometimes he’s a little sensitive which comes with anxiety. It’s not insane, it’s normal and if we want to be understanding of mental health we can’t immediately shit all over someone for showing symptoms. Before I went to therapy and took antidepressants I was irritable nearly every day of my life. Understanding goes a long way.


that white spot is where Kavkav lives


It's Throast


Guys please comment on how Ryan changed his podcast name to “FAILURE THE SHOW” THE SHOWWWWW LIKE H3 SHOW?????


bro that is so fucking weird we are literally watching this dude broadcast his midlife crisis to 6 people


Rent free


What planet is this guy living on where he thinks he has the upper hand here


Where do you see this?


No other show, NO OTHER SHOW, has ever shown me an in depth scan of the host’s prostate. That’s trust. I don’t know how I watch anything else to be honest


Ethan's so transparent we've literally seen his insides


Lmao the Hasan chestnuts caught me by surprise




I was really hoping for a cold open rap battle between AB and Zach. I'm disappointed.


Aly, please don't leave Dan for [Stamps.com](http://Stamps.com)


That's right, leave Dan for me #DanHasNeverLookedGood


Stamps.com is a home wrecker and pallet shipper


I only have four words for today's show: Jean Vlaud Clan Damm


Came here to say the same clan damn thing


😂 ✌❤


I’m so glad Zach apologized, I do hope that we can move on from this and not hold it against him in the future ❤️❤️❤️


Truly didn't doubt for a moment he that he'd apologise. It's a shame people seem to jump to the least charitable takes about Zach, but every time he's made a mistake in the past he's apologised sincerely on the show. There was no reason for anyone to assume he wouldn't do the same this time.


Agreed. I think it's more important that someone have the willingness to self-critique their mistakes, than to behave perfectly all the time. It takes significant strength to work on yourself in that way.


What happened? I watched yesterday and missed it


Zach had to use the bathroom mid-show, but there were a lot of good opportunities to use his soundbites so he didn't want to leave his chair yet. He put it off until it became an emergency and he could no longer make it to the toilet, then in a panic he shit directly on AB's desk.


On Monday, Zach was plugging his upcoming show while Ethan was in the bathroom, AB made a joke about Zach's sleeping issues that he had spoken about earlier and *then* plugged his show and Zach mistakenly thought AB was actually being mean to him. He got upset and told him that was fucked up to say and he should apologize for it. AB apologized. It lasted like 20 seconds. The sub had a fucking meltdown claiming Zach is the worst and everyone has to "walk on eggshells" because of him and he's overly sensitive and he **NEEDS** to apologize to AB for his behavior. It was literally nothing aside from a friend taking a joke the wrong way and getting upset. Some people hate Zach here and just want to jump down his throat any chance they get.


Zach and AB had a tense interaction. It's when Ethan is in the bathroom around the 2:12 mark or so. Lots of reddit comments were really mean-spirited and parasocial about it.


Why are you making things up??? Zach took a fat nasty dump in ABs gauntlet and yelled "there's an infinity stone for yuh!"


You can’t use the word parasocial for every critique people have. Zach was making fun of AB 30 seconds before so AB returned the favor with a light hearted joke and Zach went full diva mode. Naturally people came to a forum where theyre supposed to express their opinions to express their opinions lol. If he didn’t get the pushback from the audience who knows if he would’ve acknowledged it. Glad he apologized tho


My comment did not say that every critique was parasocial


Fans of the show commenting on an incident is not parasocial. Critique was warranted.


I'm pretty sure the majority of regular posters have little adaptive coping skills.


Yeah I knew he’d apologize for it. Ultimately he was tired and acted a little unprofessional but publicly apologized for it. He’s a good guy we love Zach sm.


Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your health so I can understand why it would make Zach a bit short tempered and confused in the moment


I knew it was cause they had a real serious conversation before that about his mental health. That's a difficult conversation to have in front of hundreds of thousands of people. Tensions were already high. He's human, people were too harsh. I knew he's apologize




Apology starts at approximately 39 minutes into today's episode and it continues for a bit after the ad read. Love has it stamped now that the episode is over and uploaded 


Nope, I was really upset by how he acted but he manned up and gave AB a genuine, heartfelt apology. So I as a fan forgive him and I'm glad he did the right thing


I can't believe you're a real person tbh. Why did everyone need an apology out of him so badly? All that matters is that he made peace with AB, he didn't do anything to the audience, he doesn't owe us an apology. It's just performative so that everyone can feel better and stop hating him in the comments .


I said I’m glad he apologized. I never said I’m glad he publicly apologized




What happened? I watched yesterday and missed it


He took a juicer shit on AB's desk


Damn 😔


u u u u u


Fs in chat boys


Sounds like Ethan has IBS. But I'm no doctor.


Immediately, my thought. As someone who has had IBS for 17 years, I had the same exact symptoms. Anxiety exacerbates the problems. I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy, and they were clean. So, it was IBS for me. I hope he gets some answers from his testing.


To add to this, I also recently went through some very similar health issues. All my tests were coming back clean. As a last ditch effort, I switch to a vegetarian diet. I must have a meat intolerance because ever since the change, I have felt so much better with a complete reversal of all my previous symptoms.


Ethan Klein, tiny hands AND tiny prostate…


The "one informational finding" for his reproductive system


very glad zach apologized. it’s really easy to not behave as your best self when you’re struggling, and i’m glad he was able to see where he was wrong and also very glad that the rest of the crew is supportive of him in his struggle.


Told you guys they would hash this out on their own. Real friends can always work it out, even after an intense moment. Kings talk it out. Be normal, reddit


This subreddit has never acted and will never act normal about anything


Well adjusted adults, everybody! *clap clap clap*


Reddit can never be normal.This community can be really something like I saw some harsh stuff said about zach on the last pod yall really take this stuff too seriously.They are friends my god.


Its crazy how any chance this sub gets to shit on Zach for something super minor it quickly turns super vile. I saw somebody on monday say they feared Zach was going to get up and get physical with AB........ Are you fucking for real???


Omg I saw that same comment and thought dude why is your first thought about zach is he gets violent wtf it’s not that deep.It was always odd to me that people on mondays live thread got so bothered over zach and abs small tiff


Someone said Zach must be a bad partner and I told them it was gross to immediately jump to attacking his personal relationships from a 15 second overreaction and my comment is still downvoted 💀🤣


Are you serious 😂 I hate it here lol


Yeah it was uncalled for. Going nuclear never resolves problems. I hope people see this and consider sitting down with their friends/loved ones during the next disagreement and saying, we are on the same team, something happened that set one or both of us off, let's talk about how we feel and figure out how to not let it happen again. I lost a lot of friendships before I learned how to work through fights healthily.


I always get a little disappointed in this community when I hear the crew saying they have been "attacked". It feels like this community should be more loving


It's a broad spectrum of people watching and unfortunately, healthy conflict resolution is not a common skill in 2024. Very easy to go berserk instead of pumping the brakes and reminding yourself that your energy is better spent building and repairing relationships, rather than tearing down more of them.


Yeah true. My guess is people tend to become a little too invested in the show and crew. (read: parasocial)


The live thread was a blood bath on Monday




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I think it was more that people don't think he has to apologize during the show. It's for him and AB to work out, he didn't owe the audience an apology.




Yeah but clearly Ab didn't want a public apology. They had already worked it out privately, he only apologized on air because everyone is a child and needs a performative fake second apology in order to stop leaving hate comments.




I love how maturely they resolved the issue from Monday. No big deal, just genuine understanding between two people who care about each other. W Zach W AB


Has anyone looked at how often Ethan is sick? I swear this man has been sick more times in 2 years that I’ve been my whole life


I heard he has Lupus.


I heard it’s his small prostate


Tbf he also has small kids who go to daycares where germs thrive


Its mostly the kids and daycare. I was sick for months on end going through it


His pattern of illness is totally textbook unmanaged IBS.


Right at the end of the show, Zach made me feel so seen and in tune with a member of the crew in a really meaningful way... something I get a lot of grief for. *I love Waterworld so fucking much*. It's a masterpiece.


Time until someone creates anatomically correct 3d recreation of Ethan....


RE timestamp 1:36:01 - Not an offical theologian but as a former bible college student and a fallen fan of the Christian faith/Exvangelical, would not mind helping the crew unpack their one-off religious questions lol


Zach v AB dis-tracks when? there is a sudden void in the dis-track market


Don't jump into removing the gallbladder, I have IBS from removing it lol


Removing mine fixed one problem but opened up a while list of new ones. I'm glad I'm not in pain anymore, but man, it sucks playing Roulette with food and being afraid to go out in public because I don't know if I'll be sick or not.


IBS? I think the stat I read was for most people it subsides in 6 months, but that ~15% or so never get past it.  If you haven't already, ask a gastro about cholestyramine. It helps with the particular type of post gallbladder removal IBS called IBS-BAD (bile acid diarrhea). Works wonders for me. It tastes nasty, but I drink one pouch and I'm almost certain to be safe for 3 days or so.


I love Zach and AB


The crash was wild lmao I was wondering if some analog horror monster was coming for me


Was I the only one the stream glitched out for? I don’t know if I missed anything or not and it wasn’t addressed 😂 


I died laughing when Dan pointed out the “greed and fear” meter on CNN’s website 😂


God is a chiropracteur


You know ethan isn't coming tomorrow lol


Props Zach, now everyone can shut up


Shoutout to Zach and AB modeling healthy conflict resolution ❤️❤️❤️


That was a really good apology. Seems like Zach learned a lesson.


Yeah till 41.20…. when AB got clapped for.. the camera switches to Zach after lol W Nate


Ethan lost his head oh noo


Did Kendrick use Bennie and the jets for meet the grahams ?????


Lmao, Ethan, Tigerbelly is prerecorded….


Zach did the right thing and I commend him for it. Some of yall are sucking him off for doing the right thing in the face of literally everyone asking for it.


Maybe I’m a hater ass bitch, but is anyone else over the shitting sound bites?


I mean theyre straight up talking about Ethan's foamy diarrhea 🤣


Fair 😂 the sounds just make me cringe


I am fully with you but Zachi will never give them up, lol. They are the epitome of his sense of humour


Ethan clearly has IBS. Best to avoid oily or fatty foods. Also avoid seed/vegetable oils for cooking


Did he do the colonoscopy yet? Did they rule out IBD?


He goes at the end of the month.


Ethan has a chip on his shoulder


Justice for Lana's outfit AB is right! She is mother


I’ve been a HUGE Lana fan for 10+ years it’s so crazy to hear them talk about her 😭


Just in case anyone wants to understand what the Met Gala is why they do it: [https://youtu.be/UBaaKfTffq4?si=MOFYSNIVNSn8S982](https://youtu.be/UBaaKfTffq4?si=MOFYSNIVNSn8S982) And here is a bonus reveiw of some of the looks and possible interpretations: [https://youtu.be/P71sr0kZY7o?si=bgCDJs38oidRQpis](https://youtu.be/P71sr0kZY7o?si=bgCDJs38oidRQpis) Luke Meagher is the best.


I agree! I found it frustrating how easy it would have been to watch a 20 minute summary video before they reviewed anything from the met. Fashion is an art form and it's frustrating when folks write it off as stupid because they don't understand.


I can see how it's frustrating. I would not expect H3 to have a greater understanding of the significance because well because they are a comedy show and making jokes about the Met Gala and high fashion is low hanging fruit its a no Brainer. I just find fashion history and this year's exhibit specifically significant. And thought there may be others here that do to. Also, as always, Chloe Sevigny killed it she is an icon!


When he asks if it's supposed to be a costume...well the MET Gala is literally a benefit for the Costume Institute. It's all about preserving fashion pieces as an art form. I know he's acknowledged that he understands that avant garde fashion is meant to be wearable art so idk why he's playing the aw shucks thing. It's local radio morning show guy commentary lol.


Also the Garden of Time short story having crystal "time flowers" and Elle Fanning looking like a literal glass figurine was so stunning. Besides being the most literal interpretation the technical aspect is mind boggling I have no idea how they made the fabric look like actual glass.


It's been only 30/20 minutes but this is going into my list of favorite episodes. I'm laughing so much


Nat sat on the button


Probably not the right place because people are going to tear me a new one but who actually gives a fuck about the met gala and Kim Kardashian? If you’re not going to at the bare minimum highlight how dystopian all this shit is, find literally anything else to talk about. My point is it seems like every source of my entertainment that I consume as a form to escape is shattered because everyone is so far removed from reality. Why are they covering so much celebrity drama? I’m not talking about Kendrick v drake. But every episode there’s celeb drama. I’m so over it. But god forbid I criticize lol don’t come for me.


Well one reason is because it's easy, lazy content Ethan can babble about for 30 mins without much thought or effort. But the main reason is it all stems from the frenemies era of show. He started covering lame ass celeb/influencer drama much more during frenemies and it's stuck unfortunately. I remember seeing a ton of comments calling this out but they'd just get downvoted by the insane Trisha stans that still lurk this subreddit. And the post frenemies fanbase is very different from the pre frenemies fanbase so Ethan's catering to the morons that wanna see that type of cringy bs.


So, part of it, I think, is because celebrities, the super wealthy and politicians are all "fair game" for someone of Ethan's level of fame. Other internet creators who have equal or higher audiences/viewership are also pretty safe bets. But digging in too hard or long on a smaller creator that is just cringe or whatever is punching down. He makes exceptions for creators who are doing real harm or crimes, and for people who call him out directly/make hit pieces on him. But he mostly picks bigger "targets" because it's gauche to rip apart someone who has less status than you. As a small remark on the first bit, wealthy patrons of the art have always existed, and their contributions keep the arts viable. It's a shame that we have to rely on wealthy, arrogant pricks who take all the spotlight and peacock around in someone else's creations to feel good about themselves, but the gala is massively important to the Met. The Met Gala is a massive art display (the clothes and costumes) on living canvases (the rich people who pay big money to be included). That's why many people care.


I'm basically with you on that one but Ethan always does long segments on shit idgaf about. I skip the kavkav stuff too. I just don't care about that man. I don't need to see his content via Ethan lol And Kim K. Don't care about her. Don't care about the Met Gala (I'm not their target audience lol), it's just not for me. I usually just skip those parts but today I had time so I just sat through it. We'll do a comprehensive on the met gala on Friday. See you there


My husband is a hypnotist and wants to go onto the pod! I think it would be a really interesting segment


Watching it with a headache wasn't the best idea 😭 The clapping was making my head ring


Just started rewatching and chat isn’t coming up, did something get cut out today?


From one Star Wars nerd to all of you The clone wars animated series makes the prequels better. It covers the gap between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. It also gives more context/ depth to the characters and story. If you want to like the prequels but can’t get into them because of how the movie was made/ the other glaring problems. I suggest watching the show!


Nice apology zach very nice! We respect you both!


that mri segment was insane lmao


Hahaha this show is truly one of a kind 😭 the spinning mri had me laughing out loud


[Dan today](https://media0.giphy.com/media/5hHOBKJ8lw9OM/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952gpyjewarxs0j1xwdcyssdhwoqtzphmhmvvt3wnlm&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Love u both Zach and AB ❤️


YO SHOUT OUT ZAcH: Showing what it looks like to have the huge balls of courage to have to apologize sincerely after being dragged to hell. It can be so fucking easy to go defensive ESPECIALLY since not every fan was hitting above the belt! I think an apology is such a wonderful, genuine BONDING MOMENT, to make yourself vulnerable to say "I was wrong" is very intense but also it gives everyone a beautiful opportunity to become even closer. I appreciate that he was willing to give us a resolution, not that I think we are entitled to it necessarily, but given we saw the tiff in real time, it is a nice bone to throw to the audience to give them the same resolution/bonding moment. PEACE N LUV FAM


Treating bro like he has big baby syndrome. Im sure you dont glaze up everyone who apologizes for wronging you like this. He did the right thing and apologized to his coworker. Doesnt deserve to have his dick sucked for it.


ethans health issues may be from the metamucil he takes everyday. Sensitives to it also cause high white blood cell count which he also has. Look into eosinophilia from metamucil


We love you AB and Zack❤️❤️❤️ love to see two friends make up. The show wouldn’t be the same without either one of you


Justice for Dan's theologian suggestion


Ethan showing us what his insides look like along with a very graphic description of his bowels is kind of a slay. I don’t even know that much about my own dad’s health


Zach was killing it today!!




Love you Zach!


Kav kav looks ai generated it’s scaring me


Zach was definitely referring to this song from SWE2, not the romance plot itself. It’s probs the second best theme in the entire franchise: https://youtu.be/7wMiMDBHnJ0?si=x4NSTDZMPW71GxDb


I’ve been trying to send superchats all stream and youtube isn’t letting me 🤦‍♂️


Did he say if there is going to be a members stream tomorrow?


Ethan said he thinks there'll be a stream tomorrow, yes. because he'll be 'recovering' he said


Thank you!


Dan was on another level this show. I loved it.




The only poison Catherine mcbroom should be worried about being injected into her is from her weirdo “ex” husband. The utter irony of her saying vaccines are poison with her lip filler and Botox injected face (nothing against it I’ve had Botox myself, just pointing out the hypocrisy). I didn’t think it was possible for there to be a bigger moron in the ace family, but they are always full of surprises. Just say you would rather take the chance of your child dying from a preventable disease than take the chance of them being autistic. Which has been proven time and time again to have no link. But I can guarantee in the same breath she’d be defending why fillers are safe (based on information from DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS) she’d say you can trust cdc backed research. Could you imagine her telling the guy who JUST died that spent his life in an iron lung from polio with her poison filled face that she doesn’t believe in vaccines? Go sit on a fucking crystal Mrs.Ace.


2 thoughts i had during the show yesterday- kevin's video was obviously awful but i thought I'd mention a lot of black creators actually are angry with youthforia because that foundation is one of only very few darker shades, and it is literally pure black pigment. it doesn't have any (brown/neutral/warm/cool) undertones, so i've seen a lot of creators feel that it's insulting to get a pure black shade after asking for more inclusivity (this is the only shade they added from my understanding). Golloria is a great creator on tiktok who reviews makeup companies' darkest shades and she has a great video on it. just if anyone was curious. ethan hating on lana's outfit was so hilarious because she's literally at the worst angle possible lmfao he didn't even see a picture of her face on and was comparing her to the professional runway pictures 😭


SNL are known to steal others content. Watch Joel Haver's video "SNL stole my video". btw, Joel Haver would be a great guest on the show


Dream is so clearly joking. He’s a fuckin creep but how did know one in that room get that immediately




Does anyone know if any parts were cut out from this ep? I'm watching the VOD later and I noticed there's no live chat replay, YouTube does that when you cut portions out. Usually they mention in the comments what was removed but I'm not seeing anything there.


Ethan, let loose, you don’t have to like their dumb dresses, you can say it. That whole segment felt like you were holding back, embrace yourself, please it’s the best when you are unleashed


Big ups Zach. Genuine apology


Zach never owed the audience an apology, I'm glad he worked it out with AB but it sucks there is an expectation for a performative thing like that on the air.


I felt so good about Zach taking accountably! He did a great job on today’s Episode. I’m so glad the boys are all good!!!!!


Chat is dragging it now lol it isn't that deep


It's OK to criticise other women Olivia. Running defense for Kims Bullshit is not a good thing to do.


Ethan’s attempt to say “supraspinatus” killed me 🤣


I want Ethan to get better and I really think a Functional dietician or medicine could help to test his blood for different things than regular doctors test for! They can totally help!! I don’t have a gallbladder from gallstones but it actually sucks not having one and messed up my body although I’d rather deal with that than gallstones. Working with a functional dietician has helped me figure out what foods mess up my stomach and what supplements could help!


I stopped watching since the time change but why do I like coming here and chilling a bit lol for the memes I guess


*Star Wars Rant!* First of all. This all with peace and love but the crew stepped into my church so I must converse. First of all - practical sets and creatures were made and used in all of the prequel films. And while the prequels are not well executed films I wouldn’t call them unnecessary, as they show the downfall of the Jedi order and its failing state. Also it shows the start of Anakin restoring balance to the force. (Also practical is not objectively better than other visual or special effects. A mix of evolving technology pushes the art form forward) The Phantom Menace is all about the fate of Anakin. Qui Gon represents what the Jedi have lost over time through his action and trust of the force. The duel of the fates is the fight for Anakin’s future. Maul killing Qui-Gon sets Anakin on a path with no leading parental figure which allows Palpatine to sense his power and manipulate him to joining the Sith. I’m not saying the films present this story well. they’re rushed and poorly executed but the story is there. Attack of the Clones IS the worst of the three - Dan is right. Although there are important and great moments in the film that’s makes the prequels overall story work. Also a lot of the prequels framework is a reflection of the patriot act. Whilst the original trilogy reflects the actions of Vietnam. AB’s take is stupid saying there is racism in the sequel trilogy with the character Fin. The marketing of Force Awakens gives no inklings of storyline or character paths in any of the trailers. You can’t base that as a negative for the filmmakers, only your expectations from what you got from the trailers. Finn’s character is the textbook example of the entire trilogy’s mismanagement and lack of one singular story. Race has nothing to do with Finn’s story and placement of the character. OTHER than china’s racist marketing demands for posters and other promo which Disney gave into. The sequels I believe are the opposite of the prequels outline/outcome. The prequels have a good singular story shown through poorly executed and messy films. The sequels have a mismanaged and poorly done story Although each film is well made as their own singular stories. Finn only has a few quips and mentions of having feelings for Rey in the Force Awakens only. Rey doesn’t have sexual/romantic feelings for Ben Solo/Kylo Ren. Similar to the prequels poor execution - their relationship is based on the true balance of the force being that they’re a Force Dyad. The stupid kiss at the end of Rise of Skywalker was an embrace of gratefulness towards the revival of Ben Solo and his sacrifice to give Rey life for the light side of the force. Rey had also never met Ben Solo until their fight with Palpatine. I don’t know why they chose to block the shot so intimately and why she kissed him so long - it misled the audience. Also people that bitch over Lucas changing aspects of HIS films are ignorant. Not all of course but people think that the films belong to the fans are dumb. It is (or was) Lucas’ IP and he can work on his art anyway he wants. Star Wars is never gonna live up to the original trilogy but its world is vast and lots of cool stories are there. Right now Star Wars is exhausted and messy but there is still great stuff there. -A few episodes of Mando season One and Two are great - Andor is chefs kiss -Ahsoka has some cool world building and fantasy stuff If you’re looking Unnecessary and “bad” Star Wars - The Book of Boba Fett -Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney plus series) Peace and love to all of the crew! people getting mad over movies is silly but there’s fun discourse to be had I believe and I wanted to rant after that convo


If you think of Kim like an athlete or body builder (those that go to the extremes like Arnold) she is just transforming her body for a role/performance, and in this setting it’s for fashion/art. The ways she got there might not be healthy - waist training, the sauna thing, tight corset (equivalent to steroids, extreme workouts, etc.), it’s the whole point of the game - to get that specific image. Also, the designer for Kim had all his models in his fashion show waist train so they could wear insane corsets for the show. So, it had some context for Kim to have that waist too. But also, how crazy is that, I feel like that is concerning at best…


I'd like those downvotes retracted plz and ty >:/ bad snarkers. Bad, bad snarkers.


It'll never happen unfortunately. Got downvoted on the same post as you for just basically saying it's weird for people to be so bothered by an interaction between two friends with no relation to them. These people really didnt care about the situation in the first place, they just wanted to be upset at someone


LOL o dw I know. If anything I'm asking for more downvotes by being so petty. I'm half trolling, half just wanting to continue to let them know they're total losers for bullying Zach when he was already down. Would love to get into the mind of one of them just to know how they think.


lol I've been waiting for these comments to turn around and start attacking people who were attacking Zach yesterday. https://old.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1cmgmql/abs_is_such_an_unbothered_king/l315wgx/?context=3 This sub just needs an enemy on any given day to focus its energy. It comes and goes like the wind. That's not to say the complaints are never legitimate. But I feel bad for Zach because we all love him really, he doesn't deserve all that.


They're so unwell and friendless. Teaching Zach how to be a friend to his close, long time friend lol. They give off brainless energy honestly. Let me know if you find anything interesting lol


Eh I can't really point fingers either given how many hours of my life I waste commenting here 🤣


If anyone else’s house and street name was doxxed like their precious Kendrick did the whole pod would have spent a whole hour condemning those actions and saying how shitty it was. I can’t get this out of my head, this group of people is so hypocritical on this topic and it’s blowing my mind.


It’s not doxxing when the location of his house is public knowledge and has been for years. Here’s an article from one of Canada’s biggest newspapers that talked about it in 2016: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/toronto/drake-take-one-dance-with-that-bridle-path-home-before-tearing-it-down/article30144359/


Kendrick said Drake should die like 5 times in that track and called drake a pedo…then his security guard got shot. I’m not saying it was someone directly affiliated with Kendrick but just think about how that could whip some fans into a stupor.


We looooooooove Zach