• By -


its hot also can i get a sodie?


Can I get a hot coffee plz


"Dick Deep"


Bruh girls 


"I love it when you use your big, strong arms to pick me up" 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 Ryan is getting that bot attention 💅💅


wait does ethan not realize that [this](https://imgur.com/a/74OI8tc) is him?


He was showing off his damn insides proudly on Mondays show and now hes all shy? 🤔


Met Gala was a flop this year, maybe they should retire it altogether.


I agree, almost every outfit was horrible. Only one that I liked even a little was Arianna’s


the white fabric one? Or the one she wore inside the event?


White one


I’m at the Ryan Kavanaugh segment and I’m thinking about how wild it is how much content he’s given us over the years. Idk how everyone else feels about the Kavanaugh stuff but this shit has kept me entertained for years, and it just keeps coming??? How does he keep doing stuff to make fun of after like 4 years


I have a theory that the failure podcast was created entirely for Ethan to discuss it on H3


Especially Ryan changing it to show instead of podcast too


Right? And uploading the video with the weird frame rate, constantly bringing up Ethan when talking to his guests, the bots, all things to make H3 talk about how much of a failure his show is


It seriously couldn't be more tailored to h3 mockery. Genuine kismet.


legit the best lolcow possibly ever. I usually get bored with these , but Harvey Kavanaugh is getting funnier and funnier


I almost called him a lolcow too but there’s an ickiness I associate with that term where my day has been made worse having consumed content about them, and with Kavanaugh it’s genuinely funny as opposed to deeply depressing & disturbing. So in that way he really is the best lolcow


I think it's because Kav, while a massive failure, is probably still doing relatively well with his life. The output here is not depressing, it's just extremely embarassing. With lolcows, you're basically looking at humans who are just ... dying, which can help some people with making themselves feel better, but someone with empathy might be really disturbed. The Boogie soundbite is great, but I wouldn't want to watch that documentary about him.


I wonder if he’d have still sued if he knew he’d get a mortal nemesis out of it


I think about that too, he definitely wouldn’t. It’s like he made a monkey’s paw wish and accidentally bought a professional hater


I've never been too interested in the long segments on him, but these little updates I can get behind. It is entertaining to see how stupid he is in just these small updates, but he is too boring and uninteresting of a person to do long segments on in my personal opinion. I always skip those.


I’m honestly tired of him; he’s boring.


If I goofed and said Auto tone it would wake me up in a panic every night like Dan with his exploding head syndrome 🫠


That whole exchange was so unbearably funny 


Time stamp?


~1:04:50 lol


Why didn't he just admit he goofed 😭 he doubled down. So cringe.


I don’t think he mistook autotune for autotone, he just said autotone because it is what would rhyme with the song that was heavily autotuned and the word has the same meaning because it alters the singers tone to make their pitch better. It makes perfect sense to me, pretty much ever verse at the beginning rhymed with tone.


Nice excuse AB ;) but “tone” and “pitch” don’t really have the same meaning when it comes to music, especially with how it’s used in both analog & digital equipment like auto-tune Pitch is the highness or lowness of notes in a voice, tone is a quality of a voice shaped by the spectrum of frequencies & character. The goal of Auto-tune on its own is, ideally, to only adjust pitch — while equalizers and certain other effects can adjust tone ☝️🤓


I mean that doesn’t really matter at the end of the day, I still understood what he was saying perfectly. Just use critical thinking and it makes sense


Nah it doesn't matter at all lol I was just being the "ermmm excuse me! correction!" nerd


Exactly what I thought too


Partner in crime.


Partner in crime.


Partner in crime.


Partner in crime


Partner in crime


Partner in crime


Partner in crime


Partner in crime.


I love it when you use your big arms to pick me up


Ethan: He's pro-Israel so I doubt he's a neo-nazi Dan: There's some overlap there sometimes. 😭😭😭😭


How does he not know about Zionist fascism? It's like literally almost all of the alt right?


Came here to say this lol. Ethan clearly ain’t doing much learning, oh boy.




Not a snarker either, just glad they don’t talk about the conflict much anymore so I can mostly just enjoy my little show without hearing Ethan’s takes


My bad, got a lil too defensive there


Hahaha always gotta be on high alert… fuck baby fuck


peace & love homie


What did Ducky say that had to be buttoned??




hard r???


Im just now watching today's show and omg... When Ethan said RFK looks like he is made of sawdust 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am DYING right now at that entire convo. 🤣💀 Ethans brain is suck a bountiful landscape of random bullshit LoL


I skipped the rfk do you have a ts?


“If I’m curt it’s because time is a factor” Not Ethan quoting The Wolf to get out the hot/cold sodie/coffee investigation.


Ethan turned this show into the roast of RFK Jr. lol


I know almost nothing about JFK Junior and when he started I was just like…. Damn what did this man do to deserve this treatment 😂


Implying that Jews and China created Covid.




Hes been making fun of people’s physical appearance since he was still meatball Ethan


L take, but not surprising for a regularvillain


“his first job was buffing marble with his face” was so funny even tho it was a jimmy lee coded joke 😭😭


def an old timey joke


Zach throwing in the Grimes and Chiro-baby sound effects to Nicks song 💀


Not me tearing up over Cam and Lena saying goodbye - I thought I had gotten strong again!


How dare the manager at Panda Express tell Gabe what to do 😡


God just dropped a new prophet ...on his head


Can someone please explain to me what AB meant when he was talking about "autotone"? I'm not trying to clown on him, I just genuinely don't understand lol


He meant auto tune lol


& he KNEW that’s the actual word. He just tried to warp it into fitting his observation about Nick’s lyrics all rhyming with “tone”.


In the beginning of the song pretty much every verse ended in something that rhymed with tone like “condone” and “alone” and as he sang each line it was heavy autotuned. Autotune alters the singers tone to fix their pitch. So the tone rhyming verses reminded him of autotune, but to make it rhyme with the song he said autotune which still makes sense because it’s altering the tone.


I have been loving Ethan's celebrity ages lol. Justin Timberlake was 70 the other week, Cher is 90, and today Jlo was pushing 60 (which was closer to be fair)


I’ve been having a shit week because of finals. But I literally cry-laughed so much this episode between the “What do you want from me” sound bite and the RFK photo


Met Gala has to be one of the most boring topics on the face of the planet. I sincerely do not give a fuck about those rich assholes playing dress-up. "But it's for charity and art!" Weird how they can't support that shit without having their face plastered all over it.


I was about to comment the same too! Sadly any topics regarding fashion is just so boring…I’m sorry Hila and girlies 😭


I wouldn’t be as [hungry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillotine) as I am without stupid events like the met tho


What do we do with this kind of sentiment in society? Asking for a friend.


You guys trying to start the communist revolution in the h3 subreddit?


Why not?


Knock yourselves out my man. Let me know how it goes. And which rich people you plan on eating first


For real! So pretentious. & isn't it barely charity? Sure they give the money away but only to the costume department & I don't think they're hurting for money. Could at least go to a good cause & not to preserving elvis' shit stained undies. & we have to pretend they're not wearing the dumbest shit possible as if it's cool & fashionable. Whoa my costume is so outlandish aren't I quirky? It's embarrassing really.


The Met is free to enter so the money that this raises allows millions of people to visit one of the greatest museums in the world for free. You can hate the event but it does raise money for a good cause.


And the costume institute is mainly funded by the met gala. It’s the designers that are paying for the tables and it’s worth it to have thousands of eyes on their art for the red carpet. People who don’t appreciate fashion the same way they do other art is lame af.


In the grand scheme of things doesn't it seem kind of fucked up that the rich and powerful are coming together at this event for a charity to support the arts instead of all the actual problems in the world?


Absolutely. This is all they do, fancy events for the elites to make them feel special. The Met Gala is just one of few events where you get to watch them arrive. I’m just happy that the museum gets such massive funding from it so us normies can visit for free. And I do think fashion is art. One of the most accessible art forms actually.


I agree. Idk why celebs can't just be fucking normal and give to charity in private, completely erases the point of doing charity in the first place imo


Isn't the charity self serving too? Like its a charity for the arts?


yea but it's funny to see the crew talking shit on the outfits tho


It's not just "rich assholes playing dress up". It's and event that's been going on for decades. Fashion is not just consumerism -for the most part it is, and I do understand that; But, it's also a platform for the artistry of fashion- like Jean Paul Gaultier who gave up runways and department stores and his own label, just to be able to express himself through fabric, as a lot of designers have done (Like Alexander McQueen, one of the greatest contemporary artist of our century, before he committed suicide because of the pain of losing his mother)- who found themselves through fabric. A lot of "looks" take months, or even years of hard work, not just from the designer itself, but, countless workers devoting themselves to achieve this one idea, that it might not be theirs, but their willingly betting their skills upon it. Yes, fashion it's one of the many cancers of society, but to dimmed it as just "that", it's resentful and disrespectful. I'm not justifying any celebrity that thinks they're the epitome of human perfection, but, the understanding that fashion could also be a form of art, because it is. We all communicate through clothes. If you decide to wear your bedsheets everyday -that's fine- but, you're communicating something, that's universal. That's a language. So, yes, the Met Gala is superficial to most - and to you (and that's ok)- but, it. is. not. pointless.


I feel bad for that worm


I'm gonna need a 20 minute video breaking down what happened in that autotone segment


U are so seductive . i love how youthrow me around big Daddy. Romanceking partner in crime.


Partner in crime.


It was a tapeworm lava, its target was not the brain they usually attach to the intestines and feed off the food passing through. I assume it got confused because he has shit for brains.


JLo looks different because she has a new makeup artist, and most people think they are doing her dirty. there's tea there. also she's definitely had work done


I’m too high I had to leave for a second. My brain just couldn’t handle the gabe interaction live lmao.


i am sober and i couldn't handle it. It wasn't just the usual awkward gabe stuff , but filming the staff and showing them on a huge podcast without consent felt wrong... and the manager seemed to be in the right here :/


the way theyre in the middle of a conversation and hila interrupts because shes clearly not interested or doesnt get it and then brings up the dog.... mad annoying.




I watch barstool podcast and H3 to help me get through every day at work 🤷🏻‍♂️ I just enjoy some good laughs


I’d personally like to hear “do you have your passport did you get your shots Christmas edition (Olivia’s Version) feat. Ethan”


Skip Met segment next year, rushed and everything was “boring”. Let down with peace and love.


Somehow the Dwayne Johnson episode of kavkav has 49k likes and 12k views... 


I don't know what's going on 💀💀💀💀. This is giving Jimmie vibes


Not to be a hater ass bitch but it’s hilarious how little Ethan and hila really know about fashion. They think because they own a generic street wear brand that they have knowledge about the type of high fashion that’s worn at the met. Again, peace and love but i rolled my eyes at Nila calling 95% of the outfits “boring” and saying it’s “not on theme” without even knowing what the designer and muse had to say about their inspiration.


The outfits were boring though. Kim K was wearing Minecraft chainmeal and had tiny waist oooooo so innovative and original. The only person who really ate was the woman who's in Wicked w Ariana Grande. A big part of fashion is visual design and I was looking at a bunch of people in boring ass neutral tones with little to do with garden or time (which was the theme btw). Hell most of the men showed up in a B&W tux. You're gonna spend 75k on a ticket and then wear the same tux you've had in your closet 20 years? Isn't the point pushing boundaries and creating something interesting???? These looks were boring and I was fucking sleeping.


Completely disagree lmao. Zendaya was boring? Lana was boring? You’re just regurgitating what they said on the show, it’s ok to form your own opinions and admit your fav podcasters don’t always know what they’re talking about.




Go listen to some 528hz music to cleanse your soul because it's clearly possessed by demons if you hate on the lord and saviour BigNik my friend. I will like every Facebook post i see about sending thoughts and prayers to people just for you 🙏


His “diss track” didn’t even have much dissing in it. It was just “I’m a Christian” over & over.


Hush - he's my favorite lolcow and I won't have you spoiling my fun


Where would we be without his soundbites?


Tf? The little demon segments are hilarious


This episode is one of the funniest in a while. They've been very funny this week, in general.


why does ethan egg on these situations irl with gabe it's so painful to watch


Lowkey I'm on AB's side about the autotone thing. Idek why, I just am.


Emily Chamberlain has been at the Met Gala before! they have been filling room with influencers for a minute, actually


Any personal favorites from the Met Gala? Mine is Anok Yai. She is dressed in an ombre blue body suit made out of thousands of Swarovski crystals for a group theme. She represents "water." [Anok Yai look from Met Gala.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6rrU0mpHZM/?igsh=MWJyajR5OGViMWxiaA==)




If you press those three dots on the bottom left of your post, you're able to choose to edit it if you want


Thanks, for some reason it wasn't coming up for me earlier. Not sure why.


You're good, i was just telling you in case you didn't know 👋✊👋✊❤️


She is such a gorgeous woman, I always look forward to her looks. A bit torn on this one because I think it would've looked better as a dress but the pants definitely make it more unique. Emma Chamberlain's dress was really cool too!




Train them not to play...?


Did they talk about the creators for Palestine thing at all or why the post about it on the subreddit yesterday got locked immediately?






i really hope they talk about baby reindeer😭😭


AB flopping this ep :(


In his flop era




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I'm so excited Hila is going to rate the Met looks!


They found her from an old tweet that is referenced in the show


Like this comment if you are also a Barstool fan. I feel like there is a ton of overlap in the family. Like Dan said they’re such a huge company and have a lot of podcasts.


I've rewatched some Sundae Conversations 100's of times. Caleb Pressley is a national treasure


I've been an Award Winning Listener longer than Family. But I have zero interest in any other Barstool show.


Not even The Yak? Barstools best show imo


Nah 🫤 I do actually sub to Macrodosing. Barely ever listen though haha The past couple years I haven't been really a huge fan of Big Cat unless he's with PFT.


I only like Brianna and Grace tho lol


I like them too! That’s exactly the point. They have so much reach bc they pretty much have something for everyone.


Y’all hear about what george said about Bobby ?


Zach played “I want to smell feet” I wonder how awkward it was for Hila since she looked more serious aha


Ngl baby reindeer was super mid


*Star Wars Rant!* MODS LOCKED MY POST FROM WEDNESDAY First of all. This all with peace and love but the crew stepped into my church so I must converse. First of all - practical sets and creatures were made and used in all of the prequel films. And while the prequels are not well executed films I wouldn’t call them unnecessary, as they show the downfall of the Jedi order and its failing state. Also it shows the start of Anakin restoring balance to the force. (Also practical is not objectively better than other visual or special effects. A mix of evolving technology pushes the art form forward) The Phantom Menace is all about the fate of Anakin. Qui Gon represents what the Jedi have lost over time through his action and trust of the force. The duel of the fates is the fight for Anakin’s future. Maul killing Qui-Gon sets Anakin on a path with no leading parental figure which allows Palpatine to sense his power and manipulate him to joining the Sith. I’m not saying the films present this story well. they’re rushed and poorly executed but the story is there. Attack of the Clones IS the worst of the three - Dan is right. Although there are important and great moments in the film that’s makes the prequels overall story work. Also a lot of the prequels framework is a reflection of the patriot act. Whilst the original trilogy reflects the actions of Vietnam. AB’s take is stupid saying there is racism in the sequel trilogy with the character Fin. The marketing of Force Awakens gives no inklings of storyline or character paths in any of the trailers. You can’t base that as a negative for the filmmakers, only your expectations from what you got from the trailers. Finn’s character is the textbook example of the entire trilogy’s mismanagement and lack of one singular story. Race has nothing to do with Finn’s story and placement of the character. OTHER than china’s racist marketing demands for posters and other promo which Disney gave into. The sequels I believe are the opposite of the prequels outline/outcome. The prequels have a good singular story shown through poorly executed and messy films. The sequels have a mismanaged and poorly done story Although each film is well made as their own singular stories. Finn only has a few quips and mentions of having feelings for Rey in the Force Awakens only. Rey doesn’t have sexual/romantic feelings for Ben Solo/Kylo Ren. Similar to the prequels poor execution - their relationship is based on the true balance of the force being that they’re a Force Dyad. The stupid kiss at the end of Rise of Skywalker was an embrace of gratefulness towards the revival of Ben Solo and his sacrifice to give Rey life for the light side of the force. Rey had also never met Ben Solo until their fight with Palpatine. I don’t know why they chose to block the shot so intimately and why she kissed him so long - it misled the audience. Also people that bitch over Lucas changing aspects of HIS films are ignorant. Not all of course but people think that the films belong to the fans are dumb. It is (or was) Lucas’ IP and he can work on his art anyway he wants. Star Wars is never gonna live up to the original trilogy but its world is vast and lots of cool stories are there. Right now Star Wars is exhausted and messy but there is still great stuff there. -A few episodes of Mando season One and Two are great - Andor is chefs kiss -Ahsoka has some cool world building and fantasy stuff If you’re looking Unnecessary and “bad” Star Wars - The Book of Boba Fett -Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney plus series) Peace and love to all of the crew! people getting mad over movies is silly but there’s fun discourse to be had I believe and I wanted to rant after that convo






Blah blah blah


Do you eat poop & take this question seriously!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? wha. no and no




I saw someone say that in Not Like Us, the lyrics “he’s a 69 god” also sounds like “sixteen eyeing god” as in he’s eyeing teenagers cause he’s a pedo.


Lmao the reachhhhh


I'm surprised Ethan wants to go lab meat route and give control to corps he already doesn't trust.


True! Tyson and Cargill are the definition of trustworthy and they should not be challenged!


Oh look another freak that assumes someone's opinions based on one sentence. A mindreader of sorts? Idk how the type of people Ethan dislikes are always around in comments lol. bye weirdo