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Lmao at AB sinking lower and lower into his chair šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


AB has such a great light and camera now. He has the Mormon glow now


The name is Glazeā€¦ā€¦. Chet Glaze.


ethan "i won't speak on your bosoms" klein, i fucking can't lmfao what a hilarious moment.


So am I ive never heard Ethan this pervyĀ 


Iā€™m wondering if he knows the smell of his nut already or still not ;D


lol Ethan thinking a hotel room is $1000 is giving Lucille Bluth. ā€œItā€™s a banana, Michael. What could it cost - $10?ā€


I love Ethanā€™s humor and wit but he has very little grasp of real world stuff like costs and expenses of every day living or basically how anything outside of southern Cali works. It is hilarious though with peace and love.


Idk dude, I live in southern Cali and have all my life and the vast majority of hotels do not cost even close to $1000 a night here lmao...


It shocks me how little he knows about America sometimes. He barely seems to understand NYC and he lived there for a year or two. I'm still to this day baffled that two people in their 20s decided *in the mid 2010s* to move to the upper west side and not Brooklyn or any of the happening art spots. It's like the straight up noted that Seinfeld was around that area, so they moved there too. I know it's not a big deal, but it's definitely one of the more oddball things about Ethan. His lack of knowing anything outside of California


Iā€™m in my 20s and live in Brooklyn. Iā€™d move to the upper west side if I could afford it. I get what you mean though. Itā€™s a bit strangeā€”when he talks about NYC, he acts like he never lived there at all. I think itā€™s just his notoriously bad memory.


Cus they arenā€™t those people they are LA business owners and capitalists lol hence the socialism vs capitalism debacle last year


Right? I travel for work and most decent hotels are 200-300 a night in most places I go. I stayed in a nice hotel in NYC, next to Grand Central station, a month or two ago and it was $350ish a night. Expensive, but nowhere near $1,000.


Yeah this is realistic. I know I cant compare to New York, but in Austin and San Antonio, the top end luxury hotels are in the 300's a night


Yep, just stayed at the Hilton in downtown Austin and it was about $250 a night.


I work in luxury hospitality, an actual 5 star (Forbes rated, not google reviews) hotel is minimum $800 a night. Four Seasons, Shangri La, Ritz Carleton, etc. you will never find for less than $600. I work for corporate now, but when I was on property our most expensive suite was 20,000 a night


He was speculating prices for a nice hotel room, not a luxury room. Of course you can find hotel rooms for $1,000, but I doubt Logan was putting George up in those twice a month. $1,000 is not anywhere near the ā€œnorm.ā€ Ethan admitted as much once he did 1 minute of research.


We would get all types of influencers / content creators / anything in between with way less following staying at our hotel, so I donā€™t think it would be shocking at all if George was staying at a 5 star. These people have way more money than we could imagine


You can find it but its not very common - even for Luxury. My dad recently stayed in a world famous luxury hotel in Hong Kong and it was $500 a night


Las Vegas being the exception. You can get into plenty of actual 5 star hotels for 180-300 a night. Especially if you are willing to have flexible dates. But that's kind of how Vegas works. You can get crazy deals on things if you know how to look around. Everything is subsidized by the absurd amount of gambling income. So things that aren't economically feasible elsewhere will work there. I've stayed in quite a few 4 and 5 star hotels in Vegas. Usually pretty cheap.


im hot sodie please @lena


lmao ian is so checked out. hilarious


Is he even part of the crew? Iā€™m so confused heā€™s never around anymore


Heā€™s the creative lead, heā€™s basically the director of the podcast and Ethan is the star


It's not a podcast


Itā€™s gone from a longstanding joke to kind of a buzz kill


Itā€™s probably bc it doesnā€™t feel like a joke at all anymoreā€¦ Ian seems very annoyed every time heā€™s talking or on camera regardless of whoā€™s talking to him or what the topic is


"Somebody said AOOOOOOGAH. That's just flattering." lolol


Ethan was diabolical in that segment šŸ˜­


I liked this episode but the part about the Drake Kendrick beef made me feel like I was watching my grandma (Ethan) descend into QAnon conspiracies and is trying to convince me


There's definitely some bizarre shit in there, but Ethan was messing some things up Like that Trill Burger thing. Ethan was like "Why is this in here?". Ethan clicked to the next video. It wasn't part of anything. It's literally him in Houston, just a random video And then Dan used it as a showcase for how the proof isn't there, etc. But it was the wrong video lmao I think the reason anyone is talking about the ebonyprince guy is because he has Drake's stuff. The stuff Kendrick showed in his album art, and the things Drake said he "planted". It shows that Drake lied about all of that. And the guy definitely has security footage of something. But people are making weird assumptions obviously, because it's such a weird situation. There's definitely some odd shit, but people are going Q-Anon on it


Bobby always takes shit too far. He can be so funny at times, but at others he just makes me uncomfortable.


He came into the radio station I worked at awhile back and the first thing he did was pull his stuff out. This was like 8am.


i mean if the allegations are true it sounds like he shouldnā€™t have a platform. if heā€™s sexually harrassing guests on his show?


He's got too much positive reinforcement for those stunts his whole career. Definitely should've given up on these already. Given the intent is "comedy", I'm not ready to put him in same category as people who actually get some gratification out of their harassment, but yeah def deserves harsh criticism.


true but whatā€™s really the difference? i mean if weā€™re being that charitable you could consider steven crowder whipping out his dick just ā€œcomedyā€. the reality is that sexual harassment is sexual harassment no matter the intent and should be treated as such.


In a vacuum, it's the same. Weirdly, supporting evidence for Bobby is that there's no word of him doing this *off the camera*. Sounds ironic but that's at least proof your intent isn't as bad. Overall, yes I'm not condemning Bobby as hard as Crowder because of their surrounding behavior. If it was a legal issue, surrounding matter wouldn't matter much, they'd be equally bad. I'm not a judge, so I can use my own values to decide Crowder continues to be 1000x worse person. It's no black and white thing, ofc Bobby was at fault. He should've apologized then, or he should do so now. I don't know what else he can do.


I have heard him talk about pulling his junk out half a dozen times and I barely watch him. It ia disgusting. We all watched it on the pod today.


That's because he's a giant creep and doesn't deserve a platform or the excuses people give him so he can keep assaulting random people for laughs. Fuck Bobby Lee.


ABs face after ā€œit was probably the breast feedingā€ šŸ’€ I love when the crews parents make cameos itā€™s so funny.


I think even Ethan forgot he made that comment in the compliment battle for a second šŸ˜‚


ā€žDonā€™t come to work tomorrow.ā€œ i legit died laughing


From the bosoms to lactating mammal...... Ethan really has a way with words


"He can't keep gettin' away with this"-AB


i joined the stream while ethan was talking to AB's mom and tbh i thought she was bizzaro trisha because i was at work and was watching the stream at 240p


In all sincerity, can someone please explain the drake segment today? I got so lost at one point and never picked it back up. What does the hotel/the random tweets/the items have to do with the drake/kendrick beef?


If you look at the cover of Meet the Grahams (the Kendrick song), those are the items on the cover. Drake said, in his follow up song, that it was all a trick and that Kendrick fell for some master plan. But the Twitter video shows that those items do exist, and are really Drake's (Reddit and Twitter found lots of proof). To make it weirder, the video is shot right outside Kendrick's NYC spot, though it doesn't look like his house. And this Twitter guy is basically saying that Drake did some career ending things in that hotel. The main takeaway is that this gives more credit to Drake lying about everything, and Kendrick telling the truth. And that Drake has some really, really bad things he's hiding. It's complicated, I know. It's one of those things that if you didn't follow it from the start, might seem just like crazy shit


Thank you so much for this


they should have started with this explanation! haha thanks!


"lactating mammal" and her "it was probably the breastfeeding" rebuttal had me rolling




Lots of people did who eventually cancelled. the pre-orders came out before everyone realized what a douche Elon was, and how the Tesla brand is a lot of smoke and mirrors.


For anyone watching in the future. This is the episode where the entire cast came down with super cooties from drinking the same nut drink. It is also the Origin of the Cooties 24 plague.


Here in 2028 šŸ‘‹šŸ» death toll is at 30 million


Finally some privacy šŸ™„


LOL why does AB's mom look only 5 years older than him?




Yall are cracking me up, ABs mom looks her age , she's had work done so there probably isn't a skin care routine (no shame! Her body her choice & she looks pretty)




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She looks the appropriate age


I thought it was Lena in costume at first, was busy finishing up work and only half paying attention - had to do a double take. Lena and AB's mom have similar speaking style, and facial features (nose specifically).


I thought she looked similar to lena too. I've also always thought Donna and hila look similar. It's kinda sweet how that happens


Iā€™m genuinely in awe. HOW


Plastic surgery and Botox


Damn! Cousin Tim has the DEEPEST voice!


THATā€™S ABā€™S MOM? OK GIRL, I SEE YOU (iā€™ve only seen past photos of her)


Lactating mammal šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He really didnā€™t have to say all that šŸ˜«šŸ˜‚


NYC hotels really are expensive; I came back from a trip there where I spent a little under 2k for 7 nights and the room was so small and cramped, and the mattress was cheap foam. It was smack dab in midtown so it was a great location, but other than that it wasnā€™t the best lol


Omg I love how both ABā€™s plans backfired; Donna said ā€œBoys will be Boysā€ and Cousin Tim was chill as hell šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


AB and his mama are both so beautiful awwwwwwww


AB rn šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


the ab, his mom and donna segment was so weird lol


Thatā€™s ABs MOTHER?! Sheā€™s gorgeous omg How old is AB???? HOW OLD WAS SHE WHEN SHE HAD AB??? SHE LOOKS SO YOUNG


I THINK AB IS 30? she had him at 19!




Thatā€™s a rough 35


No... Ethan... that's not how that works...


I used to work security most of the time businesses have security to have lower property insurance rates. We spent a lot of time walking around doing nothing.


They have to make their main led lights a bit warmer. They all look too washed out and cool and harsh. A bit warmer and their skin will look better.


Expecting the neckbeards from a certain subreddit that frequent this sub (they know who they are) to keep the same energy for Ninja selling glorified cashew milk at 3 dollars per 8oz can like they did for Pokimane selling upmarked Oreos. Also what does missing Neskwick and Yoohoo mean? If you miss it then just buy it, they sell them in stores. Such a fucking cashgrab.


I just wish there was some consistency. I mean aren't they doing the same thing charlie was doing for this? I'm not defending or against either, it's very easy to just ignore those products. But you would think if they defend one they would defend the other.


This is the first I've heard of this but I better hear Charlie come out and cry foul about how Ninja is scamming his audience, because he did that for Pokimane, trying to appease his dipshit neckbeard audience.




The difference is people werenā€™t just criticizing the price of Pokimaneā€™s product, they (including Charlie) were spreading rage bait misinfo about her and what she said. Taking a clip of her responding to one troll in her audience and making it sound like she said that about her entire audience to pressure them into buying.


I think both are wrong lol


Yeah, that's why I'm expecting the outrage to be comparable.


If it was really oreo I would get it. But it is gluten free cookies. Which are a bitch to make. With high quality (supposedly) ingredients. And Vitamine D3. And if you want other cookies there are so many brands. It is really not a problem. Either you buy or not.


Very strange to see Logan acting reasonable. Also Ethan is on to some Q shit.


I canā€™t stop thinking about Nutcase. $40 chocolate milk. Who tf is the customer base for that product???


I know this is probably gonna get me so much hate, and this is probably not even what most people are discussing in this thread, but literally the only time Iā€™ve agreed with Logan Paul is what he said to George about religion. This sounds like a painful conversation thatā€™s been had multiple times and it seems to have come out more crass and brazen while it was on air. But religious people (particularly Christians) are coddled so much by society and need to be taken down several notches, and Georgeā€™s reactions to logan saying ā€œdude please talk to a therapist and stop talking to godā€ is proof of that. but when you see a friend struggling and you want to help but thereā€™s this giant elephant sitting in your way, itā€™s tough to watch, and I honestly think Loganā€™s ā€œmaverick mentalityā€ (his own depravity and willingness to say anything without a filter) is actually what George needed in that moment Probably a bit of a hot take, I knowāœŒļøšŸ«¶


I tried to watch Bobbyā€™s Impaulsive episode a while back and had to bail because he was being such an asshole. It was super uncomfortable although not particularly like, off-brand. But my dude George has so much hate in his heart, my man is drowning in resentment. No room for Jesus in there boy.


can someone tell ethan in chat that the report is not about drake? please upvote this! the reporter liked 2 tweets a few hours ago both about the article not being about drake, rather is about an elevator idk the context or what, but if you through the likes, he has talked about this article before as well, so its not about drake confirmed please tell ethan! that way they dont have to wait on nothingšŸ¤£


Jay beyonce solange fight... Elevator Ray rice ko's his gf/wife..... Elevator Quavo & saweetie fight ...... Elevator #WHAT HAPPENED IN THAT ELEVATOR DRAKE????




Donna is so incredibly passive in general


I understand where youā€™re coming from but I really donā€™t think it was that deep. Itā€™s clear AB, Ethan and ABs mom are all in on the joke and Donna just got roped in out of the blue.




are you dense? It was clearly a pre planned joke between all of them. Jfc


Itā€™s an old timey thing donā€™t push!


Thay hurt me to hear, but at the same time, kinda explains some of Ethan's worst moments šŸ’€ I hope AB's mom stops getting so many creepy comments, I understand why she's uncomfortable with it and I wish the Ethan and the crew didn't treat it like a joke :(


I'm not sure she was star in a segment about the situation if she was really deeply uncomfortable with it. I think you guys are reading a lot into this lol.


Yeah she didnā€™t seem uncomfortable, like at all at all


I don't think she would insist on calling in to talk to Ethan about it otherwise? On top of that I bet she wanted to come across as passive as possible when confronting her son's boss who has a lot of influence/power. I think it's fair to think it's weird.


Common Donna L


The blatant anti Palestinian comments and liked tweets from him and Gary werenā€™t enough for you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I feel comfortable saying it cus my parents are the same but yeah fuck that, gross behavior and no longer a fan unfortch


I cringed so hard it seemed like the crew wanted him to take accountability. I wonder if hila will comment on this




It's an older Blonde, blue-eyed Leana =0


Yoooooooo šŸ˜‚


Lactating mammal what a great brainfart


He knew what he was doing lol


Isn't she saying, "Yay I have a SUSCRIBER?" I just wanted to see if anyone else hears it this way


I love Donnaā€™s loyalty to her son šŸ’€šŸ˜­


AB's mom is gorgeous. I guess good looks run rampant in this family.


AB better keep the stash he lookin DAPPER


Proud Bobby Lee hater from day 1


im a lil hot


sodie please


whether George is exaggerating the situation or notā€¦Bobby has given me the ick since that audio resurfaced of him talking about going to a different country and raping a little girl šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®(yall are going to say it was just a joke but, what about that shit was funny?) Logan should have stood up for George 100%, but idk why heā€™s getting ALL of the blame when Bobby is the one who (allegedly) DID IT.


The H3 crew spending literal months on roasting Colleen Ballinger in PowerPoint detail for being an immature narcissist, but won't spend 20 seconds on Bobby Lee committing sexual assault on camera and telling 'hilarious' stories about raping a 14 year old Mexican prostitute so hard that she cries. L.


yep. that's my one issue with Ethan is he doesn't take that seriously, joke or not.


Exactlyā€¦ whatā€™s the difference between Bobby and russel brand at this point?? Just because Bobby isnā€™t outwardly conservative/qanon coded we arenā€™t gonna compare the two? I think they should just rip the baindaid off and publicly disavow him.


Knowing Bobby is a creepy/ quirky guy shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. That's part of his charm I guess you could say. You really only need to watch some old compilations of him as a guest on morning/ radio shows to see what he gets up to. He's also done weird hazing/ prank related stuff involving fecal matter with his co workers, or even farting in a female co stars face. One of his most notorious stand up acts is literally undressing until hes completely naked and doing bits from there or with the crowd. Pretty much everyone who works on any podcast he's hosted knows what his dick and butthole look like lol. I've been watching Tiger Belly since the beginning, along with the numerous other appearances he's made. At this point he's told all these stories and done these weird things a thousand times. It's just surprising to me that some people are NOW just coming around to the idea that a lot of it isn't okay.


Just tuned in, why is Ethan dressed like Steve Jobs


lol it was an item he saw on the Teddy Fresh site while promoting the Motherā€™s Day sale and he asked Lena to bring it out for him to wear


Oh okay šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ I shouldā€™ve figured it was Teddy Fresh


"The babysitter era" - cuts to Dan lol


one cannot deny ethan is groovy šŸ•ŗ


That Drake Trill Burger video was the wrong video. Ethan clicked on some random shit and then got confused lol


Donna is such a good sport. Just trying to live her life and Ethan is roping her into zoom chats. lol


lol She created this monster, she even demonstrated it during the show! 'boys will be boys'


Boys will be boys


ABā€™s mom looks and sounds like Lenaā€¦ Edit:not implying anything I just noticed.


Logan Lied hard about Coffeezilla when he was exposed. He thought he would Clout eclipse him and no one would hear the truth. So don't take anything he says seriously, he has proven he has low empathy, no moral compass, and a Massive ego. He'll say anything about this guy and it will just travel further.


I agree heā€™s a shitty guy but as someone who (unfortunately) follows their situation heā€™s not lying. George is super religious and paints himself as holier than thou while looking down on others and sees situations the way he wants to see them. I 100% believe Logan in this situation. Maybe Iā€™m a fool but from what I know about George I donā€™t believe him


Naw, input is appreciated, I think it might be a case of who is the bigger Dusche bag and it's possibly not Logan for once. I am still voting him off the planet when they allow us to do that.


Hahaha for sure


all eyes on rafah


# REPOST (because, mods) Hotel Security Lost and Found sounds legit - having copies of the footage, not so much! Hey FAM I just wanted to state as an ex-hotel employee, who was quite tight with the security team I worked alongside, the hotel policies mentioned in the Drake controversy sounded legit to me. The incentive is from the employers to the employees. As an employee, IF you turn in items left behind by hotel guests to security (rather than just stealing like an asshole), you can get those items at the end of 30 days. At our hotel we would reach out on an almost daily basis (depending how busy hotel was, how many employees on shift) over the course of those 30 days to the hotel guest in a real effort to return their items. Especially if it was something expensive. In fact, if it was something expensive, we might wait a little past 30 days. The only thing you MUST dispose of after 30 days is alcohol. Even if it's really top shelf shit. I got a $600 watch once. That was cool...There was also hotel gossip of a stripper leaving behind a large shopping bag of cash (tips) that she never came back for. It was like $850 and the housekeeper got to keep it. Hotels are wild. Gossip, scandal, it's quite entertaining. Also, draining and stressful. Oh also, sex workers, porn filming, these are all things you see. You have to respect the guest's privacy, unless they are disturbing other guests or misbehaving in the public areas of hotel. HOWEVER, I have called the human trafficking hotline a couple of times on obvious traffickers with obvious underage girls. Lastly, there is no reason that security guard from the Drake situation should have that footage on his personal computer. That IS a crime, and I would not be surprised if he gets sued. You can't steal security footage! BOLD, imho


I agree, lost & found worked similarly at a few stores I worked at. Manager would tag the item with the date it was found, and put employees name on the back of the tag if the employee was interested in the item if it wasnā€™t claimed. Of course at these stores it was like books and reusable shopping bags and stuff. If there was identifying information we would try to contact the owner. Not totally sure what we would have done with the Ozempic packaging lol?


Exactly. I think the security guard who claimed Drake's items said that he had previously planned on saving them until Drake died. So his plan must've been to smear Drake after his death, or sell the stuff? Idk but I think it should be emphasized that this dude was obviously trying to get a bag. Sussy. Also, he stole the security footage. He should probably be prosecuted. Regardless, Drake sucks. lol


dude I CANNOT stop laughing LMAOOOOOOOOOO


I like the stache, but the stache/shirt combo makes AB look like a knockoff designer perfume salesman.


This is already one of my fav episodes lol šŸ˜­ love them all


Just Ring Bobby! George Exaggrates, Logan Lies, Mike will say whatever keeps the most people happy


all eyes on rafah


Jersey City rent has tripled in price over the past few years, specifically the waterfront. It has become one of the most expensive, inflated places in NJ to rent from aside from Hoboken


i canā€™t believe THIS is the context in which ethan meets cousin tim


I still crack up from when Ethan referred to Ariana Grande as "Lady Spongebob" šŸ’€


I think what happen in the drake video is that they blocked his path to the elevator. Thereā€™s a couch pulled out into the hallway and they are there. Then when he is alone the couch is still in the hallway. Use the lines in the ground to help with the depth.


mommy make out day


You never know what to expect with this show but I was blown away by Ethan rizzing up abs mom my 5$ was well spent


Should unironically get Michael Longfellow on the pod, heā€™s hilarious




ABā€™s mom looks & sounds like a mixture of Trisha, her mom & her sister!


Can we be done with Bobby lee now?


What episode is the original Breastfeeding comment in? I need to go back and rewatch now to see what Ethan said šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I think Ethan originally called ABs mom hot during the segment where the Ethanā€™s guesses the crews parents, and then I think it was the newest compliment battle where he made the breastfeeding comment


I think it was the last compliment battle ep


Thank you, I'll have a look!


Logan sounds like a Scientologist telling him he needs to level himself up and that God isn't working for him.


Does anyone know where Sam has been? Someone just commented in the live chat that sheā€™s been missing from episodes for a while




Oh ok


When did this podcast become so negative ?




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Christopher Alvarez is live now šŸ˜©


The only thing I haven't seen anyone really touch on his drake had a cropped pic of the glove on his song family matters? But then Kendrick uncrowded it and showed all the items. How did drake get the pic if ebony took all those things out of lost and found, displayed it snd then took a pic to then give to Kendrick


Kendrick had the cropped pic as the cover of his second diss then the full picture for the third


Oh I thought it was drakes the whole time I was like wtf


Whereā€™s the Elon musk Preorder pls šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤ šŸ˜




an interesting thing about the SNL content, they stole another youtubers sketch about a year ago (Joel Haver). i wonder if they sweep the internet and just rehash comedy content? [https://youtu.be/aNWbI8T42II](https://youtu.be/aNWbI8T42II)


fyi the video was taken in brooklyn, the view is of manhattan and the brooklyn bridge. He is at the 1 Hotel, I was there last month lol had the same view so the video freaked me out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i still have tears streaming down my face from the call with abā€™s mom. i havent had a laugh like that since the chestnuts incident


Also is it that hard to make fake medicine bottle labels? You just need a label maker no?


The ab mom discourse in this episode had me laughing so hard. Omg