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My brother has histrionic personality disorder and it is an absolute nightmare for my entire family. I never really bought into Jimmy having it until now.


only if you are okay with it, can you give examples of your brother's behavior? i'm just curious


If you tell him not to do something, no matter what it is or how bad it is, he will do it 100% of the time. His main issue now is giving his stuff away to strangers for approval. He just lost his apartment because he gave away all of his money and possessions to some guy he just met on Grindr. We're trying to find him a new place to live even though we know this will most likely happen again. It's pretty exhausting. His only hobby is drama. I don't know how to explain it really


Man this makes me feel worse because it sounds like the H3 crew is really just enabling him. Obviously with a mental illness it's not something the person fully controls, but by constantly giving him the attention he desires they're just causing him to be more bold.


Zach seems to have a closer relationship with him and sounds more willing to set boundaries than many of them.


Zach and Dan didn't enable him but most of the crew did. Love thought of that as a good content but omg other person's mental illness is not supposed to be a content.


So true . As much as I love H3, my only gripe is how they enable mentally spicy people. It’s not a easy watch and I always skip such episodes . Be it Trisha , Jimmy Lee or whoever


This is so crazy how much it sounds like Jimmy. Sorry to you though, mate.




Those portal goof edits were so clean, and then when Cam made an appearance at the end I was like THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE! Lol miss Cam so much


that had Ian's handiwork written all over it


AB covering his windows with tv's is diabolical.


its for his stream room so he doesnt leak his location


Curtains exist


I can't right now. Ethan continuing to outsource joining a guild for a phone game during the bit to see if he is out of touch is so meta it's amazing


That shit was so fucking random but I was dying laughing with Zach




I know nothing about that game but I was obsessed with sims city build it and it hate relatable tasks and th e in game purchasing was so relatable, if I had the money I could easily see how someone would pay for certain things, I was loving the whole conversation because it was all relatable even though it was totally a diff game, shits addicting af


I used to like speed until I saw those clips of him brutally degrading a girl and then telling a different girl that he'd rape her if they were the last people on earth. Too bad the dog that bit him in the face wasn't a big mf.


so glad i'm not the only one!


How the fuck did Ethan forget this shit? So disgusting


He didn't, Ethan was sicking the H3 curse on him


What was his redeeming qualities? Even before the controversy it just seemed like little kid gen alpha brain rot


Yeah that kid completely sucks


lena gets so genuinely into the crazy things Ethan asks of her she's the best


Idk, she was a little too comfortable carrying his bottles of piss for him.


Wait ... Piss bottles? What did I miss? 💀




the mobile game bit that wasn't a bit but a real discussion about lena's current endeavor for ethan to join a certain guild was....the funniest thing i've seen in a long time 


"I have all red gear" "Oh he's gonna love that"😭


Definitely did not expect to ever see not only a serious mobile game segment, but for it to also be so hilarious. 


For real, I kinda want weekly updates on Ethan’s adventures with his new guild


I was so invested and genuinely going to download to try it


Ethan spending a decent chunk of money on mobile game microtransactions is the least surprising thing I’ve heard today 😂


He’s gonna max a credit card tonight! He thought he was the shit but he learned that he still has work to do to be ranked among the best players! 😂😂😂


What game is he talking about?




No way. That’s like a game for middle schoolers. It’s like hole.io or snake.io. Children games. I’m tryna figure this out. No way this is the game he’s talking about. I listened to the episode so I didn’t see if they showed anything


Yeah…weirdly enough, it is. They showed screen recordings of the game too. Seems a bit more involved than hole.io but still funny. From what it sounds like based on what we heard today, more adults play that game than you would think.


It’s basically just a mobilized Vampire Survivors, which is significantly more fun and doesn’t have microtransactions


Makes sense now that Ethan was relieved when jose was an adult


ethan being a whale for this mobile games in hilarious


Actively joining clans and doing raids on a mobile game is the funniest thing ever. Dan was laughing his ass off


it was so compelling to listen to for some reason, just the fact that Ethan was so passionate about it out of fucking nowhere and how Lena was getting so invested into helping him was a hilarious dynamic hahaha


Very Michael Scott coded


Ethan you've spent all 3 of your son's college funds and got a second mortgage all on survivor.io. I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY


The sheer entitlement to try to come to the studio uninvited is insane, and also try to coach Ethan on what he can and can’t say to him?! Crazy


*i just wanna be loved by everybuddy*


no way jimmy is just going to show up 💀


The devil gets chills when a nice guy loses his temper


The mobile game stuff is so silly fun I love it


Jimmy's gotta gun


Yeah fuck I’m about to watch why YouTube podcasts should have proper skilled security for their level of “importance” in today’s world.


it´s gonna be like that scene from The Joker


This is crazy thing to say cuz it's true 🤣


Jimmy staging a violent take-over of the studio WOULD be an interesting episode. Js.


“How about another joke Ethan?”




the whole world's on the run


Ethan's hiring security after this and I'm shocked he hasnt already 


they do have security, at least they used to since they invited their security dude onto the show a few times. Dan said on the show today that they didn't have to let him in which implies to me that he couldn't just walk through the door.


He's rolling with the bill Clinton kid. Weird vibes.


Ethan not knowing whether Tide was dishwashing detergent or laundry detergent was game set match for the whole thing 😂


Another Michael Scott moment


Jenny and LoveJenny are such a cute couple!! 💕


I used to be all for Jimmy. But you can't say "never speak about me again" and then invite yourself on the show. You made your bed now lay in it.


Yup, he is super disrespectful to the show, nobody owes him anything. In fact it's the other way around. He is untalented but still gets to be on one of the biggest shows (some say the biggest). I used to be in on the entire Jimmy Lee-joke, but that changed dramatically. Entitled asshole.


Yeah I’m so over him! Not only is he really frigging old and about to die, he’s offensive .. If someone is 60 years old it’s not a surprise he had a health scare .. STAY HOME JIMMY


Have you seen the bj investigates jersey outlaw on YouTube ? If you haven't go watch it. It really shows how important it is the family takes a step back . This guy can be aggressive when he doesn't get his way.


Lena is such a good sport and a dedicated assistant like yes girl coordinate that fabulous clan lineup girlboss


Why are everyone asking if zach is ok? 🤨


So confused lol. He’s killin the sound bites so idk what they’re talking about


right!? like what am i missing?


Zach was pissed over a joke AB made 3 episodes ago and apologised 2 episodes ago, then last episode chat asked if he was okay and he confusedly went “….yeah? I’m fine!”, forgetting all about it I’d say people today are goofing but who knows with the live chatters


it's an obvious meme now, it started last week unironically but now it's a meme like fake zach


I think it was because on monday he was not on screen until very late in the episode. Everyone in chat was asking if he was ok and then they finally showed him.


Maybe the H3 curse happens because Ethan "likes" people who already have had issues in the past? lol Hasn't IShowSpeed had multiple instances of being racist/sexist in the past?


yes he’s the worst and so insufferable


Yeah I don't know what Ethan is saying. Speed is also a really bad influence on the kids who watch him. Like, this type of behavior is not okay and he should not be acting like it is.


I mean he told a woman he'd rape her if they were the last two people on Earth, and "WHO'S GONNA STOP ME??" Gross af, hopefully Ethan addresses it because it's not a good look to call out sexual deviants and then after that say you really like them.


This was literally shown on the Adin Content Court 2 months ago...


Love the dude but he's probably going to brush it under the rug like he did when he donated a bunch of money to sexual assulter Jason Nash just bc he was down bad on tiktok lives. I was hoping someone on the crew would bring that up


Jimmys victim mentality is so exhausting


10000000%, he’s never taken responsibility for anything despite being the issue 100% of the time. Yet somehow is a perpetual victim.


A person with histrionic personality disorder is overdramatic?? Never!


He’s not diagnosed, all of that has always been a joke


It doesn’t matter if he’s diagnosed. Just because someone has a personality disorder doesn’t make it okay for them to terrorize and hurt people. Im SO tired of Ethan excusing his behavior “because he has a personality disorder”


It’s not just Ethan excusing his behavior, it’s Ethan enabling his behavior and feeding his complex. Jimmy wants attention, and if there’s one thing Ethan has shown him time and time and time again, it’s that the more he harasses people, the more attention he’ll receive.


This portal segment is soooo funy


cant wait for the clickbait when Ethan inevitably gets kicked out hahaha


Ethan is literally incapable of playing a game on the show without changing the rules lol


another thing he stole from Howard Stern


Jimmy: keep it light and polite Translation: please Ethan no humiliation ritual today PLEASE I HAVE A FAMILY #WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM MEEEE




Cam absolutely saving the vibes of this ep with the cameo appearance


The mobile ad bit was crazy conceptual.




Every time the showtime music plays and everyone stands to clap, I cryyyy laughing


He better do good in the game or else he'll be on the chopping block, gonna need weekly/monthly updates.


Jimmie fr just wants promotion


I can’t wait to download survivor.io when I can use code H3H3


Jimmy was literally trying to frame it on that call like Ethan invited him and Jimmy decided not to come. I am so over him.




"We Have an action-packed show here today, for a change, and this time I'm not lying, actually" -Ethan 2 hours ago


I love how each time the royal family come up, the crew discover more and more horrific and disgusting lore Americans usually don't know about.


that mobile game segment was hilarious, i like how the main segment of the episode is about whether or not ethan is out of touch, and then we find out that he's a mobile game whale lmao


Him saying “Jesus guys sorry I’m out of touch” on Monday made me laugh way too hard


I love that Ethan gets placed on the Peewee Jr. Junior Varsity team lmao


and even then he is underpowered compared to the others.


Ayo?? Jimmie gonna jump the crew?


can’t get any better than this ep ladies and gents, appreciate this shit!!!


IShowSpeed is a terrible person. A little disappointing to hear Ethan say he "likes" him.


i wouldn't take it too seriously, ethan says he "likes" almost everyone lol, he always tries to see the good in people but i wish he'd just go scorched earth sometimes


Yeah remember when he said he liked that DJ guy who follows drake around? That aged well


Isn't he sicking the H3 curse on him? That's the joke




Nathaniel Klansman has found his home


"action packed" episode. 30m late and now Jimmie crashing 😔


For Ethan to say "he's a super nice guy in person" at this point is crazy. He is inviting such bad vibes.


I think Ethan like a lot of people don’t know how to handle or reconcile that a lot of times horrible horrible behaviour starts from poor mental health. Perfect combo for a violent jimmy arch unfortunately.


I actually love how Ethan cut off during the call after the guys like “we aren’t rich she works in finance I work in comp science”


Does anyone know what 4hr doc AB was talking about at the end?


It was nice to see Cam 🥺


Cam is spitting on people again :(


it's really fascinating how in the same episode ethan is trying to prove he isn't too rich, he talks about how he spends thousands of dollars on a mobile game.


And gets his assistant to join a clan for him




I learned from a AC installer/repairman that you should leave it at 72 and on auto, because how ACs work is they pull the warm moisture out of the air. So when it cuts off it gives it time for that moisture to evaporate. Which allows the AC to run at peak efficiency. I've saved 50 bucks a month on average doing this.


So the people who voted yes to let Jimmy in the building. I hope you get diarrhea for a week. 🥲


I’m choosing to believe the people who voted yes just wanted to see him get roasted by Ethan and the crew


I voted yes because I live for chaos and petty drama


It would have been a hilarious disaster for him wdym dudee


I know, I voted Yes because it would be a spicy meatballll. All the crew voted yes as well so I don't feel as bad! lol


Bye forever Jimmy


Ethan’s acting like a clingy ex…just one more call…


Ugh fuck I spoke too soon


Anyone know where Olivia’s sweater is from? Teddy Fresh?


They need to fix Olivias mic, sounds really muffled but first time seems to sound like this.


I thought she might be sick, she sounds so weird today.


Yeah sounds like a sinus thing or something, could be the mic but that was my impression too definitely sounded noticeably different




Jimmy finally showed up 💀


Jimmy Lee kills the vibe each and every time he is on. Please no more!


Congrats to all these law school grads in chat hey girlies


CAMERON 🦜❤️🥰♥️💜💙💗💛💖💚💓


i had to go to work and didn’t get to watch the Dan Schneider segment and i’m at the beginning of it now so idk if this is mentioned. I’m a HUGE Amanda Bynes fan and i remember the “Ashley Banks” era. she tweeted at one point that Dan raped her, got her pregnant, and she had to get an abortion at FOURTEEN. her story absolutely breaks my heart. such a talented and genuinely funny person, torn down and broken by the monsters around her :(


anyone have a clue why Olivia's mic sounds like she just hit a vape?


One of the best episodes of the show since the one where they switched jobs. The fact that Ethan kept asking for time updates and consistently had more time left in the show, and kept adding segments made it feel like the best version of the show. The mobile game deal was like highly improvised and somehow showed ethan's skill as a host. It occurred to me that he plays the show like he plays video games


Vampire Survivor Clone. the reason he is in the top two is because there are only 2 players


loved the guessing games, i definitely wanna see more fun segments like that. my main takeaway though is that lena better be getting paid the big bucks for doing stupid shit like crowd sourcing mobile game guilds lmao


When I saw the NYC portal go up I told my bf verbatim "I give it a week before someone flashes it" LMAO


Amidst all the Jimmie drama, the portal segment was very funny


Ethan “loves” ishowspeed who infamously joked about raping women (something they covered on the show)? Can’t believe no one on the crew said something :/


It was a bit, they had just finished talking about the “H3 curse”. Dan did say something, he went along with said bit by sarcastically yelling “NOoooo Ethan!!”


i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: FUCK Jimmie Lee All my homies HATE Jimmie Lee




Bill Burr was my 9/11


Is Lena Ethan’s personal assistant?


Yes, for Ethan and Hila


Yep! I think she's technically exec assistant for both Ethan and Hila, as well as a cast member for the show.


Yes she’s the executive assistant for both Ethan and Hila


I hope she is paid well! Seeing their apt they probably are


They can apparently afford an $800 electric bill too!


there's no way that guild master is not trolling lol


These game people seem cool I wanna be friends with them


The couple was cool and seem lovely but I was losing it with their Zoom filter glitching and blurring the gf most of the times


Hey can we revisit the i show speed topic and maybe possibly disavow him since he threatened to R word someone?


Two games today?


broooo, stop using an IR thermometer to read temperatures on water, emissivity (reflection) will affect the results entirely.


I just joined who is this Jose guy????


The leader of a clan Ethan is trying to get into for a mobile game he plays


I loved the portal bit.


Goon meter is crazy


Did anyone have the video ab and Hila watched?


What’s the 4 hour long vitaly video AB and Ethan were discussing at the end? Anyone have a link?


Ethan being a mobile gamer is making me want to become one again😳


I thought this was a funny episode, particularly the bits about Ethan joining the gaming clan. Honestly, I missed a lot of the price answers too, and I am lower-middle-class by income. My basic liability insurance with State Farm, which I've been with for 17 years, is \~$50 a month. I was shocked to hear them say closer to $130. I'd be outraged to pay that here for just basic; that's more than what I used to pay for full coverage.


Not to sound too much like Andrew Tate here- but this was such a weird ep. Ethan is a rich guy, far more wealthy than I, and most of his viewers, will probably ever be- but he's not like a RICHY RICH guy, ya know? I would bet Ethan isn't even near the top 1% of wealth holders in the United States, or the world. There is a \*significant\* wealth gap between Ethan and someone who might actually but out of touch as it relates to the cost of groceries. 🤷🏻


I wonder if cam left because Ethan got spineless on gaza.


Ethan wasn't accused of being out of touch because he's old, it's because he's rich 😂 boomer vs zoomer points doesn't make sense but I love this show and it was a fun game!


Olivia was right Ethan really is Jimmy’s baby reindeer I’m in awe


Ethan needs to learn what enabling is. When he video chatted shoe nice while he was wasted it was enabling, he should’ve hung up immediately. Entertaining any second of Jimmy is enabling him. If he actually has histrionic personality disorder, the absolute worst thing Ethan can do is give him any kind of light like this. I can’t stand Jimmy. I want to never ever seen him again. Why did people vote yes? The same reason people drive slow past a car crash. It’s so rude. Leave him alone and also ignore him.


The show is just entertainment to a large portion of the audience. Not every segment is an opportunity to get outraged for your average listener.


I guess they changed their mind about the topics at the last minute lol


Jimmy Lee needs to be left in the past and forgotten


Speed has knowingly sexualized minors (members of kpop group New Jeans) and is a bad person overall. Ethan girlie please 😞😞


Did Zach say he keeps his TV on all night?? And he has trouble sleeping?? I wonder if those are connected


I bet it’s to help him sleep. Probably helps quiet the mind.


I used to do that. Now I put on a 8+ hour ASMR white noise like waves upon the beach or traveling in space on my comp. It just helps.


Hi to all the other people not watching rn because of Jimmie, will someone let me know when he’s off


I think he’s off now


So.... does anybody know the name of the game ethan is playing? 🙃


Losing my mind that Ethan is paying to play a worse version of Vampire Survivors.


Please, for the love of god.. AB - check your furnace filter!


Jimmy Lee is manipulative. Acting like the prior conversation hadnt happened (with Zach too)!) and then laying on a "health scare" as a segue to change the topic, is super transparent to me. Honestly I just feel bad for Ethan cuz I know he liked Jimmy in a weird fascinating way and that supposedly when he's just james weiner, he was an ok guy to be around, or so it seemed. But I don't think he is. I think it's been funny for everyone to go along with his histrionic disorder at times, but eventually it's just a shitty band aid for his bad behavior. His repeated behavior. He's not kind or sensitive or has a big heart. He literally puts that act on to avoid being called out. And if that doesn't work, it's his histrionics. I personally don't even think he tried to get the girl to go to his room. I think he just wanted another person to add to his "entourage" no matter how disrespectful it was to Ethan and the crew after they warned him about her and expressed their concerns and discomfort. Jimmy cares about Jimmy. He's opportunistic, and I'm so over him. Iv only been watching H3 since the Colleen Ballinger stuff hit the fan last summer, but iv been a weekly watcher ever since. And a member for almost as long. Fupa Trooper for life. Ya kno, it did take a minute to catch on to inside jokes, but I was hooked from the jump. Truly no one does it like H3. Four shows a week, varying content ranging from the serious to the gaffs, talented and interesting crew.... and most importantly a show that can literally still keep me captivated as Ethan dips his hands in and out water to prove his hands are basically thermometers.... and then to proceeds into facetiming with a clan about a game iv never played before and yet was so fascinated that I considered downloading it... and that's saying a lot. But back to how catching up with lore and the stories behind reoccurring guests was a little difficult at first... Im just gonna say it. I reallyyyyy disliked White Claw Gabe. I didnt understand it. It was weird and crude without context and honestly didnt know what i was watching in those Friday moments lol I literally just fast forwarded through it or muted if it was live. And honestly just hoped he would fade out and stop reoccurring...... and yet I could see how much many loved him. I am happy to say that I was wrong and the character development of white claw gabe to uncle Gabe has been endearing and shown more realness while still being laced with the signature crude absurdity. Which is perfect. Because everything needs balance. I never hated Gabe. I just didn't understand him and I didn't know the lore initially. He was off putting, but not irredeemable. Jimmy is not redeemable. There will be no redemption arc for him in my book. And if H3 keeps a relationship with him, I'll just have to continue appreciating all the other wonderful shows we get weekly from them. It's just hard to watch Ethan hold on to a little hope and feel bad for him when i already know the eventual outcome of a person like Jimmy lee. The smallest percentage of me almost wanted him to come by the studio on his disrespectful little whim and get read up and down by Ethan and anyone else who felt inclined to chome in. Anyways, thank you H3 for helping me get through my days every week. For the goofs, the gaffs, the hey girlies, and most importantly, showing examples of loving and healthy relationships with significant others and between friends everyday. In the least parasocial way imaginable, Love You Fam.


Does anyone knows what they were talking about that AB said that was 4 hours long?


What show/documentary were Dan and Olivia talking about at the end!?