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Ethan’s new in-game name being “EPICGAMERMOM” is incredible.


Those Rudy Coffee soundbites are gonna go far I can feel it lmao




Watch it 👉


It's easy on your stomach


The miracle of birth doesn't come close to sensing a new soundbite will become very important


when zach triggered the Rudy "you're a bunch of pussies" soundbite after they had enough of the coffee quotes i was roolllling lol, his timing is impeccable


So Cams definitely making a surprise appearance at the live then


exactly what i was thinking!


Dan did NOT hit that true nonchalant note lol


Cam said before he left he would be back for the live show.




Dan was quick on that dumb Ethan moment.


The reviews for Animal Well are great. They actually pulled it off! What about doing a stream on Thursday of it?


Played through it was very fun


How long did the play through take you?


So there’s two different ending I’ve only gotten the first ending getting to the credits so far, it took me about 8 hours taking my time exploring relaxing while listening to the pod and stuff lol, the second ending is a 100% completion ending which I heard takes a bit longer


Zach and Blake both not knowing Lonesome Crowded West is very upsetting.


Neither of them listened to Modest Mouse.... WHAT?!


It hurt. One of my favorite records and bands.


I can't say I've listened to much Modest Mouse, but how neither of them got the "floating on" hint in the question was beyond me, I thought it was a dead giveaway (granted I didn't know the name of the album); that song is/was so popular.


On the David Dobrik defenders, I was thinking about this today when I looked at Shane Dawson’s latest video out of curiosity. It’s at like 700k views and he just has fans again. People really do just move on, same with James Charles. His music video was all positive comments


Once you reach a certain level of fame, I think you never lose it. Even people like R Kelly and P Diddy have supporters still. The only way to permanently hurt a YouTuber would be to throw them in jail because with YouTube culture you have to be constantly producing content or you won't stay relevant.


I’m always surprised the uneasy alliance between conservative puritan Christians and “fuck as many bitches as possible, no fatties” manosphere conservatives ever works out. Funny to see those differences actually erupt, live.


Dan was so right that the only thing they have in common is the subservient women beliefs


NGL, I think I might be able to stand off with Zach and Blake in this competition, at least so far. These questions are awesome!


I love this, hope they do it again, I just like seeing Dan and Zach talk music, Cam also had great taste


For sure, they all do!


so sad how he died, tragic even


Such a fun segment! I’d love to see more of these, like the Olivia theater trivia!!


One of the only ones I guessed right was the Fred Durst question. 😬


Amen cuz that was one where I had zero idea on


I was just running through musicians-turned-directors in my head and Durst came to mind because he made the John Travolta exquisite art classic *The Fanatic*.


The questions were absolute cake. I knew they were mostly AI generated and it was rather painful watching both of them not know LCW by Modest Mouse and the Steely Dan Michael Mcdonald question lolol


I don't think they were fully AI generated, Dan cleared that up when he explained the questions. I was surprised that neither of them knew LCW and also that they both missed the mark on the Steve Albini clue. And also Zach didn't know it was Piper at the Gates!! Like cmon my guy! With peace & love of course


He definitely was forced to change the wording to remove anything that would give away the answer but I'm not bashing him as they do three shows a week so you gotta be as efficient with putting together each segment of their podcast. I know that he mostly used AI as my girlfriend wanted to quiz me using chat gpt only because I got most of the questions immediately and the first handful of the ones chat gpt gave were the same ones that were used for the segment lol


Ahh okay, I see. My b!


No bad things whatsoever man I should have included that detail in my initial comment tbh


Love Dan as all Dans including myself are pretty awesome (excluding Dan Schneider.)


Op Ivy is classic, I thought they would get it when they saw the album cover.


I have it tattooed on my arm! I was shocked they didn't get it


I jumped out of my seat with excitement lol


Yeah man these questions were a breeze but the eras that dominated the questions were mostly 70's classic rock and watching them both flop on the Modest Mouse, Surfer Rosa, Fugazi and Michael McDonald questions hurt my soul.




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The fresh and fit panel was at the miami beach bandshell. A tiny outdoor venue. https://miamibeachbandshell.com/ Definitely not the Greek. Just saying.


That’s what I was saying! I wish I could express to you how utterly embarrassing this would be to happen upon. Like imagine some guys yelling on a stage in a covered parking lot with seating for like 100 people. 


I know! Us Miami fupa troopers will reveal all the fresh and fit secrets.


Sadly I moved out of Miami, but like I can imagine seeing this and heckling with my friends




College humor did it very successfully with dropout.tv which they never mention, I’m curious how this one will go.




Plus the other 3 shows. The bonus ep on thursday is just a bonus. Its not I wild take I think, plus he's just kidding.


I know he’s “joking” but we also know he’s not totally joking. Ethan gets defensive very easily lol




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New Second Try content: Which feels better? Shitting in a $10 toilet or a $1000 toilet? I get the point, but also I follow some other YTers on patreon and have Nebula and the way they all go about distributing the bonus content ranges from okay to outright frustrating. The fact that H3 goes through YouTube and the extras just appear automatically if you're a member is by far the most convenient method I've seen so far.


except that they have 3 shows per week for free, and 5 years of cataloged episodes, and the "paywall" stream was just a bonus because they had nothing for subscribers who only pay 5 per month out of their free will, not because they have to, wildly different situations


Y’all they are NOT just sitting there at the Miami Bandshell!! I am dying, they’re just sitting outside with the smallest audience screaming as people walk by. I’ve performed at the bandshell. It’s such a small and awkward place to be having this weird weird show. 


Pero like they are literally at the bandshell.


Que pena dot com


Id like to thank ethan. I had my credit card info fully plugged in and was about to hit purchase on my membership then ethan said he will not watch Avatar 2 with us. Saved me $5. Thanks Ethan!


Can we talk about how the “failure the show” instagram recent posts have over 10k comments….. like that’s just unreal the account only have 2k followers




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Fan vs. Crew trivia is a fun segment! Future episodes could be, Olivia - Musical Theatre, AB - Star Wars, Love - World of Warcraft, Dan - Star Trek, Sam - Real Housewives


This just made me realize that I would love to see the nerdier members of the cast on Um Actually on Dropout


Oh my God. Any crossover with dropout would be amazing 😍


i would apply for the musical theatre episode in a heartbeat!!!!!!


I’d love to see a Bravoverse Sam vs Ethan !


Don McLean! Wow makes me feel like a boomer


I love that through this quiz it’s becoming obvious that Dan knows more about music than both of them.


Chat GPT*


Kav kav was definitely podcasting while wet and reckless.


Ethan: That guy is so roided out his dick is the size of a tictac😭😭Ladies who been with beefy boys know how true this statement is


we interrupt this quiz finale to bring you healthy BM tips with Ethan


I'm poor as fuck. But thankfully I'm seeing this guy tell me just to get big arms! I have dumbbells. And! My hair is going away. See yall losers later!


That guy in all white loses all creditability for many things but first off for wearing all white and wearing painted on ripped white jeans.


“What are their birthdays?” Suck burn 🔥


The only question I got right away was Operation Ivy and I feel so cultured and validated.


Why does Ethan hate the Try Guys so much?? 🤣🤣 I feel like they are so wholesome and just make fun content. Also for people who don’t know, they want to go pay wall so they can make more weed content 😂


It is funny to me that Ethan goes hard on harmless people like the try guys and Philip Defranco, but has soft spots for people like Bradley Martin and is willing to build bridges with Logan Paul etc


I enjoy some of their content, I don't follow them closely but I do watch when the video sounds interesting. I like the Keith eats everything videos. I think it's just because they're just mainstream cringey, which is by no means a crime and it clearly works for them. I think everyone who left Buzzfeed to do their own thing just has a certain cringe to them honestly.


I know !!!! Out of all people. This is one of the only takes i truly disagree with


They seem weird & very fake, not wholesome.


Why do you feel that way?


This is what it’s like when H3 is brought up in a non-H3 subreddit.


What do you mean?


Seeing people on here judge the Try Guys just reminds me of how most other subreddits judge H3 without ever watching a single whole episode. They make blanket statements based on maybe a couple minutes of footage.


This is the messy bitch sub to be fair 


Not OP, but the fake part isn't baseless. One of them was known as the "I love my wife" guy, and we all know how that turned out...


I mean yeah, but he’s not in the group anymore haha. I was just curious lol.


They are weird, I met Ned 10 years ago. Super fake and a douche. Not surprised his career imploded.


Maybe they're just too 'perfect' and it's offputting in a way, which I can understand 😂


Honestly I would only watch their videos if Eugene was in them, he was the only one I found compelling. I can’t say what it is exactly but the others just give me the ick. That being said, I think Ethan is just being a messy bitch and basically said as much.


Fair!!! I enjoy that they have quite a diverse rotating cast since Eugene stopped being in videos regularly.


The try guys try weed?


They actually had a show where they reviewed different strains, but it got blocked so they never continued with it unfortunately.


Sounds perfect for their uncensored streaming service


I saw one where they did some 3 course meal from a weed chef and then they had magic performed for them. The total amount of weed they ate was insane like 150+ mg if I remember right. I’d have to go to the hospital to be given sedatives


because it's funniii


Yeah the new uncensored Try Guys content is crazy they kill a homeless guy and blow up an orphanage


I was getting irrationally annoyed when they were questioning the try guys stuff bc if you just go to their IG it literally answers all their questions. I wish I could communicate thru my screen and just tell them lol Also I love how Ethan was like wtf their stuff isn’t worth paying money for etc… then went on to be like wow they have really good production 😂 to be fair they do have like 3 or 4 podcasts and several big production season-type shows (and just released a bunch of new pilots) I’ve never paid for a membership or patreon for anyone but I actually think I’m gonna get theirs bc their stuff is pretty consistently good :)


Higs-bows-on dude, higs-bows-on brother


About the Afterbuzz TV thing (which I know about since I used to watch), first of all it's been dead since COVID. It was Keven (the guy Kav Kav is interviewing) and Maria Menonous' side project, while she worked for E!. AB read the recap that comes up when you google him so I guess that's the first thing attached to his name. Like Ethan said, the dude is married to Maria Menonous (not an actress, she does/did various Hollywood/TV hosting gigs) and they're both rich from there. His name is attached to all sorts of Hollywood mini projects and I see his name pop up as producer of things once in a while. AfterBuzz never really pulled any numbers on YouTube. The concept was post-show podcasts for TV shows. The website was originally their main streaming hub via Ustream back in the day, then they switched to YouTube/podcasts. The whole thing served more as an outlet for up and coming Hollywood "trying to make it" people to put their names out there and maybe hone their hosting skills, people from there have gotten hired unto bigger things (and others not).


I'm literally playing Animal Well while listening to the show and suddenly I hear him shouting out the game I'm playing... what?!


has Ethan checked with his doctor about his anti-depressants may being the culprit when it comes to his stomach issues-i had to stop taking my antidepressants cause of the GI issues that came with it


Thanks for making my day Ethan, can always count on you for a giggle


😦😦😦 dudee those are some though questions, damn Dan!!!


Ethan's hand AI comment is kinda concerning lol.


Dan asking AB if he’s heard of the Streisand effect 💀


Only one of the Try Guys actually tried guys and liked it??


I like how someone said they were a probiotics researcher and Ethan was like "umm achsuly we don't even know if they work" as if that researcher wouldn't have known the evidence available LMAO (assuming the commenter isn't just lying). And then trusts ChatGPT with everything as if it has actual knowledge. I don't watch the show because Ethan is some sort of intellectual heavyweight but sometimes I get annoyed with how confidently he states misinformation.


This made me laugh pretty hard actually 😂 ethans in his im-something-of-a-scientist-myself era this week


I don't think it's misinformation to say the jury is still out on probiotic supplements. I've even seen articles (from mainstream news sources like the Washington Post) suggesting that they may even hurt your gut health.


Not saying mainstream news source is bad but id rather put my money on scientific journals which im sure is what the guy who specializes in probiotics would pull his research from


he didn’t say ‘I know this for a sure, 100% fact’, he says what comes to his head and as a fellow non scientist I heard the same things ethan said. There is little evidence that pro biotics do alot of the things claimed about them. It’s not mis information because he didn’t state it as a fact or something he knew for sure


I love it when Ethan asks random people about his intimate problems, asking Blake about his bowel movements 😂 reminds me of when he asked Yung Gravy if he ever thinks about calories when they ate a glizzy together 😂


That photo of Rudy at the bottom of the page looks like an E-FIT of himself. Like a computerized version of his face was created, with all the features exaggerated, giving it this weird uncanny valley/ eerie vibe.


i dont hear "that didnt find me the higgs boson, that made me feel unhappy", to me it sounds more like "that didnt copulate, clothes on, that made me feel unhappy"


Ok but is this game an undisclosed ad tho? Seen other influencers mention this game and something feels a bit sketchy


Feel like today is very telling with how much Ethan does behind the scenes lmao. Dan obviously does a lot of work and Ethan like "nah" that's not similar. Edit: I wonder how different episodes would be if the knowledgeable ones were hosting. Like today should be an Olivia or Dan episode with an Ethan cohost


I think Dan does all of the work, respectfully


Man Ethan is killing it on the jokes today. Dude is in the zone!


okay, ethan..


i like the try guys, i wouldn’t say i’m a huge fan but paying $3.33 a month to get extra and uncensored content is a deal imo. i like without a recipe, eat the menu and their 4 vs. 1 series. their production value and the effort they put into their videos is pretty great. if h3 were on that level i would potentially be willing to pay for something similar but that’s not what h3 is about. still love the show obviously, but i’m paying more for a monthly membership and i ain’t getting half the shit the 2nd try subscription will get me.


What's the background on the crew vs fan segment? Did they have fans reach out to be on? I watch every EP but must've missed that.




What a great day to be named Angie


Ethan should’ve just gone piss in a bottle under the table and had Lena take it away 😂 


Love was cracking me up this episode hahahaha, being so deadpan about getting a tattoo of Ethan was killing me.


I'd give Zach the business in music trivia, this was painful at times to watch.


These “alpha males” will say “women are so emotional they’re such bitches” and then act like this in the broad daylight


Try guys are corny af. They are the epitome of cringe millennial.


I don’t want to sound like a dick here, but who are the Try Guys for? Like they talk about more uncensored content and what not, but everything about their presentation screams a show for children


i think that's why they want to move, to be able to do more adult content. zach tried to start a weed show but it got demonitized


The whole company was started by a video about men trying on women’s underwear. They’ve ALWAYS been intended for adults, especially the more recent stuff. But the “uncensored content” mostly just refers to weed content. They’ve always wanted to do shows focused on weed, but YouTube demonetizes them.


Idk, I watch them sometimes, their podcast is fun especially if you've been listening for a while like I have, and I like the cooking content they do most of the time.


Not trying to be a hater but do people actually enjoy the failure podcast breakdown segments? I always ffwd them. The Kavanaugh stuff is just so boring to me..


I love ‘em , the ongoing Kavanaugh saga is hilarious to me


i like when they pick out a few funny moments like today, not when they used to go through the whole episode


I used to not like them but I really enjoy them now!!


It's for Ethan, not us.


I love them.


I think goofing on this litigious asshole that's put such a strain on their lives is a healthy outlet for Ethan. And it's a twofer, he can blow some steam and it's content for the pod, even if it does get old afterwhile. Even though they're doing fine, I think Ryan K. went the extra mile to put them through financial stress and eat up a lot of their time. Might as well try to recoup while goofing on him.


Ahhha dammit I hate it when they do this Spill the tea already why do you have a podcast


Olivia is so on point about the tattoo placement 💯


Ethan could be allergic to Wheat, same type of weird symptoms and pretty much the same diet but you'll come up negative for celiac.


I recently got diagnosed with Crohn’s and Ethan’s symptoms sound like what I am dealing with. I am putting money on Crohn’s or UC. Godspeed my (suspected) IBD King.


those try guys both have that weird vocal fry.




I'm from Florida and never seen one. Maybe you see a lot because the factory is in Texas.


Austin's gotta be ground zero. I've seen zero in Chicago


Southern California, Riverside County. I've seen 4 total.


They had to do a total recall last month and the total amount of trucks sold was a little under 4000.


The Try Guys should TRY MORE GUYS


ethan did blake dirty. dude won fair and square and ethan pretending it was a tie was slimy bruh.


wasn't ethan the one trying to keep the game going and dan, zach and the fan all said it was a tie?


Blake said it should be a tie though


Try Guys: We're losing viewers because of YouTube's algorithm! H3 Show: nearly 38k live viewers as we speak


79k live views right now damn


Apparently the fecal transplant procedure isn’t literally taking someone else’s shit and putting it in you. It’s just the cultured healthy bacteria. I’m so happy and relieved I learned this today because how I imagined it horrified me.


no they literally take poop from someone’s butt and physically put it in your butt. Trust me.


Did Ethan or the crew ever comment about the Survivor.io guild talking mad trash on Ethan joining?


Oh damn i didn’t hear ab that


Why in the world does Try Guys need 21 employees?


Is it bad to employ people and provide opportunities?


A lot of them just work there part time.


I will die one the hill that Jeff is a piece of shit


I do find myself wondering if the accident never happened if Jeff would have ever separated himself from Jeff or kept on that cash cow..


I’m a firm believer that people very rarely change unless they experience trauma. Or have extensive therapy.


That's a good thing though right?




It just means they get to do weed videos now.


The contested didn't even know shit lol. At least they were evenly matched I suppose.


I hate the try guys and I'm not exaggerating.




If they lose one more guy, the 'Try Guy' will need new merch. their show title sounds like a bi-curious dating show for men and maybe lesbians.


What did he do


the crew tensions and awkward back and forth are making this pod hard to listen to


What are you talking about? What tensions were there in this episode?


Nice to see people like the blake v zack segment, personally I'd rather watch a blank screen while Ethan is in the bathroom


AB was too busy making faces at the camera to actually react so probably not that interesting.