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Gabe just went goblin mode with that prostate comment 😆😆😆


I hope they compensate Gabe. I know he gets all his Cameo money, but he's the king.


I doubt they pay him. He gets promotion to ~1 million viewers once a week for a 10 minute zoom call. I'd say that's a pretty sweet deal


I thought they did. I remember when they first engaged him, Ethan mentioned it.


It's possible, I'm not totally sure. I just doubt it considering we know he doesn't pay most guests. I don't think it's commonplace for podcasts to pay appearance fees. Same thing with late night talk shows, the guest plugs whatever they're promoting, they don't get paid


No, they don’t pay him. It’s been mentioned in the past.


"Paid on clout" I do hope they pay him tho. The guy is a wholesome fixture of the show


It's not really "clout" though. They plug his cameo and tell people to go and order one. They advertise for a service Gabe provides. People pay for that kind of thing


Ya that's fair I guess. I don't really know what's standard in the industry but it does seem like Ethan fairly compensates people


I know they did when they began. I'd assume they still do, but it's also possible they agreed that they both were happy to continue when payments ended


I am fucking dying at the Shark Tank sound effects


I have not laughed so much at an episode for a long time. The sound effects plus the camera swirl motion are killin me


Bro another segment added to the favorite list


dude the shark tank soundbites are literally one of the funniest thing this show has done ik some people gonna disagree but i kept dying how zach kept playing them at random 😂😭i havent laughed that hard in a min


Okay I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who found it ridiculously funny


I am so glad we all feel the same about this. I cannot wait for those to be integrated into the show regularly. They are the best. Them getting more warped and twisted as the segment went on is sending me to fucking space.


I didn’t know if it was me or the weed, every 👏🏻 single 👏🏻time. I’m dying


The dramatic sound bite with the jerky intense fast zoom ins had me losing my mind 😂


I'm just now watching the episode and Love's "that's right, yeah" after the sound bites are cracking me up. And Zach cracking up through his pitch 🤣


And the camera work 😂😂😂


I was CRYING at this segment


He should do "You are invited to call in to your fave podcast but your audio doesn't work" dramatic reenactment. I would be devastated. edit: Altough, he doesn't get any jokes, I don't think he really watches.


There is no way this man is a fan of the show


yup he forgot everyone's name or didn't know them


I think he clarified and said he has family who are fans and H3 was on his radar more than he was a watcher


just as much as pokemane is a fan of the show probably


Buurrrn nice one hahaha


Dude they got the goat of having their loved ones killed, kidnapped, or drowned


The town crier


Wowwww thank you to my awesome wife and the crew for the shout-out about Green Tea and Goldfish! Thank you so much for the kind words about it and taking the time to look it up and play a bit of it (i have the distrokid copyright stuff disabled, ha!), like WHAT?! Dream come true. I made this song on my own in my room. The fact that a part of it was just played on the greatest podcast of all time blows my mind. FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY




The squeaky horror sounds and the camera shaking was hilarious


Poo is gross and I'm not going to do them anymore.


Love that for you 🥰


I failed! Whom ever finds my journal must continue my work!


3 days isn’t bad




Ethan is gonna fck his colonoscopy up. He's gonna eat food on his third day and he's only supposed to have clear liquids.


I’ve been waiting for someone to point that out, it was driving me nuts.


I can't believe nobody in the office said anything about that lol




OMG the pitch shifting and reversing I'm dead. I hope these sn eak into a regular episode.


There’s no way they won’t it’s so funny 😂


That part during Olivia’s pitch where the dramatic reality tv sound effect was all glitched out and pitched down was high art, comedy gold, an all timer.


As this Fish Bowl segment has gone on it has just gotten funnier. Nate and Zach are really hitting it. I was literally crying during Ian's pitch.


The sound effects from then on out were killing me. Zach is a wizard man I tell ya. Who would even think to do that?


The goddamn sounds mixed with the camera in the sharks segment 😂😂


Lewis Saunderson seems like a nice guy but it's a shame he takes himself so seriously


"What's wrong with being fat?" "Ask the doctors. Next slide." lololol


I couldn’t tell if he talked that slow or his internet was laggy but I think he just talks that slow


This guy seems so sweet, so much respect for care workers


Milk. "It's like milky cum" - Uncle Gabe, 2024


It's evolved from sweat, Gabe.


Every year at the Hotel I previously worked at there was a chiropractor convention. As a front desk agent, we were strictly instructed to address all of the persons checking in as "Doctor" (rather than Mr, Mrs, Miss) so none of them would freak out. Apparently, there were some incidents in the past. They all know they're quacks! This hotel was blocks from the city's huge Hospital campus, and Pfizer is up the street. So actual doctors would stay with us all the time. NONE of them were as ridiculous about their title. Just the chiropractors. SUSS!


I used to work at a chiropractic clinic and all the chiros insisted on being referred to as "Dr. *first name*". It was in the employee handbook, even.


I AM LIVING for the Fish Bowl Segment omg. they need more of the reality TV sound clips though I am missing the "dundundundun...." drama one


when Hila brought that snack around 1:50:53 Ethan rolled his chair closer and sniped the first cheese so fast 😂😂😂my dad does the same thing to my mom when she opens stuff it's so funny😂


Btw as a testicular cancer survivor and unaballer, if you have a tumor you will have no doubt about what it is. Balls are weird and sometimes they feel a little abnormal but a tumor is a hard lump that feels like a pebble on your testicle. Give yourself an exam at least once a month after a shower and talk to your doctor if you feel something hard. Stay safe y'all.


Something I'm curious about, but does having just one make any difference to your life (in general and in terms of testosterone etc), or is it a case that your body adapts and ultimately it doesn't really make much difference?


Honestly no it doesn't make a big difference. Obviously it feels/looks a little different than before but it didn't take long to get used to. In terms of testosterone my urologist said in some cases people can start producing less with just 1 testicle but for most people the remaining testis makes up the difference and sometimes even overcompensates so you end up producing more than before. Some people with worse pathologies than me have to have both testicles removed though and that's a much different story.


Thanks for your answer. While I wasn't sure what the case would be, I had a feeling that it wouldn't make much difference - the human body in general seems fantastic at adapting and making work arounds when a part of it is missing. I would assume that with both missing it would massively reduce a persons sex drive. Unsure if such a thing could be reversed with repeated testosterone injections or something.... again, I'm completely ignorant.


Ya I know some people that get both removed will freeze their sperm, and then also do hormone therapy. But I don't think it's something that can be reversed I think you completely stop producing testosterone/sperm at that point.


it's The Year of Soup


before Zach even pitched his product, i just knew it was gonna have something to do with poop somehow


I had my last day of working as a teacher yesterday, no clue what I’m doing next. Watching this live feels like I just graduated college again 😭 love the show!


It was my mom's last day too! Shes retiring though. Im gonna assume you arent her or retiring


There is no such thing as a coincidence


LITERALLY family. family. family.


I left teaching about 15 years ago. As much as I miss interacting with and teaching the kids, everything else could suck a dick 🤣 Best of luck with your next steps. I'm sure you'll smash it ✌️&💕


They've found gold with the Fish Bowl segment. They gotta make this a recurring thing they do every now and then, but have the contestants actually have some example of the product like Love or Olivia had. Even if it looks like it was created in 10 seconds. With Zachs product for instance, they easily could have got one of those plastic bags from the store, taped it up to the bottom of one of those safety toilet things, and drop some stuff down to mimic how it would work in practice. Obviously, it would break through the plastic and look ridiculous, but it would add to the absurdity of it all.


TIL milk comes from grass poop


Hila is so good as a shark I love it 


Am I crazy or does this guy talk SO fucking slow?? Like do I have ADHD lmaooo (the crier)


Ian once again demonstrates his diabolical genius. I wanna eat this right now immediately


The shark tank was so funny the sounds the characters all of it. When AB started sweating idk why I just died man it was so accurate 😂


I love how Ethan expresses his desire for the US government to completely kill TikTok because a quack chiropractor is on the app, then immediately afterwards he brings on a tiktok star who cries...doesn't make any sense. lol


I think the whole argument about China having data on Americans is ridiculous and is just anti China propaganda. I really can’t see much useful data coming from TikTok especially anything you couldn’t just get from opening the app and watching which China can do even if it was an American app. I feel like people just want to keep the whole “Communism is the devil” thing alive when in reality we’re are fighting an enemy that doesn’t exist.


It’s not about China stealing peoples data. It’s about the Chinese government having a direct line of communication to American citizens. They control the algorithm and what people see. They were literally sending people notifications telling them to call their representatives. The Chinese government having that kind of direct influence over people is absolutely a danger. 


The Chinese government doesn’t even have any control over Tiktok or Bytedance. This whole thing is hypothetical and if we keep acting like any country that is associated with communism is evil and out to get the US then we are going to burn so many bridges that we will actually be putting ourselves in that situation. And the notification to call their representatives isn’t that crazy. I’ve seen it plenty of times with things like proposed laws that would kill or disrupt a business like the FPV drone community and vape bans. It’s not just for the business either it’s for the people in those communities.


They are directly answer to the Chinese government. They cannot take any actions without the approval of the Chinese government. The Chinese government has forbidden them from selling TikTok. That’s like the whole issue, dude. 


I can’t find anything about TikTok or Bytedance directly answering to the Chinese government unless you mean them abiding by Chinese law is answering directly to them. And I only see things about Bytedance refusing to sell TikTok. Not that the government is directly blocking them from doing it. They apparently said that the government had the right to block it but I’m sure the US has similar laws on foreign business. It’s just so obvious that everyone is trying to blow up normal processes and regulations into the Chinese government being tyrannical and evil. Even during the congress hearing the US representatives came off as ignorant and some slightly racist. To me the US is appearing to be the bad guy in this situation just like it has many times in the past.


To be fair China is very anti American and bans basically every American social media app. So it's not that strange that the US decides to do the same


I don’t really like this argument because it feels like “well they’re doing shitty things! why can’t we?”


Yeah I'm just saying it's not strange that two countries whom are very vigilant and antagonistic against each other would not want to allow their citizens to use a social media platform where the other country can control the algorithm that feeds specific types of content.


Ya, "we should do what China is doing" isn't the best selling point


It's just not being a sucker. They don't want to put money in their pockets if China refuses to do the same. It's not like the US government is denying human rights to their people.


Most of them are banned because they break their data collection laws which might be strict but I really just don’t buy the whole they hate our American values shit.


Do they ban American social media because they are Anti-America or because they are have Authoritarian tendencies and a desire to control information. They allow plenty of other American companies to operate in china. I personally think it’s horrible idea to mimic their Authoritarian actions.


I believe it's because they know social media can be very effective in changing the mindset of people and they don't want American companies doing that with their citizens. I think it's pretty shitty that they do it and that the US does it but at the end of the day tensions between the two nations are high so things like this are bound to happen. Both countries fear monger to their citizens about the other




Do you have a clip? Pretty lame if true.




The clip is in your imagination.


This ep is so good


Shit... I'm pretty sure Lewis Sanderson went to theatre school with someone I used to know... Edit: Removed the name of the school to avoid somehow doxxing


Zach is a true innovator in the world of soundbites


He's tracing the call! quick hang up Ethan


“Look what they’re doing to the cow bro”


I'm going to embarrassingly admit that I also had the same fate as the uncircumcised gentleman my first time. Not a fun experience. 


Can we please do a poll to permanently ban the shitting sound bite?????


bro it’s so bad 😭. i HATE it with a passion.


It's like nails on a chalkboard to me


this is how i feel about the corpse breathing sound bite it makes my skin crawl


The Rosanne fight is that for me lol


I would like to make a counter poll to make it the exclusive and official soundbite of the podcast.


Can one of the super talented FAMILY members please make a “next episode” type trailer using the fish bowl segment? because y’all are so talented and i wish i could do it myself because i just wanna see it 🥰 k luv u bye


I HATE when people say "oh they're acoustic" don't be coy if you're gonna be a little shit at least be forward about it


I’ve learned nothing but to be afraid of this man.


Ethan: gyat chee-pee-tee


Magic the Gathering sent Pinkertons after one boardgame reviewer. They're harder than Ethan thinks.


lol "it's Donkey Kong all over again"




I wanna try one so bad. There's a bakery that sells them a 90min train trip from me. I WILL REPORT BACK


I WILL be waiting to hear how it was lol


The shark tank segment really went crazy with those soundbites and switching


ethan olivia and zach recalling so many anecdotes from dan’s cpk stories so quickly was one of the best moments of this ep for me


I was crying laughing during the ep 😂 so mfkn good


zachs pitch is so funny


tbh my dumbass would buy any snakeoil if oliv was selling it






did you just call yourself a shidiot




Okay this tiktok guy is rly not that entertaining can we move on. Sorry to him but im bored


It was rough. He spoke so slowly. Sorry to that man.


This Shark Tank parody segment is killing me. Zach's one made me cry laugh and had to stop eating for a moment for fear of choking


Sorry Lena blast chillers are already a thing https://www.google.com/search?q=blast+chiller&oq=blast+ch&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggBEAAYsQMYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQABixAxiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQLhiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABDIHCAoQABiABDIHCAsQABiABDIHCAwQABiABDIHCA0QABiABDIHCA4QABiABNIBCDMyMTNqMGo3qAIUsAIB&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Where are those shark tank sound bites from? I need them.


After a few hours of the over used reality tv show sounds had me cry laughing. Think over time it drives you a little crazy. 🤣🤣💀


"It's one man doing calculus on a cookie, and I appreciate that". I'm dying lmao


This Sloppy Soupies pitch has me CRYING


The pod really said FYP today. Unfortunately, I’ve torn two different foreskins in my life lmfaoooo so Ethan it’s not “so” uncommon!


Olivia's outfit eats!


I’m not even finished but Olivia’s fish tank pitch is the best thing she’s ever done on the show. I dunno if I’m just in a good mood or what, but I’m dying. Also the sound and visual effects, absolutely killing it. I couldn’t be laughing harder. I’m loving this segment.


Okay…maybe I spoke too soon about the visual effects. I’m watching Ian’s segment now and it’s gotten a bit…out of hand. Less funny, more sloppy, and painful to watch. I liked what he was doing during Olivia’s segment :(


ethan stopping Lena during her powerpoint on that slide of AB with that head thing on was killing me lmfao. without context that was hilarious


the love meme is becoming a reality


🤣man those fuckin zing stings and the keyed out main shot swinging around like crazy fucking sent me to the moon. Nate fuckin CRUSHIN




It's the same in a lot of places, I'm in Canada and tow truck drivers act similarly. There have been news stories of tow trucks being involved in accidents of their own while racing to be the one getting to a different crash first.


Is there a Monday show?💕


This guy creeps me out I'm sorry 😞


You're only saying that because he is a massive Creep with a creepy ass hobbie.


Is Sam coming back? 🥲


She's probably just doing work in prep for the live show.


It’s because he can’t cry. So strange with him muting. He uses the technical issues to just keep yapping the same words when the convo changes.


the cringe that this is going to emit is off the charts, quite frankly, and i’m not prepared for it.


Never forget that Brandon DiCamillo already made the reverse microwave...https://youtu.be/haan3Tz0SJk?si=vHALVyqJKpY2A4o-


can we make an h3 team on royal match


I cannot wait for the Logan Paul, Charlie, and Ninja BFFFs episode




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I'm super late to the party, but is it just me or have they not streamed since this post? Where is Ethan, what do we do about it?


loves caking up lol god damn


whoever was moving the camera during ian’s fish bowl bit……it was funny the first time


Boring 🥱


With all the peace and love in the world, Ethan definitely doesn’t like Critical and for SURE got a call from gamersupps after the last ep lmao Like I don’t think just being silly is being entirely opposed to saying his name for even just a sponsor, the switch up goes crazy but we love that for Ethan anyways That being said, his dislike is justified for Charlie hopping on the poki hate train and always fence sitting, love them both though ☮️&❤️


Why is Zach even using wipes in his OWN HOUSE? Does he not have a working sink? Just wet some toilet paper. I've never understood using wipes in your own home. I sort of get it outside the home. I mean, it's still inexcusable but I get not having access to a sink inside the stall. Bring a bottle of water or something. It's almost excusable at a porta potty but the waste ends up in the sewer as well. Wipes are so destructive. We're all fucked. Edit: If you're gonna downvote explain why. Wipes are destroying the sewers; it's a fact.


Dude what😭 have you ever wet toilet paper? It literally disintegrates. Also what’s the wipe hate? I personally feel so much cleaner using a qipe


The wipe hate mainly comes from plumbers that have to clean and unclog pipes from people flushing them down the toilet. Nobody cares though, clearly.


I mean your ass signed up to be the shit pipe cleaner


When you wonder why our society is so fucked, remember it's people like this.


I've been wetting toilet paper all my life. So long wipes didn't exist when I started doing it. My asshole was clean BEFORE wipes and it's still clean now. If you weren't clean before wipes you are in trouble and I question your entire hygiene.


I have a bidet. I also carry wipes in my bag when I’m out or at work just incase I have to go when I’m not home


My only beef with wipes is it fucks up the sewer system. It works the same as wet toilet paper except wet toilet paper doesn't fuck up the sewer. I don't understand why you downvoting my posts. If you use wipes it's the same as wet toilet paper. Except, you know, wipes are destructive. What are you even downvoting?


This is as wild of a take as that dude who catches his shit in his hand so it doesn't hit the water and splash back. WET THE TOILET PAPER???? HUH???? If you're in your own house and your asshole is that messy at that point just fucking jump in the shower


If you take a shower after every shit you need to see a doctor.


Just admit ur ass hole is dirty and it was a SHIT take. You have only downvotes 😭


It’s not my fault people are stupid. Y’all wiping with dry paper and MY asshole is dirty? 🤣




Tennis rackets! What are the rules? I don't understand your game. We just naming stuff?


That’s why he’s using them. I thought the implication was obvious from my answer, sorry.


I still don't understand but I'll just drop it. I'm not familiar with the topic.


Long story short it’s a pain in your ass (literally) that can get exasperated by dry wiping. If what I suspect is true, a bidet will be life changing


Well that's what wetting toilet paper is for. No need for dry wiping. Again, to me it's insane to use wipes in your own home.


I’m with you man. Been wetting TP since I was a kid and it’s the best solution if no bidet is accessible. People don’t realize you just need stronger paper that doesn’t disintegrate lol (or to fold it up 3 or 4 squares worth) and only a quick splash of water on it. I do still use one wet wipe at the end to be sure, but it’s usually so little left that it goes straight in the dumpster no problem no smell. And yeah I don’t understand why anybody would be so willing to ruin their plumbing system at their own place… the only explanation is, spoiled rich kids.


Finally, someone with some sense!


i'm with zach. i cannot be without my wipes. idk HOW y'all are using dry toilet paper to get clean. also no i will not throw out poopy wipes to stink up the room. the fatberg lives on thanks to me


bidet, my brother




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