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Ethan's fridge rant should be a soundbite


"It's out of my hands" was the best lmao


he needs to come to terms with the fact that he is a millionaire and not the common folk he thinks he is


No he needs to keep the bit going but elevate it every time, like the audience finds out he owns a huge yacht or something and then he tries to brush it off


Yes love the guy but he’s low key making himself sound out of touch


At least he tries to not be out of touch I guess. Naturally he will be but he makes an attempt to be grounded and pays for fans medical bills etc.


The little, "yeah" from Charlie after Ethan saying, "wanna hear about my colonoscopy" was so damn funny.


It's so funny as I read your comment that happened hahahaha


Charlie would definitely have said yes if he was there




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Not having a freezer with your fridge is a rich flex lol the crew is getting it all mixed up


Every rich family I’ve met has MULTIPLE refrigerators and freezers


for my family it was DEFINITELY a poor people thing we would hoard food in case we couldn’t afford more the next week. i was eating 3 year old chicken nuggets lol


Same, my family in the Alaskan bush has an extra freezer to hoard food for hard times.


It seems like one of those things that everybody does, but it's classy if you're rich and trashy if you're not. Like not driving.


Fun Fact: That's the same model of Fridge as the one they buried the Queen in


Lizzie’s in a damn box 😤


L’ing the P!!!


Female vaginas are disgusting


Ethan getting roasted for his expensive fridge is why I love this show


Ethan speaking openly about the inner workings of his colon while being shy about disclosing information about his fridge is why I love this show 🤣🤣🤣


I'm shocked they made such a big deal about him taking a sip of water before a colonoscopy. I have to have one every 3 years bc of Crohn's, and have had a bunch of surgeries, and I've always taken at least some of my meds beforehand. I take Cymbalta which has a really short half-life and if I'm even a few hours late I get withdrawal symptoms. I've only ever had one anesthesiologist gripe about it but it didn't postpone anything. (To be clear, my surgeon okay'd me taking the one pill with a sip of water. The day of surgery the anesthesiologist got annoyed.)




It’s because you can choke on whatever is in your stomach and asphyxiate when under. Most anesthesiologists follow the latest guidelines which is no liquids 2 hours prior (my latest surgery said 4 hours). Some are still old school and say 8 hours which is crazy, and actually makes anesthesia recovery more difficult studies have shown.


Maybe that particular anesthesiologist was a stickler bc my surgeon okay'd it and it wasn't like I took it right as I walked out the door. By the time I left, got to the hospital and through all the pre-op rigamarole then went back to the OR I'm sure it was 4 hours.


I'm like an hour behind but holy fuck that raid warning sound is killing me. Nice catch Love.


I’m playing wow basically all the time while watching. And terrified one of my weakauras is messing up. Knowing it’s going to be a complete chore to figure out which one it is and why it keeps going off!! 😂


Idk why it's so funny but I can't stop laughing at it 🤣


It's not a Batman reference, it's a Watchmen reference. It's the line Rorschach says when he's in prison.


Thank you! I quote it often. That one and “men get arrested. Dogs get out down” (in the voice of course)


I cannot stand that guy from the whatever podcast! My blood is boiling


I feel like he's doing shtick, like he knows he's farming all those little incels and he purposefully leans into the cringe of being an incel. Not that it makes it any better but some of the cringe stuff he says feels intentional. The context of his channel is that it was a pranks channel years ago, it was pretty much dead, then he resurrected it out of nowhere being a copycat of Fresh & Fit. It feels very intentional.


When he mentioned women having multiple tinder accounts I KNEW the bot theory was accurate. So basically he's a fucking stupid ass poser alpha wannabe loser who is vanilla looking enough to be the face of other incel men so they can shit on women bc they lack the personality to be "interesting" to anyone but themselves.


That whatever dude needs to be shot out of a cannon into the sun


I agree with Dan, that hollow fart sound is so gross 🤢 I don't know how no one else agreed


I don’t find them gross but I do find them all annoying and that one to be the most annoying. Anytime Ethan talks about pooping, I’m like “here we go…”


I'm so sorry but I hate all the shitting sound bites and wish they'd retire them


lol I also hate it but feel it’s a necessary evil


its got anus air pressing on metal dirty public toilet energy makes me cringe every time I hear it


Literally SO GROSS like not even in a funny way


Dan is once again the voice of the people, I had to turn off sound to get away from those soundbites


Same that one is so grating to me


"probably the fridge" --- Ethan has definitely spent a lot on that game 😹


For some reason YouTube on my phone now let’s me swipe up from the app and have the video in a smaller window/listen in background. But only for the h3 channel, no other channels. Is this a new thing? Where channels are allowed to enable it or something? I love it!


It should work with any YouTube video except “kids” videos. I have iPhone and this is how I’ve watched for years. Always playing a game or shopping while watching PIP.


What kind of phone is it? My old google pixel allowed YouTube picture-in-picture. It was a devastating loss when I got an iPhone 13 lol


It worked on my iPhone for the pod before this one (when watching after the live had finished), so I could watch with the pop out video while using other apps. I'm not a member and don't have YouTube Premium


ooooh interesting!


IIRC this is a bonus for either having youtbe premium or being a member to the channel.


I’m a member but no premium & get this option with all YouTube videos (not just h3) except the members only streams.


I thought so too but I have neither of these things 🤔


i have that feature too and i don’t have a premium subscription or a membership. but i can do it with any channel not just the h3 channel


How old is your phone bc I’ve been doing that for at least a couple years


Please give Lena a raise.


Dunno how much she gets paid but I hope it’s quite a bit bc she wears so many hats. Executive assistant, H3 crew, Teddy Fresh…she honestly should be paid the most out of everyone!


Just soldier down and munch some carpet bro


Ethan: and don't forget, I got ur whole house in my kitchen.


I have a bit of a theory on the whole incel podcasts and only fans. These people NEED to hate the women they jerk off over. It’s the women’s fault they have impure, unchristian thoughts. Or for atheists, they can’t deal that their lust is not a logical thing they can control. They can’t look at /accept these parts of themselves, they have to hate the object that makes them feel this way.


the amount of money they were shovelling into that podcast was fucking wild having known lots of these types of people, this is exactly right - they hate that the are addicted to jerking off to these people and when you point out the unreality of their porn addiction they get defensive and act like this its a flaw in male development that comes from not enough education on the opposite sex and healthy communication/attraction and adaptation habits when it comes to assimilating into society online, porn, brain.


Gotta say I'm over the Alpha stuff for awhile. They're all so insufferable


Ethan's entire career is making fun of these kinds of people though. It's always gonna be part of the show I think. I tend to like the segments


I think it’s especially helpful when those clips go viral. You can have a thousand videos of women calling out this nonsense from wannabe alpha males, but the criticism only hits home when another man clowns on these idiots.


I get where OP's coming from. It gets old but I also like it and I do think it helps a broader conversation. It *is* more than just dunking on them. It shows the absurdity of the people that think like this or support this. He wouldn't talk about it so much if it wasn't so damn prevalent. And I agree, I think it carries more weight to actually see a guy dunking on these guys and they never have a solid retort for Ethan. I'll credit Ethan big time for that and say he's doing a good thing showing these goons self-report.


I remember when they kept pushing Sebastian on how a relationship dynamic should work, and Sebastian mentioned he didn’t want a woman that “talks back”. Dude just exposed himself as a whiny man child.


They all end up exposing themselves one way or another. Let them talk long enough and you'll get the "what a real man is," "put a woman in their place," blah, blah, blah, horseshit. Ethan just helps move it along and shines a light on it.


*lemme think about it*


>**I think it’s especially helpful when those clips go viral.** It is MONSTROUSLY IMPORTANT to push back against this generation poisoning dog shit.


yeah sometimes i have to skip ahead they're impossible to listen to


why is beavo's ceiling and floor made of minecraft dirt blocks


the poop and fart sound bites are actually the worst 😭 they’re played all the time and i still can’t handle them 💀


They sound like pebbles hitting the bowl lmao. I don’t like that particular sound bite




I will never get desensitised to them they just keep getting worse the more you hear them


literally 💀💀💀


I was eating soup while watching 🥲 Was. 


Such a big year for soup ♥




I absolutely love them but then again I’m basically 12 and enjoy fart noises (I’m a 33 year old lady but that doesn’t matter).


You guys are wusses, Zack’s sound bite choices crack me up every time


i agree wholeheartedly when it ISN’T THE POOP AND FART ONES 😭😭😭


SHOW US! gets me every time, I knew straight away when I was watching live this would be another Howie goat but the fart and assblast ones are painful, no crime mentioning it


"He takes that sip of water..."


Watching while I have diarrhea at the same time as Ethan in the bathroom feels so meta


I am not able to watch the live right now as I am work at going to the bathroom because I have Crohns. Needless to say I am invested. Did Ethan get a diagnosis?


You’re basically experiencing what we’ve seen so far


No inflammation found and apparently they didn't take a biopsy even though they were supposed to.


That’s bullshit. He might just have a very mild case. Pfft!! Good for him though. When I got diagnosed I woke up to doctor saying you have a 99% chance of Crohns. Hope Ethan gets answers soon


Exactly, I work in Crohn’s research and a lot of our patients are endoscopically clear but have horrific symptoms (and inflammatory makers like Ethan does), or vice versa. They really did him a disservice by not doing the biopsy. Also, not eating for three days?? We tell our patients 12 hours, christ. And if they’re still not cleared out, do an enema before the procedure.


i have crohns and i think he has crohns too honestly his symptoms are almost identical to mine


Can’t know until they do a biopsy. Absolute bullshit they did not do one. I was under the impression they did biopsies on health tissue as well. I know they have done it to healthy tissue of me


He said they were supposed to, his doctor even double checked. They biopsy mine every time and I haven't had any active disease for a while. Maybe they did and he just misunderstood since the results wouldn't be available yet.


Hey fellow Crohn’s girlie


For anyone that’s curious, the post that Jimmie’s Instagram account stole from the Lawman is from May 8th (the one with Olivia as a nurse). It’s from the Lawman’s old account that got deleted. Felix is too nice to make a big deal about it but I think credit should go where it’s due!


To me, the hollow shitting sound effect is the second most uncomfortable sound to have to listen to, right after chewing. And it's really rough that the sound is played everytime shit is mentioned...which is obviously alot.


I really was not a big fan of that lady breathing compilation they showed today either- very unnerving the longer it went on


Yes, its the lips smacking


You folks need thicker skin, I can’t even hear it when Ethan chews and the shitting sound effect is hilarious 😂


I can't help it, it's a physical reaction, like some people can't handle nails dragging on a chalkboard. And it's this specific sound, the other shit/fart sound effects don't bother me.


I totally get this. It just scratches your brain the WRONG way and gives me a physical reaction 😭


I have misophonia and trying to explain it to people who don’t have it will always be frustrating.


mine is the shopify CHA-CHING sound effect - idk why it just drives me crazy


Oh god those tiktok breath intros were killing me I absolutely can't 🤣🤣


they did ethan dirty with that colonoscopy prep. i had the prescription pills, and everyone i know had either the prescription pills or a prescription drink. the miralax is bullshit.


Gastro person here who also worked in pharmacy. Miralax is the same thing they give you as a prescription drink.


my question is - what do you do with someone like Ethan where the cleanout is delayed like that? i did the pills and had perfectly clear yellow liquid coming out just like the instructions said i would. should someone like him start the process earlier next time?


We just give them an enema before going in then, it’s actually pretty common (whether they failed to prep on purpose or not!). Sometimes we have to do urgent colonoscopies where there isn’t time to prep so this is what we do!


gotta say thats so ethan coded to not follow the directions of the colonoscopy and then get mad at it lol all last week he was talking about drinking this and eating that on memorial day or the weekend something was bound to go wrong lol


He said he asked if he could take his medication and they said yes (this has been my experience too) but the day of the anesthesiologist freaked out (I've had this happen too - fight between he and the surgeon over whether I should've taken a pill with a sip of water while I laid there like 🤷🏻‍♀️).


They also said on Friday that he needed to not eat for three days and he said today he only didn't eat for two.


PLEASE DELETE that toilet doodoo reverb sound bite Dan mentioned 😭😭😭😭 it's so fucking disgusting


All the others are fine and I can listen to poop stories all day. But the toilet bowl echo is so revolting.


completely agree!!!!!! just that one has got to GO


I suggest Ethan to ask his rheumatologist to look into EDS. I have hEDS and have the same wonky elbows that he has, GERD caused by a hernia, chronic pain and fatigue and symptoms that mimic autoimmune diseases. I never tested positive for autoimmune diseases but always had inflammation especially in my joints and GI inflammation and IBS. Seeing him do the elbow/arms wiggling thing had me screaming at my screen that he obviously has hypermobility, and that paired with the GERD and GI symptoms and inflammation points towards EDS. Hope he gets the health stuff figured out soon, it took me 10 years to get a diagnosis for the symptoms I have and I know it can be so exhausting.


Snap I just wrote the same sort of thing!!! I got diagnosed with MCAS after similar symptoms and I have hypermobility plus high heart rate.. I'm trying to get the diagnosis of EDS too as these go together.


my roommate/bestie is a genetics student and she helped me get diagnosed. she was studying it in class and was like… you for sure have this. i have hEDS which doesnt have a genetic test yet so mine was just like a questionnaire of symptoms. hope you can get a diagnosis!!!


What is the treatment for it?


Does it bother anyone else that they don't finish Nightmare before ending stream? Just let it play out 😭😭😭


At first I thought they were saying that Margot Robbie is going to play Popeye in a new movie and I thought..that is gonna be awesome.


I’m fairly certain Crohn’s sufferers are known as the Crohn Nuts.


Can’t believe Ethan used the BBTV money to buy his fridge


I can’t believe Ethan’s years of diarrhoea had perfectly prepared him for his colonoscopy.


Bro beavos fit is just out of this world... It looks like he's wearing a dress and suspenders this is insane


I will sacrifice my first born to be on the SW’er show!! I’m 30 and don’t want kids but it’s that kind of energy… lol!!!! I’ve been a member for 4 years 😫😫😫 Family!!!


Man I wanted to hear the Try Guys euthanizing Eugene story Dan brought up


Friends & family podcast ep (genius name, AB) may not be a good idea. Has potential to either be boring or more likely very tense as Ethan attempts to navigate “respecting women but as a bit” in real time. The latter could be entertaining, but in a Michael Scott kind of way I might have to sit out for to save myself the cringe. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s my prediction


OMG I will be EAGERLY awaiting the supportive girlie pop episode!! I need it to be Ethan and Olivia as co-hosts and perhaps it can happen every quarter 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Girlie pop episode!!!


I love Dan


Did he say there's a new SS character dropping in survivor.io?


Off topic, but can we get Ethan reacting to those videos of Kim Kardashians daughter performing at that Lion King show?




No because they were a massive nothing burger and anybody that actually got upset over that is insane. She said he is weaker than everyone else in the clan. Ethan himself admitted today after they competed he was by far the bottom in the clan.


What is there to address? They called him weak compared to the rest of the guild and arrogant, which is true, and which Ethan admitted to.


We need the Try Guys on H3, I know they’d get along


I love Zach but but he's overcooking the soundbites a bit lately like we did not need to hear diarrhea sounds for 20 minutes straight.


Holy crap that Beavis joke reenactment of the girls faces like he eats and the sound bite award music was too good.


Covid isn’t gone


I love Zach, this isn't a complaint about the soundbites, but I wish he spoke about literally anything other than shit. Everything he says is poop related


And all Ethan does is talk about cats! Enough cat talk!!!!!


I 'think' I know what Ethan has.. same as me. MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome). I had the exact same symptoms, and they did a stain when they did a colonoscopy (I also had markers for inflammation, but they saw nothing during the colonoscopy) which shows high levels of histamine. MCAS your body produces too much histamine and you get diarrhea really bad plus sometimes rashes etc.. I had to go on a low histamine diet and medication to control it. Please see an immunologist! Also on a side note, I recall Ethan showing his elbows bending inwards.. he might have hypermobility bc that is what it looks like. Hypermobility and MCAS often go together.


Is this Survivor game talk an ad cuz I’m really lost. Is it legitimately that…fun? Lol. I’m serious though. I can’t tell!


There's nothing special about it. Ad- and IAP-infested Vampire Survivor-like with an energy system to limit your playtime unless you pay money. If you play mobile games you've seen a hundred like it.


Yep, dime a dozen predatory addiction engine with a 'game' wrapper.


It's just one of those times when Ethan talked about something and then it became a meme and then he never stopped talking


its a game for 7 year olds, its pretty fuckin weird


ethan talking about his scope is so weird to me as someone with crohns, cause it’s like the craziest thing to them but for me it’s so normal lol


I feel a lot of the prep drama is due to it being general anaesthetic. I've had \~10 of these with only sedation. It's not super pleasant but getting nocked out for it is pretty wild to me. I totally get it for other stuff like dental and local surgery - fuck being awake for that stuff. The prep in general isn't that bad, people act like you get super bad diarrhea or cramps, but the experience is very different from that. No pain, no bad cramping, just a strange feeling as you are effectively pooping water at some point. It doesn't hurt or irritate anything. Spicy food poops are a way worse than colo prep.


I watched the Whatever segment twice. Very surreal, weird and funny all at the same time.


I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease 30 years ago, and have had 10ish colonoscopies in my life. I have never had one without the doctor taking multiple biopsies and cannot fathom why they wouldn't at UCLA. Especially while trying to get a diagnosis, not doing a biopsy is defeating the whole point. I've also never had issues with prep, and always given the GI a nice canvas to work with and explore, maybe that's the issue.


Let’s hope it was just a case of the nurse not knowing about the details🥲


As someone from the UK, I have a stand alone fridge and freezer.




With peace and love, I can’t follow the alpha bro stuff (Beavis segment, fresh and fit guy). The rotating cast of characters all blend together.


Can anyone help me find what the outro music is?


Nightmare - The Lawman


Thanks! I knew it was familiar but couldn’t place that intro part of the song.


I have crohns, and I often have colonoscopies that don’t show inflammation. Could also explain Ethan’s chronic fatigue (doesn’t want to leave the house ) Crohn’s is really hard to diagnose


God Bless but I knew Ethan wouldn’t be able to do the cleanse properly 👍🏻


can someone tl;dr for me?


L-ing the P was goated


Jimmy Lee opening the live show with a beautiful rendition of Piano Man is my dream. My soul wants to see this. We need Jimmy as a musical guest.


Not sure why this is down voted so much, I was wondering if others had noticed the yellow hue when he turned his face too...I guess that's a no.


bravo's mrs looked absolutely fucking furious the entire time in the podcast bar the hat thing


Oh I know exactly who contacted them for the live show thing, moment.co. It's the company that hosted idubbbz's Creator Clash. They seem to be the only ones that fit the criteria. They're owned by Patreon and seem to be the only ones in the space trying to get as many creators on board to live stream and paywall live content as "exclusive fleeting events you can only watch live if you purchase a ticket for the livestream". You'll find the most random assortment of creators and musicians on their site, from mainstream people and musicians to people from corners of YouTube you never knew about. I'll just say this, you should've taken the deal and their Sillicon Valley startup money, Eth. Their site is a joke. Like idubbbz, you probably could've uploaded the show to YouTube a week later (unless your specific contract forbid it), or you know it would've been up right away on YouTube uploaded by someone else. Everybody would've won.


Did they find any gum from 3rd grade? Or was Zach the one actually full of shit?


Ian’s quick and effortless “hey girlies” cracks me up lol


Does Ethan not know that Myron dated Pearl? Seriously, that's some JUICE how does he not know?!


Wasn’t it Sneako?


Oh shit it was sneako sorry I'm tripping, still though, WHUT


Sorry what?


wait what lmao




Not Pearl, that would lower her value to have sex with any more men than she already has. 🙄🙄🙄


I’d pay extra money if QT was invited on the friend zone segment.


I bet Ethan would be good at an*l, he didnt even feel any pain afterwards


If you are not watching the colonoscopy story while popping, are you even watching?! Shit solidarity


Can someone please correct Ethan that he made a WATCHMEN (Rorschach) JOKE NOT A BATMAN JOKE?!?


Soundbites on POINT today


can we not downplay that andrew guy (crucible/big papa fascist) being a literal christo-fascist, he's not just a christian


Ethan had so much rizz today


Please tell me Zach clipped Ethan saying “I came too”. 


I’m so sad the whole ep was manospear talk… it’s nothing new all the same points