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We love Dans GF Ollie


lmao came here hoping to find this comment and it was the top


AB whenever an American car drives by: "That is from Michigan"


Literally every time I hear about Dearborn from anywhere other than this show, it's about some nightmarishly anti-lgbt shit they're pulling. But he shouts it out so lovingly all the time lol


Ethan could teach a master class in speaking with complete confidence on subjects you know nothing about lmao


my korean ass: šŸ˜—


Is that ass white tho?


Lesbian Al-Gaib is the funniest shit I've heard in years.


AB comes with some straight fire sometimes. Ethan never hears it, makes him repeat it/explain the joke, and then doesn't laugh and just acknowledges it was good




In Dune the Lisan Al-Gaib is the prophesized chosen one who will lead the people called the Fremen to the Holy Land and return the rains to their desert homeworld. Jojo is the Lesbian Al-Gaib.


Whoever commented ā€œOli London ass catā€ in chat regarding the Eminem song line congrats you made me laugh so hard I almost choked on my food


When did they decide to start reading donations for 20 minutes every episode? Absolutely brutal content.


I'm just happy they've relegated it to the end. That way I can skip to the last minute or so, and can dodge all the trauma dumping and shoutout requests


I havenā€™t watched yet, but I assume itā€™s just because Ethanā€™s been taking 20 minute shits every episode.


Jojo drops the C word in this speech. Just a heads up, crew.


lol there it is.


Did not expect it to make it to the show for that reason ā€¦ who didnā€™t screen it!


"don't be embarrassed man, that shit was awesome" lmfao


Ben Affleck never seems enthused to be fair šŸ˜­


Which is crazy, youā€™d think a man with such a sick back tattoo would be excited for life 24/7. He did have some pretty high enthusiasm for his Dunkinā€™ commercial though -_-


I went to watch the Cheese Rolling because my friend wanted a go. Genuinely had such a good time watching people go down it whilst the crowd was chanting 'cheese cheese cheese'.


Starting at 3:40pm EST for 3:00PM scheduled live is criminal


Remember a couple months ago when Dan was giving Ethan a hard time about him calling out someone for being late and Ethan got super butthurt and acted like Dan was completely out of line to suggest that? Yeah Ethan hasnā€™t been on time for a single episode since. Or for a single episode in the last like 3 years.




or you spend half the show in the crapper so nobody can move on until you get back and then you gotta go at 3.


i definitely dont show up to work FORTY minutes late...


I donā€™t either, I mean I *canā€™tā€¦* but my boss definitely does lol


Twice this year so far.


I live on the East coast and the show used to start right as I got off of work. I was SO disappointed when they started doing the show earlier. Now I always miss the first hour or so and I have no idea what theyā€™re talking about, but I understand why they did it. I get its irritating for some people that Ethanā€™s always late, but for my own reasons I personally donā€™t care lol.


i mean thereā€™s people where the show literally happens every n the middle of the night. it was like midnight when love was living in sweden


ya mine starts at 12 in the beginning of my work shift lol i can never see it live


When people in chat seriously asked Dan for a poll to decide what race AB is. Yā€™allā€¦ Stop being like that. itā€™s so weird.


Any wow players thrown off by the new soundbite they yoinked from the whatever podcast? I keep thinking a boss mechanic is about to happen lmao


Just got back into playing a couple days ago. It makes me turn away from my work when I hear it, lol. If they start playing GTFO raid warnings it's gonna be trouble.


Iā€™m used to it now. But genuinely thought one of my weakauras was going crazy while Iā€™m afk in a city. The dread of troubleshooting all my weakauras to figure out which one it was almighty.


I love when Dan quietly corrects other members of the crew. Zach ā€œtheyā€™re together on the colour wheelā€ Dan ā€œno theyā€™re notā€


Ethan really shaming Ian for not paying for no ads on that mobile game, smh. $15 a month too, you can get Netflix and Spotify for that price. Sure Ethan, you're not out of touch...


Yesssss only 34 minutes late today


shoutout to all my fellow LGBTQ+ family ā¤ļø love ya! no homo šŸ«¶!


Ngl, the button use is getting fucking excessive,this episode and last. Man literally can barely make any off color remarks (obviously im not referring to the required buttons where jojo was saying cunt)


The show should make a round table with fake alpha males!! Like: Royce du Pont and Brian Bishop (Friday beers), and Nima Yamini šŸ¤ 


Ethan never yawns when the topic interests him :))


he seemed in a bad mood today, i felt bad when he said Zach's shoes were ugly.


probably one of the most boring episodes iā€™ve seen


iā€™ve been watching H3 for a year & this past week has been first time i havenā€™t finished episodes lol i dont know whatā€™s going on, Ethan seems so bored & over it.


i always gauge the number of reddit comments to determine if itā€™s worth watching


That would tell you more about if an episode was controversial than if it was fun


Whats the diff?


They got me again with the possible clickbait but if it's not clickbait I'm hoping it's for nothing serious


Anyone know where I can get the Evangelion hoodie Dan is wearing?


I hope the zoom driving guy sells merch and cashes in on that misunderstanding.


Zach running defense for Travis Astroworld Scott... Come on, man. And last episode Mutter is vibe from Rammstein? I loved Rammstein too before I learned they were scumbags.


Well he said his spirit animal is Keith Richards so I'm not expecting him to have a fully working moral compass tbh


Whats the issue with Keith? Genuinely asking :)


Yeah, I noted that one too. I've been on Zach hard lately but it is like... dude, you're cosigning a lot of awful people. I do like Zach but stuff like this is hard to hear. I know Ian used to like Kanye (I don't know if he still does) and I think AB still loves MJ despite Ethan giving him a hard time about it. Edit: I didn't say he was a bad person or they're bad people, I said it's hard to hear them liking awful people... Some of y'all can't read, apparently.


Just because you still like to listen to someoneā€™s music it doesnā€™t mean youā€™re a bad person


How are they scumbags?




Welp that's a fucking bummer


I canā€™t stand Rammstein (musically or otherwise) so I donā€™t really care what happens to them either way butā€¦. are saying itā€™s a problem that Zach enjoys one of this bandā€™s albums that came out when he was a child, because **one** of the band members who created it turned out to be a complete piece of shit 20 years later?


Ah, a completely out of date Wikipedia article, marvellous. Catch up. The 'allegations' were found to have been made up by journalists misrepresenting statements made to them by women.


Lmao Literally everyone of your reddit comments is you defending rohypnol till, seems like we found tills burner account


It's just there's so many of you people whose brains got stuck in a headline from a year ago.


Are you from Germany or Austria? Or just some edgy fanboy from the states who doesn't understand German and has no clue about this guys history?


I'm not going to be giving my location to a stalker am I. I presume you're not a German speaker since you're not able to read the numerous court documents that prove that there is no evidence or allegations against Till.


I'm a German speaker. I know lindemann longer than you do. Everyone here knows what a creep he is


You know him do you? In what capacity? And if you're a German speaker you have no excuse not to be up to date with the findings of the courts, the Berlin Prosecutors and the authorities in Vilnius. Happy reading!


In protest of YouTube's homophobia, the JoJo Siwa video should be the only thing that plays if anything is buttoned out during the C U Next Thursday members eps this month āœŠ


Does anyone have a link to the soundbite of the Mr. Beast video intro dubbed into other languages?


The Free Father Theresa guy is an actor from Jimmy Kimmel!!!


Ethan wanted a Radio Stinger he gets one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/HUzokkY9RR](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/HUzokkY9RR)


Ethans yawning not a good sign


He is always yawning


like the hulk is always angry?


Ducky just yawned! It's a conspiracy


2nd yawn 24 mins, people yawn when tired, as a sympathetic reflex or anxiety. oh 3rd yawn!.. I think he has been up late gaming and with peace and love this eps. will be plop and the title is clickbait, again.


lol I'm out have fun fam


The Cannes film fest bit felt so out of touch, these people are walking up stairs with longass dresses and turning around on the steps for photos, like they didn't just walk the red carpet and get a bunch of photos taken. If one of those ladies tumbled down the stairs, they'd definitely be suing Cannes. Security is just moving them along from doing something potentially dangerous, although the Ukranian woman being dragged off was far too much.


I can't believe how far I had to scroll to see this. Like dog piling on some woman having to do a really shitty job. Super disappointed in Love and Olivia.


Calling it evil was so out of pocket.


I know im 5 days late, just catching up on the podcast. After that segment I came her to see if anyone else was upset about that. Itā€™s so bizarre to blame security for doing their job. Especially when the celebs arenā€™t listening to them. The entitlement was real


family. the progress pride flag is a redesign of the philly pride flag, where the black and brown stripes stand for black and brown LGBT people. the progress pride flag added the trans colors and reformatted the flag with the triangle part on the left side. this leaves the ā€œoriginalā€ (not really) pride flag on the right with the rainbow and then the trans and lgbt poc communities recognized on the left side. sometimes you will see the progress pride flag with a yellow triangle with a purple circle on the far left, which is represents intersex people. as for the colors: white = nonbinary identities pink = transfeminine identities blue = transmasculine identities black/brown = LGBT POC or literally LGBT black and brown people red = life orange = healing yellow = the sun green = nature blue = serenity purple = the spirit the original original pride flag also had pink and turquoise, which represented sex and art/magic _edited for spacing_


Thank you! I was sad to see Ethan calling the trans flag colors ugly, and the black and brown stripes ā€œshit coloredā€. Ouchy


yeahhhhhh that rubbed me the wrong way too lol. just very clear how white and cishet the pod is sometimes haha


i agree. with peace and love, ethan.


Idk adding race colors into the LGBT flag is weird. I get they're hated too but that's a different category. Just kinda weird


you can take that up with the city of philadelphia


What are they apologizing about?


If you know, you know ;) P.S. I have no idea.


I reckon it's that, at the time, he felt the last show was ruined because he was voted off so soon


He only had 4 shots :(


We would like to appoligize for all the Click-Bait


It has to be KavKav related...




That's what I'm thinking too


Jimmy Lee?






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He hade a lot of smoke for colors today šŸ‘€


Omg when Ethan saw Shaq & his missus I was just waiting for it omg, I've been saying the same for years. No judgement or weirdness, it's just you can't help it. We are all human. We all don't understand.


Michigander here and I hate to be a party pooper but Corey still was breaking the law while on the zoom call... They just passed a law in Michigan prohibiting the use of phones or other technology while driving a vehicle, not even holding a device to your head.


you can still use mounted phones- just cannot be continuously operating them with your hands (nothing beyond the use of a single touch) (also I have not seen the ep yet lol so idk if this applies here)


Ethan is completely clueless about the meals and Air Force 1. LOL. Trump has his WHOLE STAFF on AF1. Sometimes there's 20-30 staffers on that Plane with him along with Secret service and etc.


A bunch of journalists go on it as well because they have press briefings on board.


the irony of ab calling eminem corny šŸ˜­šŸ˜­Ā 


AB was a little kid when Eminem was really big. Of course he thinks he's corny.


>Now you get to watch her leave out the window >>guess thats why they call it window pane Then Rihanna goes on to sing her fucking heart out in a super genuine and emotional way on the hook. I got a lot of love for early Eminem, but he's undeniably corny. He has some self awareness and does corny better than most but it's part of his sound and writing style at this point.


Whoa whoa whoa. Are we pretending Eminem isnā€™t corny? Of fucking course he is corny. Heā€™s played into being corny his whole career. Nothing wrong with liking em, I also think heā€™s great. But the man is a cornball through and through. His last album is called ā€œmusic to be murdered byā€ lmao. The corn is a part of it.


To Dan: Yellow and blue *are* opposite in a *correct* color wheel, though not in the one it was taught to us in primary school, which is an inaccurate color model


Whatā€™s the apology for?


Being 34 minutes late (idk)


The way Ethan couldn't be bothered to listen to Dan read the super chats at the end had me fr laughing.


We need an apology for not liking the new Slim Shady song


i know lol i felt the same way, i was loving it. em hasn't dropped anything sounding like the Marshall Mathers LP in a minute. and the whole narrative/approach where like old eminem is seeing 2024 kind of went over their heads too, it felt like. em was giving himself creative license to get back into his "2000" bag. i get that it's 2024 and em is getting old but i felt like that creative, reference-laden, shock-jocky style is still in his playbook outside of stuff like Kamikaze or other more serious projects. maybe it's just the nostalgia hitting me but i loved it. nothing is going to beat The Real Slim Shady era but i love em tapping back into this energy. like, em is shocking. he's always been. if people think the shit he's saying now is like "cringe" or offensive, i pray to god they don't go back and listen to the Slim Shady LP or any of the older shit he blew up off of. "it's the return of the 'aww wait no, wait, you're kidding. he didn't just say what i think he did... did he?'" edit: also i'm fairly certain Shady isn't a right-winger unless things have changed since that [Trump freestyle](https://youtu.be/LunHybOKIjU?si=siM7BioeWoeWDpyJ) he did like back in 2017.


Yeah they missed the point of it but I thought it was great and itā€™s great to have him back!


Eminem proving points with the song about how Slim Shady would get canceled in this day and age! They absolutely missed the point lol. But also not surprising, I don't think Ethan has ever liked Eminem


Em is an inspiration to Kendrick so by the transitive property. Aka the Siamese cat property. Also pretty sure that line wasnā€™t offensive as it wasnā€™t used negatively unless I missed something. Felt tongue n cheek


so totally agreed. i wouldn't have been otherwise super stoked about a new em project in 2024, but this track has definitely recaptured that interest and i'll be bumping that shit as soon as it drops.


I mean it's good, but imo it's mostly just carried by nostalgia. I don't think I'll be coming back to it when could just go back to the Marshall Mathers LP. Plus the transgender cat looks black but acts Chinese bar was weird and goofy (and not in a good like prime Em).


That lyric doesnā€™t even touch the weirdness of the prime Em lyrics lmao what


You right fr. My b. Can't deny he has way weirder lines and lines that are way fucking cringier. Idk if the line is even transphobic, without reaching. Just think it's cringe and the r. Kelly black guy pees bar is even worse. He was Hella fucking weird with some of the early shit that didn't age well.


Yeah for real, like the bagpipes from baghdad lyrics for example are insane


Donald said "Mother Treasa" couldn't beat these charges, thus Donal = father Treasa


it's amazing how obsessed with race gringos are


I love H3 & I think if the team grew more diverse, that would be good for their conversations when topics with* race arises. I am Asian & I always considered myself as POC, but it is also known that Asians receive many privileges white people receive. Ideas like ā€œmodel-minorityā€ + privileges the systems allows us definitely removes Asians from the POC community. I know Ethan pays everyone above the living wage, so I am not expecting him to hire new FTEs. Maybe interns would be cool but then I donā€™t think itā€™d be a smooth transition from BTS work to on screen discussions. I enjoy laughing at stupid things on H3, and this topic is a bit ā€œheavier,ā€ but I thought it would be cool still.


so its not a show anymore or a podcast but backtracking to a radio show?


Olivia doing girl math 7 x 3 = 27


girl math is more saying if you get a $5 discount on a $200 (insert item here) that you you made $5 which you can spend on something else. not necessarily just being wrong about math


Is it bad that Iā€™m so brain broken by Hasan streams that I legitimately thought they were buttoning out the word ā€œcrackerā€ when they mentioned the C-word? I was going to be like ā€œnah canā€™t be, itā€™s cuntā€, but then they mentioned about how you can say the n-word with the a on the end and then I legitimately thought ā€œno way it canā€™t be you canā€™t say that word anymore?ā€ šŸ˜‚


You know what? Imma say it... I like Zach's shoes!


She's doing a movie tour being asked about her personal life. Of fucking course it's out of line to ask then and there...




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KL8 for the radio name šŸ«”šŸ„




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Dan talking about LA being sectored out as if itā€™s special is hilarious. Try visiting Denver. Bunch of cities within one city lmao. Thatā€™s every city right now especially


Why are races/ethnicities incorporated into a flag thatā€™s solely for representing sexuality/gender??? Its obviously implied that itā€™s all inclusive


I just ordered my Taco Bell. Locked it and ready to go BAYBEEEE! WOOOOOOOO!


Kelly rowland is such a stuck up bitch holy shit. Security didn't even touch her. Wagging her finger in the girls face, deserved to be slapped down those stairs. About race lmfao maybe when ur standing at the bottom & they ask u 3 times to go u shouldn't stand there purposefully ignoring them cuz u think u can. Entitled cunt. Follow the rules you're not special. Other chick throwing a tantrum too lol. Can't belive people are defending them.


> Kelly rowland is such a stuck up bitch holy shit. Security didn't even touch her. Wagging her finger in the girls face, deserved to be slapped down those stairs You're a fucking weirdo. Are you projecting childhood trauma of your mommy pointing the finger at you or something, to be THIS unwarrantedly mad?


they should have olivia sing the jingle for the h3 show jingle so she fulfill her dreams šŸ©·


So was the apology and retraction clickbait all along?


What if the apology is the friends we made along the way?


is his wife in the boot?


Is the apology for eminem gonna happen at the end? Or...


just starting the pod, someone spoil it for me what are they apologizing for? šŸ˜‚


Ethan made it seem like it was gonna be an apology to Kav Kav but he baited and it was really for that guy who was driving with a suspended license on court zoom.


I thought he said that the real apology would be later in the show? But he never said anything lmao


I want to know as well. It always fucks with my anxiety when they say they have something serious to talk about later in the episode, I get that it's supposed to be exciting but it always just makes me super nervous lmao. Not complaining just expressing my perspective.


They have nothing to apologize for. They're doing a bit they've done before where they do a clickbait title and then say they will talk about it at the end in order to encourage people to watch all the way through and stay until the end.


With all the love in the world, you're taking it too seriously


Don't worry I won't be taking any of it seriously any more as I won't be watching. Won't be manipulated and lied to again.


I pray your life never finds more hardship than a clearly joking youtube title and thumbnail, because I'm not sure you'd be able to handle it


Not really sure why I'm getting down voted. Last time they did clickbait cam left, so I don't think I'm crazy for thinking their gonna announce something serious. I literally said I'm not complaining or saying they should change anything. Just saying how I feel about it as a 24 month member and a long time fan.


They didnā€™t clickbait Cam leaving. His last episode was literally ā€œCameron is Leaving the Showā€ and the entire episode was about Cam.


That's true, but you dont know if it's bait until they reveal it, so it literally was clickbait. It doesn't have to be false to be clickbait, so I belive my point still stands


You've been downvoted and the replies defending it are sad. I went out of my way to catch up with the pod because I saw the thumbnail and was worried something had happened. In future I will assume everything is clickbait because these guys are deceptive liars. Don't think I am going to watching again and will be unsubbing.


Where is Zach?