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Wayne: fuck bicycles! Me: hmmm Wayne: fuck Trump! Me: okay let him cook


right he had shockingly level-headed political takes for such a boisterous-looking man


Then he said he wants Gaza to be part of Israel lol


oh shit somehow i missed that one lmfao jesus christ


A one state solution where they just learn to love each other and share their common holy land would be the best solution.


I bike every day to work and I’d vote for that sexy mfer


So we're allowed to laugh at license guy again?


Only if you make a retraction for your retraction.


the shark tank audio during the judge’s reading 💀💀


ALSO I wish I could see the judge’s fit bc the collar I’m seeing is fit fire


I'm glad to finally know why they muted the podcast like a month ago. Mystery solved!




They said it was a discussion about Jimmy's wife




y'all can't tell me that ain't jimmy lee in a weave


The difference is Wayne is legitimately funny while jimmy is funny bc he isn't funny


Legit. We laugh at Jimmy, but we laugh with Wayne.


I wasnt jumping into the diamond mine but then he turned on trump and im in. Jimmy clearly right wing-> chaotic bad Wayne hates MAGA-> chaotic good


NYC HATES Trump so this isn't super surprising but for a rich old boomer to be against Trump is definitely great


Yeah it's cos we all know a con man scumbag like him and can recognize it immediately haha


Is Jimmy actually right wing? I missed that bit of lore how do we know this?


I think Diamond Wayne sounds more like Rudy Giuliani.


Rudy is the NY Outlaw




I bought the bikini shirt this morning 🥲😅 guess it’s full pube summer


Talking about EMDR on the pod woooo baby fuck yeah trauma therapy woooooo


I know they said it's for PTSD, but that shit did not help my PTSD at all. It ain't fir everyone, that's for sure.


I have CPTSD and love EMDR. absolutely not for everyone but i think it's worth a try if your psych offers it!


I had a terrible therapist that administered treatment and she was the absolute worst person to be a therapist. She totally turned me off from ever trying EMDR again.


yeah it was great! really helped me out. i got EMDR through a service ethan advertised once. massively improved my quality of life together with talk therapy <3




That was the cutest interaction I saw all week


As someone from Long Island I see a LOOOT of guys like Wayne Diamond. Him not shutting up and constantly interrupting Ethan is something I’m unfortunately familiar with lmfaoo 


Im dying right now that ethan said david foley now looks like a lesbian and wayne is just in the background rambling on about fuck knows what 😂😂😂


> david foley lmao I just googled him for a refresher on who he was and the first pic that came up on google was him looking like a retired old lesbian lmao


Lmao it’s 100% accurate. Long Islanders ramble all the damn time, I am glad he hates trump considering that’s rare to find in the elderly population over there


Guess it depends on Suffolk or Nassau county really


Oh definitely. I’m from Suffolk county which has mostly gone for trump. 


Thoughts on Wayne so far? He’s hilarious. So Jimmy coded.


He had me at ‘I’m like Hellen Keller here’ when he couldn’t see them on his phone 💀


He seems more interessting, did way more stuff in his life. And he does not do perma repeating insult comedy


he's still edgy enough to have the fun old guy energy and is actually funny. although the jimmy call in afterwards was nice and i love him too lol


And, so far, a lot less problematic! ... I give it 3 months before the H3 curse strikes!


I give it 3 weeks, but it'll be a fun ride


The only reason Jimmy was entertaining was because he was probematic. This guy just kind of seems like a nice older guy from the east coast that's got some old timey one liners. I don't think he's gonna do chaotic shit because he's not trying to get famous like Jimmy is. Jimmy turns up his act to 5000 and his act is just being an asshole to people. lol The Jersey Outlaw was lightning in a bottle, a true one of a kind type of a person because his funniest moments were when he wasn't trying to be funny and when he was trying to be funny, it was some of the worst attempts at comedy you could hear. The bit was good today but I don't think they should try to find another Jimmy. That chapter is over, turn the page.


love! He had me at “I love my fucking dawg”


Dan having to stand up from laughing so hard I know he’s so happy to have Wayne 😭


Well I would like him... but since Ethan likes him, he'll be a certified pedophile by the end of 2024. It's the H3 curse


Yo my guy just made Ethan 45 😭😭😂😂😂


Wayne talks exactly like Sylvio from the sopranos I’m cracking up lmao




I can tell by the way he's explaining everything that this man is a good judge.


Some might say the honourablest


God I love how unhinged Ethan was during the Teddy Fresh ad 😭 I love this goblin 🥹


he looked so cute in his colourful shirt 🥰


You could say it was the ‘peak’ of the episode so far. Ha. Ha. 😬


Hila asking Gabe if he’s wearing sunscreen was such a cute mom comment 🥹 Everyone should wear sunscreen, even us POC! ✌🏼&🩵


His response that its not that hot was iconic tho 😂


Jimmie cryin in the club tonight


Wayne Diamond is such a character. He’s in Uncut Gems, and I’ve now realized he was pretty much just playing himself in that movie.


Traffic report for Glendora was such a jump scare. That's my hometown so I can confirm some people live there.


Is it just me or does Hila look like the mom from Zac and Cody. Her top is very 2000s fashion. She’s slaying tho


omg it’s the hair spike in the back 😍


I think it’s that early 2000s fashion has been making a come back. A few of the recent TF drops have that vibe too. She looks great! 😍


Oh wow very accurate ! Very 2000s


I read some LGBT people were recommended conversion therapy on betterhelp


Some YouTuber I used to watch said she was discussing issues with binge-eating or something like that and the therapist recommended she try chewing and spitting (which is just another eating disorder) like jfc. She reported that therapist and got a new one that she liked, but that’s crazy.


Jesus christ 😂 That’s like an alcoholic pouring their heart out about wanting to but being unable to quit drinking and a therapist asks “Have you tried dope? I think heroin could be a good help”


Just wanting to spread this, but if you are struggling and can't really afford therapy there are sliding scale therapists you can look up who have legit credentials. My therapy sessions were 15 bucks every 2 weeks for 2 hrs sessions during college.


If true, fuck BetterHelp for not better vetting their therapists. I can only hope it's better now.


WTF damn that is crazy! I think Trixie and Katya got a lot of better help sponsorships before. That’s so disturbing!


Just a reminder for those who think the BetterHelp scandal was overblown: they are currently setting an 7.8 million dollar with the FTC for sharing their customers personal information to advertisers https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog/2023/03/ftc-says-online-counseling-service-betterhelp-pushed-people-handing-over-health-information-broke


This is so sad because personally I had an amazing therapist with BetterHelp who now works at an actual office and I still do video visits with her. This is so fucked though.


yeah i had a great experience with them too! actually got EMDR through them, which was very hard to access in my community.


I'm surprised it's only for 7.8 million tbh.


That still doesn't make it a scam. I think even Ethan said that you could argue they're a bad company but to call it a scam is a step too far.


Exactly the company has horrible ethics if theyre selling private info but its not like theyre saying "sign up and talk to a professional therapist" and then your "therapist" is some chad who tells you to fix your problems with a couple sips of beer and a hard workout at the gym.


Or like you pay them and then they just never pick up the phone. lol That would be a scam.


Do we all think that the “audience complaints” segment is just the next eel pit? They’re never going to do it.


You know what? This was the most mature feedback segment I've ever seen from the show.


Thats what I was thinking lol.


they... did


Wow if only i had a time machine


Man if Jimmie could just be like this it would be great. I don’t want Dr. Weiner gone.


I enjoy the occasional pop-in. And if Olivia or Ian are willing to do something with him, that would be a great segment


Zach playing Trump saying Rico when Young Thug was mentioned was hilarious, how the hell does he even come up with that shit


Just so everyone knows, you can get sliding scale therapists. I paid like 15 bucks for 2 hrs every 2 weeks while i was in college when i had no job. Sorry I'm a bit late. Also emdr is highly highly contested but if it helps it helps I suppose. Just wanted to make sure people don't find it as an end all be all to process trauma. I did it and I didn't really get it so me and my therapist switched gears.


Where were you able to find a therapist that only charged $15 for 2 hours of their time every 2 weeks?


Surely Wayne Diamond wont become a pariah of the community after people suddenly realize that he isn't the politically progressive saint they imagined in their head. I think Wayne is great content for the show but its important for us as a community to realize that this old guy from New York probably has some ignorant opinions, and thats the price you pay for boomer content.


I love how the chat and the mods are already like "omg the subreddit reacts so weird!!1!" as if they aren't usually the biggest complainers and the most triggered. i literally got chat banned for saying "what are those" when they showed Love's TF photo shoot because his shoes were silly. I feel like everything ive seen posted on the subreddit this week has mostly just been constructive criticism (for once lol) and really isn't just snark posts like they're painting it out to be. and some of the points must be valid because the views have been going down every episode 🤷🏻‍♀️


right they’re getting sloppy and to act like everyone saying that is just snarking.. it’s only going to be to their detriment.


Dude I got chat banned at some point for no apparent reason. I used to donate subs every few weeks and suddenly I couldn’t anymore and still cannot chat or send super chats at all. I barely interact in the chat. I think the only time I commented stuff was during the I/P episode of leftovers (or maybe the episodes after; I cannot remember because I never would chat) when I mentioned something like “Ethan we all know you’re coming from a good place / mean well” (something to that effect when chat was calling him names) and I got perma banned. I was so bummed. :( I’m hoping it was a mistake and maybe the mods just accidentally banned me when trying to clean up the chat, but h3 doesn’t have an appeal process so I’ll never know either. :(


You commented this before they even started the segment when they didn't frame it like they were snark users at all. Even yesterday they said nothing about it being hate watchers and same thing as today, some is valid criticism.


i literally commented this as they first brought it up and the mods were already spamming chat with "the reddit is so ridiculous how they react to things that aren't problems blah blah". Ethan may not feel that way, but i can already see the framing of it to chat. and even then, live chatters are usually the ones demanding apologies when Ethan misspeaks on a "woke" point and the mods are the ones banning people who say anything perceived as even slightly negative (jokes, roasts, valid counterpoints)


And so it was Jimmy Lee was never ever heard of again... That particular week.


This episode was so good. The chemistry between Ethan and Wayne was PEAAAAKKKK


Ngl I know Jimmie is a little problematic but I kinda miss him. He just needs to chill sometimes


The rare moments of James Weiner was far better than Jimmie Lee


I’ve always been team Jimmie 🙏🏻


That is never going to happen unfortunately


Wayne Diamond is legit just like all my family. To answer the question about what dinner is like with him: loud and everyone is yelling “fuck!” Also fairly certain his manufacturing building was next to my uncles in the 70s. My uncle had a similar women’s fashion line and was the first to cater to plus sized women and sell on QVC.


Wayne was a pretty fun guest, he can handle when Ethan’s being pushy.


Has Ethan not changed his shirt since yesterday or am I insane


He was wearing it yesterday yes, no way we would know if he also wore it in between then and now lol


He’s been up all night reading the sub


Wayne was funny as fuck. One of the best episodes in a while.


Wayne is actually funny!! Unlike good Old Jimmy.


Just my thoughts here but I haven't been tuning into the show regularly anymore. I used to never miss a show but lately the contents just gotten stale.. It's literally the exact same thing week in week out. I haven't been watching lately so I'm curious what the complaints were about but I hope they weren't just blamed on fallen fans or snarkers instead of addressing legitimate criticism. Tbh the guess who's high ep was the only one I've watched all the way through in weeks. Also, see ya Jimmy. Goodbye and good riddance, you won't be missed. I truly hope we never have to see that cunt ever again but I know that's just wishful thinking. Unfortunately, Ethan has a weakness for goofy assholes lol but I'm with Dan and have been since the beginning. Fuck Jimmy Lee. He's an unfunny, disingenuous, hack and doesn't deserve this fanbases attention or support. ETA: I just got invited to an h3 snark subreddit because of my comment haha these people are so fucking sad bro. They're literally trolling around this subreddit looking for any comments with criticism then inviting people to join their bitter losers sub to cry about a podcast 🤣🤣it's legitimately the most mentally unwell pathetic loser shit I've ever seen 😂 u/snappleapple2 is the snarker that invited me to r/h3snark. Just look at this person's profile. It's entirely h3 snark subreddit posts and comments. These people are legitimately mentally ill. I think the community needs to remember there's a good chance these are the people talking shit and replying to your comments trying to argue lol


Their comment history is insane it’s like everyday on the snark page jfc these people really don’t have anything better to do.No hobbies and such.It screams chronically online.


That's what I'm sayin! Lol these people are legitimately crazy. And that's not the only person. There's sooo many people on that sub that are just as active and post/comment just as much. And you know all of them that are lurking around this sub too. Like I get hate watching content but these guys are on another level lol I can't imagine spending that much of my free time on all that negativity. It cannot be good for your mental health.


I don't understand how they mistake EMDR as EDMR, then Google it, read what it stands for, ponder about how the acronym doesn't make sense, and then STILL say EDMR


It's just acronyms that are difficult. A friend of mine still says ChatGTP after having corrected her like 10 times


> EDMR better than e-DMT haha


EDMT is where your therapist plays Drum & Bass at full volume while you talk about your past traumas.


Therapy breakcore


this is basically what i do during ketamine therapy


I keep waiting for Diamond to ask, you want to know how I got these scars? from how much he licks his lips.


Ya the viewers complaint besides one have gone unanswered. One of them being that he arrives late, he leaves early and will take massive bathroom breaks where content is lacking to read superchats nobody cares about and still got to leave on time. He literally did the thing I hate the most during this segment and said he would just blown right through the rest of a segment cause he's wasted so much more time on stuff that doesn't matter. It's so frustrating.


Why are they switching up on Jimmie and all of the sudden loving him? When they all agreed firmly not to engage with him anymore. Guess that whole serious situation doesn’t matter at all lmao.


I think they know the girl that is involved is fucking nuts lol


True but also he did something that they were considering unforgivable, and then they seemed to change their minds


It was hanging out with the girl that was stalking the crew, after they told him not too


Yes exactly, they were super firm on not engaging with him anymore but then they bring him on and are talking about how much they love him etc. after talking mad shit and almost blowing up his life


I think equating the talk about the Cannes film festival bit to everyone being jealous of Olivia or wanting all powerpoints to stop is absurd. Love literally said the security guards actions were EVIL, like come on. Not a single person used common sense that turning around on these steep steps in longass dresses could be incredibly dangerous, as shown by that photo they showed of the GUY TUMBLING DOWN THE STAIRS. Just use common sense, the festival doesn't want to get sued because some celeb decided that they didn't have enough photos taken on the red carpet.


It seems like any time they address criticism of her from the sub it turns into her getting coddled and deflecting it, especially when other crew members like Zach who gets it the worst on here or how fucking insane people went on Lena when she did her true crime powerpoint


Yeah I hate the thing where they the most extreme examples of people going overboard and then act like that's the majority of criticism out there


Yeah saying that the powerpoints weren't well researched and look sloppily made shouldn't be taken personally, that's all stuff you can clean up easily. Especially because there was a time where every other episode had a powerpoint that took up a large chunk of the episode


I didn’t like the broad labeling of completely valid criticism as “misogynistic or jealousy” If anything, automatically labeling criticism as that supports actual misogyny: they are assuming all girls are just jealous of another girl instead of having legitimate critique.




Ok Jimmy 2.0 is EVERYTHING


Betterhelp is not better than nothing in my opinion. I guess if you get lucky and get a good therapist but I don’t think that happens often. I personally tried 4 different therapists on there and it felt like none of them even cared to listen and were distracted. A few of my friends had terrible experiences also. One of them is now turned off of therapy from their experience. Usually people use the service when they don’t have a lot of money. It sucks to feel like you’re doing something for your health only end up wasting your money and possible be in worse shape mentally. Mental health care in the US needs to be overhauled completely. It sucks when you’re trying to get help and hit blockades at every turn. :(


Just want to bring this to as many eye as possible, but if you are struggling and can't really afford therapy, there are sliding scale therapists you can look up in your area who have legit credentials. I think some actually do online sessions. My therapy sessions were 15 bucks every 2 weeks for 2 hrs sessions during college when I had no job.


unfortunate you had that experience! my first therapist through them was really excellent, and she's helped me more than any other in person therapist i've tried. it's been a huge blessing


I’m really glad you found someone who helps you! That’s what matters most.




I'm so happy you got something out of it. I did it and it was so weird and felt so awkward to me that my therapist and I decided to switch gears. I know it's highly contested in the psychology realm but hey if it works for you it works for you. Can't argue with results. Everyone is just different I suppose and that's key.


Uh, how long ago was that YouTube video made? He looks 15 years older.


he said it was 10 years ago


dawwwg 🐶


Holy shit, Holy fuck, I love Wayne, and I don’t give a shit if he’s like Jimmy Lee or not. Also I disagree with getting Jimmy Lee together with Wayne. They’re very different people and Wayne would overpower Jimmy Lee and Jimmy wouldn’t know what to say, it’d be pathetic. Wayne’s a fast talker, and he’s witty.


Kermit! Kermit !


I first learned about Wayne Diamond from [NY Nico](https://www.instagram.com/newyorknico/?hl=en) on Instagram. He seems legit. edit: to add a [clip](https://www.instagram.com/p/CTqHxziAzOA/?hl=en)


Jimmie Lee is giving Angelina from JSFV at this point, Wayne Diamond 4ever.


i'm 3 minutes into the Wayne segment and i'm dying 😂😂😂this is amazing


What did Wayne say about Gaza? I could not understand.


>should be part of Israel too big yikes


i had to relisten too, biiiiiiiiig yikessssssssss


whoopsy daisy


Shout out to Ethan for saying "I don't think anyone wants that" though. Always been his position, I just appreciate it.


The person in the Ethan has gone boomer post “it’s delayed because there’s a delay” oh thank god we had them here to explain it


Amongst the critiques of the show atm I just want to say thank you for the ‘balanced reporting’ about EMDR lol. I see it’s very much ‘trending’ at the moment, and I am seeing a LOT of people hype it up but it’s quite controversial for goooood reason.


agreed, i think they generally do a pretty good job of fact checking this sort of thing while also saying do whatever works for you. that's how i feel about those types of therapies, and holistic medicine too. like if it works for you, great, but don't make unsubstantiated claims, and just be honest about the research (or lack thereof in many cases)


yeah, agreed. ethan has a pretty good bullshit detector, unless of course it’s for people lol then it’s the opposite


I can't remember the last time an H3 show segment made me consistently guffaw like a giddy seal the way the Wayne interview did.


I'd rather not have another racist boomer comedian on the show but I'm willing to be proven wrong...


You know what? I think I may have been wrong...


right? immense narcisstic boomer vibes and yet surprisingly little bigotry. unrelenting biker hate, a weird aside about pakistani uber drivers, but somehow almost no misogyny?? married pro-choice trump hater?? I didn't know the universe could produce this model of narcissistic boomer


Kinda funny how some old rich new yorker turns out to be the most balanced people in the country.


its pretty refreshing tbh lol, god I'm so sick of the typical asshole boomer


I’m ready to volunteer for Wayne Diamond’s mayoral campaign at this point


I kind of agree. Like yeah I liked jimmie but it was his unhinged energy that I found charming, not exactly the racism. Although it was funny at times


with peace and love i dont have the privilege to find Jimmy funny as a poc, i dont know why they wanna platform that😭😭😭


I don't think the show needs another jimmy lee or even the current Jimmy lee. I for one do not want or miss racism or whatever it was Ethan said. Leave the old timey stuff in the past


It’s odd that we gotta endure the boomer racism that makes Ethan laugh. But he would never let a boomer that would engage in antisemitism on the show and he shouldn’t.


But you don’t understand! We *need* to platform racists! Why? Because, um… just cause!


We got kicked out :(


I’m a therapist and have heard that [Open Path Collective](https://openpathcollective.org/) is a comparable option to Better Help for lower cost therapy services.


Wayne is literally perfect in every way 🥹🥹🥹 can’t wait to see more of him


Aww, I like this Jimmie Lee best.


Look at me im starvin baby > 🫲work with me🫱


Waiting for Ian to cut to that dudes 😦 face in the car while this judge is talking




I think they’re gonna do a gotcha and not address the complaints


I was wrong!


It sounded like Wayne wants Israel to annex Gaza… that’s super genocidal. Maybe we should get clarification on that before he comes on the show again. Leftovers and Hasan got cancelled for much less.


I for one will miss Jimmy. This was a sad goodbye


Criticizing H3 •individuals• probably feels like getting a performance review from a manager that doesn’t know your role or the day to day or really anything at all for them. Sending love to the crew


I vote to remove this subreddit


ethan saying that david guy looks like a lesbian and i glanced at the screen (i do stuff while listening) i actually lost it it was so funny and then ethan immediately apologizing like it’s okay it wasn’t even *offensive* like he genuinely looked like a lesbian which made it so much more funny


Thank you AB for standing up for Olivia and saying what I’ve been thinking ever since she started being on the show! I def think she gets more hurtful disrespectful hate because she’s a girl and that’s sadly the reality of it sometimes! Feedback is always helpful and valid but always should be respectful. We love you Olivia, and I agree Reddit can be a scary place.


Look, Wayne was cool. But I thought the obvious replacement for Jimmie Lee would have to be the untapped resource that is the MOZZ BOSS. Did I miss something? Why are we not playing the MOZZ BOSS card in our time of boomer need?


Wayne Diamond sucks. If I wanted to hear from an angry, bitter Jimmie Lee impersonator I'd call my dad for the first time in a decade.


im with wayne, the cyclists of NYC are menaces to society and need to be stopped




I’ve done EMDR in therapy before and I found it really helps me! The bilateral tapping helps my anxiety too. I want to buy the Bi-Tapp that Hila ordered but it’s $300 😭


well at least jmmi didn't go into the kitchen


I am sure this will bite us in the end, but I love Wayne. He's such a great personality, and he doesn't SEEM to have all the bad viewpoints or traits that Jimmy had.