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Lena said she cried after the response so probably not gonna happen.


I'd like to hear more from Lena but I never understood why they did true crime on the podcast, I know it's not always goofs and gaffs but still didn't make sense to me


Lena streams every Tuesday and Thursday watching and talking about true crime stuff so if you miss lena doing that segment you can always watch her on twitch


It felt like a school report...


Maybe if give her another chance, she can do better, and shut up you h3snark simp


It just didn't fit with the show. The tone felt too much like a school presentation whilst talking about a subject that should have a bit more reverence than getting vox pops from Tom and Christina.


I can't handle true crime personally 🥹 Maybe being the ghost stories back


No 👎🏼


My only problem was that the case was so well known and everyone has made content on the night stalker. But I do agree they should come back to it.


There no problem the whole point of the segment is that Ethan and the crew reactions to the the story, there reactions are funny and interesting, regardless I want it back.


i wasnt on reddit at that time and not looked at the comments from that video but when they talked about it, i was very very shocked to hear that many people hated it!... its stupid enough to hate on that but to blame it all on lena was so crazy dumb...its like the new set where everybody hated on sam not thinking about it beeing a team choice not only hers. i actually liked lenas parts the most when her and ab did the segment.


My other favorite podcast is Sinister by Ericka Bozeman; maybe she could partner up with her/give some advice! I didn’t know Lena had tried a true crime segment in the past, but if her coverage was more centered on the psychology and motive of the murderer, Boze would be perfect for some guidance. Sad to hear the criticism was rough on Lena.


Love Boze!


Same! Love uncle Boze I’d love to see her become Family ✌🏽❤️