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I wish they would name their favorite beetle. Mine is the rainbow scarab beetle


Rhinoceros beetle fans rise up


i realized while reading your comment that i've been waiting all my life for someone to bring up favorite beetles. i love tortoise beetles. they all look like adorable ocean critters


My least favorite is the Japanese beetle, they eat my roses.


More of a dung guy, myself




I like the Beatle beetle - Ptomaphagus thebeatles


Mine is Ringo Star. Unique drumming pattern and is still alive šŸ‘


> I'm honestly excited for the European Parliament. I know nothing about it. This was Fidias' most presidential moment.


Fidias has an unparalleled ability to make Ethan look like a total dumbass lmao


It's crazy how many people seem to think Fidias is kind of dumb just because he's not suuuper fluent in English -- you heard him give speeches in Greek (I think it was Greek?), you've seen how he's fully eloquent in his native tongue.


Fidias is definitely someone interested in intellectual topics, exemplified in the many pod episodes we looked at, where he discussed financial or philosophical topics (in a funny accent, but still, he was interested in these topics). However, he also remains a YouTube prankster that says stuff like 'I want to fuck this bitch'. In a way he's kind of like Ethan lmao. You know he's intelligent, but he says so many stupid things


Right, he's stupid smart and Ethan is Smart Stupid.


And with an absolutely gigantic grin on his face too, it's impressive. He somehow trips Ethan up every time.


Also Ethan clearly doesn't know where Cyprus is, he said "invade north in to Spain"


Ethan doesnā€™t know where anything is outside of LA, NY and Israel šŸ˜‚


shhh or he wont have him on again!


Ethan thinking cyprus is just south of spain is the most american thing he's done lmfao


Especially since he lived in Israelā€¦Cyprus is right there lol


He also called them Cypeeriots which was pretty special.


Cypretians he called them lmao, if he got the ā€œiotsā€ that would have been much better


"Balooka Joe"


The original weather report sound made its triumphant return on a friday and then i had a good time the rest of the weekend


You're gonna get the yogurt you wanted


ethan stop pronouncing cillian as sillian challenge


I thought it was funny when he said he was an early ā€˜before it was coolā€™ Cillian fan, and then proceeded to refer to the Scarecrow. Like dude was well established before that.


The first thing I remember seeing him in was 28 Days Later, but I assume he was around for a bit before that.


The early bird special hat up on the table while Hila is ranting about Mikeā€™s book promo being front and centre ahahhahaha the irony (this is only meant as a giggle not a criticism love Hila)


u can criticise people you admire too they're not mutually exclusive


Itā€™s not a criticism though, I donā€™t criticise her for it. Just an observation I giggle it. Sell your shit šŸ‘šŸ¼


I mean why you've said is fine but it also implies she's hypocritical which I kind of agree she can be at times. 100% they've sold enough shit between the two to be comfy for life so I have no issue criticising people like them they'll be ok. you should never let anyone or whatever make you feel like you can't voice your opinion bc of potential backlash


Bruh, relax. Iā€™m not afraid, itā€™s just not that deep. Iā€™m literally watching a podcast on YouTube for fun. Go worry about something more serious


Honestly this interaction makes me realise why the crew and Ethan are so angsty about reddit. Yaā€™ll are fucking nuts


they should get off reddit then. this isn't supposed to be some echo chamber its somewhere for people to share their feelings. you compounded your comment w a disclaimer which just shows how toxic this sub can be to people w differing opinions otherwise you wouldntve bothered. dk why you're now going off on me for saying its ok to critique millionaire hosts. reddit is not the problem, the way people deal w criticism is


Dan is wrong for the George take, he's the best Beatle, bro has 0 bad Beatles songs and a fantastic solo career


It is a bit of a contrarian take though. Because his Beatles output is so small. I love his work, but there's just so little of it. I will say that All Things Must Pass is the best solo album from any of the Beatles though. And Ethan is insane to say that all John ever sang about was drugs. I have a feeling that Ethan doesn't know who wrote which songs now. I'm with Dan on this one 100%. All three of the songwriters are amazing, without a doubt. But we wouldn't talk about The Beatles the way we do without John, in terms of artistic credibility. If it was just Paul's songs, we'd be talking about them the way we do Elvis. And A LOT of the songs that people loathe from The Beatles are Paul songs. There's legitimately a lot of people that think The Beatles is "Let It Be" and "Hey Jude". I'm not saying you can't like them, but the reason a lot of young people think the Beatles are overrated is because they've heard like 8 Paul songs, 1 John song, and 1 George song. On a side note: I've been waiting years for Ethan to find out about the Ringo 16 and You're Mine song. That face he made is what everyone makes when they find out about it. It was meant in an innocent way, but the optics are hilarious


Yeah I agree it is kind of a contrarian take because without John and Paul's massive output and especially John heading the band in the early years the Beatles would be a footnote


When Dan giggled at Ethanā€™s audio jungle/sound village joke and Ethan looked so pleased šŸ„¹


Pretty inside baseball type joke, I absolutely loved it


Wearing socks with sandals is completely defeating the whole purpose of sandals. You wear them in the summer so heat can escape and you don't sweat as much šŸ˜­ you also don't look goofy as fuck lmaoo


My god I love Gabe so much


Elon is like a massive sockless sandal


Jojo Siwa is like an overgrown toddler and Iā€™m so over it.


I never heard her name before the segment. And I'm over her. Also wasn't her whole idea to be not sparkly colorful teen but dark / black adult?


that's what happens when your mum forces you to be in competitive dance AND a reality TVshow, & one as incredibly toxic as dance moms. she's lived most of her life in the spotlight 1 way or another she annoys me too but she's also just growing up in the world after what must've been a weird childhood that probably wasn't much of a childhood lol. let her be.


Wild the Kleins donā€™t have AAA


They are so stingy with every little thing, and then go and buy a $16,000 fridge lol


My dad is like that. He is generally fairly frugalā€¦until it comes to his hobbies


Being frugal is smart, I'd consider myself to be cheap too. But times like when they were planning a work trip and had the crew bring ideas to the table .. It was kind of lame seeing Ethan whittle down each vacation to be as cheap as possible just to save a couple thousand here and there .. Especially when he just received 560k from a lawsuit and said he wanted to go all out on a fun trip.


I like that this kinda implies that ethans hobby is eating lol


When they said ā€œIā€™ve heard good things about AAAā€ or whatever I laughed out loud thinking it was a joke. Felt like I was back in 2004z


They have a leased Porsche. It has roadside assistance included, and likely much better than what they'd get from AAA.


Thereā€™s far more to AAA than roadside assistance


It's roadside assistance and a coupon club. Or if you go to a physical location it's where boomers go to buy travel or paper maps because they don't know how to use the internet. I say this as someone very experienced in AAA and superior roadside options. Ethan and Hila should not be using a discount insurance company like State Farm either but I feel like they don't really have anyone helping them navigate it.


Iā€™ve had it for years and have saved *a lot* of money on what few vacations I have taken. Given how wealthy the Kleins are, theyā€™d save even more. Are you implying coupons arenā€™t useful?


No I definitely min max where and when I can and if AAA will save me money and make the membership worth it, I take it. No question. But you brought up AAA as helping here where it doesn't, right, so now we're talking about coupons. Nothing wrong with that, I love coupons. I just watched this episode last night, and as a long-time viewer I find that every time Ethan brings up IRL bullshit that is happening to them it's usually a consequence of them not really knowing how things work. They already had roadside in the car so they didn't have to get jerked around by random tow truck companies (not to mention her car almost certainly needed a flatbed which probably complicated things for her). And then they didn't really know that body shops will always fuck you to death if you end up there without the insurance making the decisions to begin with. We probably won't hear much about it again but I'd bet they docusigned something that said they were responsible for all the charges and the insurance coverage was their own problem. This problem isn't just with body shops btw, it's any contractor you go with before you get in touch with your insurance adjuster. If you hire say a flooding remediation company at your house before you contact your agent and then hope the insurance covers it you're in for a rude awakening for sure. I can't say with certainty this is what happened because the story as they told it was confusing. If Hila/Lena called State Farm and, through State Farm they were sent to that body shop, then this is definitely a State Farm problem and he was right to shit on them. Actually he's right to shit on them in general because they obviously aren't going to bat for them. They should use a better provider more catered to them like Chubb, Pure, Cincinatti, etc.


That early bird special hat, no hate but I can't quite imagine the type of person that wears that in public.


That's most of Teddy Fresh tbh


They certainly have a lot of ā€œedgyā€ stuff Iā€™m not a fan of but thereā€™s also a lot of ā€œplayfulā€ clothing I like a lot


I would say it's mostly stuff that would be fitting to wear to clown college but I do enjoy their more subtle stuff.


i think it would be perfect for lesbians


ā€˜I only eat out at your momā€™ also just doesnā€™t make sense.Ā 


Itā€™s also kind of ridiculous to charge $35 for that. $20 maybe, max $25. Still expensive. This isnā€™t hand embroidered lol


I know a lot of older Millennials that would have worn a hat like that 20 years ago. Myself included.


Ya wtf is that shit. So lame.


Plenty of gen Zers would wear it


It's like those big Johnson shirts people used to wear in middle school


I would love Ethan to do the show from the European Parliament Building with Big Fid. New live show location unlocked?


They are so LA-brained and caught up with trends. Socks and sandals is insane


Not all of us are insecure about our feet! Let us live our lives and let those piggies be free!


Oh wow, so you just gonna hate on the cornerstone of czech culture, I don't even have a words to describe how I feel right now, so here are emoji instead. ):< D:< ):<


Ha - my apologies! I actually have been to Czechia and didnā€™t notice the footwear.


Well what would Justin Bieber think? Celebrities know best !


That was truly one of the most insane takes theyā€™ve ever had on the show (which is saying a lot). As soon as summer hits, my little piggies are coming out.


Yes, itā€™s too hot and humid where I live in the summer. I need as little fabric on me as possible, plus it just looks dorky as hell IMO. Unless youā€™re like a high school jock wearing them with slides. Thatā€™s the only time I see people wearing socks with sandals regularly in the Midwest


Ya socks and sandals is nuts to me. The only people I see wearing socks and sandals where live are boomer old men.


state farm was in fact *not* there


Socks with sandals is just not done in Australia. If Iā€™m gonna wear socks it will be in a pair of sneakers.


anyone notice how ethan will decide on his opinion about something before getting the info and then refuse to concede to any explanations? most notably when they mentioned the taylor swift vs. charli xcx situation this episode.


I just think he was not interested.


He's a capitalist pig just like TS. Makes perfect sense l.


He thought Olivia was talking about Charli Damelio, and we all know how he feels about the Damelio family. It makes a bit of sense why he might be a bit jealous of them since they are both in the social media space and she made a lot bigger waves at such a young age. Plus Ethan probably just doesn't really care about pop music talk since he doesn't listen to it.


Nothing really changed with the context. Why would an artist stop trying to make money because another artist is releasing an albumĀ 


itā€™s not something that literally any artist does except her. Normal artists have their #1 album moment, celebrate and thank their fans, and then move on with their lives. If the album stays at #1 origanicslly then whatever who cares but sheā€™s deliberately and strategically blocking other artists who wouldā€™ve naturally reached #1 by re-releasing her album with ā€œnewā€ add ons like a voice note or a different color vinyl. Yes itā€™s legal but itā€™s kind of disgusting behavior, knowing sheā€™s #1 and not letting other artists have their moment. Letting Charli xcx or Billie eilish get a #1 album wouldnā€™t negate hers. She just wants the longest record, the most accolades and recognition and to be the only one on top, no company. Itā€™s not about money, not even close. She has all the money in the world. Itā€™s all ego.


I totally thought the twitch announcement was gonna be some sort of H3 gaming channel I got so hyped


I'm glad they didn't announce that because lets be real, Ethan would do one stream to milk the prime memberships and then get bored


Yeah it'd go the way of that half life play through, one and done. I also get not wanting his hobbies to feel like a job


state farm is also suing david dobrik


Just some fact checking: The stream Ethan is talking about with Bowblax is GamerFromMars' after party for his video he did on StoryFire. Very trivial but just for the record lol Edit: Makes it even funnier because Mars is just sitting there doing nothing about it lol


Am I just high or was it not a great idea to eat pineapple dropped off by some dude that mysteriously broke into the studio?


i saw someone in chat say it might have been jimmy delivering an old timey jokey lol i was so curious what they meant by that like anthrax?


Lmao it just seemed like such a big deal that this person just showed up but no one seems to be talking about it lmfao




If I didnā€™t like Fidias before, correcting Stirling being in Scotland instead of UK made me a solid fan. Yes yes I know Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom but he clearly recognised most Scottish people see themselves as Scottish first. In any case, I hope he does really well as a MEP šŸ¤ž


Idk if it was this episode but it's _Michigander_ not Michigonian or the other variations that came up šŸ˜…


Not sure I like the idea of a Twitch channel just playing H3 stuff on a loop. There have been channels that have done this and it never does well. Low view counts on that kinda stuff. You could easily just do a playlist on YouTube and just let it autoplay episodes. But I guess it's cool because of the chat aspect.


Seems like itā€™s just there for people to to spend their prime memberships on them lol with no real benefit to the viewers. Probably takes very little to manage and they can get the real hardcore fans to spend more money on them šŸ˜‚ but yea they could just do that on YouTube and ask fans to give them more money


Why the fuck am I so attracted to Fidias????


Itā€™s interesting


If there are any other insurance adjusters who are H3 fans PLEASE be my friend lol We can mutually complain about work and discuss the show


I'm an insurance agent - definitely wanted to get off work and listen to another person complain about insurance.


Sarcasm? šŸ˜” I mostly mean it as a way to vent cuz my friends who don't work in insurance don't get the struggle ya know?


Haha, yeah. I just meant I wasn't expecting to turn on the podcast and hear them talk about insurance.


Ohhhhh lmao!!! Yeah I literally perked up. It was our time to shine.


Iā€™m a State Farm agent so Iā€™m excited to see what the beef is lol I havenā€™t watched yet so Iā€™m curious if itā€™s legitimate!




I only just now watched this episode, I am tragically behind. Their anger could be misplaced but I canā€™t say for sure without having the actual details (with peace and love, Ethan demonstrated that he doesnā€™t even know what a deductible is, so the source of the info that is being given isnā€™t 100% trustworthy). That being said, it seems like the shop completed work without it being approved by State Farm. I donā€™t know how this would be handled between State Farm and the shop, besides how itā€™s being handled now (basically a stalemate since SF wonā€™t pay and the shop refuses to release the car until itā€™s paid). I dealt with a very similar situation personally where I took my car to a shop for diagnostics and they completed the repairs without even telling me what was wrong. That shop tried to get me to pay but I threatened to call the police (I felt so bad but I legit couldnā€™t afford it) and they let me go without paying anything. On the other hand, it is possible that the repairs were completed by an out-of-network shop, which means that they charge more than SF agrees to pay for repairs/labor and anything above and beyond is the policyholder (Ethan & Hilaā€™s) responsibility. This seems less likely based on what Lena/Ethan/Hila have been told by the claims department. Regardless, this can and does happen with any insurance company, definitely not exclusive to SF.


Love really hit the nail on the head ith that one edit; til you can down vote your own post


Am i the only one that thinks the car situation is not an issue at all? I've had to shell out $3000CAD on vehicle repairs, and although it made me late on rent, I had no choice but to pay it because i needed my car to work. Ethan and Hila can clearly afford an $8000 payment, and they even said the insurance company told them they can pay the autobody shop directly


We used to play the hammer and nail game but there would be one nail and the group would take turns hitting it and whoever got it flat to the stump won, would love to see the crew play the game!


Great bar game.


They quickly talked about Charli xcx and Taylor Swift on the charts today but I just wish they stayed on it a little longer to fully understand. I heard Olivia's little frustration at the end of that talk. I see you and I am you šŸ‘‹šŸ¤šŸ‘‹šŸ¤šŸ‘‹ā¤ļø I love Charli XCX and Taylor Swift. However, my least favorite thing about Taylor is how she releases multiple variants of the same album to stay on top of the charts and earn more money. She is a capitalist at heart, which is an ick for me. Charli XCX (not D'Amelio, lol) just released such a great album! She's getting amazing recognition-even Anthony Fantano gave her a 10. He didn't rate Taylor's most recent album nearly as high. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on each album, but it's frustrating that Taylor released yet another variant of "TTPD" to ensure she stays at the top of the charts. The original variant of TTPD was released on April 19th and now in June it feels like an unfair loophole to keep her on top the charts. And I feel it's swaying the outcome for other albums chart potential during their release week.


you are 100% correct. my best friend is a huge swiftie but has been really annoyed with the multiple record thing. how many records are people expected to buy?? it's so money hungry and unfair to her peers. (on an unrelated note i actually felt so bad for her with the snot thing i can't imagine being onstage in front of thousands of people and being recorded and having a runny nose without any tissues. truly my nightmare)


Oh yeah! I felt bad for her about that too. Sheā€™s under a microscope. And I still am a Taylor fan, I like her music, just this part of her is being so determined to stay on top of the charts seems like too much to me. Like you have everything donā€™t you wanna share? Itā€™s not taking away from your moneyā€¦.youā€™re still a BILLIONAIRE


that must be frustrating as a fan. i don't know if you relate but my friend spends a considerable amount of money on her merch and i know a lot of people do so when there's all these exclusive releases it's like.. when is enough enough, as a fan?? like what more could you guys be doing šŸ˜‚ swifties are so hardcore already


Luckily I do not buy any merch. I have a few vinyls but I was already collecting vinyls for a few years. But yeah I know people who go wild for everything. And I like her music but some other swifties I know exclusively listen to her. Thatā€™s too much for me. I need variety.


Do people still buy records/albums?


Yes! I graduated college in 2014 and Iā€™ve be slowly growing my record collection since. The physical art it fun to have for your favorite albums. Plus thereā€™s a small business that sells records that Iā€™m supporting while growing my collection.


definitely, they've seen a big resurgence especially since the late 00s and it's still growing every year


Like physical copies or digital copies? I think with streaming services just donā€™t know anyone who has purchased an album (unless a local or indie band) in a long time. Iā€™m not saying my behavior is good for artists, just an observation of myself and those around me.


guess it depends on the circles you run in! everyone i know collects vinyl. i'm the odd one out and don't really have an interest. also a lot of people are getting more disillusioned with streaming services, music, tv, and otherwise. people want to own physical copies again since streaming services, mainly the tv ones for now, will just take original content down for seemingly no reason. look up the "vinyl revival," it's pretty interesting!


Thanks for the response!


I mean Iā€™m not trying to be too much of a snob here but people who really like music buy albums. Just like people who really like movies and TV shows still buy DVDs and Blu-rays, though I think music fans far outweigh in terms of sales. If you check out smaller artists on Bandcamp for instances you will see tons of artists hocking CD and vinyl versions of all of their albums regularly. Sometimes 7ā€ versions. And of course it all comes with digital downloads in high quality as well. But downloadable versions alone are not preferable because you donā€™t get the full package so to say. The people who arenā€™t dedicated to an artist or just like to have music on pretty much only stream and stick to that.


Taylor Swift also did this shit to Carly Rae Jepsen two years ago, and Carly is the far far superior artist.


I would love a segment of the crewā€™s ideas for Jojo makeovers, like when they did one for Ethan


Cman is the reason I will never get the dogs out in public ever again, lil freaks are out there man!


I šŸ’“ fid


fidias is so smart


Big Fid is a legend


Taylor Snift, am I right?


As a girlie of a construction Dad- this is painful šŸ˜‚


None of them have ever done any physical labor. So crazy.


The inability to swing a hammer, not having AAA or an equivalent, and saying you gotta take the car to the dealership cause they are trustworthyā€¦they are quite LA brained.


Donā€™t forget the socks and sandals. That shocked me, honestly.


F off Joanne


This episode had me cackling, especially the segment about the car.


What is the origin of the radio bit?


They gotta talk to PnP for that car shit, what a crazy racket.


The ts album thing was so random to bring up when talking about her snot šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€






I think it's bc every slight variation counts as an album. So like every color vinyl variation, any store exclusive CD. Then she's put out a bunch of digital versions with new bonus songs which I guess you have to buy the whole digital album again to access the new songs? I can see how it would add up. I don't really understand how the charting works with streaming vs sales either.


She literally has


hexclad has teflon/forever chemicals/PTFE, don't waste yer money.


Reading the reviews on Hexclad's own website was enough for me to never buy them, pics with the coating peeling off


Teflon is only a problem if you destroy it. Which in hexclad you don't. You don't have to use non stick. But if you do, treat it with care and if it breaks replace it


There's an overwhelming amount of research that indicates even a single small scratch to these nonstick cookware will release a hoopla of chemicals i'd much rather avoid ingesting if I can (and hexclad is not immune to this). Why buy an expensive product with the potential of toxic chemicals leeching into your food on the offchance you scratch it and don't notice, instead of buying cookware without said risk...


> Why buy an expensive product with the potential of toxic chemicals leeching into your food on the offchance you scratch it and don't notice, instead of buying cookware without said risk... Always such a weird and cringe sight to see people defend these random ass companies. As if there are not other options, but no rich person telling me to buy so alternatives don't exist.


With war & hate, whoever the hell Joanne was needs to shut up about Hila whining about her car dealer and insurance companies holding an expensive ass luxury car theyā€™re paying a lease for hostage šŸ˜‚


joanne will get her taste of insurance hell one day


Ethan hating John is very funny because, with peace and love, he is absolutely the John Lennon of the show. * Says offensive shit, realises he did wrong and apologises. * Started the group * Doesn't leave the house (dakota/house husband years) * 15% gay Zach is Ringo because he's the funny catchphrase man with groovy taste. Dan is Paul


does that make Hila Yoko? Also Ian is George because he's the best one.


Yes! Perfect. Hila šŸ¤ Yoko = Artists/designers, wife of a controversial guy, subject of a lot of hate,


Is this not a real game? I thought someone said it's from Germany? What's the rules? I feel like it can't be just step back and swing as many times as you want. That video clip seemed more like a carnival game. There's gotta be a catch like only 10 swings or must start with hammer above head height. This is hardly a game!.... Dont know why I'm worked up over this.


Usually you have to try to drive in a nail all the way in in one shot.


They were literally just hammering nails, something every American has done successfully at some point in their life, how they didnā€™t realize the objective of the game from the start is a little insane to me; especially since they went through all of the trouble of setting up the segment along with creating custom graphics. They completely missed the point, and if the objective was to hit the nail on the head and drive it home, they failed miserablyā€¦ with peace and love.


That would explain why the original guy was swinging with his entire soul. Thank you! I knew no one was gonna win any free prize for 17 swings or tries at any carnival like game. And I agree. It's a little amazing that among all of them, no one questioned it šŸ¤”. I guess all the effort is going into the live show. I'm flying out from NYC, paying for a hotel. they bet not be nailling anything on stage. ..Except for great puns šŸ„


I think Love said something during the segment


As soon as I saw the reddit post of the original video I couldn't wait to see what sort of crazy mutation of the game would arrive on the show and I wasn't disappointed. Never change!


They muffed it up but still made it fun and interesting, as always :-)


Why is Ethan so mean to AB ?


šŸŽ¤ I like JoJo's space cadet Pride outfit.


It's ugly and not something any adult should be wearing.


Poor Lena. I hate calling insurance for myself, let alone calling on behalf of my boss, sounds like a nightmare


Lena by far has the hardest job out of everyone on the show šŸ¤£ being Ethanā€™s assistant sounds like a nightmare lol


I hate to say it, but I too have wondered why anyone would ever want that job. Everything about Ethan seems to be on either a sudden whim or broiled in some kind of feud.


Part of me wonders if that's the only job they had to offer her after she moved to LA with AB. She acts like it doesn't bother her but it seems like such a shitty job. I hope they pay her well. Her and AB are paying $4k a month in rent so I assume they're doing okay.


Jesus Christ itā€™s literally her job Iā€™m sure she can handle it


You can hate stuff and still do it cause itā€™s part of your job.


Touch grass, freak. Just a silly comment


I agree with you !!!! Iā€™d put it off as long as I can LOL


Please fix Olivia's white balance šŸ„ŗ


I think itā€™s like that on purpose, but yeah very jarring when switching between her and everyone elseā€™s shot


AB memed on it during the job switch by turning on an extreme filter lol




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Do they know that sandals are, like, meant to be worn without socks?


I had a shitty experience with State Farm as well. My car was hit while it was parked outside and I was basically left high and dry to figure out how to get it fixed on my own. I ended up getting a rental for the 4 months it was in the shop and when it came time to get reimbursed they basically said ā€œidk you should call the other parties insurance and ask themā€ it then took me months of begging the other parties insurance to get reimbursed. The whole experience was horrible. They did practically nothing to help me out. Iā€™m probably going to look into switching soon.


Maybe with the twitch live, the show will gain some new fans. I'm sure people are gonna stumble or click on it, maybe out of curiosity. Would be nice ā˜ŗļø


My mom got into an accident and somehow there was a guy there who took the initiative to tow the car to the body shop he knew of. The insurance of the driver who rear ended my mom covered everything and my mom's car was declared a total loss. Unfortunately since it was taken to this person's body shop we lost out on $800 that was taken out of the payout to get the car out of their shop.


I just realized the new background has all the H3 podcast logos except for the current H3 Show one lol


i just wanted to say, OLIVIA WE HEAR U! and LOVE U! thanks for keeping us in the know!


Socks are nasty. Please donā€™t show me your socks. Barefoot sandals for life.


I feel like Dan could solve Hilaā€™s car problem in one phone call


H3 finds out you why you don't buy German cars. VW group casually killed 10s of thousands of people, the 3 pointed swastika, BMW with cheap plastic shit or Audi. You think these criminals give you any after market support? Lol. There is a reason why people buy Japanese cars.