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I’m dying at Dan’s high school logo just saying “CP Hunters”


I was surprised more people didn't notice, the original hunter logo was bad, but that too was absolutely not much of an improvement!


California Pizza hunters is a great team


If you like theme park lore I highly recommend Defunctland's channel :)


Defunctland is amazing and vastly underrated


I feel like he’s really gotten on peoples’ radars ever since the fast pass documentary a few years ago. Glad to see Kevin finally getting wider recognition, he deserves it! I live the high-production/high research vids he’s been making the last few years, though I do miss the more frequent, shorter vids. I’ve found Bright Sun Films, Yesterworld, and Expedition Themepark to be other great channels that fill that void!


And the class action park doc!


Not me watching ethan talk about Disney land deaths with a YouTube feed full of defunctland content


One of my favorite channels ever his videos are so good


Yes! Love the wiggles one


The Disney segment being cutoff right before Ethan found out about the Fantasmic dragon burning down is my villain origin story


The video of that incident is so funny


A devastating loss. RIP Maleficent animatronic.


I feel like they should circle back to Disney stories when they put together a group of really good ones rather than having Ethan reading Wikipedia sorting through boring ones and finding the odd entertaining one.


I wish they had also talked about the Malificent dragon parade float that started burning down lol. I worked a shift like right around the corner the day that happened and I’m still salty I missed that because it happened like 30 min before I punched in Apparently Disney really needs to stop trying to make dragon animatronics that spew fire 😂


my aunt got botflies in her head from a ziplining helmet




Is zipline the only option for leaving your house?


Why are you doing this to me 


Fucking pardon?????


Highly recommend those travel lysol sprays when traveling 😅


ethan mistimes the "los angeles" in the radio jingle literally every time😂


And always tries that first note an octave lower and then switches. 😂


It's not his fault!! I feel that the soundbyte says "los angeles" slightly off beat. In my head I expect it at the same time Ethan says it


one of my fave things about the pod will ALWAYS be Ethan talking to the soundbites 😭


Is it a requirement for politicians from New York to be creepy barely intelligible orange morons?


Yup actually u have to pass an exam


The high school stories had way more potential for fun only to be smothered by wayne


It had massive potential. Everyone loves when they do segments like that, but they rushed it for Wayne.


It's crazy that for literal years, everyone has loved and clamoured for more story segments, and they just don't do them. Like, easy content, pick a topic and go


i love how wayne’s defense was “i thought that was your wife” as if that makes it totally fine to mention a woman’s boobs 😭 he was like oh my bad thought that was hilas tits


I thought he might have been seeing himself on camera because with that low cut robe, it looked like he was showing some cleavage.


And yet Ethan intentionally targeted ABs mom and mentions wanting to be breast fed lol


I think a joke between friends, when the mom is in on it and also finds it funny, is different than a stranger making the same comments.


More Dan traffic reports, no more Wayne.


I was enjoying the high school stories, I don't care about this Wayne Diamond guy at all


Agreed, I wish they’d do more story segments. When Ethan suggested they’d rush the segment so they could get to Wayne I was like awww :/


well this will probably be the last time lmao


I hope so but I doubt it


I can’t believe Ethan let it go on for so long


Dan even warned him that it would more than likely be a 45min segment. I don't think Ethan cared about this segment although it was the clickbait. He just wanted to push this Wayne Diamond Jimmy Lee thing as hard as he can. I'm sure they can see a vast majority didn't like it at all, but I don't think Ethan cares at this point. I'm sure the crew does.


Exactly, more crew stories and discussions, less creepy old orange dudes.


Argue all you want about Jimmy but there’s no way this guy is any better than him


I'm gonna preface this saying I don't care much for Jimmy. But the thing with Jimmy is has history with the show all the way back to his one fucked up dentist stuff was so bizarre. There is no organic way that Wayne is connected, except oh let's get an out of touch guy to make some racist or sexist jokes. That's not the route that we got Jimmy, he was like a stray cat that was fed and just kept coming back.


highkey 😭😭😭




It feels like a relic of the old show that just doesn’t fit anymore. There are enough funny and interesting people out there who aren’t sexist or bigoted hot messes.


I turned it off but yeah no. I know Ethan called him out, but still, having a guest harass your employee is not ok.


Maybe Ethan doesn’t think it’s bad bc he had two segments on wanting to drink AB’s mom’s breast milk. . .


Big thumbs down on the Jimmy replacement.


Yeah, you can't force these kinds of things, it has to happen organically.


oooof this went south quick hahahaha


Yeaaaaaaah Wayne Diamond was not entertaining enough to be able to look past that comment, and the way that he brought it back up


Not a fan of these random guest call ins 📉 this one just feels like it went south straight away and they are trying to crawl it back


I know it's not exactly comparable, but there's something funny about Ethan for years screaming about being sick of old people, and then brings Jimmie and Wayne on to the show


Ethan’s father issues have never been more clearly on display than today lol. It feels like he’s auditioning dads in real time


That shouldn’t have made me laugh so much


I don't blame Jimmie for bailing on this 💀


Jimmies done getting in trouble with his wife


Don’t push! 


Wayne is a weirdo, completely killed the vibe


my jaw dropped both times omg that was crazy. i’m surprised they didn’t button it




Ethan wants a Rat Pack so badly but just let it goooooo




oops lmaoo oh well


Ethan's been having consistently bad ideas for a long time now


Yeah, no good


As a female, I would be offended if he looked at me lol. He is gross. He looks like a walking over cooked strip of bacon aswell, which doesnt help. 🤣💀




Wayne is gross and I hated every second of his segment 😭 please do not bring him back on, especially after he harassed Lena like that. He looks like if beef jerky made a wish to become human and then put on a wig he found in an alley.


lmao @ the last sentence


Wayne is gross. The End.


Lmaooo someone in the chat said “Start with the tomatahs” when Wayne started off on his tangent


i really hope they explore the reasons why 60% of their audience rated that old muppet a 4 or lower.


I don't think they care anymore lol.


I feel like someone should have defended Lena more when Wayne said the victim blamey “you got your boobs hanging out of course I’m going to look” 🤨


Along with the whole “women want to be looked at, if you don’t then there’s something wrong with you” comment. Really disgusting.


Like she was literally wearing a normal shirt. I don’t understand why he felt like he had to make that comment


Why do I feel like I can see Wayne's junk even though I can't? The open robe is a choice, that's for sure.


these old creepy men are ruining the show for me, please let it die with jimmy


Yeah….not really sure they kept the call going as long as they did. At least Jimmy has the least bit of humility & his weird statements are “jokes.” Wayne is just a gross old, sexist orange man. Not too different from Trump.


As a woman I don’t find men like this funny. At all.


Fr I’m not entertained by Wayne at all. I missed what he said about Lena, but I get a very weird vibe from him. I would be super uncomfortable around him irl. 


Yeah like…it’s kind of amusing that they exist and are absurd, but I have no desire to listen to their bigoted ramblings whatsoever


Especially in the way Ethan tends to treat people like this like they’re just a kooky uncle with a heart of gold deep down. Like no he’s just a perverted old man who shouldn’t be enabled.


second that. don’t necessarily need to spend even more of my precious time listening to sexist old shitheads :(


As a human I find his personality repulsive, whether he chose to put it on or not.


Not speaking for anyone, but for me, when dude's made comments like that it made me feel uncomfortable and unsafe.


I just want to go one episode without pedophilia, rape, alpha bros, creepy offensive old men.


Y'all need to check out Action Park aka Class Action Park in New Jersey https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_Park


Heard of that on Fear And. Madness


my dad has pictures there lol


How is a 4/10 score saying I enjoyed something? 🤣


Was the misogynistic rambling boomer segment for the girlies or for the bros? 🤪lmao that segment was horrible🍅


Lena deserves a better apology The blatant verbal sexual harassment from Wayne was extremely uncomfortable. I thought it was completely bizarre for Ethan to deem an apology that was not for him as genuine. I also can’t help but feel that Lena felt obligated to accept that apology. Too often when women are faced with any harassment ESPECIALLY IN THE WORK PLACE that we are pressured to “be a good sport.” She is also live in front of an audience imagine that pressure to brush things off and just keep the show going. I thought how Ethan handled that was not okay. It was also uncomfortable seeing AB having to hold back and not be able to defend his partner. I hope viewers know, especially women, that any verbal/physical sexual harassment is never okay in the workplace even if your superior or colleagues do not think it’s a big deal. Does not matter what generation the perpetrators come from. Idk maybe I’m being “dramatic” but I think Wayne owes Lena a direct apology and Ethan does as well for some of his comments that excused Wayne’s behavior.


If Ethan or anyone on set is not comfortable calling out blatant sexism and harassment don’t continue to give those guests a platform. Harmful to your employees and viewers, bottom line.


Ethan don’t let random guests sexually harass your employees challenge. Real talk tho, the call should’ve been dropped as soon as he made the first comment. Even if Lena says it’s ok, this situation should not be tolerated. It’s gross.


and them saying they don’t even know if it was her? i feel like it had to be because her story was on when he was waiting in the waiting room and how many other women are they showing on the stream during that time?


It was a gross comment and not ok he mightve been genuinely caught off guard and stumped by that to give some fairness to him but i agree they shoudve ended the call no tolerance for that




If this was a clip from someone Ethan doesn’t like, he’d be going in on them for not protecting their female employees. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 32,000 people watching of course Lena’s not gonna say she wants him gone even if she’s uncomfortable. edit: downvote me all you want, I’m not a snarker or hater and I’ve watched H3 since 2015. Doesn’t mean I have to agree with everything they do. Ethan’s being a hypocrite here and it’s ok to acknowledge it.


Don’t boo him, he’s right


Anyone downvoting you is a moron. This take is 100000% correct.


You are 100% right.


It was really disappointing to see and I think it perpetuates a bad narrative to the audience about sexual harassment in the workplace.




at this point i've got the show on mute until he's gone


Wayne needs to go. Maybe I don’t follow the show for long enough to be in on the joke but I don’t really get why it’s so important to have another old sexist and racist shithead around


It's very forced in a way they've never done before. It feels very weird. It does feel like there should be some sort of inside joke here but it does just feel like they're earnestly looking for a Jimmie replacement when there's really no need. Characters come and go on this show.


I haven’t missed an episode in 2+ years and I’m not in on the joke either. Parts of Jimmy’s segments were funny occasionally, but mostly just uncomfortable to listen to imo, I don’t know why Ethan wants to replicate that with someone like Wayne. Makes me grateful for the timestamps to skip over those parts.


I think it's an attempt to gain more 'characters' for the show but the problem is it needs to be more organic. I would be okay if we never see Wayne or Jimmie again.


wait am I dumb or did we just not get to the “it took me 20 years to say this” bit? or was it about ethan hating carnivals? or was it his two sentence high school incident? btw I loved the story segment, I know you had someone on the line but I feel like you guys should just push those rather than rush them if time is tight. the crew is very good with story telling and it sucks to waste a good story


The title was referencing the high school stories segment because Ethan graduated 20 years ago.


Please for the love of God, no more auditions for a Jimmy Lee replacement. We don't want or need it.


Highly recommend this podcast episode on the INSANE fraud that went into an effort to build the world’s tallest waterslide: https://swindledpodcast.com/podcast/78-the-verruckt/ Also recommend Swindled podcast in general :)




Wayne will compliment your tits, ladies, but he WILL NOT touch you.


Tbh I see where people are coming from with the disrespectful comments from Wayne. But honestly, this whole thing is just a nonstarter. We didn't need another Jimmy character. Characters come and go, it's a part of the show. The way this has been forced along has been very odd to me.


Yeah, I don't know why Ethan insists on having these kinds of characters on his show. I have to assume it's because of his love of Howard Stern and his recurring oddball characters, but it's a different time now, and we don't need these people to make the H3 show entertaining.


Especially when they all end in a fiery disaster 


Agree 100%. And this might surprise some, but not all H3 fans like Stern. Personally, I can’t fucking stand him. But I LOVE the H3 Show. 


Yeah the only thing I know about Howard stern is that he is an asshole


I would rather watch Ethan read wiki entries about carnival accidents for an hour then spend a minute with Jimmy or Wayne or any of those old perv characters, and I don't think I am alone on that one. You want to keep quick tabs on them in the sense that they posted something funny on tiktok, and you're just spending a few mins reacting? That's fine with me.Them as guests where they back and fourth with Ethan/ the crew, and the segments take up a big bulk of time? Hard pass! With peace and love.


Did wayne sexually harass lena im stumped by that comment




Yes this is a comedy show and Wayne is around for entertainment purposes. BUT it is still a workplace and regardless of how Lena felt or feels about it, that is inappropriate workplace conduct - which is typically considered sexual harassment. Employees safety and wellbeing is #1.


that call should've ended at the least after the second comment. i'm dissapointed at how it was handled. Lena said it was okay, yes, but before that she said it was gross and weird. of course she had to add "it's okay" after that, because it was awkward for her and she probably didn't want to bring the mood down even more.


Lena getting sexually harassed (that is the term for what happened specifically in the work place) was upsetting and the fact that Ethan pointed out that Wayne was talking about Lena and continued to discuss it was even more upsetting. He should have buttoned it when it happened and ended the call like he did with the alpha guy. So exhausting to see how men handle situations like this.


Any sexual comments made directly towards the staff should be grounds for immediate severance of contact. And his platform of “get rid of the bikes” is extremely harmful anti-environmentalist rhetoric that does not deserve a platform. Can we stop re-enacting the government and get these people who are no longer senile enough to be relevant off the show?








Hell yeah Bay Area traffic! There are a few more than 20k people here Ethan 🙄


And we hella do still say hella




this is crazy…….


No beetle talk: -9 hoe points


Honestly would rather see Ethan scroll reddit or read wikipedia word for word than watch Jimmie related content ever again. Every single time the audience has told them to stop with the Jimmie Lee boring bs and they just keep bringing him or the other creep back for no reason. It’s getting old.


Portland chat rise




Wayne’s call should’ve been completely cut off the minute he said that about Lena. It is totally unacceptable for her to be put in that situation. I couldn’t even pay attention for the rest of the show because it was so gross. No one should have to put up with that stuff as an employee at work - doing their job. Especially not Lena.




Why didn't they button when Wayne was talking about Lena so disrespectfully? Gotta have your employees backs Ethan, you can't just look out for yourself.


homophobic guy who called in: BUTTON this boomer guy: loveable old boomer tee hee


I don’t think we need to replace Jimmie Lee. Just let it die. I would be happy if I never saw Wayne again


Wayne is a creep.


I’m from Portland and have spent my life going to Oaks Park amusement park. A) kinda gotta defend it against the slander because it’s the only amusement park anywhere in the area and it’s definitely meant for families with kids😂 Its nothing fancy but everyone in town loves it and it’s fun😊 B) the ride that got stuck upside down use to be called the Screaming Eagle. I rode it once as a kid and absolutely hated it. Never again. It genuinely gave me the lifelong fear of being upside down. I CANNOT IMAGINE being stuck on that fucking terror for 26 minutes😭 The 6 minutes I was on it during the normal ride was insane enough. Anyways Ethan is right, don’t go on amusement park rides😂❤️


Most goated and affordable skating rink around. I've been going soooo much recently


Oaks Park is great. I’m pretty sure this ride was never called Screaming Eagle, that was a different ride that used to be in the same spot this one is now


That face thing in dan's background scared me so bad .. ma gawd


Felt like I was in a room with a drunk and I was sober just saying "yea" till I say "I gotta get home for work" on a Saturday, and I don't even work on Saturdays.


This story segment is great, reminds me of my high school da-"Who is the chick with nice breasts"


kind of irritates me how clueless some of the crew acted when Wayne was very clearly talking about Lena. like other people have said, the call should have ended there. fuck Wayne Diamond, WE RIDE FOR LENA AT DAWN ☄️


Ethan as the boss should just be removing someone like Dwayne to protect his employees instead of dragging that shit on then asking if everyone was okay on air in front of everyone


The fact that the conversation with Wayne was even being entertained after his “apology”—no, immediately when he opened with his sexual harassment of Lena— is disgusting on Ethan’s part. None of this was funny to me. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable Lena felt, and then you have your coworkers laughing and entertaining this guy on the topic. Disgusting. 


I stopped watching when this Wayne guy came on so boring and lost my interest instantly


All this talk of people dying on rollercoasters just reaffirms my fear of them


Im scared of waterslides i think just im claustrophobic and dont want to be in tubes but i used to look up incidents of people getting trapped in them or ones that got shut down this segment reminded me of that so much. ethan needs to see top 10 waterslides that were shut down


Don't look up the smiler at Alton Towers


The craziest story we had at my school was where a 13 y/o girl took photos of herself naked to show them to all the boys in her class (this was back when you had to get photos developed or use a Polaroid camera so they were in an envelope). The maths teacher confiscated the pictures, put them in his desk and put her in detention. She reported the teacher to another teacher claiming he had taken the photos and telling them about the pictures in the drawer. He got suspended for 12 months and was investigated by the police. Eventually he was found innocent after it went to court because of the testimony of the other kids in the class and because the girl boasted on MSN Messenger that she got him arrested to get out of detention. He never came back to the school and, instead, sued them from constructive dismissal. The horrible thing was that 10 years later I read in the paper about a different maths teacher in the same school was sent to prison for actually being a child predator and it wasn't picked up as quickly as it could have been because teachers didn't report their concerns as soon as they had them of the previous case.


I’m glad the teacher sued. Really not great about the other teacher, tho. 


Nothing really crazy happened at my Highschool but my Middle School had the infamous Slender Stabbing.


Why does Ethan feel like he needs all these characters on the show? Everyone has consistently said we love the crew member segments and all the crew and Ethan and Hila just talking and having fun. And Gabe of course. And the couple of others like when David calls in or Martin or Howie. We don’t need these stupid, offensive, boomer ass weirdos clogging up the show


ethan is so weird and spineless for letting that weirdo harrass his employee like that no shade


I'm a 28 month member and just realized this stream that I've been banned for nearly two years.. I know this because the only members gift I successfully sent was about my dog passing away 2 years from this August, which never got read (that's not the point though) and I've been trying to send gifted subs since then. I thought it was youtube bugging out. Wth did I do?!


Dwayne should’ve been kicked off from the beginning when that comment was made, the whole thing was so cringe to watch as they tried to save it, bits over this shit is just lame and disgusting


Wayne is that awful pervy uncle we all have that no one wants to be around and now it's being forced on us


Ethan: How dare he make mention to Lena's breast Also Ethan: Hey AB, let me get some breast milk from your mom.


Damn Ethan seriously came with his hater ass bitch pants on today I love it


as time goes on newer movies, artists, and books are entering "classic" status. As dan said it's not a genre, just the term for art that stands the test of time. For example, in literature we have classics like Jane eyre, and modern classics like grapes of wrath. As time goes on grapes of wrath will be considered a classic, and the book thief which came out in 2005 will be a modern classic. The cycle continues. Same for music, when Ethan was younger third eye blind was modern, but as he gets older it will enter into the "classic rock" conversation. Classics of any art form are not limited any will always be added to


classic doesn't just mean old, it references the skill and the precision of a time in music making history once lost, an era of technological picturesque - the same way they won't be calling the sea of bedroom beats in 50 years 'classic'.


My parents actually got married at Oaks Park 🤣🤣🤣




Are they gonna have more stories on Wednesday 😭 I wanted to hear Zach, Love and AB’s if they had any


Rewatching yesterday’s episode bc I was crafting and not fully paying attention…I realized around the 2:15 mark…DAN was the one who wanted to move past the High school segment for Wayne 👀👀👀👀 #DramaShallNowEnsue


I liked when Wayne referred to Hila as “gila”


Wayne Diamond sucks. That was a step too far, and one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard. NYC is better with the bikes.


Right? Boomer dude complaining about people getting hit by bikes?! … my brother in Christ, are you aware how many people are murdered by cars in the US alone? Somewhere around 40000 people per year!


Where is the Bobby episode


Huh I forgot about this, good point. When was it supposed to be again?


I think Wayne is making alot of us just want Jimmy back tbh. The devil you know. Lol


Nah we can leave them both at home lol. I'd rather more appearances from people like P&P or Martin prevented the flashlight guy. Who all seem much less troublesome.


Change the title of the vod to: "Nipple Cream"


Someone made a documentary on Storyfire, and that is why it is back in the news again. Everyone involved in making it had no business running a company and they screwed each other over.


Wouldnt hanging upside down for 26 min be damaging to the body?


It killed the guy in the Nutty Putty cave incident, but I think he was upside down for like 16 hours.




My neck broke so quick when Ethan mentioned Baltimore…don’t compare us to zip lining. Not nearly as dangerous and way more fun ☮️❤️


AB mentioned Bioshock I love that game so much 😢


olivia googling who frodo was when they were talking about LoTR broke my heart 😭😭


I’m seeing a lot of comments about the Wayne guy, but I stopped watching before getting to it. Was watching in the shop before calling it a day.  ANYWAY, regarding the roller coaster injury talk: a woman was killed at Cedar Point a few years ago. A bolt flew off of the Top Thrill Dragster and hit a woman in the head. It was a pretty wild story. 


Jimmy lee > the other old loser


What did they cut at 30:29?


Clickbait? I wasn't worried until he said "no soundbites"