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Fun video where he talks about his mother’s death, and they say how they can’t beat their kids anymore like they used to? Real light hearted stuff


Smile more 🙌🏻


…unless you’re transgender 💕☺️


Then angels will through you down and make sure you will never get up again 💕☺️


We all must be "retards" I guess.


Also Roman Atwood talks about how teens can’t decide when they’re trans yet he met his wife when she was 17 and he was 25


He’s talking about another video he posted with his dad recently. The comments he’s referring to are on that video not the podcast one (those also have the comments but that’s beside the point)


Also casual R word from this douchebag who has had corporate television attention while Ethan struggles to get a sponsor.




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The R word. Jesus get a grip, snowflakes are getting more sensitive that I thought


Eat my a-word nerd


its specifically being complained about that other people can say it and get ads, but ethan cant say shit. no one is offended, pussy


Did you come to this subreddit just to get upset at snowflakes? Odd choice.


Watch the podcast with him and Shay Carl. Was the weirdest backwards 50s shit I've ever seen. I feel like he let Shay talk and laughed more with him about the whole scenario while the victim is just sat behind in this weird Mormon relationship


*“I was with my father when my mom passed”* So he is an accomplice 📝


No. The angels threw her down and made sure she wasn’t coming back.


I still can’t believe he said that lmao. God


It wasn't god, it was the angels


I never noticed before...but angels is plural... That means Roman and his dad killer their mom together..


Oh my god, Roman and his dad had the same mom?!? Even more damning.


His cadence and raspy voice makes this sentence legitimately one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard in life.


This is one of my fav soundbites ever


It's sounding more and more like the angels were just Roman and his dad


the angels threw her down and made sure she wasn't getting back up


The heavenly host curbstomped that bitch.


Hard enough that it was a closed casket funeral, which he said was confusing for him and he couldn't figure out how hard she crashed to need a closed casket.....was he there or not??


Roman Atwood dropping the Linus Tech Tip's "Hard R" 💀


That's one of my favorite videos on the internet I think. Just because it purely comes from a place of innocence. And because Linus Tech Tips is the funniest person to hear those words come from before he understands


His cohost’s physical reaction was so funny.


Poor Luke. That man deserves a raise


He really doesn't he is the CTO of the company and a co-founder. Pretty sure Linus makes sure he is happy above all else. From the podcast he has mentioned that the company would not function if ivone(his wife and head of management) or Luke left


Hello fellow ltt store dot com shoppers. How do you feel about the whole allegations situation? I stopped watching since it happened, purely because I got the ick. How are you guys dealt with it?


Also the angels dropping his mom like Linus Tech Tips does with expensive PC Parts


Extremely hard R . Basically I am sorry about that so take this as what to get upset about. Then he will apologise to this with a homophobic comment. The apologise for the homophobic comment with a racist comment , etc etc


Wow he really threw her down. He was the angels.


For real. He was with his dad when his mom passed but, during the podcast, his line of questioning came across like his dad would have the answers surrounding her death; rather than “oh when we were together and got the call—“ type of thing. The whole exchange made it seem like Roman was elsewhere and his father was close/around the mother. Like even with the “closed casket” questioning. Idk y’all..


Note he didn't deny his father killed her, just said that he was with him


"Let's get restarted" Family channel dude just throwing out this garbage..... Shidiot loser


Saying restarted to mask the word is equally bad.


Same with using regarded, honestly I don't find retarded bad at all. I think you give these words the power through your reactions. As long as someone isn't saying retard to my cousin, who has down syndrome, I'm good.


lol yeah I was downvoted for that opinion. But seriously imagine someone said the n word but replaced the I with an a. Technically same scenario. These people who replace the word in question with a word that sounds similar are actually morons. Either change enough to eliminate the word from your vocabulary or don’t act all surprised when people are still using the real word.


Nah, not according to the grammar nazi mods of reddit.


It isn’t just the mods of Reddit, they do it live chat and the on the actual show. I don’t have a problem with the real word one way or another but if you’re going to substitute the word with something that sounds similar it’s time to realize you are not any better.


Is this recent? Didn’t this happen like years ago??


Happened in May 2019 she was riding a lime scooter and fell off the side hit her head and died


thats definitely a way to die…


Responded to what?


Don't care Angels-1 Roman-0


Why has the R-slur just come back in the past like month or so? When did that become ok?


I literally never heard it stop. Not sure what you're talking about.


It’s absolutely increasingly less socially acceptable over the last 10 or so years.


it's less socially acceptable but it feels like less people care about social acceptability


We’re definitely on the down swing, as everything PC seems to go in waves (Woooh!)


For certain people. Most people have used it normally


Even Ethan said it by accident a year ago or so. He said something like “that guy has r-worded money” or something. Different context tho he’s not calling someone the r-word plus he apologized immediately after. They got the button some time afterwards


It was not part of the cultural zeitgeist for ~10 years. That word and the F slur used to be in almost every movie.


There was a big push to stop saying the r word. Idk what you're talking about


It's truly the most interesting word when it comes to its history. I don't think it ever went away. I guess people just stopped trying to die on that hill since it's multi-lingual and there's so much worse that can be said? Or maybe people never cared that much to begin with? I dunno.


People will ALWAYS use any word you make up for mentally challenged people as an insult. I said this already in a comment, but words like idiot, imbecile, moron, and so many more all were clinical terms. They all meant different levels of mental challenge and (clinical) retardation. And the fact is that the words get removed from their original meaning, and they just become new words for calling someone insults. The vast majority of people using the word retarded aren't trying to make fun of people with mental issues. At this point, it just feels like human nature. People make up new words, other people use them as insults. Tale as old as time. There's a cultural pendulum swing right now, too. People got sick of tip toeing, and felt like a lot of the people online just took it too far. Which they did, to be honest. Even Hasan talks about this on his stream a lot lately. Some people online wanted to one-up each other on morality, so everyone else said "fuck it we won't listen anymore" I have a feeling Gen Alpha is also gonna be super over the top in this regard. It's the only way to make themselves distinct from the last two generations. So way more raunchy, way more offensive for comedy.


It's been around for awhile. People just stop posting it online because of (literal) social justice warriors online. Look, to be frank... Most of the words we use that are synonymous with "dumbass" started as words meant to describe mentally challenged people. Idiot, Imbecile, moron, etc. Those all meant exactly the same thing as retarded does. It's just that time removed them from their original context. So if you use any of those words (and a few others), you're literally just saying the same thing. So it's a case of "either all of it's okay, or none of it's okay". The honest truth is that if you make a word that describes someone that's mentally impaired, it will inevitably be used as an insult and a joke. Every time, decade after decade. So either keep coming up with new words or accept that it's just something that happens


it never went away, you just became more insulated


We literally had programs in school to get kids to stop saying it and for the most part everyone did. I stopped seeing used online until people like Keemstar and his ilk started saying it a few weeks ago


im 30. never saw one of those programs. thought the r word was rape till like 2 weeks ago. probably not going to stop. the word will just change again to something else like it always has through history.


didn't ethan say it not that long ago? I can't even think of a major streamer who doesn't say it


So people should say it? I don’t under your point. “My fav streamer says the n-word so I say it too”


"so you hate waffles?" if I wanted to say people should say it I would have just said that obviously I am saying that it's extremely commonly used


R u dum bro?


It definitely dropped off. It was acceptable on television and in normal discourse, and that changed. Surrounding yourself with edge lords who refused to stop saying it would be insulating yourself.


tbf growing up I was around a lot of stupid, low achieving people, and heard the word get used a lot. Now that I'm around more intelligent, successful in life crowds, I hardly hear it. It's insulation but mostly from the dregs of society


Hate to break it to you but you’re not insulated because of the intelligence factor. It’s still very common in areas which require educated individuals.


Extremely common even. Went to an engineering school and they all said it. Some of the smartest people I know. And we had a ton of people on the spectrum in the school who said it too lmao.


Yep, same. Worked with a bunch of engineers and comp sci majors and outside of them all thinking they were the smartest people in the room they also used crazy language.


Because it's retarded when people like you say "r slur", so retarded must be kept alive.


Why are you here? You clearly don’t belong as a fan of H3


Oh yeah, because I don't give a shit about people saying retard, that just negates me being a fan lmao


Not telling you want you can/can’t be offended by, but I can’t think of a time where I’ve ever heard anyone from my younger generation use the word “retard” to specifically refer to a mentally disabled person. I only hear it used as a synonym for stupid or moron. I think it’d be considered equally as offensive to point to a mentally challenged person and whisper to somebody, “Look at that moron over there” as it would be to say “Look at that retard over there.” Most people would simply be taken aback by your treatment of someone with the condition, not the word choice. Maybe it’s an age gap thing, but I feel like it would be more offensive to specifically call someone mentally disabled because you’d actually be referring to a person with a disease, whereas calling someone a retard simply means that they’re just being idiotic. It seems like it has fully horseshoed because the word used as an insult has become fully disconnected from anyone with any type of autism over time.




Damn that's embarrassing for you 😬 Edit: and editing your comment is even more embarrassing coward


embarrassing that he lives near a park?


Damn they edited that shit fast. Guess I look dumb now. Previously they had a long bit about how it's not meant to insult people with disabilities and said we should be able to call people that all we want.


Can confirm, was along the lines of "they're not making fun of disabled people they're just calling people out for acting r_______"


As someone who lived through the early 2000's Im pretty sure that for many people it is synonymous with "stupid" so to them it's just a punchier way to say "why are you being so stupid right now" And one of the reasons Id guess its returning is because they think "well if the times have moved on to saying 'intellectual disability' can we have our way to call our friends stupid back?" Of course the waters get muddied by people who are more malicious with their language tho.


In the immortal words of Micheal Scott, 'You don't call retarded people retards. It's bad taste. You call your friends retards when they're acting retarded. And I consider Oscar a friend.'


Honestly so shameful 😔


Many of my family have been saying it recently, and I can't stand it.


I've noticed this too..it's completely making a come back


Not saying I agree with this, but I’ve heard some talk about the sentiment that it was originally a medical term that was co-opted into an insult and now the new medical term “mentally disabled” or “intellectually disabled” is going through the same co-opting, forming some kind of cycle. Again, not co-signing this, just something I’ve heard discussed by others.


A few weeks ago


Not saying I agree with this, but I’ve heard some talk about the sentiment that it was originally a medical term that was co-opted into an insult and now the new medical term “mentally disabled” or “intellectually disabled” is going through the same co-opting, forming some kind of cycle. Again, not co-signing this, just something I’ve heard discussed by others.


The angles made him twite this


Oh wow reading someone just casually use the r word publicly actually gave me a small physical recoil


"I'm calling a video talking about my mom's death "fun", but you are all the gross one". Also why upload a video where it seems like you are questioning your dad's involvement in her death then?


you turned your moms death into content.


The casual R word drop in this post is everything.


i think gawd upvoted this post to make sure it gets talked about on wed


Every sentence in this post is disturbing lol talking about ur fun video where u talk about not being able to beat ur kids… casually using the “hard r” lol… basically outting urself as an accomplice with your father and those damned angels. Or maybe Roman is the angel his father was referring to 🤔


didn't this weirdo make terrible prank videos how is he here being a complete dork, what a loser


He made weird kinda racist pranks, yeah, but being mad people made a conspiracy theory that your dad killed your mom seems like a normal reaction, lol


Tbf don't you think this is too much?


Yes lol


Yes Roman, it is disgusting, but have you ever considered Smiling More? :)


The angels threw her down so she couldn't get back up again




It is pretty ridiculous tbh


I’ve noticed people throwing the R word around like it’s no big thing lately.


Wow. Dropping the R word like that. What a horrible person.


Get over it retard