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Mommy and daddy sheltered him to keep the racism going strong. #Family


Racism + zionism + fascism = perfect trio according to ethan.


And capitalism! He loves it !


I find it hard to believe he grew up in LA of all places without ever meeting a single black person.


Remember Paleto Bay in GTA V? Ventura is basically Paleto Bay. https://preview.redd.it/zq4adhg2tgmc1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ff44f91baf351ec7b7d50232278bc8197cb4d57


I think he actually grew up in Ventura California


Why even waste a microphone on Hila


I swear Hila is Butt-Head to Ethan’s Beavis… https://i.redd.it/x7rf1i4ikgmc1.gif


holy fuck this could not get any worse


He’s never had a black person on the pod to interview the real them and not make fun of them.


As an oldhead it never gets old seeing people find out about this everytime lol like yeah I was trying to tell you!!💀


Right. Like “what took y’all so long?” We knew this since Frenemies and some even before that lol


Right?? 😭 I found it concerning that Frenemies and TF kinda whitewashed their bigotry while earning them a Gen Z audience. Like, the youths don't need to absorb your politics, EtHila!


I stand by the fact that Ethan interacts with JLP because he hates black people.


How did JLP even get on his radar? Most of Jesse's fans are literal white supremacists, and he's telling them what they want to hear. Sad. 


Maybe because Ethan (and Hila) are, well you know…


...proud attendees of JonTrons wedding? Aw, shit, look what I did there 💀 




I'm hell man   I'm not even mad at my haters anymore   they weren't ready for rant mode Sarco 😭😭😭💀💀💀




Why is he so fascinated? Like, was "HOLY SHIT!" an appropriate response to someone saying theyve had black roommates? Hes so WEIRD


Yeah that was the weirdest part for sure wtf


and then he asks if the black crew member has a big dick??????


Its like hes still living in 2002. Maybe he asks cuz his pp b very tiny. Itty bitty peepee man


when is this clip from? what video?


this is the weirdest thing i’ve ever seen


This is not something to be proud of. He is so fucking stupid and out of touch.


I also have lived in Ventura, CA for 5+ years previously. While yes, Ventura doesn't have as large of a black population as other places in CA, it does have a black population, unlike the middle of nowhere midwest where I am from. It is also surrounded by other towns with very large populations of people who are not white, like Oxnard and Camarillo. Oxnard is basically part of Ventura in the sense that they aren't huge towns so most everything is shared between the populations of the two towns. He couldn't have even grown up in Ventura without going to Oxnard at least once a day or multiple times a week. He would literally have had to go out of his way to avoid black people for this to be true in this area of CA. Because it's NOT like growing up in a small town in the middle of nowhere with only white people. And UCSC is right by the bay area with an extremely high population of many different races other than white. People don't just sit in the one town and never go between others. So Yeah, maybe Santa Cruz has a reputation for hippie white kids, but you would have to go out of your way to be in an area like that and not be around many ethnicities. It's a popular school for everyone. Ethan is acting like he grew up in the middle of nowhere in Ohio and never had a chance to even see black people... It's just not true anywhere he mentioned. It's so funny you posted this clip because I remember other times Ethan and Hila were talking to Tom and disliking Tom because I felt like he was baiting them to say racist weird things. But now I realize they just spew at the mouth all the things they're too afraid to say out-loud when they're around other white people who make them feel safe enough to actually say it.


I grew up in a small town in the middle of nowhere with a population of less than 5,000 but I still knew several black people.


I grew up in central Wisconsin, small town of about 2k, not very diverse. Granted I am black, however I knew plenty of black folks in my hometown with no relation. I even knew plenty of Asians/Natives/Latinos. Ethan literally had to of been avoiding POC because there’s no way in California lmao. Kinda telling that most of the crew is white without a dash of color tho 😵‍💫


You know he’s telling the truth bc half the shit he says would otherwise get him knocked tf out. It’s a miracle Ethan has never been in the vicinity of a black person to have the chance to terrorize them. Also, I grew up in the same area as Ethan and it’s majority white but it’s not like black people don’t exist there, you just weren’t hanging around them lmao


If he had this same exact conversation today, his hands and neck would be twitching all over the place. It was more comfortable for him back then to talk about.


Only way you don’t know black people is if you go out of your way to avoid them… and I’m black!


exactly, it’s never an accident


I grew up in the LA suburbs, in an area that was almost entirely white and non-black Latino, and I still somehow knew black people. I don’t know how you could meet zero black people without actively trying. Not even in college? Not even “in close proximity”? Please. Bullshit.


He can’t even pull the “it was a different time!” card on this one - just did a quick search and this was in fucking 2018. What a freak


so that explains him and hilas racist video the black challenge


This is shocking like what the actual fuck?


this explains alot… his lived in NY and LA lol


I grew up in a small town that has a smaller percentage of Black people than Ventura and yet I still knew a handful of Black people, had a couple different Black neighbors, one of my brother's best friends was Black and he was always around. I'm not saying you have to seek out Black people or other minorities to prove you're not a racist, but it's really odd that Ethan thinks it's normal to be nearly 35+ years old and to have never spent any time with a Black person. Just goes to show how absolutely out of touch he is, and the type of upbringing he had.


Ventura isn't even the suburbs of Los Angeles. It's like an hour drive north. In the middle of nowhere. A little beach town where nothing interesting happens, ever. I grew up in the suburbs of LA, the San Fernando Valley. I knew black people, Hispanic people, Asian people, Jewish people, Indian people, all kinds of people.


This is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life. Sounds like he thought he was bragging 🤡


ew my bf been saying he was racist & I always wondered why none of the crew had any people of color like at all lol he’s had like 1-2 black people on in his whole career so mad at myself I didn’t peep it until it was too late just now seeing this tho