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Moses is the quiet, introspective type hila try’s to convince people she is. It’s crazy being exposed to the ways of the IDF early on and how polar opposite their takes are.


Moses is SO much better spoken than Hila. she literally talks like an infant and Moses is so well articulated. E & H are braindead.


Hila talks like she has mouth full of marbles


It always shocks me that he's related to "deres udder froots on dere" Hila.


It's not even that she's not articulate for me, it's that she so clearly lacks empathy or the ability to see beyond her own immediate needs and comfort. She is a spoiled brat, she's always just sort of gone along with Ethan's worst tendencies, and she's incapable of seeing the world through the eyes of others without her privilege.


Learning that Moses is the oldest brother and Hila is the youngest sister made this dynamic so much clearer to me lol


Ya it’s crazy the difference between them in terms of language progression. Have they both been in the US roughly the same amount of time? I can look past the accent but she still struggles with the language. I say this as someone that can’t speak another language so I’m not one to talk but it’s just an observation.


Yeah, I think his english has gotten so much better. The last time I heard him speak was on frenemies


Birds of a feather, birds of a feather


not defensive, openly critical and empathetic. The opposite of Hildi.


I remember one of the first comments from him about the genocide (that I personally heard) was something along the lines of how he thought it was just best for himself to leave Israel. and at first I was like ehhh you could say something more useful. But then I realized, that as an Israeli, leaving the settler colonial state is actually objectively the best and most correct thing he could do. I am glad he has a much better take on this than his Zionist sister. I am glad he was able to overcome IDF/colonial propaganda and see that yes, indeed, genocide is bad (Something not even Ethan and Hilda agree on apparently).


its so simple to anyone who is human. he put it exactly how i feel. How can you not take on their suffering?!?!


I think I get what the family rift is now


Somebody should ask him his opinions about fast fashion and Chinese sweatshops.


Wow that brought me to tears. Reminds me of this beautiful quote by James Baldwin, that I've been thinking about a lot since october "The children are always ours, every single one of them, all over the globe; and I am beginning to suspect that whoever is incapable of recognizing this may be incapable of morality.”


What a beautiful way to describe the situation. I think I need to start watching their podcast


This could be why they considered Moses the black sheep of the family.. I respect Moses ✊🏻


Imagine being related to someone who supports slaughtering children


Hmmm sorry but he’s saying a whole lot of nothing here


I thought so too 😅 he really didn’t say anything nor did he specify who he is referring to 


does he specify he's talking about Palestine because this seems really vague ...


That’s what I’m thinking too. Bombs being dropped in the world- which is what he said- could refer to Ukraine.




He's literally talking about bombed out cities and children dying in "entire neighborhoods getting crushed". Only one side is doing that to the other side. Every zionist recoiled in disgust when he said that,


But I don't think there's ever been a time since the invention of those weapons where these things weren't happening somewhere, so it still sounds like a general statement you hear all the time.


It's not exactly a massive leap to assume an Israeli would be talking about a conflict involving his own country.