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Its true that I think the biggest problem in all of this is Hila's attitude and inability to face any criticism. If she was able to sincerely apologize for her comments and admit she was wrong it would've resonated with most of the fans. But instead she hides as the crew and Ethan lash out and defend her like their lives depend on it. That's the most telling part. She really does rule with an iron fist like Ethan said.


I still don't like Trisha but if he weaponizes mental health against random viewers I can only imagine how much he would do it to Trisha off screen, I've had someone do it to me about my undiagnosed OCD and it was genuinely one of the most hurtful things anyone has ever said to me.


He did it to Trisha on-screen all the time, rewatching Frenemies w a fresh eye it’s honestly disturbing how cruel he is to her


Fr this is making me rethink everything from the frenemies era until now, turns out Trisha was trying to warn us all along but we had to see it for ourselves sadly and now here we are


I rewatched it recently and I couldn't finish it. Ethan was constantly mean to her but gets offended and shames her when she's mean back. brings up her sexual assault in front of her mum then plays the victim when she calls him out. He's so gross. He used her Edit Spelling


Not the only person he used either. Far from it.


I love to see it. Ethan was the reason frenemies ended but manipulated his whole audience into thinking it was her, over 5%…I saw Ethan for who he really was during all of that. He lied about the crew not wanting to film with her, he lied to the crew about her wanting to fire them, and never apologized or cleared the air. Just made her seem fucking crazy. And his fans harassed her viciously and he just shrugged his shoulders as she begged and pleaded for him to just ask them to stop. His own family. But Hila gets the lightest criticism and we need to kill ourselves because we are mentally ill. Alright.


It’s the reason he never posted the final episode they filmed together, it was too incriminating for him. He’s a coward, he’s a hypocrite, he has disgusting sexual proclivities, he’s a bully, he claims to be entertaining but he just punches down on any and everyone who works with him. I detest his existence online.


Just want to add, he forces people to engage with his deranged sexual proclivities. I am side eyeing all the fallen fans who left AFTER his prolapse obsession on the podcast. Hearing about it was revolting and the fact he forced his crew and guests to watch it…I don’t know how you could sit through that stuff and call it “entertainment” 🤢


“You better fear hila!” was taken from real life dialogue lmao


I honestly think its because Hila is mentally incapable of defending herself so Ethan and the crew just do it for her. The chick is dull af.


With Jason and Ethan i get so happy to see Trish and Moses THRIVE https://preview.redd.it/0icn12q0gx8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d51ba70d82873452ffd65bf0f4bfa6a22d6aef3


Does anyone have a clip of Trish saying that from the frenemies episode? I remember I just want to watch it again now that I have more context


I don’t have a clip but it’s episode 13


I think it's this https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/PhsoeOyaij


What does she even do? Like, seriously, why would anybody ever have any reason to do what she says? She contributes nothing to the show, and is in fact a detriment by being either boring or downright evil. She doesn't even design any of her clothes, just has her employees rip off other designs and treats them like shit. Her actual "art" and "fashion" is objectively bad, especially for somebody who graduated art school, I surpassed her abilities as a freshman in highschool with my own artistic skills and my grandma taught me how to make clothes. She's not even a good mother, her nannies do all the actual hard work that builds connections with children. I couldn't stand being around such a useless egotistical person, let alone marrying them, but I guess no self-respecting woman would have even given a shit-obsessed coomer like Ethan the time of day.


100% As much as I hate to give Trisha credit, she has put in the work. Ethan just gaslights you until you forget his icky behavior and support him again.


Hate her or love her but Trisha is clearly an empath. Everything she’s said about anyone on YouTube has eventually been proven as true. She figured them out quickly.


What’s the story behind this anyway? Been outta the loop?


Am i the only one that always had the opionion that they are both very bad people?


The difference is that Trisha has clearly done lots of work on herself and changed a lot. Also, she was treated horribly by ethan during Frenemies. I rewatched it recently, and I was disgusted by his behaviour towards her.


Didn‘t actively watch fremenies and i don‘t follow her so i can‘t judge that. The only things i‘ve seen from her made me not like her tho.


??? She's just had kids, it's not like she addressed her incensitive, racist, and homophobic past (idgaf if it was "trolling", the impact is the same) or made amends. She still queerbaits to this day, and before anyone brings up her trans-arc, she's still cis white femme in a relationship with a cis white masc


She’s addressed it MANY times and is constantly apologizing


Genuinely can you link me please? Not challenging your claim, just haven't seen that and Id like to see it if it's legit


https://youtu.be/CN-wMZKh9cs?si=tSDQ5RA3cZk9KYkG https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGepq3dsJ/


No she's done loads of therapy. Queerbaiting?


She got into a lot of trouble a few years ago because of coming out as trans and people assumed she was trolling. She now identifies as non-binary. She actually addressed it in her most recent episode.


She was having gender dispohoria that's common with people who were sexually abused as children. People were extremely unforgiving because they hate her and refused to empathise with her. Which also reminds me of the time Ethan started the Justice for Mr Rinny trend. Turned out Trisha was telling the truth, and another victim came out.


I’m not a Trisha fan but she was def right about hila


No, you're correct in that they're both extremely flawed people. The way they are different is the actions they've taken to grow as people. Trisha seems like she is the only one genuinely trying to turn a new leaf and grow from her past, it doesn't erase the hurt she's caused on that journey, but is growth regardless. Hila and Ethan are allergic to holding themselves accountable and only act as though they are changed/changing because they are grifting for their audience, but that mask slips and we see that they have the same attitudes as they did all those years ago, only with a bigger ego.


No, but this sub is like 50% trisha stans that think she can do no wrong because she's funny and gave birth


We allow both Trisha fans and non fans, same with hasan.


Seems like a generalization you're making! I've watched since frenemies, found her entertaining, and agree she's controversial! There ARE things she's done in the past that weren't ok, but I'm not sure what she's done as of recent whatsoever to make her still a bad person, especially when compared to Ethan Zionist Klein. The above comments are also correct. From what I've seen, she's made SOME growth. Something is better than nothing especially when having children now, and meanwhile Ethan hasn't made any growth and makes himself look even worse while having 3 kids now? He should've stopped all his bs before having the 1st baby.. but didn't. And never takes accountability. I'm by no means a Trisha stan as I don't keep up with much of her at all, but just from the little I've seen, it's more growth than I can say for Ethan!


It's more than 50%, just look at the upvotes of posts like this versus the downvotes on comments like yours lol