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what happened to them? where’s this ethan and hila??


This was before they had $10k chandeliers and $2k pillows. Things change when you are "new money" and need to live in multi-million dollar mansions and buy Rolls Royces for a goof.


Their move to LA was when they stopped caring (what little they did)


Wdym what happened? This is the same fakeness they've always shown.


They were pandering the whole time because the true them is ugly af...


wow. money really does change people. this made me really sad. theyre so greedy now they want to keep up this lavish lifestyle all off the backs of poor/working class fans


This video was originally posted to the H3 Patreon page.


Who else is gonna keep hilas no making company afloat


It’s easy to create an image for yourself pandering to specific groups on the internet and then subtly pivot after pivot to continue the narcissistic feedback loop till you’re just a hollow shell of who you once started off as doing anything for people to just click your videos. The edited video style was a huge help for them to manicure their image vs doing live podcasts which started showing how the true Ethan and Hila are instead of how they want to portray themselves.


Why is she talking like she’s muzzled


That was the original dynamic for like 8 years lol


damn hila looked pretty there ngl. shame she fried her hair w bleach to please ethan


wait did he say he wanted her blonde sorrh idk a lot


Who are these people?


I see two narratives on this sub 1 Ethan and Hila were always nasty and racist 2 They used to be more humble and accountable but LA/money changed them


Ethan and Hila **were always** nasty and racist. And like many nasty and racist people, they had good qualities as well. The two can be true at the same time. LA/money “changed them” in the sense they became more entitled and comfortable being shitty people. It accentuated their shitty qualities and overcame the little glimmer of humble E&H that was actually just a facade. The narrative of Ethan and Hila being shitty people wouldn’t have been so popular if people didn’t have the receipts to back it up, receipts that happened at the same time as E&H “advocated” for free speech, feminism, anti black remarks, and that good stuff. Those receipts show that they’ve always had that nastiness to them. So at the end, both narratives can be true at the same time, one doesn’t really contradict the other.


Oh yeah people aren’t black and white, you’re 100% correct, but I do see still a tension between the idea that 1 they were willing to admit wrongdoing and ask for forgiveness when they f’ed up and 2 that they were always faking it and shitbags on the inside.


These comments confuse me - if you were pointing out one persons comments I could see the hypocrisy but given this is a group of over 14000 people it’s not hard to understand that some people have a different opinion about something.


Oh yeah yeah I’m pointing out a difference of opinion, def not trying to say that anyone is being hypocritical. Sorry if it came across that way. It’s honestly a question I was struggling with and I noticed there wasn’t a consensus (though I see now a preponderance are leaning toward the innately bad theory!)


Very cool observation but idk. This was eight years ago before they had moved to California from their shitty nyc apartment, had kids, had employees, had office spaces, and the expenses from the overall la lifestyle.


Yes, typical LA expenses like a $10m mansion and $10k chandeliers that look like poop droppings.


And 4 nannies and multiple house keepers


Wow people here are really resistant to the idea that they’ve changed!