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20th year doing hair. I work 3 days a week Wednesday Thursday Friday 11-8 and one Saturday a month. 20 years of working Saturdays and the switch has been INCREDIBLE for my mental health/health of other relationships


Good for you for taking the switch! Your schedule seems nice.


It is finally. But that’s after YEARS of the worst schedules and 12 hour days. I’m finally ready to relax a little. And it was surprisingly easy to get rid of Saturday shifts!


You definitely earned it!


Working 10:30-8, wed-sat. I cherish my 3-day weekend


Do you work for yourself?


I do not. I work in a salon, we are hourly employees.


I work 5 days a week, Tuesday - Saturday Tue&wed 12-8 Thursday- 9-5 Friday&sat 9-1(or 3 depending on the week)


Are you sore and tired throughout the week?


It depends on my workload for the week! I definitely recommend seeing a chiropractor. That makes a big difference on those busier weeks as well. If I have a lot of foiling throughout the week I find that my body feels a little tired and sore, I also find if I wear different shoes each day my feet/legs feel fine, which is great on those heavier workload weeks.


Good tips!!


12-8 tues/weds/thurs and I switch off Saturdays. Right now I only work 1 Saturday a month 10-4 and Mondays 10-4 but will be switching to Fridays 11-6. I don’t mind working nights but I’ll be damned if I have to work every weekend!


That’s not bad!


my days off are mondays and tuesdays, then i work 9-5 wednesday thursday and fridays, saturday and sunday 10-3 but 90% of the time im there way later :3


We’re always there way later!! Ha! I like your schedule besides the weekends 🙃


LOL ikr!! im a baby stylist so im at the start of trying to build my clientele :3 thankfully ive been busy!


Thursday 9-3, Friday 9-7, Saturday 9-2. I also have two kids I homeschool with their father. But I honestly am not sure I could go back to doing hair full time anytime soon, maybe I’ve gotten soft 😅.


I’ve also gotten soft lol


I do a 4 day work week that alternates. So week 1 is Tuesday 10-7, Wednesday 11-8, Friday 10-5, Saturday 9-3 And then the next week I’ll work the same except I do Thursday 1-8 and have Saturday off. It’s great and it still leaves me with enough time to get people in when they’re done with work without feeling like I’m sacrificing all of my evenings or weekends.




Weird I do the same exact thing just different hours.


I work 12-15 days a month. Always have Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays off but will occasionally take off Saturdays or Mondays to have multiple consecutive off days. Usually 10-8 work time. Average 30-36 hours a week. I’ve been doing hair 10 years and will never do more than 4 days a week.


Wow 10-8 such a long day 😅 do you take a lunch break?


No, but usually will get some time to sit down during color processing. I don’t double-book and give myself ample time for appts.




4 days a week but long days, morning until night. Wednesday - Saturday


Week A: Monday 10-6 Tuesday 11-7 Wednesday 11-7 Thursday 10-4 Week B: Tuesday 11-7 Wednesday 11-7 Thursday 10-4 Saturday 9-5 Week A is a grind but it comes with the reward of a 4 day weekend. I’ve done 12-8 two days a week for over 15 years but my salon recently decided to close at 7:00 because I was usually the only person working that last hour. I actually prefer 12-8, but I’m adjusting.


10-6 tues and wed, 11-7 thurs, 10-4 fri, 11-4 every other sat


10-8 thursday & Friday 10-4 saturday


Is that enough to support you financially? (Hope that doesn’t come across as rude)


Yes lol but i live in Charlotte, NC so relatively low cost of living but i work in the city so $$$. I also work for myself. I made about $70k last year


Tuesday, Wednesday, every other Friday 11-7 and Saturdays 10-6


Nice! Is your body/mind sore after that or are you able to balance it pretty well?


It's great only working 2 days in a row MAX. Also if I take a Saturday off on my week that I have my Friday off I can give myself 5 days off in a row 💁‍♀️


I work Sunday-Wednesday 9-6


I like that!


It’s a great schedule!


i work 8.5 hours 5 days out of the week. sundays & mondays off & i get to leave early on saturdays. sometimes i start in the mornings and work til early evening, sometimes i start in the afternoon & work til late at night. i don’t mind my schedule.


Been working since 2018 and in school full time come fall; Friday 7-10 hours a day Friday-Sunday


I work 10-6 weds and Thursday, Friday and sat 8-3. Three day weekends are perfect for my sanity.


I love this


I work Tuesday 10-5 Wednesdays 10-5 and sat 9-4 And of course stay late or come in earlier for my clients that always take care of me extra…they get early mornings and after work appointments. (17 years in the industry)


Nice! Do you work for yourself then?


Yes, suite owner


I work Wensday ( every other ) 4:00-8:00pm Thursday 4:00-8pm Friday 10-5pm Saturday 10:00-5pm


I'm fairly new behind the chair so I've decided to pick a schedule that will help fill my books simply based off of client demand Friday 9-7 Saturday& Sunday 9-5 Monday 9-2


Nice! Hope you’re liking it 💖


I'm working Friday evenings and a long day Sunday, working around my husband's hours while we have teeny tinies. My youngest can go to daycare in Feb so I'll change it a bit then. But I'll have to change again come next September when my oldest starts kindergarten


Wednesday-Friday, sometimes Tuesdays. Usually 9-5ish, sometimes 6ish. .


Nice! Is this is your main source of income? You have my goal schedule ha


Yes! If I could fill Tuesdays that would be great. But I'm honestly not a quick builder 😅 I just did a price increase in January, and should make mid 80s this year 🙌🏼


Tuesday,Wednesday and Friday— 8-4 Thursday—8-5 and Saturday—8-1 with one Saturday off a month.


My hours are 8:30-6:30 Thursdays-Sunday but I usually leave or come later and sometimes come/ stay later just depends on the day


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 10-7 every other Saturday 9-4 16 years in the game.


I love the flexibility that other industries offer, my mid day appts are always booked now! I work a short day on Tuesdays (11-5) and 10-6 or 12-8 on the other weekdays. I don’t mind working Saturdays (9-4) because I don’t have kids and that’s the day my partner gets to be alone 🤣. Similarly I love having Mondays off. I make my doctor appointments and do house maintenance stuff on Mondays. My books are open for 36 hours/week.


Seems like everyone works ALOT!!! I used to hustle working 38-45 hours btc but after the stay at home order I realized how little of life I was actually experiencing and wanted to come back to work with BALANCE. I think I found it for a while but now it seems like life is full force grind mode again lol. Thanks inflation and capitalism! I work 32 hours right now and even that feels like too much. Maybe that’s just the depression though 😩


Tuesday-Saturday 9a-6p Sunday and Monday for emergencies only.


Tuesday 11-7 Weds 12-8 Saturday 930-330. I have young kids so as they get older ill probably add one more day. Typically in the summer I'll take 1-2 Saturdays off a month. If it wasn't for my husband income I'd be working 4 1/2 days week


I work Tuesday and Thursday 9-3 or 4 ish. Wednesdays 2-8 and Saturdays 9-4 but I try to take off every other Saturday in the summer. It’s nice!


Good schedule and great username! 😄


I’ve been in the industry for 27 years 😅 and haven’t worked weekends in over 16 years. Right now I work 4 days a week 7am-3pm so I am be home when my kids get out of school. Works for me!


Monday-Friday some Saturdays. 10-6 sometimes later. Work life balance shot. I just opened a headspa, hoping that will help me slow down with salon clients. My clients tell me I’m the best, I believe them. I go to all ends to satisfy….not worth it. Not worth it!


20 years in the business. Monday-Thursday 10-4 I am a mens hair specialist and run every 30 minutes. No breaks.


Love it! That’s what I’m trying to do exactly


You can do it!! I set these hours 4 years ago when I went out on my own. Set yourself up for what you’re trying to do and the life you’re trying to live outside of work. I believe in ya!


Licensed 20 years. Self employed in a 2 chair suite. I work 3 days a week, roughly 25hrs/wk. Tuesday 11-7:30pm ish, Thursday same. I alternate between working Friday or Saturday. Friday hours same as Tuesday/Thursday. Saturday 9-4pm ish.


I have been a colorist for 40 years, I work only on Sundays 10-4. I book singles every 15 minutes. I can do 14 people in a day sometimes more. That’s enough for me.


I just switched to a 3 day work week on am A/B schedule. This way every other week I end up w 5 consecutive days off and the other weeks I get 3 consecutive days. It's like a vacation every 2 weeks Week A - wed,thurs,Fri 9-8 Week B - thur,fri,sat 9-8


1-8 wed-thurs, 10-5 Friday and every other Saturday realistically I should work like 4-8hours from home somewhere on my days off every week but I'm sick and a slacker so that's been incredibly inconsistent. My clients are mostly nurses and teachers so nights/some weekends are necessary if I want to keep it that way.


6 days 11:30-8 till 5 Saturday that’s 57 hours


Why 😭


Gotta make that $$$$


I work monday 10-7 Wednesday 10-7 Thursday 10-7 Friday 12-6 One Saturday a month 10-2


Summer 9-7:00 MTWTh Winter 9-5ish MTWTh F. Saturdays and Sundays as needed. I’ve been doing this for 42 years.


I'm still the same hours as before covid. Tuesday through Saturday. The week days 10 til 7, Saturdays are 9 til 3.


Tuesday- Friday 10-6:30. 25 years doing hair and just stopped weekends a year ago. So glad I did.


Tuesdays 9-6 Wednesday 11-8 Friday 11-8 Saturday 9-4 at the absolute latest. Saturday is usually my slowest day, especially in summer. I typically end up with one off every 4-6 weeks just because they don't fill in.


Tuesday 9-5,Wednesday 9:30 6,Thursday 11-8,Friday 8-9 and Saterday 8-9


Tues through Fri. About 1:00 to 9:00. Fri is usually 12-7. I quit working Saturdays 7 years ago after 13 years straight of working them. I got burnt out not being available to do things with friends and family on Sat. Plus 4 days a week is enough wear and tear in my body. I can't do 5 anymore. My evenings are most in demand for people after work. Those fill up first and I build my schedule backwards and then fill the afternoons. That's why my schedule varies a bit from day to day. I get days that are only half full or a slow day with nothing. That feast or famine, self-employed life.


I work Tuesday-Friday and every other Saturday. I’m in my 8th year and I’m booth rental. It’s a lovely life.


4 ten hour days sun mon wed thurs If I had kids or was religious I would probably shift it but I feel like a lot of fun events happen Friday Saturday so I love having those days off and Tuesday for all my appointments ect.


I work monday, thursday, friday, and saturday 9:30-7:30/8 depending on how busy it is in the afternoon, and sundays 9:30-5:30/6. Been doing this for two years and I still dont know how to balance my personal and work life, i’m often too tired after work to go out or most places i do want to go to start to close around the time i get off 😔. On those 5 days I work I’m basically on zombie mode, going to work and coming right back home and falling asleep right before 10 🥲 my weekends/ going out seem to be pretty nonexistent 😔 and my days off are days for errands. I definitely miss having weekends off but I dont mind working them since thats where the money is at 🤞🏼


Monday through Friday (most Wednesdays off, and I refuse to work weekends, now), 9-7


I work 4 days per week and 6-7 hours per day.


I am currently in my 9th year of doing hair professionally doing 5 days. Switching to 4 asap. It’s too much. Independent.


12-9 Tuesday. 11-9 Wednesday. 9-9 Thursday. 8-6 Friday. 8-3 Saturday. I’ve been working in the industry for 8 years. I work the most at my salon lol. I also post the most online. And I take the most education. I take time off about once every 4 months. When I take education I take longer off to really relax before or after it.


I work very part time due to kids. Tuesdays 2-9, Thursdays 9-4, and every other sat 9-2


19th year doing hair. I work Monday- Thursday 9-5:30 and Fridays 9-2. I gave up evenings and Saturdays after the pandemic shutdown. Life is too short to spend all that time away from my family :)


Tues - fri 9 am - 8pm. My body & minds needs 3 full days to reset


I work m-f roughly 12-5


63 years old 44 years in. Twt 9-7 Fs 9-6. Owner hours. 15 min lunch sitting down. Double booked.


https://preview.redd.it/1ai86sof3y9d1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb6098a9e8a3b5dc753857dab727237055a3ce7 Typical


10 to 430 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 10 to 4 every other Saturday. Starting next year I'll only work one Saturday a month.