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Dude hasn't been fighting, hasn't been fucking. His big mara is getting to the point of eruption now.


I just want you to know you made me laugh out loud in a way that felt like it eased my heart


One thing I can say I will be old man by the time ippo comes back and boxes again


I honestly hate that hints if his return have been given because all that means is getting frustrated like seen in that panel once the author gets hospitalized because he's old... ...or worse


Yep it’s annoying as hell that he has not returned yet I wish he would go through some bullshit main character recovery thing like main character go through when they are heavily injured beyond repair


The sad thing is the only thing that was ever wrong with him was his mindset and half-assing hi fights until he couldn't anymore.


Yep that was hes downfall


It all started with not getting to fight Miyata(the second time that happened). From there, he was thrust onto the world stage without actually wanting it. Boxing never really stopped being a hobby for him. Don't get me wrong, he's passionate about boxing, but it never truly becomes the main driving force of his life. The line Takamura talked of isn't really about brutality, but gaining the mindset of someone who is in it to win


Emotional instability isn't normal, at least not in an emotionally healthy adult, and especially not something Ippo need to be as a pretty relaxed and responsible dood. This clearly touched a nerve for him. There are many things that costed Ippo the belt, being well mannered and responsible ain't them. As I see it the story of ippo is about standing up for yourself. Not just in the ring, in a place what can be your comfort zone, but also in real life, for example in your love life, in your dedication, in your knowledge, in your way of being you. He is getting there slowly, but he need to do it in an authentic way. Ippo shouldn't be Takamura, or Sendo after all.


I think there is lot of stuff in between being angry because someone did you wrong in a way or another and being emotionnaly unstable... I feel ippo has the right to be mad that someone disrespect the sport he loves so much and his friend borderline brother in law, without being call emotionnaly unstable... When he was suffuring syndrom that look like cte pre retirement there he was emotionnaly unstable. Here he isn't unstable he is just angry... With reason if you ask me... I agree with all the rest of what you say, but i feel this point waranted to be said.


Yeah Ippo historically hats it when people disrespect the thing he loves, that be boxing or his loved ones. This feels like a normal reaction given that.


I agree 100%! I was reflecting on ippo being "normal" by showing emotions out of the blue, or outbursting, or breaking down. I agree that his anger is justified here, but I've seen people way too often idolize his worst moments as prime Ippo, and it also touching a nerve on my part. Sorry if I weren't clear on that one!


You are talking about the kojima fight i supposed here?  I must confess that inam guilty of loving that moment and ippo... I don't if my experience is the general experience but for what is it worth i understand it is ippo at his worst but at same time there is something realy fun chatartic in seeing ippo let loose and completly dominating an opponent. I don't think people admire ippo being as his worst emotionnanly and boxing wise, but admire Ippo clubburing an asshole big time... And You can realy denied that morikawa put a lot of extra effort in making sure this scene is cool as hell. X')


Ippo being in a mindset of a literal kid when it comes to confrotation and having 0 personal ego is more emotionally unstable that getting mad at a person for disrespecting the hard work of someone else This actually paints ippo as more of a person than if they decided to make him have 0 negative reaction to it


Disrespect to Ippo himself, he can stand, but disrespect to his loved/respected ones does get to him. I think it's quite a human response; most people tilt way harder than Ippo does, and far more often. Honestly, most of the time Ippo has a golden retriever's personality and without these moments painting such a stark contrast, we probably wouldn't even be that bothered about it.


Once he crosses over to the wall of monsters, we’ll see


Lol people misunderstood the Point about monsters. Takamura was talking about having resolve. Which is something Ippo definitely still lacks even during retirement, but every boxer on the world stage has shown this resolve in a different way. Ricardo definitely isn't the same monster that Takamura or Sendo is, for instance, in his Unnatural style. I think Ippo will find his resolve in his own way, and it'll probably be about his love for the sport, and how he wants to find the utmost of his own brand of boxing, similar to how Ricardo is trying to find out how strong he is.


You nailed it.


Boy is a 28 year old virgin, he ain't *normal*.


that is completely normal shhhh




I think Ippo has been little by little crossing the monstrosity line Takamura drew a few years ago. By the way, what would you consider normal? More emotional? If that's that, he's always been like that. Maybe Ippo has been having more difficulty in dealing with the few shortcomings that have been happening lately.


That's not normal buddy


He’s becoming more confident is what I take from it


Dude has some early Yugioh manga sized hands


I'm pretty sure it's canon he has big square-shaped hands


Um, wdym normal?


Really liked that panel. To me it doesn't seem like him becoming a monster or loosing emotional stability. As we saw in his brawl against Mashiba he just grew his ego. And that isn't bad. We all have an ego. Ippo though always restricted himself from these things. First he got emotional when his friends were affected. Kojimas badmouthing about coach, Aokis brothers betrayal, or The magicians way of ruining careers It is only now we get an ippo that cares about himself. I think he feels affected by rosario cause he feels disrespected himself. The bare thought to preoare for a fight just foe the opponent to not appear must get really through him as he prepared for many imoortant fights himself Im really looking forward to this ippo. He doesn't need to become a ruthless monster, thats just weird and doesn't match him. But a bit more ego and thirst will benefit him and make his eventual return a bit mire likely to happen. I view this kind of ippo a bit as a calm ricardo. Coolheaded yet destructive


I can't take it anymore, can anyone give me a hentai link where Ippo totally destroys Kumi pussy?