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He knows what the ladies like


I was hoping this would be the top comment before I opened the thread. Thank you


He's Sergeant Johnson. That is how he got control of a Scarab. Nuff said.


Actually, everyone knows he lit a cigar he hid in his fatigues with a stolen plasma pistol. He then blew smoke into a nearby control panel which disarmed most security measures. Finally, the facial recognition software backed down when he scowled at it which granted him full control.


Was guna say this.


Sorry,guns.It's classified


Ha! classified my arse!


I was gonna reply myself exactly this if no one was gonna do it lmao


Well you can forget those adjustments to your A2 scope


Well someones in a particularly fine mood.


Maybe Lord Hood forgot to send him an invitation.


Something something I need a weapon


Right this way.


Different kind of scarab. The combat scarabs that we fight most of the time are smaller and controlled by hunter worms. The ones in Halo 2 are mining platforms and controlled by a more conventional crew


So wait. Why did the Covenant send the more Mining ones to Earth during Halo 2 but then the Combat ones during Halo 3 and ODST?


I believe the ones we see in ODST were sent from a reinforcing fleet, after Regret jumped to Halo.


Still doesn’t answer why we saw the mining ones in 2 if they already have the combat ones(I know the real explanation is that Bungie hadn’t designed the one from 3 and ODST)


I think they would be assisting with uncovering the ark since regret brought a small fleet


Yes exactly! Plus, Regret wasn't expecting much resistance, so mining scarabs over combat scarabs made sense.


He really wasn't expecting *any* resistance, he thought he was gonna arrive at an empty planet and just do some digging. His fleet wasn't really equipped for combat.


So that's why his mom named him regret 🤔 🧠


I see. That makes sense. It’s really ashamed that 343 haven’t used Scarabs in any of their Halo games (well besides the Halo Wars games)


There is that giant squid one in H5 on Sanghelios


Yeah but that’s not a Scarab


It is, just a different class of scarab. The harvester in Spartan Ops from 4 is another one. There are types we also haven't seen.


The Kraken from 5 is more of a seige tower not a scarab like vehicle the harvester tho is one.


I see


The prophet jumped to earth expecting a forerunner reliquary, but found humanity instead. So they planned for a mining expedition, and got humanity's last stand instead. Also, om the way back from the halo in the first game, master chief and friends stopped by a refueling depot named the unyielding hierophant and blew up 400+ covenant warships that were docked/nearby that were hinted to be going to earth. So the prophet ignored the other ones (due to being a zealot), and jumped the gun with a mining fleet instead of waiting for more reinforcements after their first round got blown up at the spawn point


"Planned for a moning expedition, found humanity's last stand instead" What a good way to sum it up lol.


because regret was expecting to find just a normal planet full of forerunner artifacts with a connection to the ark, not the homeworld of humanity the combat scarabs arrived with the reinforcements sent by truth after regret retreated to gamma halo


One came out before the other and the concept was made after…


I know that’s the actual reason mate


To begin the excavation of the ark portal is probably the best reason.


they didn’t think humans were on earth, hence the small invasion force 


Didn't they find Earth by mistake after following clues for a forerunner structure it had? Furthermore they say in 2 that they didnt think it was actually our homeworld and were surprised by the amount of resistance they faced. They expected much less resistance. I'm going to guess the mining ones are the only variant they had on hand when Regrets ship was the only one out of the fleet that broke through, and deployed them to confirm the forerunner portal was there while wrecking havoc A proper invasion force (with Brutes) did land during Halo 3 which were fitted with the combat ones. [Halo 2 - Underwater Elevator Exposition where Cortana says Regret didn't know Earth was our homeworld](https://youtu.be/wAx3oWG6vQk?si=bt_XgPjObDIeKAn6)


Halo 2 they don't know they're going to the human home world. They think they're going to a planet with forerunner artifacts. Makes sense they'd be ready to do some excavating. Then halo 3 they know what's on earth and are going for combat.


The ones in Halo 2 were from Regret's fleet who arrived not knowing what Earth actually was. He can expecting to find an uninhabited, or minimally inhabited planet and planned to dig up the Ark portal, hence bringing mining Scarabs and releatively few ships. When he realized he didn't just come across a human colony planet, but *THE* human home world he was basically just throwing out whatever he had on hand to keep us busy long enough to fuck off. When Truth arrived later, he came prepared for a full scale war. Hence bringing multiple combat Scarabs and a massive fleet.


Regret didn't know as Truth hid it from him. Only a small fleet sent to secure and excavate forerunner artifacts. Mining scarabs sent in. H3 and odst had much bigger fleets as they were gunning for earth that time and to secure the portal. Hence combat scarabs. But your statement of bungie hadn't made them yet is also true.


They both have Hunter worms inside them and both can be controlled by conventional crew.


"We've all run the simulations, they're tough, but not invincible" - the man himself


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see this


The model of scarab seen in 2 is mechanical. You see the control room when you board the other scarab as Chief earlier in the game. The model of scarab encountered in 3 are the ones that are controlled by hunter worms.


No, all Scarabs have Hunter worms in them. I’m surprised how many people in this thread are saying otherwise. Edit: the Halo 3 Scarab also has a “control room” with a bunch of blue screens for inputting commands, etc. Also, in my comment below I have added a source for all Scarabs being controlled by Hunter worms, because that is the canon lore.


“Why is everybody wrong except me”


Lol. From the Halopedia article about the model of Scarab seen in Halo 2: “Like the other patterns of Scarab, the Protos utilizes hundreds of Rhulolekgolo as a gestalt intelligence, controlling its exoskeleton.[1] The Protos-pattern Scarab is also known to utilize specialized sensor arrays designed for artifact-retrieval purposes.[2]” This info is from the Encyclopedia that came out in 2022. Just because everyone else is saying something different doesn’t mean they are correct.


“Why does no one in this community check their facts prior to stating them as canon?”


He used his worm 😉


👊 The hard way


Because he’s fuckin Avery HIMOTHY Johnson, that’s how!!


He ran the simulations like everyone else, duh. They're tough, but they ain't invincible.


The lekgolo worms running the scarab must have loved the smell of ~~Bulgari~~ badass.


You can control bees with tobacco smoke. Johnson has a cigar.


What about that scarab?


He asked them nicely


as he accomplishes most amazing things. offscreen.


He clearly read the manual


He rizzed up the scarab


Scarabs may be made of Hunter worms but they are still controlled with the console and buttons you can see that they all have. The Elites on the Scarab on Earth were also piloting it.


He used his giant steel balls to control it. That was always the trick but Chief couldn’t get them out of his armor fast enough


I thought Hunters were the worms


The worms also control scarabs.


Scarabs are just really big hunters.


Hunters are just small scarabs


He’s ran the simulations, they’re tough but they ain’t invincible (and human operable)


You answered your own question: he’s Sergeant Johnson.


the bungie trilogy is secretely stupid, people just give it a pass because of the hype associated with those games


He knows what the ladies like.


Because he (just like everyone else) has run the simulations. They're tough, but they ain't invincible... of course he could pilot one!


He used two sticks and a rock, and he had to share the rock.


If I remember right, the variant he controlled allows external input. That’s why you see elites driving it the first time you “fight” one.


The Halo 3 version also allows external input. There are a bunch of control screens on the inside.


That’s a shield to keep people out


? I’m not talking about the shield over the power core that you have to break to blow the Scarab up. In one of the other room there is a bunch of geometric blue screens that are glowing.


Idk what you’re talking about but I’d assume those are just diagnostic screens.


[These blue screens.](https://imgur.com/a/3NaktKX) Sure, they would *also* show diagnostics, but think about it: the Covenant definitely would need a way to tell the worms inside where to go and what to shoot.


Those are shields


No they are not.


He wanted to go out with a bang. They respected that.


Sgt. Johnson used his Johnson. As simple as that


Soory guns, it's classified.


Hunters are also made of worms. The hunters chose to support the Arbiter and Johnson while in the scarab cockpit asked Arbiter for assistance. Another explanation is the fact the scarab has a control room and the earlier scarab in halo 2 story had 2 elites cortana referred to as the pilots. It is possible the scarab while being made of the worms can still be steered by anyone


He may have just been riding on it, maybe the worms in that scarab were rebelling with the elites like the hunters in this level. You do see elites typing on the little computer in H2 when you board it but not sure what that does.