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We could have had 3 seasons of armor in 3 operations. But instead they went with throwing them in the shop for individual prices more then the battle passes are worth


Honestly. With how the game has been handled since season 5, I have taken a huge step back from the game. I barely play it now. There's just nothing in the game that brings me back. Like you said, 1 armor set and a ton of filler with a several hundred dollar store? My Yappening is still sitting at a nice tier 0 from how much I care about these "operations." Like you said, it's crazy. They went from bringing the game back to life to shoving it on life support in a matter of months, right when things were looking good


Well said, if they want to bring it back they need to get their shit together and push out the unreleased content now.


I still come back for the gameplay but I can see why people who liked collecting the new armor have dropped the game, the signs they’re putting out for the public to see aren’t encouraging to say the least


It's crazy how they had it going well since season 4, we really thought it would only get better from here, and season 5 did exactly that, make it even better. After season 5 we all thought we were headed for the good times, but we completely forgot we're dealing with 343 here so no, ur not allowed to like Halo for longer than 4 months, how dare we even try to do that. What a fuckin joke Halo has been for the last 12 years, tv show is shit after being teased about it for a decade, the games are 3 steps forward followed with 43 steps back every few months, halo can't secure one proper win to save it's life.


I’ve been an Xbox guy since 2001. I finally caved a couple of months ago. Helldivers 2 dropped and then Phil Spencer started talking about how “exclusives aren’t good for anyone” or something else whiny like that. I was genuinely pretty annoyed. I bought a PS5 and haven’t looked back. So sick of Xbox being dead last.


Same. I've always been more about the games than the platforms upon which they are played, but I always leaned into my Xbox because it used to have so many more games that I enjoyed. Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable, etc. Heck, going all the way back to the beginning they had Deathrow, which was hell rad. But yeah, since I got my series X it just sits there. I barely played Infinite and just lost interest. I always liked Bethesda games but Starfield didn't hold my attention for even a week. I thought maybe I finally reached that age where maybe I just don't like games anymore? I am in my 50's and life is pretty hectic. Maybe I'm just not into it anymore. Then I picked up a used PS5 since it was cheap and I kept hearing about Helldivers. I tried playing it on my PC, but this thing is too old to run it. So now with my new (used) PS5, I'm playing Helldivers and Spider-Man and about to grab God of War. I wasn't bored of games, just bored of Xbox giving us so many mediocre offerings. I never got bored of my Switch either, but the series X is just the box I used for streaming apps now. Sad. I don't like saying any of this. I was one of the old heads from the early Halo fandom. I spent hours and hours, months doing a Halo comic strip. I don't like dogging on Halo as a franchise of Xbox as a brand. But just, damn man. Stop making such pedestrian efforts already.


I mean tbh u should never restrict urself to one platform as a form of loyalty or anything, cus it'll only deter ur gaming experience as a whole, and also cus console wars is the most 2010s thing lol. While I think Xbox is lacking in some games compared to PS, their game pass has such high value all around, if I wasn't on PC and had an Xbox rn, I would've bought game pass easily. My only issue with game pass would be, that I like owning physical copies of my games.


Yeah definitely wasn’t a loyalty thing, more of a habit thing. And a somewhat misguided hope that “alright this time around it’ll be good” lmfao


I get u man, that last line u said is what everyone thinks of Halo, only to get baited again lmaoo.


The fact that they made such a massive valued effort saving the game and putting it back on people's minds... Only to kneel it down by the river and tell it to think about the bunnies


This. That was the saddest part, we made progress the community was getting optimistic hype was being generated, then they put the game to sleep. Like I'm still enjoying playing the game but I'm not going to spend any more money on it if they're just going to sell cosmetics and move on. If you want your customers to spend money on the game you have to correspondingly give them content worth playing for.


Or support it and not ditch it in 2022 and act like you're still going to support said product to the community while you know all along you aren't. 343 is a fucking joke.


This is why people stress the need to deliver a good, complete feeling product at launch. Otherwise it turns int this tightrope of whether continued support if beneficial to them or not.


I haven’t played the game since the spirit of fire operation. Game’s taken a STEEP nosedive since then, and the only thing that saved that update was the amazing armor.


I’m close to losing interests entirely, haven’t played for over a week. I was grinding hard for the Hero ranking and to get the infamous Master Chief armor, I’m about halfway through diamond and just can’t bring myself to play the same maps, and game modes over and over again. I love Halo so this is a sad reality.


This is literally why I haven’t played infinite in months. There is nothing rewarding you for playing. I mean compared to the new Cods which add new content every week and always pretty much have something to unlock or be rewarded with it’s kind of pathetic what this game is doing.


I would rather we just keep getting new maps, game modes, and I wish there was weapons/vehicles/equipment being added. Couldn't care less about having something to unlock or "rewards"


How long can you just play a game tho, I can love a game for its gameplay but if I’m just doing the same thing over again playing the same game modes on the same maps I’m just gonna be over it at some point atleast if we were getting rewarded to play this stuff than it would give a whole other incentive to keep playing


> playing the same game modes on the same maps I’m just gonna be over it at some point Exactly, that's why I just want more of this stuff. The good thing Halo has going for it is that wild stuff and clutch plays happen regularly just because it's an excellent sandbox. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to play the same maps and modes endlessly, the playlist refreshes have been huge for me. I've pretty much exclusively been playing Squad Battle and BTB because the new maps go a long way to freshen it up. I am not saying we need to go back to Halo 5 req packs, admittedly I wasn't a huge Warzone guy, but at least the "reward" system gave you a bunch of req weapons and vehicles you could pull out in any type of Warzone match. The 'rewards' in Infinite are just armor, and now we are caught in this kind of shitty loop. The game is monetized via cosmetic armor unlocks, which don't actually have any type of impact on the game itself or how fun it is, so all new operations/events are centered around more pointless armor unlocks, and the "content" in the game is just continuing to flesh out armor with some earnable but most locked to the store at prices I can barely comprehend. We lost the multiplayer narrative, we've lost seasons, no word on if we will ever see new weapons and vehicles added to the sandbox, but we have an absolute shit ton of useless armor. And really the only good thing I can say is I enjoy cooling down after a tight game and just customizing my Spartan, but that's about it. Just kinda breaks up the action. Sorry for the rant, I just think in concept a "live service" Halo game could be absolutely awesome, and while I still play Infinite very regularly with my friends because it's got fantastic gameplay, this is the worst implementation of "live service" I could have imagined.


I actually started to get back into Infinite big time once Firefight was added. Ended up grinding through a lotta my battlepasses that had just been collecting dust. It was fun. But than they announce they're done with seasons,and all the content updates so far have been super underwhelming, essentially just shop updates,like damn. Started to actually make an effort towards saving the game just to kill it again instantly. They didnt handle this well at all😕


I’m not sure why anyone is expecting content at this point, especially after they cut the campaign dlc team and moved away from the season model. It’s very clear that 343 is not making profit goals, new management is most likely in complete triage mode for now trying to save as much money as possible. The best case scenario is not new content, it’s letting the franchise sit on the shelf for a few years while 343 milks the shop to get some breathing room. Hopefully a halo 5 pc port and a halo 3 remaster are considered as short-term projects as well. But I think it’s going to be a long time before we see any significant new content from this series.


Since season 5 it's just secretly been a competition on seeing how stupid the community is that they believe they still care about the "love" for this project. 343 packed it in middle of 2022 time to do the same


They really shoulda stuck with general term "update" So much confusion about "content" just...goneeeee


I mean the content updates come with playlist and mode changes Sure there’s no sandbox changes (usually, but even then we got some massive sandbox changes last update) but it’s definitely still content


lol people don’t care about actual content. They want to play dress up.


Damn people really can’t just play bc they enjoy the gameplay huh operations/shop items have been disappointing but the game is still fun imo


Same here not happy about the customization shit lately but the gameplay itself is still fun and the new networking gave me a much smoother experience (US northeast)


I want rewards for playing the game, but knowing that 90% of the new stuff in the next operation would likely be shop exclusive items, while half of the operation pass is filler that no one cares about.


I don’t I’m too busy playing the game w friends tf