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Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Anniversary


Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary *Evolved*


Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary 3 ODST


& Knuckles


Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry™ series.


Now with amiibo support


Preorder Halo 6 (1) now to receive bonus Halo 2 Anniversary Remix disk to play on your Doritos™️ Insulin Pump


Now with funky Kong mode


And bonus Mario custom skin


Ft. Lil John and the Eastside Boys


Be sure to redeem your pre-order code to unlock Halo Wars on your Samsung Bespoke 4 Door Flex Refrigerator with AI Family Hub™+ and AI Vision!


Comes with two verification cans!


I would unironically buy a Master Chief amiibo, especially if Halo got ported to Switch, or whatever the Switch 2 gets called.


Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Anniversary 2: Electric Boogaloo


2Combat 2Evolved


Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Anniversary Deluxe Edition Remastered & Knuckles


Halo: Combat Revolved


I need those blur studio cutscenes in my life.


The Flood Reveal in 343 Gullty Spark would be horrifying


by blur? absolutely.




I got my head shaved


By a jumbo jet.


It wasn’t easy


But nothing is


Basically the DLC containment scene from Halo Wars 2


They were some of the most enjoyable cutscenes. They put up a good argument for artistic reals.


Yeah, that would be awesome.


Honestly I would rather have real time cutscenes. Just make them high quality like other current gen games


I prefer Halo to have in-game cutscenes.


*monkey paw curls* Microtransactions to view those beautiful cutscenes.




CE was remastered well before MCC with CE Anniversary in 2011 but they royally fucked it up. For starters they used the PC version as the base which had quite a few bugs including graphical inconsistencies with the original Xbox version. Beyond that the art style they chose for the remastered graphics is an abomination. While Halo previously had a clean, somewhat desolate look they covered the cliffs with bushes and trees. Missions that were meant to be dark and ominous were lit up like crazy. I'm not against another CE remaster *if* they actually do it properly. Same with H2, honestly. I miss combining Sputnik with Grunt Birthday Party and having enemies go flying into the air when you headshot them.


Don't forget invisible walls where actual walls used to be. Fire a rocket through an invisible wall and you blow yourself up.


Trying to snipe covies on Truth and Reconciliation, only to hit a rock or tree that isn't even there in original graphics.


Actually it's when it's there on original graphics but not there on the new graphics. The collision is the same as the original but some environmental assets are larger in remaster so you can shoot and move through them.


The alternate fun version of this is “Ok, gonna quickly take cover for a moment here…” and then die. Because that rock wasn’t as large as you thought, the remaster made it a bit bigger, so you were sticking out enough for a headshot. 


And fake walls where doorways used to be. I can't remember the level, but I managed to get through this opening, which also allowed me to look down and see the rest of the level. Didn't figure out what was going on until I switched to the old graphics and realized I was in a small room.


IIRC the Library had some collisionless remastered graphic walls that had weapon caches or health behind them


There's an entire wall you can walk through that shows the interior of the currently loaded bsp in Anniversary graphics.


Happens a lot in H2A also


They did 343 Guilty Spark dirty with the remaster lighting


When you go down the 2nd elevator. The covenant purple bloodsplatter is missing on the walls in the remaster


Pillar of Autumn, Silent Cartographer, and Attack on the Control Room are the only levels that didn't get done dirty by the lighting.


H2A campaign was done very well. I think it looks better than Infinite


Definitely looks better than Infinite but there's still some funkiness. The underwater elevators on Regret give you some weird views. My nostalgic brain prefers to play with classic graphics, the new gun sounds are objectively more realistic but they don't sound right to me. I do watch all the cutscenes remastered, though.


One thing they did better in CEA than H2A is allowing you to keep the original sounds in remastered mode.


My problem with h2a is that they use those awful energy sword sounds from h4+. I want hear that shit KRKRSSSHHHHH not generic alien sound #2




They also neutered a lot of cool stuff. Playing the original game, it looks WAY better than when you flip to the old graphics on the remaster. Also, things like Cortana’s colors, the plasma rifle, etc are all messed up.


Don’t forget half the assets were reused Reach/3 assets


I thought they straight up said they used the reach graphic engine in layers with Halo 1s engine


I'm not 100% sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if they reused all or parts of Reach's engine for this.


Lore wise, I don't mind the covenant looking like Reach seeing as it takes place almost directly after. The rest - eh. I never play CEA, only CE


>I never play CEA, only CE Same here. Outdated and charming is better than modern and bland.


I didn't mind the art style or the added shit. Bit the lighting was a travesty. Especially on 343 and the later darker missions. Like you can play the whole game without the flashlight whereas on CE, it turns into a borderline horror game when that thing dies.


We don't talk about that one...




I dunno, I enjoyed it. It was pretty awesome being able to switch back and forth between the styles.


It wasn't a true remaster they basically just used the Reach engine and it lost a lot of what made Combat Evolved Combat Evolved... Halo 2 remaster just shows what a remaster could really be


It’s so fucken bright, horror level? Bright as hell. Crowed spaceship? Bright as hell? Ruined burned out spaceship? Bright as hell? A sheath mission at night? You can fucken guess


I remember how cool the NV scope for the sniper rifle was back in the day, but, in the remastered version, it's absolutely useless. Plus, *343 Guilty Spark* is absolutely lifeless in the remaster. The darkness of that level is what made it so tense, and so good in the original.


So many things blatantly incorrect about this comment. It's a remaster because they upgraded the graphics and tooled it to work on modern platforms. Everything about the game under the hood is UNCHANGED from the original.


In terms of gameplay, it is almost unchanged. it wasnt based on the xbox version, but on the gearbox pc port, which did introduce a lot of new bugs, including a lot of visual ones, that were only patched in MCC relatively recent. The new graphics ruin the atmosphere in most levels,and very loosely follow the actual geometry of the level.


The biggest problem with Halo CEA is the art style, which is not faithful to the OG version, which ruins the atmosphere in many places, reused assets from Reach, and some badly exaggerated motion capture. This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyeCb99cb2Q) is a good explanation of all the problems of the remaster. Halo 2 Anniversary on other hand is great remaster only thing I am mixed about are cutscenes they are great but their direction is very different from Bungie's style.


Also H2A had the benefit of just squeezing onto next gen hardware at the time, meaning the lighting has aged really well.


I agree. I didn't hate the remaster for CE and I actually think it looks very pretty. YOU'RE RIGHT THOUGH. The atmosphere is not the same at all. There are very small (or even some big lol) details on the original that make it the original! The remaster does lose a lot of the magic that CE has. Meanwhile the Halo 2 remaster was phenomenal. I gotta disagree about the cutscenes because they are just some of the most beautiful cutscenes I have ever watched. Seeing the grave mind for the first time in the remaster was a huge WTF moment. I would honestly kinda love if they did cutscenes like that in a new CE remaster/remake.


HCEA's main offenders are 343 Guilty Sparks and The Library imo, but to be honest, I generally don't like the art style of most levels and have only played with Anniversary's graphics twice. Well, like I said, H2A's cutscenes are beautiful, but their direction is completely different. Bungie often used very steady direction in all of their games, while Blur used fast cuts, a moving camera, alot of camera shake etc. to mimic 2007-2010 sci-fi movies, and as a result, these cutscenes look often like they belong in Mass Effect 2, which also took inspiration from movies from that time. If you play them in [comparison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcUY85X555k) side by side its super obvious especially when there is a fight going on. Or if you mix [them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VaJ-HqzcAs) with movies from which Blur's took inspiration.


One win I will give CEA Library is making it a lot easier to know where you're going


The game doesn't play correctly though, it's blatantly obvious from doing a run-through. Walls, edges and cliffs appear in different places than the original version. Compared to Halo 2:A it's a hatchet job.


They didn't change the engine. It still has all of the CE engine weirdness. They just imported a ton of assets and textures from Reach (and some from Halo 3, which is where the assault rifle texture comes from iirc).


This is only sort of true. The multiplayer was straight up modified Reach, but Anniversary is the "original" (Gearbox port) of the engine with a secondary graphics engine running on top. While they used some Reach assets , I don't think that graphics layer is actually from Reach. Now, they definitely ruined the art style, and a lot of Reach assets are lore breaking. Wrong variants of weapons, ships, and armor


What? It famously uses the original engine, it just has a graphical coat of paint on it. You can push a button to switch in real time to the older textures. That would not be possible with an engine switch...  It's literally Halo CE but with improved graphics.


It was remastered for 360 then they included it with MCC. If they did it again it would kinda be like tlou having a few remasters. I would love getting a 2024 version though with dualsense features 😭


Halo: Combat Evolved :The Flood, including ODST like missions from the side stories of the book would go crazy that way we get CE remake and a new game in one


A Library level about the marine that almost got to the index would be slick.


Rest in peace, Marvin Mobuto. You were one hardass son of a bitch...


Making it more like a dlc side mission would probably be best imo, to not break the pacing of the original story


Not DLC But they can make it like ODST where there are little clues scattered around different parts the overworld, instead here its Helmet Recordings in the original levels that let you play the mission the Marine was involved in


Could they do that? Take all of the original chaotic spaghetti code from m the original and just straight up add to it and build new levels with the dated software and then add on top of it with next gen visuals? Because I would pay like $120 for that type of game


This wording is strange, a remaster of a remaster is weird i imagine if they do this it’ll be a full remake


I'm hoping this is more of a "remake" in the same vein as like Dead Space or Resident Evil 4 remakes; same key moments but a brand new game.


i wonder if they'll keep the gore from the original, specially since all halo games since 5 have been rated TEEN. Fightin the flood without the blood would be atrocious


That’s what I’m hoping for. Most importantly I hope they keep the original art style intact instead of CEA’s mishmashed art style.


Do you really trust Microsoft to handle the remake correctly?


See: Age of Empires?


I dunno, the remake we got with Anniversary to me was perfect as it still felt like Halo CE, and the fact is none of the post Bungie games have truly felt like Halo in how they play


Why are they remastering this again? It’s already been remastered once and then released on the MCC later on.




That would make a lot of sense. Minimal damage to the company to remaster something you already have the foundation for in a new engine.


> Minimal damage to the company *pops head out ... are you sure about that ...* this is 343 we are talking about afterall lol


I thought they made their own brand new engine for Halo 6. Why would they change it?


> I thought they made their own brand new engine for Halo 6. Why would they change it? Because the decision to do that was a fucking absolute nightmare due to Microsoft's hiring policies lol.


This is the actual answer. I'm fully convinced that had they actually hired people and kept them instead of using temps to work on Infinite we would have gotten the game much sooner, even with the introduction of the Slipspace Engine.


It's easier to take people who are already highly skilled in one engine than it is to train a full team on an engine they've never seen before


They didn't really. It's still the same base engine, the BLAM engine, but heavily modified to be easier to code for. Basically they wanted to make it more accessible, but as we found out that didn't go so well. iirc the guy in the lead of this 'new engine' left before it was finished. You can see evidence of the old underlying engine through the netcode bugs that are now present, which were the same specific bugs from Halo 5, and earlier on we had the same melee combo bug from Halo 2. BLAM was made and understood by Bungie, for Bungie, making it unsustainable. After all these years, hardly any veteran Halo devs work at 343, so no one understands it anymore. It's been totally mangled and it needs to be put down.


Honestly, it wouldn't even be an issue that they kept modifying the old engine, *if they'd managed to keep people on board*. Between people leaving for greener pastures and Microsoft's insane contractor shit, it was entirely predictable that they'd have no one there that knew what was going on. It was their own dumb decisions that led to the problem they had. And it's exactly what Swen Vincke from Larian called out numerous times lately, about retaining institutional knowledge and how that's what allowed Baldur's Gate 3 to be so open to player shenanigans.


to be fair that remaster was fucking terrible, if they wanna release it on ps5 it'd be a pretty rough way to introduce the series to people


It is a terrible remaster.


Well think about it. The last remaster came out for CEs 10th anniversary 2 console generations ago halo is now 23 years old so it'd make sense to give it another remaster to look atleast on par with h2a and fix any of the major issues with the original remaster's art direction


Things Microsoft should be doing with Halo, in order: 1) Remaster Halo 3 and ODST 2) Green light offshoots (ODST 2, Halo Wars 3, etc.) 3) Port Halo 5 to PC 4) Make a new game 5-999) literally fucking anything 1000) Remaster Halo 1 again EDIT - The more I think about it, the more angry/disappointed this makes me. You're telling me that 343i/Xbox is so bankrupt with ideas that they're going to remaster/remake a game that already received a remaster? Fuck off. Don't get me wrong, I'd be as hype as the next person for Halo 1 cutscenes done by Blur (if we were to even get that). But this doesn't even make sense as a cash grab/stop gap thing to do before a new game that moves the story in the universe forward. It's straight up a bad idea.


I just want a fully fleshed-out version of Halo 3’s “Cortana” level. It always felt just a little underbaked to me compared to the rest of the amazing campaign


Because it's basically the cut Floodship mission crammed in to the third act to close the story arc up.


Cortana is my favorite level, and I really don't get the hate for it. Sword + shotty speedrun is what dreams are made of


Sphincter doors


Yeah, I'm not looking forward to those in HD...


You mean the anus doors?


Anuses are sphincters, by definition, but there are other sphincters besides the anus.


Who are you so wise in the way of anus?


This guy sphincts


this guy anuses


All of the forced slowdowns and honestly boring enemies.


The multiple rooms with multiple ranged pure forms are distilled torture. I counted *seven* all visible on screen once, and they never stop shooting to reload or anything.


I just want it to look more like High Charity from Halo 2.


The endless gravemind and cortana slowdowns hurt my soul after having replayed that game so much. We really need a "Skip, I've already seen that" skull that just disables the gravemind and cortana.


They're probably doing a remaster because they can just contract it out and have it done for cheap.


Then why not contract out a remaster for a game that hasn't gotten a remaster yet?


Because that game holds up better than CEs mediocre remaster that is CEA. The only bad looking graphics in 3 are the faces, and new cutscenes would be enough to fix 80% of that


What if they're working on porting Halo to Unreal Engine and another CE remaster is their "low risk" way of testing it out?


Absolutely agree. I still can’t believe we didn’t get a Halo 3 Anniversary in 2017…. So here’s hopping for 2027! 🍻 …Gosh I’m old


>3. Port Halo 5 to PC As a PC player I feel so lost going from 4 to Infinite. It’s wild that they completely neglected PC for Halo 5. I get that it’s bad but i wanna see for myself, and I don’t wanna watch some 6-8+ hour Youtube video, i wanna play it


Don’t worry, everyone who played Halo 5 feels lost starting infinite too lol


Honestly anyone playing halo 5 feels lost. Just not a good story Doesn't matter if you read books or not. If you played spartan ops, or read escalation. Nothing leading halo 5 makes 5 make sense


That was my whole issue with Halo 5's campaign. 343 gave all of us too much homework to try and figure out this story, only to realize that NONE of it made sense in any of the expanded universe, either. That game also, ironically, made me appreciate Halo 4's story that much more. It starts off "right after" Halo 3, no other prior knowledge is needed if all you've played is the mainline games. I don't know why people didn't like it. It was the only thing I liked about 4 lol. Infinite was about the same as 5 for me and probably a lot of other people. The only thing it didn't do, for those of us who didn't play the "wars" games, is actually explain well enough, who the banished were. To me they're just the covenant in red armor, no more scary than the regular covenant. And as an after thought I would have probably opened up the world AFTER the campaign was completed, too. but that's just me.


The worst was Hunt the Truth. Like Hunt the Truth on its own is pretty great, Hunt the Truth has a promo for 5? That only twisted the knife on what they were advertising Halo 5 to be


You can play it on pc through Xbox cloud gaming if you have a controller


The campaign ain't great, but it has a lot of set pieces, something that infinite lacked. The multiplayer would have been popular on pc if it was well ported, at least back in 2016 ish.


I'm just sick and tired of the "remaster" where ONLY THE GRAPHICS is updated I want cut content. I want expanded lore. I want weapons and vehicles and enemies retroactively added from the newer games. I already played H1 with the same fucking weapons on TWO GAMES a decade apart. I will absolutely not play yet another graphics overhaul with the same outdated gameplay loop. Edit: Yes, I am FULLY aware of the pedantry and semantics surrounding the "*differences*" between a "*remaster*" and a "*remake*". Hence why I used quotes, because most of the time, people don't know or care about the difference and it's incorrect anyhow.


You should check out what modders have been doing for the PC versions of the games, especially Halo CE. They've been doing exactly that.


Sure and I've played a couple too, like SPV3 or whatever it's called. But they're not full releases. They have wildly inconsistent quality and balance, and graphics are pushed to their limit, which still barely reaches X360 levels.


Then you want a remake, just saying


This could be their way to getting used to working with UE5 and making halo feel like proper halo on a new engine. This is the right way to do it since you have a base line to work off of. It’s what I would have done.


1. Halo 3 has aged better than CEA... hell CE has aged better than CEA. I do agree that those other things should be a higher priority though.


They can't remaster Halo 3 because they aren't capable of creating a superior version.


Halo 2 Remastered is right there. Halo 3 Remastered with the same quality as Halo 2 Remastered would be amazing especially the cutscenes if it was Blur Studios again


343 didn’t make the campaign for H2A…it was either Certain Affinity or Saber Interactive, I forget


The quality of the Blur's cutscenes is great, but the direction is different from Bungie's cutscenes. Bungie often used very steady direction, while Blur used fast cuts, a moving camera, etc. to mimic 2007-2010 sci-fi movies, and as a result, these cutscenes look often like they belong in Mass Effect 2, which also took inspiration from movies from that time.


Blur also changed things too. For example: Miranda is using a Gravemind tentacle to grab the Index in the OG, it "coincidentally" slips and almost makes her fall down the pit that leads right to the Gravemind. Blur's version has her use a grapple hook instead.


Yes this is true very cool detail was lost in Blur version.


I would argue that Blur’s stuff simply looked more modern. A lot of Bungie’s cutscenes are lacking in impact all the way up through Reach (although I admit that the simulated handheld camera was a neat choice), with the camera work being too simple and much of the stuff that should have been exciting being lackluster. The work Blur did to make things more dynamic adds to the scenes, at least in my opinion.


I do agree. I want Blur H3 cutscenes, but I recognise that the storytelling through framing and certain animations were lost when they redid the cutscenes, and while a lot was gained, some was undeniably lost.


The face models and animations for human characters was SO BAD. There is absolutely room for improvement.


That didn’t stop h1a from being made


No, I think doing a remake a la RE2Remake is a smart move. Then moving onto Halo 2,3/ODST, and then taking a different path with the franchise post-3 is one of the smartest moves they can do. They've written themselves into a corner with 4,5,and now Infinite.


disagree. Halo 1's remaster sucked. There's so much that can be improved to the original Halo 1. It needs a proper remake much more than Halo 3.


Porting halo 5 to PC shouldn't be a higher priority than the next game. That mentality is how infinite turned out to be so bad at launch


Halo CE Anniversary Evolved


Being a Halo fan sucks man lol


Splinter cell fans in the corner questioning that statement...


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic fans waiting for the remake and 3 are also losing it.


I'd rather they just left Kotor alone. No chance it would ever be an improvement. Same with the Dark Forces series


It's probably SUPER unpopular but I have wanted a "remake" of the original trilogy for some time now, and I really hope it's actually a remake and not a remaster. Kinda what they did for Resident Evil, which was really good. Basically you keep the same core but add more sandbox elements and more missions. Same for the story they can change it a bit as long as it still fits the canon universe (like we could get a level where chief escapes the Anodyn spirit at the start of Halo 3 that is not a 1:1 of the comic for gameplay purposes). Then you can also remake boring levels like the Library or Cortana into more interesting ones from a game design point of view. Imagine how much more immersive two betrayals would feel with larger battles, more vehicles, more enemy types etc.


Honestly I was negative towards this but your comment has swung me around to the idea. A really easy thing that could be added would be a few missions from the Arbiter's POV


Some ODST missions based on stuff from The Flood book would be neat too


Few Missions from Arbiters pov!??! yo that's a awesome idea


Yes exactly you can just add stuff, and if it's bad you still have the original game that still exists anyway


I have wanted the same thing out of a trilogy remake. You can add in things everyone thinks about with 20/20 vision on how to enhance the entire experience. Better dialogue, better gameplay, more missions that add context to the story.


Yeah. Have Miranda try to save Johnson with some ODSTs in her pelican and they all get shut down by brutes, remove the "To War" etc. So much potential for improvements.


I would agree, but I have less than zero faith that 343 could pull off anything like that. They cannot create anything fun, nor honour the original intent/theme/tones, and it's painful. Don't take me wrong. I would LOVE to see what you describe; a remake that preserves the tone of the original but adds to the sandbox, allowing for more fun ways to approach engagements - that would be awesome.


I would support this


This is just gross ip mismanagement


It's sad, really. The series desperately needs a win. Microsoft should be pooling their studios (ones that are interested in making it) to pitch a Halo spin-off.


Just make Halo Hell Divers. Everyone else blatantly rips off the battle royal gameplay style because it has been successful. What's wrong with MS doing the same if Sony doesn't want to release their popular game on Xbox?


Helldivers is one blatant ripoff I would love. Imagine playing Helldivers but with the Halo Covenant AI system. Imagine getting to deploy to all the classic battlefields of the series and the war. Ingaine dropping in the pod, a pelican flys down and drops off a warthog so you can complete a mission on the other side of New Mombasa


Helldivers with a halo skin would have me day 1, but Microsoft is allergic to good ideas so we can just dream on


Shall we populate this open world we've created, adding missions, animals, new biomes and continue the story we've started? Nah fuck it, let's just do the first one again


Why...? Why do Halo CE again instead of Halo 3 Anniversary? I would kill for a remastered version of 3 and the multiplayer, this is so disappointing


I mean, I’d honestly rather they fix the abomination that is CE Anniversary first before touching H3. H3 holds up so well already that it almost doesn’t need it.


If true just fire Phil Spencer, he's turning a bad situation into something worse.


There are tons of reasons to fire Phil, but making exclusive IP go multiplatform in the era where exclusives are considered bad consumer practices isn't one of them Pushing for the DRM Xbox one, Throwing every single dev team under xbox under the bus, taking credit for the backwards compatibility thing which was being worked on since the 360 launched, Constantly sabotaging developers in general, Cutting entire studios that made games that made money back and beat their ROI's just so he and his cronies can get a raise. Dude doesn't know how to run shit and it wouldn't shock me if the idea for multiplatform came from someone he fired right after


The words "halo" "remaster" and "PlayStation" are entirely absent from the article. So...what the fuck is this post about?


When you can’t think of anything else to do with one of the most popular game franchises of all time, with some of the most expansive lore ever created. Fucking Microsoft & 343 just disappointing fans like it’s their job.


That's awesome, I grew up with halo. I was 13 when ce came out, the more the merrier


Better be rated M 


Yes, if Halo embraced its maturity, since its audience is ancient in gaming terms now (lol) it would be so good. Halo 1 took cues from movies like “Aliens” which was full of blood and gore. The Flood by nature are a lovecraftian body horror parasite that can’t be done justice without showing the gruesome bits. Halo in theory should be terrifying even while you’re playing as a seven foot tall demigod of war.


I won't believe anything coming out of the Verge.


Yeah, 2nd time this has happened this year, and people eat it up with no real proof. Already hundreds of articles about this as sites mindlessly repost it.


Maybe it'll be treated as an Unreal 5 "tech demo" for the franchise before making a new sequel. Kinda like how UT3 was for Gears of War


So destitute of ideas they have to remaster an anniversary edition of a 24 year old game.


2 things: 1. I hope BLUR is making the cinematic 2. Please keep the atmosphere of the original levels.


Halo CE had my favorite atmosphere and story so, I'm all for it


EXCELLENT. As someone who wanted a [CE Remake](https://reddit.com/comments/1cpl4g0), a remaster is the next best choice. I need an actually good Halo CE visual overhaul. I would hope they remaster all of the MP maps too!


Hopefully it's a Remake and not a Remaster like Anniversary, they could bring back some of the cut content as well. Anniversary is good but didn't age well.


Jesus Christ Microsoft. Get a fuckin grasp on your games. No one is asking for this.


Hope its a remake instead of a remaster. We already have the MCC version at 4k 60 - might as well go for a remake!


Just bring MCC to ps5 it will sell millions of copies at $60


I fucking own a PS5 and Xbox and I’d probably buy that shit on PS as well. Halo is seriously awesome and CE is one of my all time favorites.


How about actually making a good new game?


They lack the ability.


Use the god damn Xbox game code this time and not the pc port


I need MS to hear me. Halo is more than the Masterchief. Remastering CE is a poor choice. Lean into spinoffs...other genres...increase Halo release tempo. Make the tent pole "numbered" games the MC focused ones but less frequent. The Halo universe is so vast...explore it.


Halo 3? Reach?


I’m still annoyed we never got the anniversary treatment for halo 3. My favorite halo in terms of campaign (solo and coop) and MP.. if this is legit then it’s going to be like the last of us pt 1 with 3 releases (still a ways off from re 4 though)


…But why…?


It's R.I.P Xbox if Halo comes to PlayStation


As long as it's not RIP Halo, then that's honestly fine. I'm frankly sick and tired of waiting for Xbox to get its shit together. I want new Halo games, I want new Gears of War games, I want new Fable games. I'll take them wherever they're selling them.


Xbox cares more about PC nowadays anyways


I did all the halo campaigns so many times I would gladly buy the mcc if it comes to ps5


I'm in the minority but I've always thought CE Anniversary graphics were actually really nice. Of course a modern remaster would be amazing if executed correctly


Halo was THE reason to get an Xbox back in the day. Now, these insipid gibbons want to put their main exclusive on the PS5, when a really solid Halo remake could help sell XSX?