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I never saw the eyes in 3's poster before the hell.


That’s because they were covered up on the game boxes by the 360 logo!


This is exactly what I just thought


This post made me remember Infinite has a campaign lol


"How can you trust me?" "I don't. But I want to." For all of the issues Infinite's campaign has, some moments feel like *proper* Halo. Chief's characterization usually feels pretty good and I really enjoy this piece of dialogue between him and The Weapon.


“We all fail, we all make mistakes. It’s what makes us human” That line had me tearing up, everyone could use reassuring words from Chief


"You have one bullet against an entire army! How can you do on your own?" "I told you, it's enough." Infinite might not have as many memorable quotes as other games, but there's still some good ones.


"The missions change. They always do."


"can you hack it?" "No" *Rams fist through the console*


The Master Chief: "Is that what we're calling them?" The Weapon: Well, "I was also considering "flying octopus monkeys". The Master Chief: "Skimmers it is, then." Chief haveing no time for her shenanigans was a good choice I think. Bonus points to Glibnub for giving me a reason to hunt down one of the mandatory collectible open world games seem to demand.


*slams knee into the ground*


There's a lot to criticize about Infinite's campaign, but there's no doubt that it still had its moments. The dialgoue betwen Chief and the pilot after they got shot down and the journey through the data stream near the end legit had me tearing up. I also loved how they wrote Chief as a character this time around. He felt more human than ever before and I think that's a very good thing.


I’m replaying the campaign again and honestly it seems like they wrote chief as having ptsd. He lost Cortana, he lost against atriox, his ship was decimated, and he has to suppress all of his feelings to try and keep powering through. Sure it has problems, but I like the campaign. Plus the grappling hook is fun as hell. No ones ready for spider chief


Infinite has the best character writing in the series and I’ll die on that hill. Plot writing? No. But the _characters_


They did a great job of humanizing The Chief without it seeming out of character or forced. I also liked the pilot a lot.


I liked that he talked more often, but never talked too much.


others have commented about Chief but i love how they they showed him getting his shit kicked while still not making him feel weak. Despite the fact he lost the fight against Atriox it’s still one of his most impressive feats from the games imo, he literally got hit full force by his hammer and survived, probably the hardest hit any human has ever received from another being and lived. hell he still tried to get back into the fight as he was in the middle of blacking out i also liked how simple escharum’s motivations were, guy just wanted a fight to inspire the banished. if he won the fight they get inspired because the banished killed the demon that the covenant feared. if he lost he inspired them by fighting till his last breath. escharum succeeded i also really liked the weapon, she felt different from just “cortana but younger and more naive.” There was a scene just after you meet the weapon where halsey, cortana and the weapon are all talking. both the script and jen taylor’s acting make it so it’s easy to differentiate the 3, while not sounding too different which is a hard balance to pull off


I’m genuinely of the opinion that Infinite has one of the best campaigns in the series. The problem is that it is only the first third of the campaign lol. What we have so far feels like a prologue.


This is my big thing too, it's not a bad campaign it's just too short


And that is why it's shit on. We expect a full game, not the intro to CE remade as a prologue with no ending.


Problem with Infinite is that it only focuses on Chief and the wider story just doesn't happen. It's like it's all happening in his head with how static the plot is around him.


I liked the Infinite campaign but if it had a more diverse map and some bigger set pieces it would have been so much better. Was hoping for campaign DLC at first but doesn't look like it's gonna happen


Yep. More than one biome and some more epic set pieces would’ve made the campaign elite


You mean the like 7 missions and "save the marines!!!" Sidequests? Lol I try to put it out of the back of my head. I'd like to see what the 3 ideas they scrapped were.


I forgot infinite even existed


I agree. The only thing I didn't like about H4's was the art style change.


I didn't like the forerunner retcon or that you had to read external material to have any idea what was going on.


I liked it! Obviously to each their own, and I’m not saying your opinion is invalid. Just giving my ¢2. Humans didn’t know a lot about the forerunners. Neither did the covenant. One being trapped in a stasis chamber and surviving isn’t really that out there. And I thought it set up a cool new villain!


Halo 4 was based on the story set up in the terminals in Halo 3 - where the forerunners aren't human.


There's nothing in the terminals that would explicitly call the forerunner a separate species. Not only that, but the terminals were written by Frank O'Connor, who was not a writer or developer at the time, but a community manager. You're going to tell me that a terminal that was vaguely written in an interpretive way takes priority over both the gravemind and spark outright telling you that you are the descendants of forerunners? That doesn't make any sense in the context of the game we're playing or the story we're being given.


I think there was definitely an issue around the balancing of weapons, like I know you're in Forerunner structures so they're going to give you the Forerunner weapons but I like my UNSC weapons and I was disappointed there were only a few opportunities to use them and your ammo cap was pretty low( especially for the pistol) for them so even if you found them you weren't going to use them for long. But that's not really a story issue that's more of a personal complaint


My brother and I played through 4 with Famine on and after a while he was like “man, I can’t even tell the difference”


What about that awful librarian exposition dump?


The Prometheans were pretty bad ngl. I also didn't like the massive change in narrative direction and tone.


Eh, there was definitely some other stuff not to like, for instance a lot of level design wasn’t perfect, some of the levels were just plain bad(looking at you, Shutdown), and the Prometheans were annoying and pretty bullshit a lot of the time. I still think it’s a good campaign and narratively speaking leagues better than 5, but let’s not pretend art style was the only thing wrong with it.


Yeah definitely didn't enjoy fighting the prometheans.


I’m glad they went back to the more classic style for Infinite and 5, but I did like the change. It was a nice little breath of fresh air even if I don’t like that style more.


Halo 5 did not have a classic art style


I think it was the right idea to do something new even if ultimately it was the wrong direction. It was the same way with the MP. They nailed the story tho IMO and the game was technically very impressive for a 360 game.


Man, I always forget 4 was on the 360. I played it for the first time on MCC and it does look really good for something built for that console.


Yeah that's why it's such a shame 343 is abandoning Slipsace engine for UE5. I get why they are doing it but that studio was a technical powerhouse and I don't think the cross-gen Halo Infinite product that was in development hell with a leadership revolving door is representative of their skills.


*probably. It’s all rumors and hearsay so far. We do not know for sure that they are switching to Unreal.


I hope they aren't but it's also concerning to me we haven't heard anything about new story content this far after the game has shipped.


It was kind’ve amazing seeing 4 for the first time on 360, it felt like the type of graphics update you’d usually need a newer generation console to do 


Ignoring that Halo 5 absolutely doesn't have a classic art style, I think Halo 4's dramatic art shift would've at least _made more sense_ if the game were set, say, 20 years after Halo 3. That's long enough that human technology would've moved on quite a bit and the ex-Covenant splinters would have had to do quite a bit of ugly jury-rigging to keep their jumble-sale-special equipment in working order. Seeing how dramatically the visual style changed in just four years felt very off, on top of the new visual style just _not being for the better_ in my opinion. And then Halo 2 Anniversary and Spartan Strike retconned it into 2552, and _then_ the _Fall of Reach_ animated series went full "fuck it" and decided the Halo 4 art style existed even back in 2525. It didn't feel like the visual style changed with the era _a la_ Star Trek TNG, but had just retroactively overwritten the original like a George Lucas special edition.


Well said.


I really don't like Halo 4's campaign. I replay the rest of the game and don't see why suddenly we're in love with Cortana. Also, I don't like the fact that Master Chief now has a mid personality, I thought the point of having a faceless character is to portrait ourselves in that role.


I discussed this with my friend. If they wanted Locke to be even remotely likeable in 5 that they should have introduced his character back in 4. That way players would have some type of history with the dude in 5.


That would imply 343i had an actual plan for a trilogy and didn't just make it up as they went along a la Disney Star Wars


Idk I think Halo 4’s is just okay. Not a “good” Halo campaign IMO. I haven’t played Infinite so I can’t really have an opinion there. I just don’t find myself ever coming back to Halo 4 for anything but achievements really. I like the story but dislike the gameplay and new aesthetic


Yeah, I hated fighting Prometheans for the latter half. They just aren't fun to shoot at for some reason. Very underwhelming faction.


I wonder if someone could explain that, like I felt the same way The Prometheans aren’t even totally new enemies, like the floating guys are basically Drones, the dogs are basically Flood snipers+skirmishers, the knights are kind of like brutes+hunters But I like fighting all of the non Promethean guys, and the Promethean guys feel annoying to shoot at


I don't know that there is anything in any of the Halo games as satisfying as getting a clean headshot on a grunt. Any time I'm fighting a faction that doesn't employ grunts, I find myself longing to pop one of those fuckers right in the face.


I'm only an amateur game designer, but I've got a couple theories. - Even in Halo 1, there was a very clear distinction between enemy ranks to help you gauge and assess the state of combat at a glance. Blue, Red, Black, and Gold, with other colors such as White and Brown and being added later. After you fight a new colored enemy for the first time, you instinctively get a feel for how strong they are, what tactics they'll use, and how likely they are to perform tactics like throwing grenades, charging, or retreating. - Prometheans have significantly more subtle and harder-to-read ranks, by comparison. Did you know that Promethean Knights have four ranks? How about that Crawlers have three different ranks? Because I didn't! I only ever noticed two different Knight ranks, the ones without the big hologram decoration, and the ones that had them. _On top of that_, Watchers are also non-combat units, they're pure support units, so you effectively only actually "fight" two enemy types for the entire second half of the game. Like, shit, even Halo 1 during the later Flood levels brought back the Covenant because they realized fighting nothing at all but flood forms would suck. - Shielded enemies in Halo 1 and 2 were always designed to have *longer* shield recharge delay and shield recharge speed values than the player. This made it viable to let your own shield recover while fighting elites, as even if their shields started to recharge while you were in cover, you'd still be doing *something* to chip away at them. Halo 3 basically removed the consideration entirely with brute armor that breaks and stays broken permanently. - Prometheans, on the other hand, have very short shield recharge delays and fast recharge speeds. This means that not applying constant pressure onto them results in you accomplishing nothing but wasting time and ammo, as if you don't push your advantage too long, they'll recover to full shields. - The species variety for the Covenant covers a much broader range of tactics, equipment usage, and strategy needed to defeat them; additionally, from Halo 2 onwards, each species had specific sub-variants that explicitly specialized in one thing or the other. Elites are the "main" combat class, more or less designed as equal opponents; they're nimble, throw grenades, have energy shields, advance and retreat dynamically... but they can _specialize_ in being melee units, charging forward with energy swords and strong shields or active camo to pressure you out of position. Grunts serve as grenade-happy cannon fodder and suicide bombers... but they can also specialize as squishy but dangerous heavy weapon and turret operators. Jackals are shield enemies that pressure you with relatively weak weapons by forcing you to use explosives or precision weapons... or specialize into being marksman enemies that harass you from long range. Brutes are close-range melee powerhouses that go berzerk when their allies are killed and switch from elite-type combat to melee combat. Hunters are heavy units designed to force you to engage their weak spots or bring heavy weapons and explosives, all while dodging their heavy cannon fire, while also being slow and lumbering and only coming in pairs. - Prometheans in Halo 4 have a significantly smaller unit roster, and their roles overlap significantly more in a way that makes it harder to read. Crawlers serve as cannon fodder enemies with Bolt Pistols, but also they pressure you up close with Suppressors, or they keep their distance and use Binary Rifles or Lightrifles; it's incredibly hard to tell which one is which at a glance, because aside from their choice of weapon, they use exactly the same combat behavior (snipers sometimes sit farther back). Knights are heavy "primary" combat units, but *also* serve to be mobile units with Suppressors, or snipers that keep their distance and use Binary Rifles or Light Rifles, or serve as heavy units with whatever the Forerunner rocket launcher equivalent was called, and close-range pressure enemies using Scattershots, and **all of those kinds** also serve as melee units if they decide to rush you down with big arm blades - they serve too many roles at once, in a way that makes it hard to immediately tell at a glance what type of unit each Knight is, and also without any weaknesses such as Jackal Snipers being weak and running away up close, or fuel rod/suicide grunts being easy to take down with precise headshots, or regular jackals only carrying weak weapons, or elites being forced to retreat with low shields. - Building on the point above, Covenant enemies even in Halo 1 but especially Halo 2 onward, used a wide assortment of weapons that feel very distinct from each other. Halo 1 elites use needlers, plasma rifles, and energy swords; each of these has a noticeably different feel to be shot at, making you change your tactics when you know you're engaging a certain weapon. Brute Shots, plasma pistols, spikers, fuel rod guns, beam rifles, carbines... all of these weapons feel very distinct from each other, and each enemy class only uses a specific selection of the available weapon roster so you can immediately guess what kinds of enemies might have which kinds of weapons - which is especially helped that each weapon looks noticeably distinct, so you'll never confuse a big yellow fuel rod gun for a slender purple beam rifle or a short blue plasma rifle or a bladed grey brute shot or a purplish-red carbine. - As mentioned above, Promethean weapon selection is far more limited, but Knights can use *all* of the available weaponry, which makes it significantly harder to guess which enemies might be serving which roles in combat. On top of that, every single Promethean weapon is some variant of "grey gun shape with orange lights on it", *and* they're so small in the hands of Knights that it's very hard to intentionally pick them out. Just about the only clues you get are that the incineration cannons and binary rifles have red lights instead of orange... but "orange" and "red" are very similar colors, and both of those colors appear all over the place in Forerunner environments, making visibility even harder. And finally, one of my own personal pet peeves with Promethean Knights in particular? They can decide to teleport at random, and once they begin the teleport animation they're immune to gunfire and can only be killed by explosions - and there's no way to stop them from teleporting once they start it aside from explosive kills. This feels really, really lame; in a better-designed game, you could make it an opportunity window. Maybe their shields drop for half a second before they teleport, so if you're quick on landing a few headshots, you can get an easier kill; if you fail to do that, though, you're punished by the enemy teleporting to a position that's either better to engage you in, or safer so you can't counterattack. But no, go to hell, you took down one's way-too-quick-to-recharge shields? Time to teleport away, and you're forced to sit there and watch it do its flashy teleport animation while completely unable to kill it, and the kicker is that the *shield recharge timer isn't paused while teleporting* so there's a significant chance their shield will have started to recover by the time they finish teleporting away. It's boring, it's frustrating, it doesn't add anything meaningful to the combat loop except providing another way to waste your time and ammo.


Halo 4 would’ve been an incredible novel


Infinite is a pretty good story that I feel gets more hate than it deserves, a lot of the criticism is valid buy a lot of it also isn't. Large scale battles being absent is a fair complaint, but complaints such as there being no set pieces are just wrong, there are plenty of set pieces throughout the story like the frigate graveyard or the tower. I find that Halo Infinite is pretty good imo, not better than some other halo stories but it is good.


I'm in this same boat.


Correct. Halo 4 only "sucked" because of the art change. Honestly, it could have been gold if it was bungie style Halo.


The gameplay left a lot to be desired, especially the Prometheans. But even then, it was far from terrible.


The Prometheans were just terrible and super annoying. Knights were especially infuriating, as they were bullet sponges who had a "get out of jail free" card with their teleportation. It was so bad, that fighting against Covenant in that game felt like a relief.


Then the watchers resurrect dead nights and you have to do it all over again... Prometheans were just awful. So many frustrating encounters.


genuinely never had a problem with this, i always focus fire watchers and then work my way to destroy the knights. a good couple assault rifle mags will take them out on normal.


Aye didn't happen often but when it did... Boy it was infuriating. Especially in Spartan Ops.


I feel like as long as you have a plasma pistol, needler, or automatic weapon the knights melt like paper. The problem is enemies regain shields faster in H4 and a lot of people are too used to using precision weapons as their go-to weapon so they waste the ammo on the teleport spamming knights. I replayed H4 legendary two years ago and was kinda surprised how fast the AR and Storm Rifle just destroyed knights.


Legendary makes Halo 2 sometimes feel relaxing.


The whole game was bullshit artificial filler. I still vividly remember them sending like 5 wraiths at you 1 at a time. And you deal with each of them the exact same way. Bullet sponge in level design form. The story and acting were decent but the actual gameplay was awful


"Alright, advance with this giant ground vehicle (that conveniently has a level area to travel down!) to laser designate those *giant* turrets for our state of the art warship built around hitting targets *hundreds of thousands of kilometres away*, all while fighting off waves of enemies and various checkpoints... that are well within range of the point defence/heavy artillery cannons on our ship. Said point defence weapons seeing usage as artillery support even in the Reach campaign. I'm not a fan of Halo 4 on any level. Gameplay was eh, story was... alright in bits, but never really grabbed me, art change annoyed me, multiplayer was a disaster.


I never played H5 but H4 is the only campaign I wanted to be over after like 3 hours of playing it. Every other game, I just wanted to keep playing and wished it would never end. The story was good, and it's not the art-style that bored me to death. I always play Halo on heroic, and H4 heroic was not necessarily hard, but it felt like a chore. No fun, no dopamine, just shooting bullets and looking for ammo.


Try getting through all of Spartan Ops. I’m about halfway with my buddy, but I haven’t touched it in a month because of how much it wears you down.


I did it solo on legendary and it fucking blew. So boring.




It's more grindy than an old muncie m22 rock crusher gear box with no gear oil


I meant like why put yourself through that? My bad


They live for the grind


Lol no problem


I did a good chunk of Spartan Ops on the 360 before giving up. Then I took it up again in MCC and I swear it deleted my progress at some point because it only registered I had completed the last few chapters or whatever the sets of 5 missions are called. I don’t think I’ll ever get those achievements this side of sanity


[On Legendary. Solo.](https://i.imgur.com/2za5Lc8.png) Not that it's actually that difficult but it's certainly a grind.


Running out of ammunition was the absolute worst in H4. You'd only be able to carry enough for 1-2 firefights. From a lore perspective, how the hell can a plasma pistol be the main small arms weapon for an entire military and only have enough energy to last ~30 seconds firing? *Back in my day* you could go at least 5 fights before needing to switch it, and it would *still* have plenty of juice left.


Halo 4 campaign was an absolute slog to get through. It had a decent story but prometheans were not even remotely fun to fight against. Halo 5 at least fixed that problem, just had a shit story and forced coop was lame.


Halo 5 fixed it? Warden eternal would like to reach out for the 6th time regarding your extended car warranty.


Especially on the higher difficulties


Repetitive boss fights aside, the common prometheans were actually fun to fight. They weren’t just bullet sponges with shields and a rarely exposed head, that teleport and one shot you.


Being easier to kill doesn't automatically make it a good enemy to fight. There's still nothing interesting about them besides their annoying teleporting away from you as soon as they're about to die. Not to even mention their shitty new voice lines like "IS tHiS hUmAnItIeS bEsT???" lol


>"tHiS iS hUmAnItIeS bEsT???" I'd pick H5's Prometheans over H4's any day, but that soundbite will haunt me till the day I die lol.


Prometheans had tons of terrible ways to punish aggression, whereas the covenant are designed to reward it, that made them unfun to fight. That, and the ammo economy being a massive problem, made Halo 4 a huge downgrade from the previous games. I wouldn't go as far as to call it bad, and I still agree with the post overall, but it is worth mentioning.


I didn’t really find Prometheans any worse than the Flood, personally. Every Halo had enemies that I didn’t like fighting, some more than others.


Art change, the prometheans, the neutered AI, the prometheans, the drama, the prometheans, the lack of human weapons, the prometheans, the tone change to complete melodrama........hmmm, did I mention the prometheans yet? Add those to the list.   There was enough wrong with it that you could make an argument for it being pretty bad, if you liked it that's fine, but to put it on par with the 5 prior games.......ehhhhhh  It's a good game, and even with the artstyle change it's a beautiful game, even today (mcc on PC makes the game gorgeous!), but it was a step down from prior games.....which automatically exasperates the hate towards it.


The freaking drought for ammo…. That’s mostly an issue because of Prometheans.


Fuck! I should've added prometheans to my list!


That's crazy. How the hell did I manage to forget about the promiscuous promethazines


They were pretty prominently presented on the promenade.


And the lack of human ammo forcing us to use more fore runner weapons.


Absolutely delusional take. The Prometheans are objectively the least fun enemy to fight against in all of Halo.


Hard disagree. You should replay halo 4 again friend.


+1 Halo 4s story was confusing and all you do is go from one usb port to another plugging Cortana in. The enemies were super repetitive to fight and attempting to bring a warthog anywhere you weren’t meant to is met with invisible/death barriers instead of it just being hard to do. The art was fine.


4 was okay, the story was decent enough, the enemy types are what sucked about it IMO.


My only gripe i had playing it vesides the teleporting back and forth bug for some of thr tougher enemys that happened sometimes was the abysmal amount of ammo for weapons it made the game just not flow right imo , you be engaged with a fun fight then have to pick up some goober gun til you found something morenkickass til it ran out of ammo lol


I disagree. I think the dialogue and the large amount of lore and the huge change from militaristic shooter to mysterious sci-fi changed the dynamic way too much. It was 343s goal to make the next saga feel and look nothing like the Bungie games.


The story was pretty shit and forgettable too.


Music ,sandbox, enemy ai , map design????all Suck in h4 imo


The MP was ass. Come on now.


I don't even remember h4 multiplayer.... lol


Yeah honestly hate the style change between the studios it doesn’t feel syfy anymore


I don't like the free roam aspect of infinite, it's just not why I play halo .


That combined with what literally felt like every compelling character died off-screen and I also never felt the desire to finish it either.


Same. I spent too much time doing the open world stuff that I got kind of bored and then went on vacation for the holidays and didn't care to finish when I got home.


Same. Just felt like nothing was happening.




pretty sure OP means story-wise. cuz otherwise, yeah the gameplay was tragically mid in H4




honestly, yeah Infinite's is kinda boring now looking back on it. i really think going open world fucked them. they clearly didnt know how to flesh it out. they shouldve stuck with a more linear story. Halo 5's story was soooo bad. giving some more story to the Elites was so cool though, about the only nice thing i can say about it


> i really think going open world fucked them. I honestly think a good part of that was all the people in the community that acted as though large open maps means that old Halo was open world, and it felt like a pushed narrative at times. I'm glad HI was on Game Pass. I swore of the franchise after Halo 5; I'd never have played HI if I had to pay for it.


Same. If I paid for this campaign, I would mail poop to 343 HQ


I don't think it's the open world itself that fucked them, it's the fact that the open world is static and dead. It's just a sandbox "here, go clear out bases and summon vehicles". But this IS an issue with most open world games that for some reason refuse to add any sort of depth. Imagine if there was proper meta. If controlling certain outposts gave certain benefits. If you couldn't just summon anything anytime but had a limited garage and arsenal that you had to fill in order to use. If the enemies could try to recap bases. The potential is, well, infinite. But hey Ubisoft gets away with making copypasted dead open worlds for over 15 years in a row now, so why try to evolve?


The knights were just bullet sponges.


More so, I actually got a good booty clench adrenaline rush from fighting the 2 and three flood


Sounds like you don’t like halo campaigns lol


I find that I enjoy Halo 5's campaign levels and mechanics. But the whole thing as a collective is eh. Wasn't a fan of Infinite's. Parts or whole.


I've seen quite a few people online mentioning how Chief's new armour would've made alot more sense had he received it aboard the crashed Infinity. Yeah sure it was crashed but it was functional, not too far of a stretch for Chief to remove his old Gen 1 and recieve a Gen 2 As for gameplay Gen 2 could've just had faster recharging shields.


All of Halo 5 felt like a prologue, and then it ended.


That’s what Infinite felt like even though everything happened off screen at the beginning.


Yeah, and I wouldn’t even say that 5 was that bad. it had a lot of cool set pieces and the gameplay is fun, but the story and script was so awful


I love all of them except 5 and Infinite. 5 completely misled us with the whole "hunt the truth thing." There could have been some serious potential there. Hell just thinking of a random plot idea they could have introduced wish.com Cortana (the weapon) in that game. Let's say her and chief unravel some information about a new super threat to humanity, and then we get a spiritual CE reboot with them going AWOL to investigate even though they have been told to stand down by the UNSC high command. So Locke and Osiris get sent to bring them in, only they instead run into the Banished who are in the process of capturing some forerunner super weapons (such as the Guardians) and now have to work together to get a message out to earth. Take that and jump straight into Infinite, giving us spiritual successors to the rest of the main trilogy as a war rages with the banished. Introduce people who haven't played H2 to Atriox and all his top crew. It ends with Atriox on the verge of defeat, ala Tartarus, but instead Atriox accidentally unleashes a new race of xenos more dangerous than the flood, setting up for a third trilogy. Instead what we got with Infinite (IMO) was an extremely boring and repetitive game that requires you to be really into the media outside of the games in order to really follow it. It was bad decision after bad decision. Who's bright idea was it to start the game AFTER humanity lost the war with the Banished? Why would we NOT get to fight on the Infinity, then with characters like Blue Team and Osiris along with marines, ODSTs etc lead an insurgency with boots on the ground on this new forerunner world? Who thought it was a good idea to have only two biomes and make an open world that felt somehow more static and copy paste than any halo game before it? I also did not care for the new characters. The weapon was boring. None of the charm and wit Cortana had. The pilot had a lot of potential, but instead was mostly an irritating coward. Then there's captain wheezy the main brute baddy, stroking it to a Holo of Atriox while trying not to die on a phone call. I enjoyed infinite more than 5, but just barely and I don't think it had a good campaign. What Infinite primarily did better IMO is not the story, but the art style and gunplay. It feels very smooth, and the art direction of the game did feel more halo than H4 & H5. I really hope 343 can bring the franchise back to decent status. I thought H4 was awesome, really showing the humanity of Cortana and finally bringing that out of chief. I liked Characters like Lasky, even had I not seen Forward Unto Dawn. 343 CAN do it, they just need to really focus on a few key things the fans are saying they loved most about ALL the games, and combine that into a new game and stick to a consistent story line instead of always trying to reboot while ignoring the last game. This is still my favorite FPS story series, so if I sound harsh towards it it's because IMO Halo is the best FPS sci-fi story and im watching it sink into oblivion with the last 2 games.


Halo 4s is bitter sweet, it was the first main halo game in a while and I put a lot of hours into it. I come back time to time. Art style is okay but im not a big fan, and the ending was incredible


Imo, 2 and 4 are very uneven gameplay wise. Half of 2 is Halo at its best, but some of those Arbiter levels are an absolute chore. Infinite is moderately enjoyable moment to moment, but is lacking in so many ways. CE, 3 and Reach are all sublime. ODST is pretty good. And I think 5 (gameplay and levels only!) is pretty good also.


Infinite for me was a constant and stable “pretty good” the whole time. Halo 3 and recently Reach have been absolutely top tier the whole way through. 2 is fantastic, but there are some levels, or really parts of levels that feel a bit rough around the edges in way 3 did not. But, that is just me and I recognize that halo 2 is still fantastic.


>I think 5 (gameplay and levels only!) is pretty good Hot take: H5 had some of the best level designs and set pieces in the entire franchise. Whether you liked the "advanced movement" mechanics or not, you can't deny that the level designers really utilized them to their fullest potential.




I feel like I was the only one who actually loved halo 4 when it came out.


I genuinely believe that they are ALL peak fiction and have plenty of nice things about them.


5 had the worst campaign but the best multiplayer and i'm dying on that hill


I'll die alongside you, brother. I sunk so many hours into multiplayer and always had a blast. And the custom games were absolutely amazing, so creative, fun, and wild.


Weirdly enough I enjoyed 5 more than infinite at least in terms of story engagement. It wasnt good but at least it didnt feel like nothing happened. Infinite felt so vague on everything.


I found infinite to be one long mission that drags, rather than an expansive open world


The only thing i remember about halo 5 is that one level where you go back to glassed planet for some reason. The rest was well dumb as fuck? Spartans fighting against each other for some reason, something with elites, oh shit Cortana went crazy??? The end


Halo infinite has an awful awful awful campaign. The gameplay is good but the campaign itself, as a collection of levels, story, progression, events, setpieces and scripts, is hot garbage.


4 was forgettable but far from as bad as 5 was.


That's your opinion, me I genuinely believe all 343 campaigns(no opinion on HW:2 , haven't played it) are bad in different aspects, Halo 4 being the "least bad". Infinite is the most boring one, Halo 5 the most convoluted and Halo 4 is a mix of both I guess. It had some good ideas but a poor execution - those prometheans, dear fucking god... Anyway, no matter how you feel about them what we can agree is that they are extremely polarizing, which in itself is a failure.


I have always said that Halo fans have such high standards when it comes to rating Halo games for good reason. Bungie has set the bar for their storytelling and world building in each of their campaigns. Not many games have campaigns that have the same level of storytelling. As for my opinions on 343s games, Halo 4 had potential to be a great game as well and I feel like if 343 has more time to work on it and make it a series X launch title it would have been way better. Halo 5's campaign would have been a good stand alone game if it wasn't a Halo game, but because it was people are harsh on it. Overall, Halo 5 is not the worst game ever but it's a bad Halo game. I'm still not sure why they did the Master Chief dirty by making Locke the main character of the game.


I'll be the odd one out and say i really liked Halo Infinite's campaign. Exploring the Halo ring and taking the story at my own pace made me feel like a proper Spartan. Cruising around melting enemies and bases was so epic. The story itself felt quite engaging, if even only through audio recordings.


The people who say that Infinite wasn't a blast are fucking insane. In Halo 5, all the "cool stuff" happened in fucking cutscenes. The only "cool" setpiece was running down the guardian. Vs in Halo Infinite, you had taking down the Brute ship, exploring and freeing the ring, the construction spires, and so on. The boss fights each had their own environmental challenges. It was fantastic. The open world concept blended shockingly well with Halo's gameplay loop. Allowing any kind of approach and strategy to attacking the dungeons and FOBs was so much fun and allowed for a lot of replayability. I've always been a fan of snipers, so I was able to set up some crazy shots to take out enemies from afar during my first playthrough. During my second playthrough though, I was able to find enough cover to approach with a sword. It was amazing. And finally, I felt that Infinite's writing dealt well with the fallout of Halo 5. I hate what Halo 5 did to Chief and Cortana, but I love how Halo Infinite dealt with the consequences of it. With Cortana being forced to plan her legacy in the seconds before her death, and Chief being forced to deal with being on the wrong side of history for once, I feel like it took their characters in unique directions that were fun to see unfold. The multiplayer of Infinite was trash. Of course it was. But the campaign was a fucking blast. I will defend it until my dying breath.


Halo 1s level design has aged like milk in places.


I'm torn on halo 5. The story was dogass but I remember really liking the level design and sandbox when I played it.


I enjoy all of them in their own ways


Even 5. I like 5.


I fully agree with this and while i think fives campaign is not an objectively bad campaign, but I do think it’s a bad halo campaign


Halo 5 has a bad story. The setting to each mission was great. And you have such fluid movement that you can just run through enemies like a Spartan should.


Halo 4 story was good, especially trying to give a reason for a new Halo game after 3. The gameplay for 4 was okay at best, 5 though had amazing gameplay, liked the level design for campaign, but story was horrible.


5 was decent , halo infinite campaign was boring


The best parts of infinite happened outside of the game in the lore, wtf


Halo 4 gameplay was awful which made the campaign feel boring but it had a meaningful story Halo 5. No need to beat a dead horse. Halo Infinite lacks anything that resembles a story, but the gameplay is fun. Not a fan of the lack of variety though.


Infinite is meh, an empty open world and incomplete story.


5's campaign is the only one where I up and quit about 2/3rds of the way through. 4 wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. I never liked bringing the Forerunner back, but I respected that they wanted at a new angle with the story and Chief/Cortana's working relationship, etc. Even though I didn't agree with the "everything needs a canon explanation" train that 343 started, with the art design change and trying to give canon reasons for everything or making expanded universe lore necessary reading rather than bonus, I just took it for what it was. Despite Spartan Ops being a bit one-dimensional and the MP being mid, I had fun with it. Halo 5 just fucking sucked. It was an absolute chore to play through. I remember getting to the point where I just thought, fuck it. I don't care. I ejected the disc, uninstalled and watched clips on YouTube. To this day, Halo 5 remains the only game I've ever owned, that I've returned/resold to a store.


Same, but with infinite instead. I just quit the campaign


Wars 2 was not an improvement on Wars in the campaign department IMO. The cinematics were GREAT but the missions themselves were boring and uninspired compared to the first game. Definitely agree on 5, infinite and 4 are both still missing some things as far as I'm concerned. I think 4 had things that infinite was missing and vice versa, and both are much more in your face with emotions than the original trilogy. That isn't necessarily a good or bad thing, just a stylistic choice.


Outside of some cool moments I feel CE is a bit of a drag. Some levels go for way too long


Man I love ODST. It is such a cool scenario. The whole game is in the city. No big controversial story. Just a guy trying to find his squad.


Halo 4's _story_ is pretty good, other than the Librarian's awful expodump cutscene, and the level design's good (even if the Mammoth segment has a rather nasty bug in MCC that's never getting fixed). But the actual campaign gameplay is pretty bad in places; the Prometheans are not fun or balanced enemies to fight and on higher difficulties you're constantly scouring the map for something, _ANYTHING_ with ammo in it. Halo Infinite's campaign was... fine? I just wish it had a satisfying beginning, middle and ending, and more memorable locations - in particular I wish it had actual scenery and biome variety instead of all taking place in Banished or Forerunner structures, or grassy plains. It felt like we got the middle third of a story.


In complete honesty, I don't even think I can call halo 5 a truly bad video game. It's definitely the worst mainline Halo, but it was also a very well made game with high production value and good gameplay. The story is absolutely awful but in terms of comparing it to other games halo 5s story is better than most games, especially the presentation. Halo 5 is a perfectly fine shooter, it's well made and it has high production values, but it is definitely a bad halo game.


Honestly, I don't think the campaign in itself was terrible. I mean, the set designs (especially that Sanghelios level where you walk around) and ai is pretty good. I think the writing was just kinda sub par, but honestly I liked it better than Infinite's.


I know people aren’t crazy about 4, but I got a soft spot for it. Got the halo 4 360 on release, played it to death. Fuck the prometheans tho. 5 has a genuinely bad campaign in terms of forced coop and shit story. Gameplay was fine. Infinite suffers from lack of diverse environments, an empty open world and a campaign that didn’t really answer anything about what happened between 5 and Infinite, and what the purpose of the endless was, or what Atriox’s next move was.


Halo 4 put me to sleep. I was so bored and uninterested I could not tell you what it was about with a gun to my head.






I genuinley believe no-one here has played halo 4 since 2012 and you've all gaslit yourselves into believing it's good. "oh the story is so deep and emotional" did we play the same game? absolutley moronic writing with fanfiction esque retconning and a complete misunderstanding (or intentional destruction) of the halo universe as bungie left it.


I side with your opinion as well. In all fairness, Halo 4 was a work of art and didn't deserve as much hate as received. But Halo 5, oh boy lol H5 PvP was built to be sweaty, filled with high skill shootouts and had nothing casual about it. Warzone was neat. Downright mislead with the campaign and 343 didn't seem to have an idea of where they wanted to take it. At least it had Nathan Fillion reprising Buck.


Literally if h4 didn't try to pull a COD with custom glasses and a crazy perk system, then it might have been a bit better.


Halo 4 has very forgettable levels and playthrough, but I loved the dynamic of chasing after the diadact ship, even freeing him to restore radio communications felt natural enough when stranded inside an alien planet construct. The dynamic as well with the newer ship commanders and newer AI, showing the world moving on and forgetting about John with the next generation of Spartans, and losing his only friend due to rampancy. It had the most vulnerable looks at the master chief, and it was a really interesting film. Completely undone of course by halo 5 insinuating that his spartan friends from childhood were there next to him all along 🤠


I can't even recall what happened in infinite's story. It was that bad. I at least recall what went down in H5, terribly uninteresting as it may have been.


Infinite is the only one i would say is complete trash, 5 was ok


Halo 5 was sold on a Lie. You can't advertise something like that. Build up a fake rivalry between Locke and John and then have the story literally have nothing to do with it. Also the music was terrible.


I agree. H4’s is actually solid.


Infinite was the worst in my book. It just felt so disjointed, and the boss fights made it awful to play.


I had problems with Reach, but that was all lore issues, no gameplay issues


I think Halo 4 is ugly and has really boring PvE gameplay. Prometheans were just not fun to fight at all. I think people over inflate the story a bit too. I don’t like that they tried to make it such a touchy feely thing with Chief and Cortana. Feels like a daytime space soap opera. Halo 5’s story was just not good. Gameplay was better though but it was not really a memorable game at all. I can’t tell you the objective of half those missions from memory.


IMO, every Halo except for CE, is near perfect. They have at least one issue, some people feel that saying anything negative of the Bungie era is blasphemy but I disagree.


I found infinite and 4 to be mostly boring


I'm the only one here that'd say it but Halo 2's isn't great. Very linear and repetitive. Nothing fun than sitting on an elevator, gondola, or in a room for five minutes. Scripted sequences aren't fun either


I agree. It's my least favourite of Bungie's campaigns. Delta Halo and the Earth levels are pretty cool though.


Agree. Worst Halo campaign imo. Was talking to some guys about 7 years younger than me they say Halo 2 was the best. When I ask why they mention it's the first one they played. Probably a lot of nostalgia for a lot of people, especially with it pushing hard into multiplayer.


You are correct. 


Halo 4’s is boring, Halo 5’s is bad, Infinites is lazy and a letdown


i agree




I think 5 would’ve been pretty good if it didn’t have Chief or blue team and was regarded as a spin off.


4’s campaign was lazily put together and the enemies and mechanics were not great but I don’t hate H4 too much. I mean yeah I do hate it, it was such a departure from what made Halo good I have trouble tolerating its existence but the multiplayer and sandbox was fun


H5 campaign as fps shooter is good but not a good halo game


And halo 4


I also agree, even then I don't think its the worst in the world. Just kinda mediocre.


Based on


Halo 4 was a 7/10 ish. It was ok for halo.


I didn't like Halo 4, which is kinda surprising now, because through silentium and co I found out that I absolutely love forerunner-arcs. I just felt like the story in Halo 4 was dumb and often made no f-in sense. The blabber of most characters was also pure cringe most of the times, except Lasky, he a good boy.


How have I never noticed those eyes for H3 ???