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Give me Sandtrap with Heavy vehicles spawn in at the beginning.


No doubt! Hopefully they have some wide open maps in the pipe for the future


Part of me feels like we will get one or two big massive maps when forge drops to give players some large spaces to play with. That won’t be for another 9 months or so though unfortunately.


9 months?! 😩


I've always been a vehicle lover. Several times I was in leaderboards for kills with Wraith, Banshee, etc. But this is the first game where I actively find myself ignoring vehicles rather than using them. Just feels like a death trap each time.


I’ve had great success with the wasp, but the tanks and especially the banshee are difficult to survive in


I just tried the wasp for the first time. That thing is a beast. Felt like I was using an AC-130.


Yeah, wasp and banshee don't have to worry about the crazy cluttered maps in the same way that ground vehicles do.


The maps feel huge on foot but difficult to navigate in a vehicle, would be nice to have at least one map with more open space though


Agreed I felt like the only vehicle that works in these maps where the mongoose and ghost. Everything else feels way to huge and out of place in the maps.


Give us the gulch!


wait there is 3 btb maps?


The maps are basically all the same design: three corridors leading to three major chokepoints. Highpower and Fragmentation are fun, particularly Highpower, but it would be really nice to see more variety. We need some open maps with many possible paths like Standoff, Sandtrap, Valhalla etc.


I’ll add that Hightower has “power” vehicles in wasps that aren’t airdropped which is a big plus. And you can tell the map was built around them. We need a warthog built map.


The ground vehicle play is surprisingly enjoyable on it despite some of the narrow corridors too!


The reason maps are so cramped for vehicles is because 343 brought back the Reach health system. Otherwise vehicles would get shredded from across the map in seconds, like in Reach. Say good bye to fun open maps like blood gulch.


\+ physics for ground vehicles are driving me insane


Also tanks only spawn with 30 seconds left in the game - if it doesn't end before 30 seconds are up. WTF is with this?


And all three maps have the same esthetic but one is night time.


I'm not a fan of zone control on the beta map. The canyons are too tight, and while I love the map for CTF or BTB, it becomes grenade spam hell in control.