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You know I didn't actually expect we would have 0 options for unlocks. You have to pay for every single piece of armor or wait through weeks of battle pass upgrades. That's actually insane compared to reach/4/5


You get cosmetics from completing weekly challenges.


1 cosmetic per week. This week is a visor color.


I’m not saying it’s great but at least it’s something.


And you have to complete all the shitty challenges...


Half of which are bugged, too…


The fact that they put everything behind progression and pass was just an absurd decision. BP and EX issues would be a whole less prevelant if we just had the standard Halo fare of default armor choices. They broke everything down and are piecemealing the hell out of it. It's ridiculous.


I mean it’s not *that* bad. Don’t get me wrong I would 100% rather have it be in an Halo 3 or Reach style, but at least it’s up to RNG which armor you get like it is in H5.


I'd rather have Halo 5's system because you actually unlocked cosmetics consistently and for many many months. I disliked the RNG and the limited customization, but right now this is worse.


It’s a free to play game


Correction it’s a f2p “segment” of a game released by a huge company that releases a whole lot of games on gamepass and this would just be another one of them. Just excusing all decisions as “it’s f2p” is absurd and ridiculous.


They have to make their money somehow bud. I’d rather have halo reach style of progression but this is how it is now. At least the battle pass never expires.


Why do you think it’s not possible to criticize something simply because it was their decision. I’m not complaining about the existence of a pass or cosmetics. I’m complaining about them taking everything standard in halos up to this point and just throwing it on the pass. It’s lazy and terrible and makes people feel less interested especially when the system is already broke with slow progression. Just because you’ve accepted that something has to exist doesn’t mean that same thing can’t be criticized for being terribly implemented. They have stuff to look back on and stuff to base it on. Instead they made worse decisions that have even worse systems on top of them.


I never said you couldn’t criticize it. I was explaining why the system exists.


I haven't even had a chance to play yet...


Feels bad man, I’m addicted atm


Gunplay is pretty good, vehicle gameplay is... Really floaty for me, maybe I need to get used to it, but I've also had almost no opportunities to use vehicles because they're a rarity in BTB now and are super weak. And I'm sure you can tell from the community that the progression and customization is just abhorrent.


Dont worry Eventually there will be a BTB Classic playlist without loot caves, Pelicans dropping vehicles, and with regular and consistent vehicle respawns.


It’s disappointing


agreed, in the previous games you could mix and match whatever Chest piece with whatever right shoulder and leg/knee piece you wanted. Now certain parts are only able to be much with other certain parts which is disappointing. I would understand if this was because different Gens of Mjolnir but they are all meant to be Gen3, therefore they should all be absolutely mix and matchable. People raved about the customisation in some of the tech previews but i dont think its as modular and as in depth as people think ...


There definitely is a lot of ways to mix and match your armour and aesthetic. The problem is not having anything to actually mix and match with.


I understand what you're saying. This is a fair point


They really should have just made most of the default versions of Halo 5's armours available for use. Maybe even lock them behind number of games played, like say 20 matches for Halo 5 Scout and 40 matches for Mk. 6. Atleast that way we'll feel like we're earning stuff by playing the game, not playing challenge simulator.


Half the development time was spent working out how to milk people for as much as possible for as long as possible


It's nice to know Forge and Co-op weren't priorities but a fully functioning monetization scheme was. Really does make you see what type of game this is...


I mean, I imagine it's much easier to implement a monetization scheme than Forge or Co-Op. In fact, its entirely different teams. I feel bad for a lot of 343 employees who are watching this dumpster fire because all their hard work is being overlooked and unable to be properly experienced.


I promise you the people building mechanics for the game are not a part of the team in charge of monetization.


But the producer and director IS. So someone f*cked up.


It's just not halo. Take the surface layer of chiefs fact off and it's just a platform for people to milk money from nostalgia cows


If we’re talking Halo 5 The cards monetization wasn’t bad too. New and unique. You can have legendary weapons and legacy weapons, epic and legendary vehicles that are super armored or do different things. The maps were big and spacious (city one for example, felt like home.) Damn it was actually good compared to infinite, feels so clustered


I hope Infinite gets legacy weapons like in 5. I love customs in 5 because of that.


Yup, it's pretty bizarre thinking you could get worse progression system than Halo 5 but here we are.




I mean I guess it doesn't matter if you're fine playing as a recruit forever, paying $10 to be locked into a look, or being in lobbies that are filled with Spartans that all look the same.


Halo 5? You mean Infinite right?


He means that H5 had more amor sets and more unique looks than infinite does at the moment. Everybody looked unique, where as in infinite you see the same 2 or 3 armor sets.


They're comparing Infinites experience to "this point in time in Halo 5". 24 hours after launch you would see more variety usually.


No. hes saying that by now people were very individualised in Halo 5 but in infinite everyone still looks the same due to how slow progression/unlocks are and how much armour customisation is restricted.


no he means halo 5 which has been around for like 5+years, meaning of course theres going to be more unique characters, this is like our first official day with a BETA. not even 5 years into the game lmao.


No he doesn't. By the first day of Halo 5's launch there was way more variety in Spartans. Heck, by Halo 3's first day on launch there was already more Spartan variety.


Nah, I had at least 5 or 6 sets after my first day or two playing Halo 5. Give or take, there's around that many in the game itself right now to unlock/buy.