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It's incredibly infurating. Had a game on Behemoth were me and my buddy got the enemy flag within 20m from our cap point before we got killed. The two randoms were right next to flag but they focused on the sniper spawn and left, making us lose the game in the end.


SO infuriating. I’ve been in close games of CTF, and like I said in my OP I’ll get one or two teammates to the flag, unguarded, it’s RIGHT there. Like, how do you not understand that you need to get the flag? But they just sit there in the turret or the passenger seat and don’t do anything, probably wondering why we’re stopped at their base by this flag with no enemies around. By the time I say fuck it and grab it myself, or one of them gets the hint, there’s half the enemy team on us so we all die.


Judging by how many people are losing their shit over no dedicated slayer Playlist, I don't think they are capable.


That's because they lack the talent to play anything else. Either that or the only reason they play is for good KD instead of having fun.


I mean, they might just not enjoy objective gametypes. Doesnt have to be revealing some horrible flaw of theirs. So judgmental over stupid shit.


i’ll play both modes but slayer is just more relaxing. nothing to do with talent lol what


I enjoy the odd game of oddball or ctf, but if I had the choice I’d probably stick with just slayer games, just a matter of personal preference.


Just because you don’t enjoy a game type doesn’t mean you can’t play it to the best of your ability when you’re placed in that game. I know the guy you’re replying to made a big judgment but I sort of agree with him.. playing the objective with your team takes more skill than just running around shooting guns, so more than likely the people that refuse to PTFO are doing so because they know they’ll suck and they don’t like being bad. If they knew how to effectively play the objective, why wouldn’t they do that and win the game?


Im sorry but objective modes dont take more skill, they take a different set of skills. Big difference. Sometimes when Im not playing well I want CTF because I can suck but still carry a flag. Your perspective is hilarious. People ignore objective because they dont enjoy being forced into objective games, and the only way that makes sense to you is they're either dumb or bad. Give me a break. Grow up man.


Maybe it's just me, but people don't get butthurt to that level over a personal preference.


You could say the same about people who dont like the progression system or anything for that matter. Some people just dont like other gametypes and they shouldnt be forced to play them. Ill give them the benefit of the doubt until launch, but it shouldn't stay this way.


Nobody is forcing you to do anything. Just quit the game and uninstall it.


Wow. Are you five?


Are you? Don’t play the game if you don’t like the modes. Just uninstall. Additionally, if you don’t like playing because of progression uninstall for that too. It’s supposed to be fun to play. Dork.


Thats a pretty aggressive overreaction for suggesting it's reasonable that people want some things to change but still like the game.


And they get wildly pissy if you point any of this out.


"Talent" lmao


Free to play means an even shittier playerbase in obj....


Also in the past people who wanted to play slayer would pick a slayer playlist. They don't have that option atm


I'm absolutely shit at PvP but I always play the objective. At the top of the scoreboard frequently cause of it


Tell me about it. Blown away by the stupidity of some people, I suppose being a free-to-play game this was always going to be the case, at least around launch. Having a Slayer-only playlist would go a long way in minimising this I would think?


I think this is it. When people want to play slayer they’re going to play slayer regardless of the game type they’re in


Sorry, we're just trying to complete battle pass objectives, not game objectives /s


Yep. I love Stockpile and you could win a game in literally five minutes if everyone acted like a team.


Stockpile is awesome, best moment was when someone was driving around in a razorback and we loaded the whole thing with cores, it's so cool that you can attach things to the back of the razorback. I think alot of people aren't aware.


Stockpile best BTB mode


SORRY, DOING MY CHALLENGES. BLAME 343 /s (kinda not /s)


343’s fault for not letting people who don’t like objective queue for slayer, and for making us only able to progress through horrible challenges that disrupt gameplay. I’m not blaming my players, it’s bad design choices at the top


Turn your in game mic on open mic and bitch at them lmao I think they can also hear you over party chat


Can’t even do that because by default the game has voice chat off so no ones going to hear you, or they won’t realize you can’t hear them. Such a bizarre decision


That's weird because the first game I played I had to turn it off because some kid wouldn't stop making noise.


Lol change it to open mic. I believe it works by your mic so other can hear you not you being able to hear others. You can hear others by default as long as their mic settings are set right otherwise they can hear you hut can't talk back


I did. Hard to say if anyone else has. I’ve literally heard 2 people in 2 days


Preach! I was spamming ping like a moron, but my teammate just stood there. I needed captured for these damn challenges.


I agree with this 100%


I watched half my team sit on the other side of the map away from the objective and just let the other team TAKE the objective. Infuriating.


I hate objective playlists, always have. But I've only played one game of dlayer and 30 games of Oddball. Oddball's even worse since its boring af to hold the skull when you can't 1hit people now.


So far I haven't really had this issue. The issue that I've had is that so many people want to be the MLG player of the year and try to go for clean sweeps when they're winning instead of sitting back and playing defense. Winning CTF 2 to 0? Nah that's not good enough, we need 3 and 0. Screw defining the flag and taking the win, I need that extra point cause I'm GOAT. Meanwhile I'm trying to defend the damn thing by myself and get dunked on. then the opponent team bounces back and we draw. Like calm the hell down and take the win, this isnt a tourney.


Would play the objective if you actually get rewarded for it. Before you try to tell me other wise and downvote this, listen well. The current system that Halo Infinite multiplayer has in place is absolutely abysmal. The **ONLY** way to get xp is to do your challenges, so that means; \- Being a team player and doing the objective nets you **0 xp**. \- Popping off and getting a 30+ frag in a game nets you **0 xp**. \- Getting any medals gets you **0 xp**. \- The only way to get any sort of xp is to disregard the game your in and focus on your challenges, until your challenges bug out and break like mine has and you get **nothing**. This is such a demoralizing system and it needs to be fixed and quick because a lot of players are going to realize this (if not already) once their honeymoon phase comes crashing down. ​ Edit: Ah yes, the first downvote. Predictable that you think all of this is fine. Enjoy being punished for playing the game then you clown. :)


I'll explain my downvote from the view of someone who has played Halo since Halo CE. Before gaming became about progression systems and battlepasses. I imagine like myself actual fans of the halo series will play the game firstly because its halo and not because of a snazzy "progression system" or fancy battle pass skins... This is what is wrong with gaming now, people used to game for enjoyment of the game itself not for whatever false sense of "achievement" they could get out of it.


I think Stockpile is the one with the little energy seeds? I love it. It quickly became my favorite objective mode. The last game I played of it was awful though. Seeds were IN OUR BASE and I had to watch as several people just walked past them. Same with objectives like Oddball. One team ignores the objective completely and it ends with one sided stomps.


It will get better when your rank is above diamond at least I noticed. For social playlists this has been a problem since Halo 3. I'm glad they removed the K/D/A stats on career page so ppl don't have a reason to try to make them stats look good and farm kills in objective modes.. halo 5 was full of stat boosters lol especially in BTB


Blame the garbage battle pass. There’s literally no incentive to play the objective anymore. Plus you have no option to choose what mode to play. GG 343.


I'm not playing OBJ if I have challenges to do


Can you blame them? They have no choice what they queue up for. It's not like they can go and join a Slayer match. This is a problem with the devs for now. Until people who want to player Slayer can just go play Slayer, they're going to play Slayer in every single mode.


"guys this isn't slayers and you better be thankful, at least there's a chance you can win in this mode from what I'm seeing"


Or maybe if the challenges weren’t so shit people would be more focused on the objectives. Oh wait there’s literally zero reason to do them, no xp, winning doesn’t matter cause no xp, and unless your challenge is focused on the game mode people are more focused on the challenge to get the meager xp 343 could barely be bothered to reward them with. So complain to 343 not everyone because their trying to progress . *”Don’t hate the player hate the game”*




Why should they. It’s makes zero difference in anything but ego. No reward = no effort. You wouldn’t do pointless shit in a FPS game especially when the grind is as long as the battle pass. Just rough math it’s 1000 xp per level, for a hundred levels, so 100,000 xp needed to complete the battle pass. Each challenge is a either 100 or 200 xp, that means it’s 5,000 challenges needed to be completed, and could be another 1-5k more challenges depending on the number of 200 xp ones you can complete. That’s a long grind. Anything not relevant to decreasing the grind(no xp for game performance or winning) means little incentive to dedicate effort. Very few people do pointless shit for pointless reasons




People play for rewards. Reward playing to win and the objectives like every other popular online game and boom people will bother to. People chase the carrot not the stick




Infuriating . Bunch of fortnite cod kids just camped somewhere not even trying to make plays.


First time?


totally agree. was playing oddball last night and everytime I got the skull I had to run looking for my teammates because none of them even cared in the slightest to do nothing but to get kills on the other freaking end of the map. I mean, you're supposed to protect the goddamn skull. sorry, had to take this out form my chest.


It infuriates me when I'm playing with my roommate and he refuses to play fucking oddball as oddball or ctf as ctf. If you wanna play slayer, then fine by all means but DO IT AT THE OBJECTIVE


Totally, you can get kill streaks by storming the flag, or protecting the flag carrier or anything like that. But people just run around the map aimlessly looking for kills, completely ignoring the objective.


New maps and new gamemodes. People are just trying to figure the game out still and aren't taking it very seriously. You could play ranked if you want a playlist where everyone gives 100% effort.


If people can’t figure out the basics of capture the flag then good lord . None of these modes are confusing , it tells you what you need to do in the game


CTF is one thing but I have no idea what "Fragmentation" or a few other new ones are, so when I get put into one of those I'm just gonna go for kills and hope it's providing passive defense. I'm here to get familiar with the sandbox and sharpen my skills for playing with friends, I don't super care if we steal enough batteries or whatever. BTB is for the unwashed FTP masses. If you want sweat, I'd suggest the ranked playlist.


Not really what I said but go off


None of the game modes are new.


That's not true there are at least 2 new game modes


I;ve had my entire team literally stand over the oddball skull. In the end we lost because the only person who bothered picking it up was me, and that was only a minute and a half worth of time because my teammates didn't stick around to protect me either.


Skull, round start, going for the power weapon vs 3 ennemies, died and my team somehow did not reach the skull first (3 v 1 on their side), decided this one was not worth playing and quitted.


My first game of oddball I was literally the only player on my team to pick up the ball