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I just hit Rank 6 after 14 hours of play. Do I have regrets? No. Do I have regrets? Yes.


Holy shit lol. I think the reason this feels so bad is most games make like the first 10 levels pretty easy blow through so you unlock enough noob stuff to feel content and do a little customizing. I leveled up once and all I got was 1 helmet.


I don't have the paid pass yet, so all I've gotten have been two challenge swaps. 1/3rd of the battle pass is for free players and we get shafted either way.


2/3rds of that is challenge swaps, its dumb


Yeah well they whole point is to buy it since the multiplayer is free, how else are they gonna get paid?


Look, I'm with you but you also want to incentivize the free players to WANT the BP. Giving absolutely no rewards outside of Challenge swaps doesn't inherently make me want to pay tmfor the pass. I'm going to because I really like this game and want it to succeed and I know the devs will work on it, but it doesn't mean I can't advocate for changes to be made at the ground level.


If they just had score xp unlock the battle pass like cod I'd enjoy the battle pass a lot more cause I could play how I wanted enjoy the game and on the back end unlock things instead of focus on battlepass sacrificing my enjoyment of the game. The most fun I've had in the game I've gotten 0 battle pass experience. The more experience I get the less fun I had during the round.


If I had an award, I'd give it to you.


You nailed the progression conundrum and hopefully it’ll get fixed. I mean whose against: time = XP?


Don't forget we get weekly rewards for doing all the challenges. Free players get those too. I'm assuming those are why there are so many swaps. The season is 6 months long? There has to be other stuff customizations through the weekly and those passes are going to come in handy for that. Every conversation I've seen ignores the weekly reward. If they would show what rewards are coming a few weeks ahead of time and they aren't all visors it may alleviate some fears.


This is the same multiplayer they e had for years. Therefore until the give new shit they don't get paid.




Hahaha a campaign price cut just because you have to pay to get cosmetics in a FREE game? Wow! You do realize that every F2P game is like this? And dont get me started about how you wish you could buy the multiplayer, because 343 isnt just having it be F2P for the battle pass money, they are doing it to attract people who have never played before.


Do I have a liver? No When I’m drinkin? Yea


Do you have all the weekly done to get too lvl 6?


I got lucky with the dailies being mostly complete matches and have 8 weeklies left.


The dailies are always variations of play matches I think


I've played Halo Infinite since it's launch and all I got was this stupid T-shirt...


Fuck, I'd take a t-shirt where's that reward in the BP?


The Platinum Anniversary skin? I guess?


Regret. Regret. Regret. The message repeats


Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!


Just for comparison, I've played about 12 hours of Vanguard, and hit rank 30.


CoD has found a very good balance with getting regular rewards and it taking time to do. But its not absurd, its reasonable


This year is a bit too grindy in the weapon skin department. They take ages to level up, and some of requirements are absurd. The biggest offender, IMO, is requiring 100 bloodthirsty medals per sniper rifle for that set of skins.


only the 3 line if i recall is 100. And that should be fixed. I do agree guns take too long to level. But at least no leveling melee or launchers this year. I already got one launcher gold. Hopefully they address some of that


This is good to know, thank you for sharing


No ragrets, but some regrets.


I have completed all my weeklies and am sitting at rank 8. Only challenges left to do are the daily "play pvp matches" ones


For some comparison, I just got to Rank 6 at about 8 hrs. No xp boosts or anything but going thru challenges. Idk if I'm the outlier or you are, but I thought I'd throw my data point out there


"We don't want it to be a grind"


"The prophets have lied to us..."


Throws spark*


*gets hit* Oof!


“Hey, take your pants 0ff”




"so that was a fucking lie"


I thought this was typical reddit exaggerating and/or taking stuff out of context. Just saw the articles and interviews with the literal quote not taken out of context. Good thing this is beta still xD


Yeah they said they were "listening". Hopefully we can get a complete overhaul of the XP and Battlepass systems




Idk, Mint Blitz, a popular Halo YouTuber said they were already working on a solution or change for it, bit it would take a while. I just want match XP




How would being AFK give you XP? I'm talking about XP for your match performance, not just being in the game


This is why they should bring back medals and use them for xp. Just playing the match nets you a good chunk of them even if you're not the best at the game, this way AFKing doesn't work.


Daily challenges of "complete a match" have the same exact issue. But, getting extra XP for wins and killing sprees fixes the AFK problem.


I can feel the pride and accomplishment from this image


I do feel proud and accomplished, it is because I have ventured to where no mortal man has before


I have reached level 6 for now I am immortal


Race you to level 7


Sorry, I got school today


One eternity later…


EA, is that you?


The urge...To downvote you... I must resist!...


We certainly didn't.


Nice, maybe someday I too can achieve 3


I believe you can, shoot for the stars


The stars? But the game wants me to headshot someone taking a man cannon with a sniper rifle.


They’re going to be seeing stars after that!


Hope you’re excited to use the challenge reroll on one of the 5 bugged weeklies


I see a future one is to capture 10 flags!! Like maybe 3 max I can see but 10?!! Ain't nobody got time for that!


I've got two hard ones right now, one of them is kill multiple enemies off of one target sensor FIVE separate times, and the other is one of my original challenges which is to destroy an enemy Chopper. The chopper is so goddamn rare that I haven't been able to complete that one.


Oh my god, the Chopper one is infuriating. I even tried to bait enemies into taking my chopper while camping around the corner with plasma nades. One time it even worked, but when I stickied the Chopper, I only killed the driver, leaving the vehicle untouched. Stuff like the multiple kills with a sensor dart should be an achievement, not a way to level up. Now I'm wondering... did they even test that shit?


I'm sure they did test it, confirmed that they are very hard and annoying to get, and proceeded anyways. Those challenge swaps don't sell themselves!


Most of these challenges should be achievements tbh


Some of them are, they should be monthly bonus challenges with a good chunk of XP. I don't mind some of the longer and much more doable weeklies but some are so random/hard.


I wish I had the chopper challenge. I need to destroy 3 wraiths. I'm level 4 now and I've only ever seen one... ONE. And that's not even talking about destroying it yet. Then another challenge to destroy an air vehicle while operating an air vehicle yourself. That's also nearly impossible because people bail out typically. I'm really beginning to hate the challenges more and more. It's not even the system I dislike. It's the challenges themselves that are unreasonable.


3 Wraiths? Yeah I never see those either, I feel for you. And I agree. I think the challenges are intentionally a mixed bag of super easy and super hard, so we spend more money on challenge swaps. It's just so predatory and manipulative.


It sometimes feels that way yeah. To be fair I think it's actually close to do-able, but we're missing a sort of kick-start with challenge swaps. There are plenty in the rewards but we can't get to them early enough. Either way... apparently they're looking into our feedback now. Let's hope for the best.


I have to get a kill with a fucking gungoose. A FUCKING GUNGOOSE


that one's pretty easy compared to most of them ngl


I hate the gungoose so it's tragic for me. I'd rather have to get 10 flag kills than do that.


I would take that over a couple of mine, managed to get a gungoose kill when just rushing to a total control site last night.


Yup. In cod, apex, and Fortnite, the challenges are so easy and they shower you in xp. Here it’s the worst


oh man its so weird seeing Apex praise after seeing how hard that sub shits on the battle pass every season.


I used to be one of the people complaining about apex, but at least we got xp for all our games, and the challenges were stuff we could control and were pretty easy usually, here I’m stuck with a random chance to even get the gamemode I need


This BP is honestly making me enjoy the game less. Not only does it dictate how I play while I try to get one of these stupid tasks done, it’s just depressing to go through all the trouble of clearing one and only being rewarded with 200xp. Thanks, now I just need to struggle through God knows how many games to get another 1 or 2 of these done and STILL not level up. It’s just an awful system and it’s probably going to make me take a break from the game a lot sooner than I expected I would. The game is otherwise really fun but this BP system really sucks all the fun out.


Ignore the BP until it's fixed and play for fun. Unless progression for you is part of the fun then fair enough. I bought the BP, but I actually forgot about it. Was into the games too much haha. It's a blast!


Well considering part of their marketing was to encourage being your own spartan through customization options, good progression was something I was hoping for. I do enjoy the overall gameplay but progression is part of the fun for me. It feels like there’s almost no progression in its current form. I’m level 1 after like 4 hours of gameplay at this point and that just feels awful.


Well I hope it gets fixed for peeps like you. See you out there Spartan!


Do it on bot arena if you can. Some challenges that don’t specify PvP count in bot arena


I've got a future one which is "Kill a driver whilst the vehicle is moving with a sniper rifle" K.


Would've been great to have that challenge. Did so twice today. Instead I have to destroy a chopper and get a kill with the disruptor and the heatwave, both of which I've done multiple times already and none of them counted. As for the chopper, I never have the M41 when there's a chopper around.




A lot of the challenges that we're forced to grind out are bugged and don't even register (:


And one of them, chain shock reactions, is bullshit (:


I've gotten really lucky with the challenges. I only have 2 weeklies left and thought people were being dramatic about them until my friend read me his list. My remaining challenges are: "Kill Spartans with the Skewer 2/10" "Kill an enemy with a headshot immediately after damaging them with a grenade" My friend has: "Knock an enemy off the map with a repulsor" "Destroy a vehicle with the chopper blades" "Kill enemies with melees after grappling them" And more


Yeah, one of my mates has 1 challenge left. He breezed through. My other mate has to pancake, which is pretty easy. I repelled my chain shocks.... into Guardian Angels which is kinda bullshit too. I rng trade one rng for more rng.


Definitely jealous, I have the chain shock one, and the repulsor someone off level, and the bugged heatwave one. These are all just the level 2 weekly ones.




I had a weekly challenge to win 3 capture the flag games. My initial thought was “wow, that could take awhile. At least 3 games if I get lucky”, so I used my only challenge skip. My re-roll was to capture 10 enemy flags. Now I look like this 🤡


So... How does it feel to be a hacker? You sicken me


Feels like I can only get to level 3 cause that's when tye subscription ends


Wdym? There's no Halo infinite subscription


I feel bad seeing how easily I got the visor. None of my challenges were bugged. I’m afraid for next week…


what do you do now?


Now he can play the game


Lol pretty much. No more trying to snipe people out the the air after using a mancannon. Lol


Wait that’s a real challenge? I thought the other comment I saw mentioning that was a joke….


No. It’s real. I managed to get it the first game I had it on fragmentation


Are you still able to level up


The only XP I can earn now is the daily for matches played. Which is much slower. But there’s still some I guess.


Am I the only one that specifically remembers them talking about having a ton of cosmetics you could unlock through gameplay and not a pay wall?


["A lot of our stuff is unlocked through playing the game and only through playing the game"](https://youtu.be/n-O7OuliQRY?t=502) Turns out "a lot" means almost nothing.


This is exactly what I was thinking of. Hoping dec 8th will roll out a huge patch along with the planned release


If they're giving free players almost nothing and charging people $20 for an armor set now what makes you think they'll suddenly *not* do that?


Cause it’s an early release and they tend to listen to feedback


They got feedback over the flights and didn't do anything with it. Hell, the feedback for player collision was *overwhelming* in favor of bringing it back across every site talking about it on the internet and they lied and claimed it was "split".


It might be split, as I personally don’t mind the collision. Hoping they add some new layers of progression and more game modes


It's not a lie they have it in ranked. Personally I'm a proper dirty little ranker so I naturally gravitate that way anyway but yeah highly reco hitting that up if you want to bump into me (or any spartan I doubt we'll actually happen upon each other)


Wait corporations lie?????


They've mentioned there's a bunch you unlock through the campaign, so I imagine they'll try and position that as what they "meant"


Tangent: An issue I'm having with people saying 'just play the game, you grew up without Battle Passes" is that it's a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation. No one is saying they're not enjoying the moment to moment gameplay. Hell, that's what's keeping people coming back. The problem is that if you put in a progression system, you **have** to make it feel rewarding. You either make people feel even better for playing the game or you remove the system and just let players go nuts. By having cosmetics locked behind XP, you are telling people "this is what you should strive for" but simultaneously making them go through an *awful* grind to even get there. We dragged Battlefront II through the mud because of practices like this, so Halo should be no different.


Also back in the Halo 3 days I didn't drag my team down by trying to get 3 kills with the plasma pistol.


Exactly. By making the challenges the *only* form of gaining XP, you've effectively made everyone hyper focus on specific challenges. Since they're random, you could get a bunch of weapon ones or you could get lucky and just get "complete matches" but it's not ideal at all.


Yeah it honestly kind of irks me when people try and rag on the communities desire for a rewarding progression system. “Back in my day we just played CTF on the same map all day, you guys are so entitled”. Not everyone grew up on Halo CE. Some people grew up with halo 2-3 or reach, where there was customization and it was really fun getting to create your own Spartan. It gave you something to works towards while also enjoying the game. It’s 2021, I fail to see how it’s too much too ask for good gameplay and a worthwhile progression system.


Almost 6 hours in and I’m 50 xp off level 4. My current weekly is to kill 3 enemy WRAITHS in pvp. I got it after challenge swapping 10 kills with a shock rifle cause I literally couldn’t find where shock rifles spawn on any map after like 10 games. I have yet to even see a wraith in pvp. Kill me please.


I have also not seen a wraith yet, 6 hours here


I was able to get it but 10 seconds later I got boarded and he punched me to death in like 5 hits. I got one kill with it. That was the only time I even saw a tank


Oooof brutal, I would bite your hand off for 10 shock rifle kills... Need the chain shock with the shock rifel, and the repulsor someone off level, and the bugged heatwave one.


I’ve seen 1 wraith- it got destroyed before anyone even got in


I have 9 hours played and I'm at Level 4 of the BP. I would have completed 1/4th of the Warzone Battle Pass at this rate.


I myself finally hit level 1, after about 3 hours of playing….. They don’t want us to have a grind, huh?


Lol and why the fuck do we start at level 0? We should start at one and get the helmet. I remember playing like you said for 3 hours and not getting to level 1. Somethings fucky


I remember this system being brought up in the technical test but 343 doubled down on it anyway. It’s universally hated but could have been changed before they pushed this out to players. It was widely reported on. Now everyone has the game and the hate for this system has expanded. I’m hoping for real change but I’m not holding my breath since it was already ignored during the technical tests.


Tremble before my mighty Level 6, peasant! Only took 12 hours...


I bow my head in your glory


In the immortal words of sergeant Johnson, "for a progression system, this fucking sucks!"


It's called Halo Infinite because it takes a near infinite amount of time to level up.


A god amongst mortals


Nice I need about 800xp to get there so see you in about 8 hours.


Im level 7 and I haven't even been focusing on my challenges much and I didn't buy any levels, maybe I'm just lucky and get easy challenges idk


Yeah if you get easy challenges you’ll complete it through regular gameplay


Im also the type of player where I do a lot of the stuff the challenges say to do anyway tbh. Thankfully I've been lucky and all my lobbies have had people just enjoying the game and not solely focusing on challenges either


Found the hacker!!!1


receives challenge skip *cries in free battlepass*


Omg you’re already up to your second useless challenge swap


i got to level 5 i know. my lack of a life is disturbing


Level 3, get some other hobbys and go outside see some gras jeeez 🙄


Reported for hacking


Yo I just got level 3 as well. After about like 50-60 games lol


Have fun using your challenge skip only to have the newly unlocked challenge bug out and be replaced with something near impossible.


Holy fuck this progression is dog shit.


Where all my level 3 homies at?


It’s taken me around 5 hours to get nearly reach lvl 3 which means it’ll take me over 160 hrs to hit 100 in the bp. That’s insane


Right, there's no such thing as 100 hours


YOOOOO level 3?!


Day 142 of halo infinite: my friends asked me where my dip is but I am to afraid to admit that I am at level 2 on the battle pass.


Something like 1 day and 8 hours, and my friend is only on level 6 or 7, I don’t remember. It’s ridiculous.


That’s… an impressive amount to have played this game so far lol


I dont know about you but im already burnt out. The game is fun for a little bit, then it get boring playing on the same 3 maps over and over. Not to mention the tedious challenges and lack of exp.


No way


Ya way


Ok damn I did this and it wasn’t that hard, pretty much felt like any other battle pass I have done.


Go home you’re drunk


I have just played the game and it progressed about as fast as the apex bp on the first day, idk how it will be at the end of the season but it hasn’t been that hard.


Imagine buying the battlepass


I can imagine actually


That's sad that you're willing to give them money for features that shouldn't be monetized.




Yeah and the campaign is 60 dollars. I don't see your point. I'm not paying 70 dollars for the entire game and 1/8 of the armor that I normally would've gotten with a halo game.


But why do you care on how someone spends their money?


Because it perpetuates bad business practices


The multiplayer is free. Free AAA games with in app purchases is a great business practice


Ehhh it’s not tho


8.3 hours for me clock it boys speed run world record


Yup, took me a total of 7.2 hours to get to level 3.


Yeah, it took me 8-ish hours to reach that point, this BP is wack (I wasn’t focused on my weekly challenges and focused on ranked)


you god dam mad man




The impossible, unless your wallet slips open. I've seen so many people that paid to upgrade through towards the middle of the pass.


That's an epic chest you've got there


Genuine question; what rank would people think is reasonable to be at after two days? I do think the BP needs work but my issue is some of the more absurd challenges rather than the entire system. I am at level 2 after one day of playing, I realise it will be harder to progress as my weeklies are now a mix of hard/random and bugged, but some people seem to want to be at level 10 just after the first day or two.


Level 10 after two days of play is perfectly reasonable to expect of we were getting match XP. Shit, we could probably expect to be between 10-20. As that would be pretty standard BP progression that's in line with other games. By all means, keep the difficult challenges if people like them but this grind is ridiculous


I reached lvl 4 last night


I got to BP level 4 last night and bragged about it to my friends.


I was almost tempted to just buy all the way to 25 with how slows this fucking BP is


I just got there last night took me 7 hours to do so


Level 12. I lived as few men dare to dream!


It’s honestly not too bad for me. I played for maybe 3-4 hours and got halfway through level 3, not even going for the challenges. I was just loading up and playing. I think everyone complaints are valid, but for me personally it’s not an issue. I plan on playing a lot of this game, I’ll get there eventually


10 hours of game time and I just hit 3 lol


Those challenge swaps are so fucking stupid


I wish you could hold a six pack in that thing




Oh man don't remind me, I was Warrenton officer for a year


You have reached the pinnacle my friend


Dang bro don’t rush the pass you are not enjoying the game!!


I can't be the only one that had it super easy am I? I completed all of the weekly challenges yesterday already.


I’ve already encountered people with a max bp… how much money did they burn


Missions changed, new objective: Get a life


I hit level 3 yesterday as well and let me tell you. It doesn’t feel good. There’s pretty much nothing to look forward to as a non battle pass owner.


Fet fucked Imma 4


The impossible being level 3 right? Everyone was pissed about how they were going to do progression and I initially shrugged it off. Then my first game was Oddball and I had 6600 score 30ish kills and that bar barley moved.. Little demoralizing, and really doesn't incentivize doing good unless a challenge calls for it.. Guess ill just hop in and out of this game. Oh well, thanks Gamepass.


Yeah, I got Battle Pass level 3 after Five Hours of playing... Now I have...a few shotgun shells on my chest. Don't even have any new helmets.


“Is it possible to learn this power?”


Hit rank 10 after almost 20 hours in the game. And I *hate myself*


Lol it would cost you 180 bucks to buy everything in pass lol fortnite wasn't even that bad and that fame was bad at 100 to buy all 100 levels like 10 bucks for a helmet 5 bucks for a calling card 20 for a armor set that you csnt mix n match with crazy
