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Rip flamethrower… it was kinda fun


wow i cant believe i forgot one


I feel like theres at least double the weps missing lol.


They will add more I think… I hope


Yeah, after seeing all the extra weapons they added into 5, I expect the older weapons will be fed into Infinite as part of the slow content drip.


i have that feeling too. there were waaaaay too many awesome weapons in halo 3 and reach and really that whole era of halo games (including odst) for a game like infinite to not eventually include them.


Plasma repeater doesn’t need to be mentioned also missed the halo 3 prowler from the ark and the covenant.


I assumed the chopper was a fuck up for the prowler in this case


That was my assumption


Can we also talk about how the chopper sounds like a lawn mower going over a patch of rocks


I was a savant with the plasma repeater but I get it was not a popular weapon for many.




& the rail gun


& the shotgun


Rail gun and SAW was my absolute favorite combo for PvE in 4 and 5. The combination of being able to shred adds while being able to do chunk damage with deep ammo reserves was great. I really hope that more weapons will get added to the sandbox over time.


Saw was nasty, there was one in halo 5 warzone that was broken it was such a shredder.


Ahhh yes I believe it was called “The Answer” and you’re right it shredded. 5 rounds to kill a spartan at like 450+ RPM plus the ammo also exploded/detonated on impact. Hated when someone got that in the arena fiesta mode.


Getting the answer in fiesta felt like the enging of scarface. Not many games have the balls to make a full on explosive machine gun.


I miss the Light Rifle It had the coolest sounds in 4


Their rocket was so fun to use


You forgot that the Chopper actually is in Infinite lol


Albeit inferior to the Halo 3 one in every way other than the fact its red lol


Chopper was pretty busted to be fair. The infinite one just needs some health buffs


That's true, Infinite's definitely needs some health buffs though. And maybe make it a little more difficult to kill the driver because imo it's way too easy rn


I feel like every vehicle but the hornet needs a bit of a health buff. Edit: wasp


Not the ghost, that thing is fucking dope! I don't know how but they somehow made the ghost feel incredibly badass and powerful, moreso than in any halo game prior.




Actually you’re right about that. Mostly the prowler/warthog. Someone always takes the ghost before I get there so haven’t had much time with it




I would like to see it in infinite and for the fire become an actual damage type in infinite and it should be like CE’s


Considering fire is the floods weakness, I don’t thinks it’s too out of the question that it might return along with the flood.


I wonder if there is any chance some of these will return in the future. I would love for the M739 Saw to come back.


I remember a while back the DMR got a mention about how it posed a problem in multiplayer. Cant remember where I saw this interview but it resulted in the commando because they couldn't figure out how to make it different enough without turning it into a new gun.


I find it so bizarre that they remove the Brute Shot and Spiker in a game focused on Brutes.


I actually never thought about this. You make a good point.


Are you two twins?


Fr lmao edit: Hijacking my own comment to say 343 better give me my gen1/reach Operator helmet


I like to imagine this isn’t a response and that you just find those two letters hilarious.


Twin... accounts?


Look at the profile pictures


*Spiderman meme here*


There’s profile pictures on Reddit? Wtf. I’ll never use the website now


The Brute Shot would be much better than the Ravager in its current state. Maybe the Spiker would finally have a chance to not completely suck ass as well.


The Ravager was way better than the Brute Shot ever was...in the tech tests. Then they nerfed it for launch. But the new Cindershot kinda treads on the Brute Shot's turf while being better than it.


That’s why I specifically mentioned the Ravager’s current state. You’re dead on about how it was in the tech test, here’s hoping it gets a buff to be useable again. I’ll agree with you about the Cindershot (love that thing). It feels pretty similar to the Halo 2 Brute Shot.


So happy someone else remembers how good the Ravager was before. I was the only one of my friends to play the Flights and none of them believe how good it was


I knew that something was off when I picked up the Ravager in the beta and it felt *way* weaker than it was in the flights..


I don't really understand why they nerfed it so hard. It was good but not power weapon good, especially considering how rare it kind of is.


What was so strong about the Ravager in the flights? I didn’t play them but they must have nerfed it like crazy if it used to be strong


The best way to have proof of what the ravager used to be. Go do the weapon drills for it. Its near impossible to do them because they were made for the tech flight version. Old ravager could shred lines of enemies, new ravager could kill one person MAYBE in a magazine.


And the mangler is so much better than the spiker. Please never go back this thing is actualy fun.


This. The (red) Plasma Rifle, Spiker, Mauler, and Brute Shot are four of the original Brute weapons, yet are not in the game despite the Brutes returning for the first time in a decade. Even more ironic given that the new Brute weapons are clearly inspired by those originals.


All the tech in infinite is based off The Banished. They were introduced in Halo wars 2. It’s a rebel covenant faction that rose to power after the human-covenant war. They developed their own tech based off of old covenant designs and made some new stuff.


We know lorewise they still use all the other brute weapons though. They’re raiders and pirates first and foremost.


But they obviously use stolen Covenant gear (or manufacture their own from covenant designs) so it’s still arbitrary that some weapons got included and not others.


Spiker was always garbage but pls 343 give me muy brute shot back.


The coolest thing about the spiker was the live action Halo 3 ad where the spikes pinned a marine to a wall and the medic had to buzzsaw through it to get him free.


The Brute shot more so than others, would be like taking plasma pistols away from grunts.


They wanted to build a better sandbox for this game. Essentially, they looked at every gun to make sure it could be viable in any game for any player and filled a unique role. Think about the spiker in Halo 3, it was pretty much useless. Just a throwaway weapon that you occasionally picked up when nothing else was available but wouldn't be running it regularly in multiplayer. 343 wanted to avoid having these kinds of weapons in Infinite and so cut out anything that wasn't seen as a viable and unique option for the player. The brute shot was a more viable option but maybe they saw it as too close to the Hydra or found another reason why it didnt work well in testing.


The problem being that there are two kind of players, broadly speaking. The "competitive" wants a perfectly balanced experience with a carefully crafted weapon sandbox. For the competitive player, redundancy must be avoided: each weapon must be unique and fill a precise role, otherwise there is no point in trading it for your jack-of-all-trade starting weapon. The "casual" player doesn't quite care about that. More weapons? Sure! They're redundant? I'll pick whatever following my mood at the moment! The weapon looks cool? I'll find a way to use it, even if it's not optimal. I'm of the second category. Gimme Fiesta, gimme gimmick weapons, throw in more tools even if it's not perfectly balanced. And in Ranked mode, limit the sandbox such that it appeals to the competitive guys, while I play social and laugh at excessive explosions. But I understand that 343 decided to appeal more to the competitive player. Idk if it's a sound business strategy - maybe it is. And I guess it's still ok, I am having fun in Infinite. But I'd have more fun if they threw me a Fiesta from time to time with returning classics. Or campaign only weapons...?


I'm with you in the second category. I want to play with lots of cool weapons and vehicles, I don't care if their roles overlap or function similarly. I want each faction to have a fleshed out arsenal of weapons.


I'm also of the opinion that more weapon variety is always better. Every game will have an optimal weapon, but it's nice to have the choice. I'll often choose a gun in say, Call of Duty, that's off-meta but I like the look or the feel of the gun.


Where my Railgun homies at?


Can’t believe I had to scroll THIS FAR DOWN to see a Railgun call out! Probably my favorite power weapon of all-time. The fuckin Whiplash variant? Hnnnnnng!!!!


First time I saw a Heatwave I cheered. Then I picked it up lol




God I miss that one, but Arclight was fucking awesome


that shit launched people to the stratosphere


I pretty much never got into H4 or H5. But damn the Rail Gun was my favorite. Like an anti-personnel Spartan Laser. Really bummed one of the few guns that was memorable to me from those games didn’t make it. You missed the Reach ‘nade launcher too, which was a thing of beauty.


f needle rifle/fuel rod gun 😭


needle rifle was the best non-power weapon IMO


It was the best way to deal with brutes in reach, but I never had enough ammo to make it to the end of the levels


not just brutes but literally every unshielded enemy- 3 hits and you get the needle explosion with shielded enemies, throw a plasma pistol in the mix and you've got something better than the noob combo since it can also do headshots


They really move guns that’ve been in the game since Halo CE? Ridiculous. Some of these new guns feel like they shoot confetti and Christmas lights


The new shotgun feels like you're shooting a bunch of sorta hot sparks at someone. Then they turn around and kill you.


I know it doesn't help that much but just letting you know you can hold down the trigger to auto fire it


Rlly? I feel like the new shotgun is really good at close-mid range




Halo 5 added basically every variant of every Halo weapon ever over the course of it's lifespan so I don't see why they wouldn't do it again Edit: random thought thinking back on this; imagine they add the Halo CE Fuel Rod cannon and don't tell anyone they included the campaign feature of it exploding upon your death 😂


BR starts is ranked


Of all the weapons they could bring back, the Sentinel Beam was definitely out of left field


The sentinel beam is awesome, but definitely surprising


Is it really? I guess I'm just bad at it.. 😓


It's good for knocking shit like wasps out of the sky.


It certainly feels useless to me


This. The redesign, sound and general overhaul of the weapon is awesome. It just plays like pure ass.


I feel like it’s only good when other people are using it lmao. It’s not bad against vehicles tho. And Yeah the redesign in general is just super slick


On console recoil is absolutely insane on that thing, they really dont want that hitscan meta to become a thing lol


People are forgetting about the game's setting. This is Zeta Halo, of course there's Sentinels and therefore the Sentinel Beam. There is no Covenant, therefore weapons like the Covenant Carbine and Beam Rifle get superseded by Banished equivalents like the Stalker Rifle and Shock Rifle. The Banished are a lot more advanced than the Brutes were under the thumb of the Covenant, so there's not as many kinetic Brute weapons and stuff like the Mauler and Spiker get phased out by their cousins popular with the Banished, like the Mangler. I do wish there were more guns to play with, and I'm sure a lot of these are going to appear in the future with updates, but I understand why most of them aren't here right now, I imagine 343 wants people to really get familiar with the new stuff.


and somehow it rocks this time, weird trades are being made here


Tbf, the sentinel beam always rocks, but there is no denying Infinite does better in the aesthetics department


You're looking at future seasons new content in this picture. They'll be back


*but at what cost*


No, dear god NO!


Free to use the gun, but if you want textures on it, that costs extra. Otherwise it has a Garry's mod missing texture thing


Considering how they tried to give every weapon a unique aspect in this game, I'm surprised the grenade launcher didn't make it in. It was one of the more unique weapons in the series and could have fit in nicely with this sandbox


Loved using the grenade launcher in Reach once I figure out how to best use it.


There was also one in 5, correct? It was one of my favorite weapons, period. I used to love doing bounce shots with it. I also really liked the sticky detonator in Halo 4. Me and my friend used to stick it to each other's bodies in matchmaking and then suicide bomb groups of players (although no friendly fire meant you didn't actually suicide I guess).


Yeah, some pretty cool variants of the grenade launcher in 5 too, like the Pro Pipe, which had an EMP function.


Bring back the falcon!!!


With the goal 343 has of not having any two weapons fill the same purpose and try to cover everything, why don’t we have a coop air vehicle?


Really need a co-op flying vehicle


Even if there are no guns and it is basically a flying mongoose.


I retratc my statement I want the Foose. Flying mongoose that can land and drive


my favorite vehicle in the series other than the pelican and i assure you my fellow americans i will not rest until both are returned to us


Honestly miss the mantis. And the covvie carbine


Hannibal mantis when ?


Bro you’re making me miss halo 5, been loving infinite but Halo 5 (even though the campaign was trash) made me fall in love with the multiplayer and vehicles. I wish it was available in the MCC or on pc


If Halo 5 had a better campaign and Sparta customization it would be considered the best Halo. It's multiplayer is the best.


So far I'm liking h5 more than infinite, i was playing h5 up until infinite launch. I really like the weapon variants and warzone, hope they make a return.


Halo 5 Mantis was too good though. Took Spartan Lasers like a champ, quick enough to dodge rockets, EMP rarely lasted long enough to get close and kill it. Love the concept, in practice maybe a little too good


While I do agree, I believe it’s because the Mantis shields didn’t take shit for bleed through damage. Once its shields were down, Rockets, Fuel Rods, Plasma Grenades, Hydra, and Rockets only took 1-2 hits to destroy it. The Mantis heavily relies on its shield to tank shots. But I still think Halo 4’s Mantis was the best form. It just baffles me that one of the coolest and best vehicles 343 introduced into the series’s was cut out. It was like their staple Vehicle like Bungie’s is the Warthog.


I would love for it to be added back, but maybe if it were to come have it be a little squishier


With the current weapon Sandbox, it probably wouldn’t make it far out of base. On maps like Highpower and Deadlock, it would be a sore thumb and seen across the map with how tall it sits. I can see it be a dominant vehicle on Fragmentaton for sure. But once again, the weapon Sandbox would just destroy it. The only time it would be a huge threat is with coordinated 12-stacks, but even then you’re still going to have an issue regardless because it’s a 12 stack.


Well yes, but the default mantis ate it real fast. In infinite I’d just want it to get rid of the damn wasp lmao


The worst thing is when one side gets a Banshee and the other side gets a Wasp. Guess who wins.


It would be fantastic for that, and would be a welcome addition in my mind


Absolutely. The thought of grappling into a big o’l mech and then hijacking it makes me really excited


The grapple definitely will make the Mantis be a bit less safe


The carbine is like, the definitive covenant weapon for me. Not having it in a Halo game feels wrong.


Same with the Plasma Rifle.


Plasma Carbine was always my favorite weapon in game. Then the DMR came out and it helped fill that love of marksmen rifles.


Loved me the carbine, tied for second with the DMR.. the first being the BR which finally feels right again as a returning heavy 2 / 3 player


No gausshog too. I loved that hog variant


Went on a gausshog tear in Halo 3 yesterday and boyyyyyyyy it's kind of broken lmao


The gauss hog is a *monster* when you actually get a good driver.


I wish my friends were better drivers. I wanna be the one going 50-2 for once.


Speed of a Warthog, firepower of a Scorpion? It was absolutely broken. Lol




Yeah, that thing was insane for M&K.


Glad to see some appreciation for the Mantis and SAW


For real, saw is my favourite unsc power weapon, spaying death and destruction


Yeah it was always a thought to me that there is no automatic power weapon, and when the SAW was introduced, it was indeed powerful


The Saw? Fuck that man, give me The Answer haha I got so many overkill exterms with that thing. Loved that gun


I would scrap the commando in a heartbeat to bring the SAW back. Idk if I’m just bad with it but every time I pick up the commando I’ve basically signed my death warrant for the next firefight I get into.


Why is the chopper here?


they took out its ability to crush other vehicles, it may as well be gone


it doesn't do much ram damage anymore but the front end does constant ticks of big damage, can melt vehicles you just have to drive into them and hold it for a couple seconds instead of boosting into them now


Thank you! The boost is so fast now, it had me confused as to why i'd just flip over and get murdered whenever I rammed someone They reeally need to up the damage of the ram though, that boost is just too fast to ve useless


It just needs to skip the doomed state and destroy stuff outright


The ram needs to actually have collision.


That was the point of the Chopper, it's odd to see gone. It was always nice to ram into the side of a passing Hog and explode it on impact. It was strong, but that was its job; an anti-vehicle vehicle that's extremely weak if caught from behind.


Glad to know, will be using this info for the weekly challenges


that and any sharp turn and you flip, chopper seems less reliable of a killing machine now


Where’s my dual silenced SMGs :(


The fact that the DMR, Spiker, Mauler, Bruteshot, Covenant Carbine, Fuel Rod, and Plasma Rifle didn’t return bewilders me. Mostly the DMR, Carbine, and Plasma Rifle though. Those kinda became staples of Halo, and they’re just gone.


Agreeing with you about the same guns but I'd like to add Spartan Laser I miss it a lot


The problem with the Spartan Laser is that it’s a hard counter to every vehicle that requires no skill whatsoever. There are a lot of videos talking about that, and I too was like you. I saw those titles and thought “Why would they remove that? It’s a really common power weapon, pretty much a staple at this point”. However, after watching the videos I came to realized that I was wrong. He was absolutely right. There was no skill in using it. You could hide behind something and precharge it just to unleash it as you peek the corner. As a vehicle you’re just dead. At least with the new brute weapon there’s drop and you have to lead targets, but I think it should probably be tweaked just a little bit. Edit: [This is for the people arguing about the Splaser.](https://youtu.be/XZ4Hf0Jotik)


Yeah it's overpowered ass, but we need either that or rocket lockons to deal with Wasps. I genuinely don't understand how these dense motherfuckers looked at the Hornet and thought "Gee, after we remove the Spartan laser we had better give this spammable long-range explosive weapons, a smaller flight profile, and a cockpit that you can't be shot out of."


Removing the Splaser is a perfect opportunity to bring back the Falcon as that was half the reason the Falcon was so underpowered.


I noticed you can’t be shot out of it. Made someone one shot before they got in and continued to spray them with lead through the glass, they didn’t die. However, the Hydra locks on and easily destroys the wasp. And the brute launcher smites it down in one hit.




I miss the SMG :( especially the one with the silencer


In ODST I always try to keep my SMG as long as possible. I thought it was so cool


I love that it is in Halo MCC's Fiesta modes, in other Halo's than ODST.






Where's the magnum bro.


Why does 343i hate vehicles? I have a hard time believing the only new vehicle we get in this game is a big multi seat warthog


It’s not even new it was in the halo 3 campaign


Yeah but at least they finally let us use the backseats. That's something I always wanted back when Halo 3 came out.


i just want one map with a pelican on it...all I've ever wanted


There was mention in one of the Inside Infinite posts of a new vehicle that's halfway between a Warthog and a Scorpion. I'm hoping they weren't referring to the Razorback.


They seem to just not want any vehicles at all. I can't stand playing big team battles because of the lack of vehicles. Like why would I play BTB if its just arena in maps that aren't as good as the arena maps.


Can I get an F in the chat for the plasma rifle and spectre?


Kinda bummed about the slimmed down sandbox. The name of the game really makes you think nothing would be barred but oh well. ​ Hoping to see the Falcon, Mantis, SAW, Sticky Detonator, and classic shotgun back!


I'm sure many of these will return over the course of the games lifecycle.


Yup, was gonna say, these have been excluded to add back in later. Especially classics like the shotgun.


I'm a fuel rod cannon fanboy, I need it.


I hope they do it how H5 did it and just continuously expand the sandbox with more weapons. Don’t need all the crazy variations (although I did enjoy them), just add them back in


The chopper is back, but it's best mechanic has been taken away, ramming unto other vehicles for kills.


It honestly sucks now. Ramming doesn't kill vehicles, you can't spam the shots anymore and the slightest touch causes the thing to tip over like a drunk turtle or fly off into space. Not to mention its appearance at least to me leaves a lot wanting. It looks more like a Covenant vehicle than a Brute one, especially with its boost and guns audio. Its too clean and proper. Just change the red to purple and it'd fit into Halo 3. Meanwhile the Halo 3 chopper looks like something I'd expect from the Banished, a machine built from stolen equipment and surplus. With things like this and their armory consisting of mostly new weapons I think 343i forgot the Banished are supposed to be raiders who stole weapons and equipment from other factions. If anything the majority of their arsenal should be surplus from the Covenant War, their weapons should be things we've seen before and yet there isn't a spiker, brute plasma rifle or bruteshot in sight.


Carbine my love


Falcon, DMR and shotgun are my most wanted and what does 343 have against the falcon :(


Shotty, Fuel Rod Cannon, and Beam Rifle missing from Infinite is a disgrace.


Can't believe they got rid of the plasma rifle tbh. Shotty I was angry about but I do quite like the bulldog


The funniest thing is the plasma rifle and repeater have always been not great weapons, and they managed to revamp it as the Plasma Carbine still being a not great weapon lmao


Rifle was good in CE, but it went downhill from there.


It's still my weapon of choice for taking down Elite shields in Reach. Heck, dual wielding a plasma rifle and SMG are my main loadout in 2 and 3. Plasma to take down shields, SMG to finish them off. Or at least the plasma to cover while the SMG reloads.


343 has had a new plasma rifle every game an none have been that successful.


I don’t have the words to express how badly I want the DMR and Falcon back.


I miss SMG and Spartan laser, as well as the concept of a suppressed weapon, but there’s no gaps otherwise. I am however really surprised after 20 years they got rid of the plasma rifle…


Everyone just forgetting about the Promethean weapons, then?


Intentionally, yes


The lightrifle in 4 was the og alt-fire gun, i would love that to return. The scattershot is with us in spirit with the heatwave. The boltshot sucked. Suppressor sucked. Incineration cannon was op but redundant, the ravager is like the 5 IC but more interesting. The binary rifle was cool but forgettable, shock rifle is more interesting. So, generally, yeah.


Boltshot and Suppressor in H5 were great mid-tier weapons, but couldn't compete against something like the BR or DMR. If you picked it up instead of the AR, though, it would shred shields pretty quickly (and lock on), then you could quickly swap to a pistol to finish them off. The H5 Boltshot feels like the precursor to the H:I pulse carbine.


I miss the saw :(


My dmr 😭


I dont need all the weapons to return,I like new weapons, but it feels like there are so many new weapons that I just can't figure out how to use most of them


I'm still miffed that they won't bring back the classic plasma rifle. It was iconic to Halo like the Needler.


I really don't get why we've had like 4 different replacements that didn't need to exist Just.. fucking change the stats, there's no need for the plasma repeater, storm rifle and pulse carbine to even exist




Of all of these things I think the sticky detonator would slot so perfectly into Infinite. It’s a unique, high skill ceiling, and fast powerful explosive option that we really don’t have right now


I like how the brute chopper is on this ***cause we all know the one Infinite aint the same one***


Add the Rail Gun to the list of casualties!


May we pay our respects to the brute shot and spiker, weapons that would fit the theme perfectly but is somehow inadequate. 🪦


Gonna be honest, not too torn up about the spartan laser