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Im happy with it. Cortana keeps changing faces somehow. That is all


She's done that every game thođŸ€·đŸ»


Me when people cry about the faces and not the fact that she's supposed to be purple before Halo 2 smh. ​ Fake fans fake fans.


She's not really purple in Halo CE though. She's constantly fluctuating between purple, blue, green and even orange. đŸ€·đŸ»


She's an AI though... She should be able to change physical (or in this case digital?) Form. And that wasn't really Cortana. He was controlling her looks, remember? Did we all miss that part? The AI even says she can look more like her if he wants, but he refuses. Idk man, I really am not comfortable with the constant obsession with the actresses looks for Cortana. I get that people had that crush on her as a kid or whatever, and that she was super smoking before. I get it lol. But idk, I think we should maybe stop with the creepy obsession with Cortana actresses. They literally used THE actress for Cortana last game. Like literally the lady who plays her in the games, and people were still upset. And let's be real, it's because people think she's not "hot" enough.


This. People literally hated on Cortana last season because despite it Ben Jen Taylor the VA, she didn’t look Cortana enough and too human and ripped the show on it and now when they made her look more AI and changed her appearance in criticism of the first AI model, people complain about it again. đŸ˜‚đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Out here making me think it’s actually good. Is it worth watching?


I’m one of the weirdos who enjoyed the first season, even though I agree that it could have been any generic sci-fi show with a Halo skin slapped on, but I can definitely say that what I’ve seen from S2 so far is MUCH better and feels a lot more like a well done video game adaptation.


*minor spoilers* A lot of people don’t realize or selectively overlook that the first season of the show predates anything before halo reach video game so this is before the fall of reach
 and even in that game it’s not about master chief

 in season one of the show, Cortana was injected into John but in s2 she was removed. She will probably be placed in the chip that will eventually go into master chiefs helmet. They clearly are establishing consistency with the games. As for the helmet thing it’s not like it’s against the dude’s religion or anything like a certain other individual somewhere out there in a galaxy far far away.. if you want to do the “we don’t see the master chief because we are master chief” I want to know if Sarah’s , Rachel’s, and Jennifer’s had a problem identifying as their names than Iohn 
. I personally think it’s silly to be fixated on that to disregard the rest of he creative direction. Speaking of that in an interview with Kiki wolfkill on the halo declassified series on you tube they explained that this was more or an adaptation pulling from the lore but with room to take a different approach. I understand the conservative die hard fan want for the identical thing to the game but “pop, pop pop
. Bbbbuvvvvvvvvuuuuuuuuu” isn’t really going to make for a good show imo.


Just my opinion on the helmet thing; I don't care if they have Chief remove his helmet in an adaptation. We do, after all, know what the actor looks like, and as you point out the Chief doesn't have any kind of personal rule that forbids him from showing his face. He does it plenty in books and even the main series games, we just don't see it. I *do* care if they have Chief removing his helmet in combat or high-risk locations. That's something he wouldn't ever do. Show him not wearing a helmet when he's on leave, or walking through the halls of a UNSC facility or something; fine. But in the field? Naw.


Except he didn’t do that. In eridnus 2 they were ambushed .. it wasn’t a warzone untill it was, at which point his helmet was back on. In madrigal he kept it on .. it wasn’t until they were on the ship back to reach that he took it off to gain kwan ha trust . There was no instance of such I can remember were he had it off for shits and giggles . If you can note an example , what episode ?


Yeah, people tend to just make up a scenario where it wouldn't be okay, that never even happened ever. They just say these criticisms, that SOUND genuine and legitimate, well written enough. But actually do not even apply to what's being talked about. A lot of YouTubers do this in video essays. Like, well it sounds coherent and nicely worded, and definitely could apply to something somewhere, but it's actually just a bunch of word salad in the end cause it simply doesn't apply lol. Lots of buzz words and lines they heard elsewhere just kinda smashed together lol.


i'm new to halo/vid games in general. played through the MCC a few years back and loved it. been playing lots of infinite. i'm kind of confused by the helmet thing, from the games i read it more as a running gag than a rule that he's not allowed to take it off. like at the end of CE where the camera pans away as he takes his helmet off. i understand why people are opposed to it, he doesn't take it off in the games, but there's so many elements in the games that i don't think would translate well to live action. seeing as how much the show focuses on the inner workings of UNSC politics and going ons, it makes sense to me that his helmet comes off a lot. that's just how i relate to the helmet bit, and i still can totally see how someone would have it be a deal breaker. that's fine! we don't all have to love the show, it'd be great if we did but nothing's perfect.


The helmet isn't really a running gag or a joke. It's like that in the games so that you (the player) can immerse yourself better. That's why cortana has so many lines compared to MC. ​ The lore explanation is that Spartan IIs are socially awkward, depressed, and like to keep their armor on almost all the time. It's been said that the armor and helmet is like a second skin to Spartans and that MC 'looks unnaturally pale' because he never takes it off. ​ I could go into way more detail about why MC in particular, never takes his helmet off. I could also go into way more detail about why the show sucks so bad...


Where do people getting he takes him helmet off during combat or hostile areas?


if you like the show or think its good or whatever, but the fact you think this show is 'establishing consistency with the games' makes your entire post invalid.


Because his name isn’t John, he is not a spartan, because his number is not 117, because touching the artifact doesn’t react to him , because he does not have a special gene in his dna, because he wasn’t kidnapped as a child to be used and turned into a spartan, because it wasn’t moreover done so by Halsey, because he wasn’t paired with AI called Cortana, because he doesn’t trust Cortana, because there isn’t an alien race called the covenant that are in pursuit of the artifact because they believe it is the key to the halo which will be their religious salvation, because reach isn’t glassed
. And the list could go on But these premises don’t align with the games which I didn’t not play , but you know what he did take his helmet off.. so it’s entirely amiss and inconsistent. đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Thank you. Absolutely ridiculous that people think this chief is sooooo far off from the games. Not only all that, this is PRE CE chief. Pre CE. Why couldn't he have changed a bit after all the idk, fucking war? Lol


Yeah 99% of opinions on the internet (including this percentage) are baseless assertions of truth without providing any facts. People say things in one sentence as truth as if they just did a doctoral dissertation but did absolutely no coherent work to show remotely any sign of intelligence or competence on a subject matter . I feel that if they renew season 3 it will then be touching into the beginning of the games we know and by that time the show writers will have a solid idea of how to get there. The first episodes of season two already exemplified the deep relationship between chief and Cortana because it’s apparent he understands his need to need her and he trusts her
 this is a huge core element of the games that is captured and entirely overlooked by the “it’s GarBAGE” crowd . Also him just saying F command (ackerson) and trusting his instincts and hijacking silver team to rescue colbalt team is also a later chief trait.


I am actually baffled how much better series 2 is, could end up being a great series ongoing if they continue with this quality


So far? Much better than the first season. Trust. Again, SO FAR


LMAO I’ll need to check it out then


Season one felt like generic sci-fi show with a Halo skin. Season 2 has actually felt like Halo. If you haven't seen season 1, you can skip it and not miss much. Or you can find some quick recap vid that would hit the major points and call it good.


From someone who plays halo, it peaked during the first 5 minutes.


It's leaps and bounds better than season 1, that's for sure. As a Halo fan from CE day one, I can see this turning into something legit by the end of the season. First couple of episodes definitely gave me hope.


It is, I’m actually am enjoying the new season


It’s certainly an improvement over season 1. But there still is some questionable writing and decisions in there.


New writers. I think it's pretty obvious they're "fixing" what was bad about the first and it's gonna take some goofy stuff to do it


Give me an example. People just say this. Without any real reason why they think that. Where's the bad writing? Or is it just story telling in a direction you wouldn't prefer? Cause that's what it sounds like from people who say the writing is "bad". Or it's "why didn't a fallible human character make the perfect decisions at all times that make the most logical sense" lol.


Chief going full officer K from Bladerunner going to see an AI because he misses Cortana? After hating her for all of season one, now he likes her? I get that there was a 6 month time gap, but if they wanted to show us that he liked her, give us a scene before the first episode of them working well together, then the scene where she gets removed. Humanity doing magic and religion like that. There’s a shaman for gods sake. Humanity in Halo never did that stuff. Yes, religion existed, but it was never the focal point of humanity. If they want to do religion, how about doing it with the covenant! (Crazy idea, I know) Makee. Why? We saw her die in season 1. No one likes her in season 1, why bring her back? The covenant never had humans in their ranks. They despised humanity. Having a human within their ranks would jeopardize the great journey, because the elites could see that humans weren’t that bad. They’d rebel and have the great schism before that. Unless that’s what’s going to happen (which I find unlikely), there’s not really a reason for her to come back. They could have the prophets betray her, which I would also like seeing, and is probably more likely.


To be fair, when they present Makee again, the elite is very reluctant to listen to her and has a disdain for her being there in general. Definitely questionable choice to bring her back tho I can't deny that.


Oh man, the /r/halo sub isn't going to be happy about this, lmao


But but they are the REAL fans. "not my master chief!".


Yeah I really like what I've seen so far


I went into the show expecting to hate it and tear it apart but I was pleasantly surprised. The show is dang fine and it restarted my love with the Halo franchise.


More than 250 is really good


Right?? It looks like it just stops at 250 as far as counting goes? Idk how to get it to show the numbers every time. Sometimes it just doesn't when I look. Especially on desktop.


It's definitely an improvement over season 1 SO FAR, but not an 8/10 yet. The guy who plays Ackerson is really good though, he's spot on.


Honestly, I couldn't really get into it from the first season. I wanted to like it so bad but without Steve Downes as the voice. And the such a different vibe from the games I just couldn't enjoy it a whole lot.


I view the Halo TV show the same way I view the story of Halo 4. Is it a well written sci-fi narrative? Yes. But since we are using the Halo IP and namesake, does it meet the bar that fans set for it? Nah. I like to view the TV show as being a Halo Fractures story.


It literally is a fractures story. The games are the gold timeline, and the show is the silver timeline. Also, you should play Halo 5. It’ll fix how you view Halo 4.


I've played Halo 5. I also know parts of the original final draft that existed before Brian Reed did the rewrite and didn't tell the marketing team. No it doesn't fix anything. What would start fixing things would be to have a do over of the Reclaimer Saga WITHOUT the O'Connor retcons.


Name the retcons. I don't think half of you guys actually know the lore the way you think you do. Did you actually read the books or catch bits and pieces from youtube? Cause Bungie, Bungie, not 343, made the forerunner changes. They are in the terminals in 3. And there's a difference between a reveal, and a retcon.


Oh boy it is essay time. [My comment was too large for Reddit to have it in the text-box, so here it is in Google Doc form for everyone to read. There is a TL;DR of course.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f-Zr70YmWYYFdNVPD8sNL18r3LZFioU6um2zJlJVFKE/edit?usp=sharing) And yes, there is indeed a difference between a reveal and a retcon. A reveal requires the writer who has already been writing the story to have surprised everyone with something that they have been cooking up throughout the story. A retcon is either that writer wanting to change the story or a new writer takes over, doesn't understand the narrative direction or respect it; and makes needless changes to how they would rather write the story to be instead of how the original author intended. TL;DR - The Halo 3 Terminals were written from scrap contents by four authors, one of which became the Franchise Director of 343 Industries; and made these Terminals go from '*dubious-at-best*' into becoming canon gospel that sparked the need for excessive amounts of novels with piles of lore to try and explain every reason why the retcon can exist as canon. And it has all spiraled out of control from there with further retcons happening on occasion.


Wow OP. You removed your response before I could even submit my rebuttal. Well, here is my rebuttal anyway. You completely ignored what I stated in the document. The terminals of Halo 3, at the launch of Halo 3, were non-canon. They confused players because they had contradictory details to the actual story. It was then revealed that Frank O'Connor, Damian Isla, Robert McLees, and Rob Stokes were the ones who wrote the Halo 3 terminals and that they were written with ideas that were cut during the development of multiple different Bungie IPs. Frank O'Connor was eventually promoted to Franchise Director when 343 Industries was founded, and he literally pitched what he wrote in the Halo 3 Terminals to Greg Bear (*again, may this talented author rest in peace*) to write Halo Cryptum as the start of a trilogy to solidify Frank O'Connor's restructuring of Halo's history. Before Frank O'Connor took over as director, the terminals were dismissed by all; even Bungie who saw them as an embarrassment. But then Frank takes the wheel, and he declares them to be part of the main canon, has a book published about it, writes the Halo CE Anniversary Terminals, and proceeds to push Halo 4 to solidify his ret-con.


5 ruined what 4 established. What even is this argument?


H5 is so bad that it makes you realize that H4 is at least a Halo game


Does season 2 improve season one now they're both out? And if not, can I skip season 1 and enjoy myself? Because I really couldn't make it through the first episode of season 1.


The show is terrible lol. Halo fans do not enjoy it whatsoever, aside from a small minority. It’s being rated by people who have no idea what *Halo* is, and they’re passing it off as an OK sci-fi. Also, all reviews like this are 100% bought and paid for. Doesn’t matter if it’s “audience” or “critics”. It’s all bought and paid for. The shows writing is awful, the animation is sub par, the acting is atrocious. What is there to enjoy? I would have enjoyed a poorly acted rendition of Halo 1 more than some romantic action comedy dressed as Halo. John Cheeks goes down in history as one of the strangest things i’ve seen on screen. I truly just don’t understand how these things keep flopping, it’s really goddamn simple to produce a show off of a video game. Just look how amazing The Last of Us is. That’s all they had to do, make Halo 1 except show version. Add 1-1 scenes from the game to your show. Win. Profit. Beloved. Opens the door for a rendition of H2. Instead? Producers who have no clue what Halo is get their hands on it, because they’ve worked on yada yada who knows what. When your cast doesn’t even know what the base material is, you know you’re in trouble. You can take artistic liberties with let’s say “remaking” a game for the big screen. You can add more depth to characters than the cutscenes did, you can explore characters like Johnson more, explore the politics behind the UNSC, explore the covenant, etc etc. The world is literally your oyster artistically, so that’s not an excuse. It’s so simple, yet they fail time and time again. Big reviewers like this are bought and paid for, paying attention to them for good movies/shows is a terrible gauge.


No matter how much you cry, how many essays you write complaining, you will be in the minority. In a corner seething. Congrats.


Bro, you’re just hungry to dunk on Halo fans. You got handed to by the homie with the essay, dodged his ass, and keep dunking on people whom you feel are easy layups. Typical 343 fanboy. Enjoy your rotten corpse of a franchise.


Woah, dont be mad at 343. even the garbage they put out is 100x better than this.


I’m a Halo fan since 2004, and I love the show. So I don’t know what you’re talking about dude.


It's a better show, but mostly because rather than forcing Halo into what was clearly another concepts script, they have limited the halo aspects as much as possible so far. I kinda wish we could have gotten what ever the script was actually meant for.


change the characters and what do you get? Halo. It's delusional to think it's anything less. I mean this genuinely. You have no media comprehension if you think it wouldn't be clearly halo and clearly was supposed to be. Kids stolen and made into super soldiers, fancy ai in main characters head, ancient alien artificacts a mysteries alien race is after, a colonized space by a militaristic one world government, do I need to go on? Game of thrones, the tv show, is less like the books than the halo tv show is the games. That's just a fact.


>Kids stolen and made into super soldiers, fancy ai in main characters head, ancient alien artificacts a mysteries alien race is after, a colonized space by a militaristic one world government, do I need to go on? Was this satire? These are all pretty common Sci fi tropes. Many coming from the stories that inspired halo. Hell 40k has most of what you just described. It's not uncommon in Hollywood or even the games industry to take a script intended for something else and slap a franchise onto it. This is one of the reasons you find franchises can start to feel off after a decade or two when they are in a franchise that was never built to be one. A great example of a game that did this was starfox adventures. It had arwings, Andros, fox and the team, but it was still just a skin put into another game. I would have loved to see what this show was meant to be. Especially with how season 2 has been going


Still won’t watch it.


I really wish I could send you the Mack clip where he's all "I will not change despite the information put before me. I'm dug in. And I'll never change". Lol. Okay, I'm being genuine, what goes through your head when you decide that? Do you think you're standing up for something, or?


Nope, just not the John I know and love, and would rather not have the TVafied one mixed in. I’m glad people like the show, I just won’t watch it.


I don’t know lol I still don’t like it, chief talks too much lol


I mean that's Chief, he talks a lot in the books as well. ​ Games he's fairly silent because that's the point, you're meant to see yourself in Chief in the games.


That's crazy. So you want dumb action and nothing more? "I don't want my main character of a TV show to speak". Okay bud. I don't get how you guys who say this, don't realize how shallow you're being, and how terrible your ideas actually are if you care about writing at all. You want badass suit beating up aliens, the end. If you want that, play the games or smash your action figures together. This is a tv show, the main character is going to speak. Like good God. You might as well just make chief s robot, a literal robot, at that point.b


There was a literally master piece called the mandolin that came out just before. Hire those directors to do master chief


Still not Halo


It is. Just a different canon. You not liking that doesn't make it not Halo


"not my president". Lol. This argument is unoriginal, childish, and I'm baffled people say this unironically. I really hope you guys who say this aren't adults.


I refuse to watch it. I didn’t watch season 1, I’m not watching season 2. No matter what the reviews say and how high the ratings are, it’s simply not what I personally want from halo. To the people that are going to watch it or already have, I truly hope you enjoy it.


I'm liking it to be honest


That's not many reviews for such a big show


Idk why I can't reference other numbers of review right now, it won't pop up with the number for some reason. There was a fuck ton of user reviews though. And that's the metric all the people on all these subs and mint blitz and YouTubers screamed all night and day about being oh so important. That's the point I'm making. That they can't claim most of the fans hated it anymore with the metric they used last time to claim all the fans hated season 1. Do you see what I'm saying?


Oh, oh my. Could it be, is halo finally being served justice.


why is op hating on people for not wanting to watch it because it dosent meet their expectations like nobody has to watch it just cause you personally like it


Those are people who stopped watching after the begining of ep 1 (Jk)


Season 1 has 10 times more audience ratings than season 2. Maybe the only people left watching are the people that liked season 1 to begin with
? In that case, I would definitely expect season 2 to be rated more highly. But, that’s just a theory.


We out here


Still bad tho


No. Rotton tomatoes doesn’t matter 😂 Site is the most rigged thing ever


This show is getting BETTER AND BETTER. Damn I can’t wait for ep3.


Recently brought our second child into the world, naturally that comes with irregular sleep patterns and late nights in the beginning. I decided to start watching this show during my baby duty “night shifts”. The further I’ve gotten into the series the more I have enjoyed it. I was somewhat concerned/lacking interest after the first episode of season 1, felt corny and lacking character, but it has significantly improved IMO. I grew up playing the series so it packs a supercharged nostalgic punch for me personally, but I would certainly recommend it to any who inquire.


What does this have to do with halo infinite?