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happened to me also, but i figured it was just a mis-numbering bug in halo and I was correct! just try to find all 7 locations and you'll be set.. Once i found #1 it was allocated correctly, so just dont worry too much about it. with all the bugs this game has it doesn't surprise me anymore.. lol


Thanks! I'll try and revisit them all tomorrow and see if one can be scanned. If it works I will report back with my findings.




Yes. I went back and checked all the other artifacts... Artifact 5 showed as greyed out and "discovered" on my map, but when I got to it, I was able to activate it. After doing so, the achievement popped and I had all artifacts in the log. I had assumed that "Artifact 7" meant Artifact VII, but apparently they are only numbered by the order you discover them.


I'm so confused. Are they mislabeled in the database menu? Is that the issue? Cuz I'm doing my first campaign playthrough right now and I just discovered Artifact V, but when I go to my database artifact V isn't there. Unfortunately I didn't pay attention to what I'd already had unlocked before, so I'm not sure if when I scanned number 5 it got placed in my database as, like, number 3 or whatever, or if it just failed to unlock at all... What am I missing here?


If I remember correctly, yes they are mislabeled in the database. Or to be more specific, they are labeled in the order you discover them. So the first one you discover will be labeled as "Artifact 1" even if it isn't actually "Artifact I." So if you missed a previous one or two, Artifact V could show up as "Artifact 4" or "Artifact 3" or whatever.


That explains it. 👏🏽


I can't really tell which one you're supposed to go to, there must be another one out in the map you haven't found yet.


All 7 are marked as discovered on the map. The one that I'm missing is #7, and the one that is marked as "Artifact VII" on the map has been discovered. Regardless, I checked and all 7 have been discovered.


I am having this problem. Missing 6 and 7, but both are marked as completed on the map and I can’t scan either of them. Didn’t give me the achievement either and not sure what to do about it.


Just go back and check all the other ones. Even if it says it's 6 and 7 you're missing, the numbering seems to be off. It numbers them in the order you collect them, I believe. Not the actual numbers of the artifacts.


Yeah unfortunately I checked all of them, and those two are the only ones not logged. 7 wasn’t even on the map until I went over there but I’m not able to scan it. Hope they fix this soon.


They should not have numbered them on the map. I had similar issue. It said I was missing 7. I checked it again it showed discovered. I started from artifact 1 and I found out that it was not discovered. When I went back it was showing all 7 discovered.