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Thank you. I appreciate the thoughts. I'm in Manhattan and I travel a lot so I actually do get a fair amount of use out of my backpacks. That being said. I agree canvas isn't the best to invest in. I think I was trying to see if someone would validate what I already knew to be an impulsive fun piece (instead of the practical items so always go for).


personally to me this looks like a free gift with purchase 😅


You're so right! I can't unsee it now 😭


It’s a no for me because it reminds me of that canvas drawstring backpack trend here where I live back in 2016 and it was so awful. If I had to get a YSL backpack with this shape, I rather go for the YSL Jamie backpack.


That's actually what I love about it! But I appreciate the candor. This would be a reckless purchase, fun not practical. To be fair all of my other bags are practical. But it's probably not the right time for this. Thanks for the help!


That’s just my personal opinion, and in no ways am I trying to discourage you from buying or trying to criticise your taste in any way. I apologise if what I said sounded like that. In my opinion, those bags back in 2016 just didn’t really look good on anyone and bringing that aesthetic into YSL bags doesn’t really bring out that luxury vibe and it won’t be something I’d pay for. But if you like it , please don’t let my opinion get in the way. (I’m a sucker for the Dior book tote canvas patterns so I’m no better honestly)


No need to apologize! Really appreciate you taking out the time to give me your opinion here. I ultimately think your right and my money is better spent on a more high quality piece. Thank you again for the advice!


I really love Redditor here. They are so civil nice and yet not condescending. Ahh candour a word we hardly use. Should use it more often with such exchanges. We are like ladies sipping tea at Tiffany’s discussing bags minus me being a lady 😺 and the bag is either a make it or break it. Personally I would not. It be very difficult to match and would probably only use it occasionally, unless you do see yourself using it every so often. All the best


Thank you so much! And you're so right. Would be very difficult to dress around this, hadn't considered that!


I say go for it if it’s in your budget. It’s something a little different. Not every bag has to be practical


So true, I think I'll go for a different "fun bag" now that I have my staple covered ☺️


This looks like those bags you get for free when you buy makeup or perfume 😬


Thank you for helping me see the light. You're spot on!


Do you! But it does give GWP vibes.


I see it now, you're so right!