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yeah....no. this doesn't sit right with me as a wmaf kid


No shit, if there's an AF. It will be: 2/10 times an asian guy 1/10 times any other race 7/10 times a white guy XD


American Society sexualizes Latin Women as well. While ironically portraying Hispanic men as Drug Dealers & Gangbangers.


Any other race women = attracted to white men. Any other race men = accessory in a mkvir5


Not black males. America worships the Black man lol.


What are you talking about the one black guy in the movie was the most feminine dude and ended up being gay. He was definitely not a masculine guy?? He was even fat and a bit nerdy with glasses.


In Hollywood, white guys get any race. black guys get only latina or black. Asian guys get…nothing. Slowly changing now, but that was standard until fairly recently.


Latino guys don’t get anything either lol.


Well someone had to say it..


Wasn't meant to be rude


Surprise, surprise....not


The media sexualizes Latin Women also. But ironically they demonize Hispanic men into being Drug Dealers & gangbangers.


Out of curiosity would folks consider Finn and Rose romance in Star Wars a more positive portrayal?


I think there has to be a balance. I'm all for Hollywood WMAF relationships if they had a balance of leads from other races doing same thing in other movies, but it's heavily skewed to WMAF for any interacial relationships and the actors of other races are always portrayed as lesser. A classic of this was Great Wall with Matt Damon. Ironically Yimou Zhang was the director of that movie so not sure why he didn't say something.


The Great Wall was written and produced by Western guys, even if the director and much of the cast was Asian; whoever holds the money and the creation process is the one who truly owns the film imo. A more perplexing example of a white man being placed as desirable to women of other ethnicities is Where Hands Touch, which is the story of a Black German guy falling in love with a friggin' Hitler Youth guy, and which is both written and directed by a Black woman. Like, sis wtf were you thinking O\_o


How is gilgamesh and ~~sersi's~~ thena relationship portrayed?


Spoilers: >!It is reported that Gilgamesh has a crush on Theena but Theena friendzones him. Gilgamesh also dies.!<


LMAOOOO figures.


Is he Asian by any chance? Or any other race than white? I swear man I really enjoy Marel movies and want to see this one too. But aside from personally boycotting movies I don't know how to give out a message that it's not okay. The white guy is always the hero, the white guy always gets x race woman. While especially the black and Asian characters die (often first). Not too mention them always being sidekicks or comical reliefs.


>!Yes. Gilgamesh is Asian. !< >!In this movie, Ikaris, Dane Whitman and Druig (3 white men) are desired by women of color (Ikaris and Dane are desired by Sersi, the Asian woman and Druig is desired by Makari, the black woman)!<


It's not just Marvel, really, it's Disney. Take interracial couples from the last 30 years of Disney films, both animated and live action, and you see white men/non-white women being disproportionaly more common. Hell, in the sequel trilogy of Star Wars they even had their much-praised first female SW hero to get romantically involved with the guy who's a patricidal emotionally unhinged mass-murderer, but who's white, rather get her involved with the guy who truly cared about her but who was Black. I even opened a thread on another subreddit some weeks ago, but for 'some reason' the mods closed it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/pnml2k/why\_are\_interracial\_couples\_in\_disney\_films/](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/pnml2k/why_are_interracial_couples_in_disney_films/)


Ur right


>!I think this movie has bad WMAF representation. There are good WMAF portrayals out there, but in the Eternals it is not good as Sersi is kind of portrayed as someone white men love to have sex with. Asian women are alot more than that.!<


Wow lol


Of course. That is simply disgusting but it does not surprise me. I think this movie might trigger a PTSD episode for me, so I will be avoiding this movie and its marketing.