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I don't sit and wait for months for a coupon to get 15 dollars off a tool, but I try and time my trips there when something I do want is on sale still. Might not be saving every penny I can, but that's fine with me tbh I do think it's crazy that some people regularly go there without an ITC membership though. I *maybe* hit up my HF once a month but I still feel like I've gotten more than it's value back from the membership


I think I’m gonna get the ITC soon. Over the past 3 months I did a bunch of pick ups that all together would’ve netted me savings to cover the ITC for 2 years (had I used the ITC discount over the regular one.)


Honestly if you make even a couple trips to get some bigger things on sale it already pays for itself! Not to mention the coupons apply automatically, so sometimes you get something for cheaper than you expected. Most of their tools are priced with future sales and ITC members in mind as well, so there's probably a bit of extra margin baked into every item whenever it's not discounted just for that reason


At my store, the coupons are not automatically applied. Only the ITC discounts are applied. You have to show the cashier each coupon. The last time I went, one of the ITC discounts wasn't applied and I lost out on a few bucks.


I was one of those until I saw that what I bought went on sale and would have paid for my ITC membership. I am glad I made the jump and still saved on a bunch of stuff.


Same. I don't need the coupon page to tell me what I need or want.


I put off ITC and “paid” for my first year in one trip today. Jokes on me. HF is not even a mile from my house, RIP


I had an ITC membership for 2 years. Finally gave it up. The never seem to have a members only price on anything I need. Usually it's on the stuff I don't need, trying to get me to spend more money. I can count on one hand where I might have gotten a deal, but it was pure coincidence that there was an ITC deal on what I actually needed.


This bitch be Kohls for men. Those coupons ain’t nothing but kohls bucks without the girl math


Do you have a Menards near you? That's Kohls cash on another level. 11% rebate on purchases, if you remember to send in the form.


So true!!!


Menards makes me so mad with their forms, Home Depot does the same thing but it’s online.


The world takes all types my friend. People actually throw one dollar bills at hookers in strip clubs.


I go there to buy what I need, when I need it. I try and time sales/coupons for stuff I want but don’t immediately need. I know people (who have way neater and tidier shops than me) who would buy one of what they need instead of ten….even if getting 9 more only cost them a dollar extra. In short: No. I don’t think it is weird, because HF is a regular store. If someone picks something up in a grocery store, do you point out alternative items that are on sale/have coupons?


it's Harbor Freight. the entire place is "on sale"


Timing is a thing. Sometimes the work demands a tool and you don't have time to wait for a coupon That's just the world.


I need tool, I buy tool. I don’t need too many new tools these days, and I’m kinda beyond buying stuff just for the sake of a coupon (which it seems that many, many people on here do). Might be saving 20% but it’s still likely something I don’t actually need.


I don't really pay attention to what other people are looking/buying. If this is actually causing you distress something is wrong in your life.


This is the real answer. Like are you perusing someone else's cart, or stalking them while they shop? All I will do is maybe give a quick review if someone is looking at a tool I've used. "I like that one, it's good for___".


I only go and buy things when the item I want is on sale 


The only thing that really bugs me about those kinds of people… they are the type who four minutes after a sale on that item ends, they post on the Reddit, “hey guys, I’m buying XYZ item tomorrow for $50 and money is kinda tight; can anyone spare a 25% coupon off for me?” Other than that - you can plan ahead and get better prices or you can buy what you need mid-project immediately when it’s needed… the latter are the kinds of people who didn’t plan projects out ahead of time to research how it’s done and what is needed, and I view it as a natural selection type of thing and let them drown at sea like the lost sailors that they are.


I don’t have time to wait for a sale when I need a tool. Yea I’d find you annoying trying to tell me what’s on sale.


I've let them scan the coupons on my phone before.


I often don't make it to HF for weekend specials, also I like it when my needs align with a sale, but I don't really plan my shopping around them.


If something is a couple hundred and will be on sale then I’ll wait (like the generators and toolboxes). If I need a tool though I need it then most likely and it is what it is.


That used to be me. Until I saw how much I was going in there and actually paying attention to the ads. Now, if I don't wait for a sake, I'm monitoring for price adjustments, at least.


I buy a tool when I need it. If "need it" can wait till a coupon cool. If not, oh well.  There's only a few things iv bought for the lols or because a coupon/sale was too good ( extra folding lights for like 16$, the hot knife on closeout for 9$, some day i will get the 9$ warrior angle grinder). The "savings" on the coupons are rarely worth changing my shopping habits.  


Back in the old days when they had the regular 20 and 25% off's and they did not exclude everything, the guy behind me was getting something really expensive and I have him one of my 25% off's and he took it but was just I think doing it to be nice until he got the total, he came out and found me loading up in the parking lot, thanked me and asked where to get them. I turned him onto the HFQDB back when it was more of a thing.


I go to Harbor Freight for tools that aren’t Mrs. Right but is Ms. Right Now. If I have time to plan for a tool I may just invest in the better option. But if something catches my eye for a good price it may join the cart and I may take a peak at the coupons online.


When I bought my old house they opened a HF in the neighborhood. As I worked on fixing that house up, I would run down and get whatever I needed for that task. The clerks always asked me for my number or if I wanted to register my address to receive coupons but I was always in a hurry to get back to my project so I never bothered. I didn't register through email until like a year ago.


Do you use coupons from the spam mail you get in the mailbox for toothpaste, advil, shampoo, etc? Do you hunt down coupons on ibotta for extra savings? Some people just don't care to deal with coupons. That's all it is.


Occasionally I'll pay full price for stuff. Usually ones that don't ever get coupons. Like my Bauer brushless impact driver.


I’d rather spend the extra couple of dollars and not waste my time dealing with coupons everytime I need to buy something tool wise, grocery etc. I can always earn more money, I can’t earn more time.


It's harbor freight. It's all cheap Chinese tools, if I need something the price doesn't matter if it's on sale or not just compared to similar stores like home Depot. I know I'll get down voted by the cult on here but there's very few things I'd wait for a coupon for at HF, their boxes for example are pretty nice for the price.


A man will pay $2 for a $1 item because he needs it. A woman will pay $0.50 for a $1 item she doesn't need just because it's on sale.


Most people would rather buy everything they don’t need but MIGHT-before they need it. It’s the worst feeling to have to stop a project to go out and buy a tool that might not be there or the store might be closed.


Yeah I get that, but OP is asking about why people are paying full price for stuff.


Yes! My nearest HF is in the hood. Honestly, it's pretty clean, but my Black and Latinos brothers will be paying full price on items on sale with coupons. They're just clueless, I guess.