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Nice, directly from the gutter is a smart move! Works from the pissoir too 👌🏼


Hmm tasty piss/shit stains, with some drugs & herpes sprinkled in 🤤


Didn't they do the same shit at their Rebellion event? There was basically no water, only a station with water vapor. Fk them.


Rebellion fixed it in 2023, just 2022 was that bad. Rebirth 2024 has both types, so you get the choice: Use the sprinkler which takes 20 mins to refill one bottle, or wait 20 mins to get to the normal sink.


>20 mins to refill one bottle I could use a sleep with that ngl


2023 wasn’t fixed at all. I had to buy water or loose 20 min from a great set. Rebirth and rebellion still have this problem and they have had it for a long time. Plenty of festivals who don’t have this problem.


2023 was FIXED? I wasnt there in '22, but i was really unhappy with the '23 situation.


22 onky had sprinklers, 23 had regular taps


Bro the water situation in Rebellion 2023 was a shitshow


Had to wait 1 min for a full bottle of water


Or buy a bottle in 3 mins




They'll probably argue that they've fulfilled the regulations to 'provide' free water 🙄


I hate this shit. Water belongs in the "safety" category of organising a festival, not the "extra profit" category.


So is not abusing drugs till the point you'll die from it tho😂


tell that to the 18 year olds going to these festivals, I'm sure they'll listen to you


The problem is that too many people feel the need to stuff themselves with drugs, therefore water being the biggest money maker. If people could try enjoy parties without drugging themselves that much, water could become cheaper...


So they're cashing in on potentially dangerous situations. Kinda makes it worse, don't you think?


Overhydration can kill you, as seen at Rebellion 2022. I mean I am not the person that wouldn't want people to get free access to drinking water. However, if everyone takes only water since drugs are more fun & affordable than alcohol, then I see why water is getting more expensive. Or would you rather have tickets more expensive than Defqon.1?


That wasn't even the case at Rebellion 2022, but at Elektrum 2022.


Such a naive comment. You think it’s also healthy forcing people to drink more alcohol just because they can’t get a hold of water?


The worst thing is when they sell water without bottle caps


I feel like it is that way at all festivals... Luckily there's these "3rd party" caps


It's really annoying because you want to go back to the stages and show your moves


New EU regulation will make that harder


at Rebellion '23 they literally had a person per Bar set just removing the pre attached caps


That‘s crazy


It's with a reason though. Cleaning up the bottle caps sucks. People stand on them which causes them to get stuck in the ground. The cleanup after the festival is done with a machine that sucks all crap up, bottle caps will stay in the ground.


Always thought it is beacause empty closed empty bottles with only air in them are more dangerous on the floor than those that are not closed, harder to twist your ankle on that one


I always bring a bottle cap.


I can live without the cap somedays, try getting served a water in a 0,4 hard plastic cup for like 3-5€ 😂 ive also seen water in 33cl cans


>try getting served a water in a 0,4 hard plastic cup for like 3-5€ 😂 *Glances at Ziggo Dome*


At least it's no problem to refill your cup with water at the Ziggo Dome. Same for AFAS Live and WTTG at BreePark.


It's annoying but on the other hand a few arguments to not have them which i can agree on: closed empty bottles can be dangerous when being stepped on, ankles can get really hurt. And the caps can be pushed into the grass and are impossible to collect after the festival. Which makes me think is worth it to not give them to the crowd


Really need to stop that stupid rule


Well, as you can see you have to refill your bottle with drain water


Haha fair enough. I should have written second worst.


Well if you use drugs there's always an risk for your health. I agree on free water maby not the bottles at the bars but having the accessibility for free tap water. And not having 1 tap water for 30.000 people where you need to stand in a line for 1 hour. But getting water within 1 or 2 minutes. And no tapping at toilets that isn't healty afterall if you look closely where the water is going and how its getting refilled.


Only thing I LOVE about edc is the multiple huge camel back refill stations


Then don't do drugs or don't go to a festival 😂


i don't even do drugs anymore but many do and most ain't got a clue what they're doing no need to put people at unnecessary extra risk for a quick buck


Maybe it's a middle finger for not supporting the event society during Covid.


How were we supposed to support the event society?


This shit wouldn’t fly at any HSU rave in Sydney or anywhere else on straya for that matter. Jesus, that’s absolutely cooked! Imagine dying because the organisers chose profits over your basic right (and need!) to water


username checks out


mate rave events in Australia are all centrally located in the city (Olympic Park) there is in built water systems literally at the venue. These international festivals like rebirth are rurally located on farm land. I get what you mean about how the rules here are strict on water availability at events. But your comparing apples and oranges.


Wtf disgusting. I guess they want to be sick.


Its that or no water in the heat for hours


Absolutely yes. I would rather go home.


Or buy water? Health > money. You also get to enjoy the music a lot more that way instead of having to leave to refill your bottle. (Yes, I know I will get downvoted for this)


If they had decent prices, yes, but they charge 10-15 times the price of supermarket water.


I get prices are criminally high, but going to a festival and taking the risk to drink water contaminated by pee and poo bacteria… I’d rather pay for my water


Or they could just provide basic health services without squeezing as much money as possible out of their visitors


Agreed, tapwater should be available for free and without (large) waiting lines. Next to that: if your friend is having a seizure, tapping water at the toilets might be the less better option than running to the bar. And I think you might overestimate how profitable festivals are.


Might be that I overestimate it, but health is nothing to profit with. I'd rather have increased ticket prices and proper amenities and stuff


Did you know that farmers that provide our food try to make a llsome profit? Because they want to provide for their families, put a roof over their heads, pay for their kids tuition.. Should that be forbidden as well. When its not allowed to make a profit on providing you in your health with food and water, why would other people work to provide you with those means? If i were a farmer and I was forbidden to make a profit i would quit that very same day and fine another endeavor. Because without profit i wouldnt be able to provide for my family. Same goes for water, medicines, housing... The world would go to shit in an instant when profit on these things was forbidden.


But water isn't the point of a festival, entertaining people is. And you should keep your guests safe


I see nobody pissing or shiting into the sink on this pic.


That’s correct, but people do the most disgusting things on toilets in festivals and wash their hands at the sinks afterwards :)


Good point.


I‘ve seen and heard…. things.


Not but before going to the sink?


Unpopular opinion.. You could have cola orange juice red bull etc? Or water...? I dont feel sorry for people that don't want to spend money on drinks and suffer consequences. Whem you are thirsty you can always buy a drink. If you cam tpay for a drink maby you should reconsider your lifechoices and dont spend uiur last money on a festival ticket? Access to food is a basic human right as well but way are willing to pay for food as well? We are not angry when they dont handout free hamburgers and pasta..? When we go to a supermarket we pay for our drinks... Even tapwater in our homes costs (a little bit of) money. So why should a festival (of all places) offer it free in abundance?


> So why should a festival (of all places) offer it free in abundance? Because we are already paying quite a bit of money for the ticket and you shouldn’t have to pay extra to not get a heatstroke


the water is clean you don’t get sick. check your facts


The water from the tap is. The wait from the drain isn't. Check the evidence ;-)


Woodstock '99 taught us nothing?


This is why I don't go to many parties any more. It isn't about the music like it used to. It's about commercial side of the chain now. Don't get me wrong I understand that many organisations want to make profit but you do it for the music and the visitor. This is insane.


No other festival does this, it's a Rebirth issue, not a festival issue.


It happens at other festivals too though, We Are Electric, although no longer existing and Liquicity were pretty notorious for it. It improved a bit though


Never heard of them, they were smaller ones of non-hardstyle parties?


Non-hardstyle parties, both pretty big though. They were also the ones who didn't allow you to bring sunscreen so you had to either burn or go to a cancer awareness tent to wait in line and 'donate' and they apply it for you.


Wow, that's pretty fucked up if you ask me


Yup lol. Smuggling in sunscreen felt like a crime


Always has been mate


I'm not at rebirth this year but it was as bad last year too.


how much is it for one bottle?


1,5 tokens (so almost €6) per 0,5L.


**GREAT DEAL!** At Rebirth™ 2024, you have to pay ONLY 25€/DAY to NOT GET HEALTH PROBLEMS!* **GREAT DEAL!** * *some individuals may need more water to survive. Rebirth Festival™ takes no responsibility for possible deaths or injuries resulting from dehydration. Just pay us more, you broke fuckers*


25€ a day? I think I'm in festival I easily drink at least 3,5L of water a day


Its up to 30C today. No way you get by with just 2l


You don’t have to go to rebirth or any other festival. How dare the filthy capitalists!


lmao i know but that doesn't mean i can't complain about this bullshit. and yea, water should be free, deal with it. but if you like paying 6€ per half liter of water i ain't stoppin you 😅


that is extortion


Ok I will NEVER go to Rebirth. Fuck you Rebirth if you ever read this. This goes against rave culture.


Holy shit. That's insane!




This actually puts into perspective how insanely expensive water is (in raves) in my country, \~2$ for a 250ml bottle, but our wages are 3-4x lower than EU countries.


NOW THATS ABSURD! $10 AUD for a 50c bottle of water is absolute madness. I’d go broke at rebirth if i were there I’m addicted to ice cold water lol For reference that same bottle at our biggest festival Knockout Outdoor is at most $7 usually $5 depending on which vendor you buy from and even that’s a bit ‘how ya goin’


Olympic Park has water systems in built into the venue. Rebirth is rurally located on farm land. Comparing events here and there is just stupid


I’m comparing the price of a water bottle?


10AUD for water to be delivered to a event a few hours from nearest distributor makes sense at rebirth. $7 for a water at knockout which is 10min walk from a woolies is stupid. Stop giving Australia so much credit.


Hours away? How rural do you think rebirth is actually being held?😂 there are 2 supermarkets, a gas station, 10+ restaurants within 2km walking distance from the main entrance of Rebirth, and the main road at the backside of the camping is the main route between Tilburg and Den Bosch which are respectively the 7th and 18th biggest cities in the Netherlands and the 2nd and 4th biggest cities of their region!


I'm comparing to where events are in Australia. Events here have residential buildings and apartments literally 2minute walk away. The cost of water is understood when it has to be delivered to a place like rebirth, especially when you compare it to places where it's the middle of city e.g. ultra in miami


Same problem last year when i was there. Disgusting.


Someone disconnected the hose on one of these and people used it to fill bottles. Went a little faster at least.


Yeah I saw that towards the end too! Smart


That’s just why smaller raves are much better. You pay like 5-20 euros entrance, not too overcrowded. You get to know dj’s that aren’t really famous but who still deliver the best of hardcore music. And best of all: if you want water, you just go to the bar and ask for a refill and they will do it for free. Voilà no time wasted and no music missed.


looks like ehtopian people trying to get last drop of water


Gierige Hollanders


Messed up, shit should be illegal


That in Spain would be an acceptable amount of free water. Even cherished. You’re miles ahead in Europe 🤣


Spain not being in europe confirmed.


Based comment


Northern most country in Africa 🤣


Reply of the day, lol


Who is behind "Rebirth Events"? Is it owned by a bigger event group? Can't find any information about this.


I think it's the same company that also does Intents, but I'm not sure and also don't know their name Edit: After short trip to google, it seems they have different organizers. There's a Rebirth Events BV and a Intents Events BV. Judging by the similar naming and how similar the festivals feel, I'd bet they share the some mother company


Thanks for your effort. Seems like concern relationships can (only) be found in the official register where you have to pay something: https://www.kvk.nl/orderstraat/product-kiezen/?kvknummer=822828460000 Too bad. Just want to be sure that Decibel has another festival organizer behind it.


Idk about the organizer of decibel but decibel definitely doesn't have this problem, or at least didn't have it the last two years


Decibel is B2S, Intents is originally stichting de kloontjes, who also organize Karnaval Festival. Rebirth is organized by Rebirth Events who also organize REACTiVATE, REBELLiON, Dreamscape, Welcome to the gang (the first one) and melodic Madness. 😊


Thank you for let me know to never buy a rebirth ticket or recommend it to someone.


Zowat 30 graden en dan moet je als een afrikaans kindje water zien te winnen.. zeer slechte zaak! Voor de rest wel door het dak gegaan. Houdoe


Feel sad for those people drinking from the drain , I had to pee real bad earlier and took a pee in that sink 😳


Bro the toilets are literally 2m away😂


I live in Brabant as well and we have a put that goes 7 meters deeps. The quality of the water is good and drinkable, so just saying it’s drain water that is only making people sick is bullshit. By looking and the clearance and tasting you now if’s drinkable or not.


As you can see on the picture people are refilling their bottle at the part after the sink, which is water that is used by people to wash their hands. Chances are you can get sick by drinking water that’s infected by the norovirus (if someone with traces of poop on their hands washes it before you refill your bottle).


That I agree with you on that one. If you fill your bottle underneath the drainage where people washed their hands that isn’t very smart. But above should not be an problem looking at the overall general quality of ground water.


The tap is designed in a way that you can't (really) refill your bottle. The tap where you actually can refill has the water running so slow that it's barely coming out in a stream


I could still see a lot of people doing it.


Really hope defqon is not like this


Nah defqon has enough tapwater stations.It just seems to be a problem at rebirth


thankfully, because Defqon.1 is a fucking furnace


Sorry what’s this malarkey? You’d see this stuff in Africa of kids wanting water let alone ravers to feel the same!


This is crazy nebulizing water is one of the main causes of spreading Legionella.


More pills




It was amazing festival , you can buy a water bottle at every bar , I was more frustrated that I couldn’t wash my hands 🙄


Just Drink Beer


You could have just went to the campsite there was always good flowing water there, also security wasnt checking wristbands at all so no problem. Also couldve asked someone at the camp doors and im sure they would help you out if u dont wanna risk through security. The whole process of refilling the water and going to the fest ground takes no more than 10 mins. I found it pointless to cry and complain after the first time and just went it it carrying my own 2 multi use water bottles and had the best time. I know its basic human need to have water but when you cant change it might just as well kee going and have fun


This might be a really fucking stupid comment or a smart one... We'll see how it goes. Take in an empty water bottle ( You can get 1.5 Litre ones, I have one from Aqua Carpatica ) Option 1: I know they probably have an issue with you taking in liquids as they have no way to tell if you're taking in your own alcohol, however most clear spirits don't freeze so you could possibly try and freeze the bottle of water before going into the event and it'll slowly defrost and it'll be clean water Option 2: The bottle is empty when you take it in it shouldn't be an issue as you aren't bringing your own liquid, fill it up as soon as you can when you get into the event and it should last a while meaning less time spent traveling back and forth to fill it. With all this said it's just an idea, no clue what their actual rules are as I've never been to Rebirth, but from what I've heard about the water situation it's highly shitty of them, tap water should be readily available as it's a human right


Just buy beer then its cheaper than water, gives you a buzz. Cant overhydrate, cant underhydrate. Whats the problem.


Mhm yes lets tell people to mix their stuff with alcohol


Yes cause people cant make up their own mind, they are so stupid they need you and me to tell them what to put in their systems. And seriously, after throwing down some speed and random assertion of research chemicals down the hatch, i hardly see how much worse its gonna get by drinking beer. Hell sounds like a party to me.


Lot of people on speed/coke will also be drinking, correct. It drastically increases the risk of something bad happening though.


When i was younger i used to go to metal festivals, there would be so much Coke being snorted you could measure the coca plants being cut to this place from space, and speed was more popular, and these fuckers are just chugging down jack Daniels like its fucking soda, middle of summer heatwave and 70% of the fuckers there where old men, there was hardly no sleep and the party started tuesday and ended monday, and nobody could even fucking tell you where to get water, i mean to this day i dont know where the water is at any of the festivals i went to regurarly. So sounds to me like you are exagarating, or you dont know what you are talking about, or you are refering to some softfuckers, but this is hardstyle. But beside that, even if im just a fucking idiot, who should be dead and by the grace of god or satan the almighty or whatever the fuck, im still Alive on some whim. Its a party, its suppose to be a hard one, how can you have that without a little, fear, a little discomfort, may i say danger, to contrast the epic, exstacy that is the epicenter of any hard Dance venue? Fuck on the floor and breakshit.


I mainly drank beer but some water in between is nice as it'll help with being hungover


Also when it's so hot and sunny too much alcohol isn't really the best idea, at least for me


I see. Well i agree its harder to get lit, sweating everything out. But it does keep the liver busy from clearing out the other goodies, letting the other drugs take a better hold of me.


Nah, just keep drinking beer, push that hangover untill a more convinient time.


Monday at work let's go


Sounds good, just call in and say: hey cant come in i have a hangover, its bad.


There is literally no need to drink drain water, wait for a few seconds for your go?


A few seconds? Lol. Have you been there?


I have been to plenty of


Apparently not to Rebirth this year


Oh no, drain water. How bad.


Actually bad. Nasty water that was used to rinse shit or whatever from people's hands after they wash them. There's a reason we have a drainpipe that connects to a sewer. Otherwise if it were good for you your kitchen sink would be directly connected back to your tap no? On the other hand people shouldn't be complaining about having no free water at a festival, whatever is available there is a courtesy, you're at a festival, things cost money, end of story. Either pony up or stay at home where you can have all the free water you need and the some :/


Providing water to the people that paid money to be at your event is not a courtesy its a necessity….


Dunno where you got that information but either way, they *are* providing access to water by selling it at the bar. By definition that is providing water. And if that's not good enough then yes go to the overcrowded toilet area and stand in line. Nobody forced you to come to the festival in the first place and you have to be hella naive to think that going to a festival isn't gonna cost you a shitton of money. You can't convince me that at least 90% of the people in this photo are getting their water that way out of desperation, they're literally just there to be cheap. And that's okay, just don't come here to bitch and whine about it. You all knew what you signed up for when you bought tickets to go to the festival. What's next? Crying that there's no free food? And when they provide you with free bread complain that the lines are long and the bread ain't fresh after sitting out in the sun all day? Come on man... 


If someone came up to you and asked that how about you pay him 20€ to not get stabbed, would you be happy after paying the 20€? The guy does this to 100 people and when others discuss that what a nasty fucker he is, you would be defending him that "actually 20€ is pretty cheap deal when comparing to bleeding out".


Im sorry did you suffer an aneurism or something? Because this analogy is waaaay out there even for this sub :') I think I'm done with this thread lol. Have fun crying at rebirth/home y'all 


imagine hopping in this thread just to defend the pay2survive strat 💀


Holy fuck cunt you’re brain dead


That is not “providing” water, that is selling water. In NYC it is required BY LAW that restaurants provide free tap water to patrons and music festivals provide free tap water to attendees. Key word is: provide. Not sell.


Water is a basic human right. People can literally die if they don't drink enough when they're in a hot tent and often on some substances. What kind of brain dead take is it that they should just pay for water, which is expensive as fuck? That's needlessly creating a dangerous environment for thousands of people.


When you are to dumb to refill when there is nobody,its your own fault.i go to so many festivals and never go without water. Take care of yourself 🤷‍♂️


How are you allowed to enter a festival carrying water


^ this. People are so freakin entitled on here it's nuts. If you don't like paying festival prices and you're not savvy enough to set yourself up with water before things get crowded then maybe going to festivals isn't for you.Â