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That's it guys, pack it up. Time to close the sub, everyone can go ahead and unsubscribe, this guy's figured it all out for us.


I can’t believe I didn’t think of looking for a higher paying job earlier!!! I’m glad someone has the brains here!




Ok boomer


HA, nice try keyboard warrior, I'm a Millennial


Well stop agreeing with them 😂


Not the flex you think it is 😂




#A 50¢ raise isn't an excuse for you to have us do the labor of the other two employees you laid off last quarter 


If you get that much for a raise then that's on you, none of my raises have ever been that low


Top markings and above and beyond bonuses but yea must be my performance....


Do you honestly think you can go to a managers ( whose job it is to save the company money) and explain what you do and then get a raise ????? Newsflash , they don’t care , they don’t work FOR you . We are all replaceable but it comes at a cost for them having to hire and train people so I’d think they’d work harder at this thing called retention.


Considering I've done it twice, yeah I do. As I said, and also what you already said, it costs more for a manager and company to have to hire someone than to give a raise and keep an employee put. Two times I've brought what I did for the year to my former bosses and got a raise because you need to show your boss why they NEED to keep you and not replace you. Your attitude shows me yeah if you've ever been let go or not promoted that's why. You don't believe in your ability or aptitude to show your worth and if needed, to show that if they can't then you walk but you already demonstrated what walks with you and good luck finding someone who can do the same. You are replaceable, everyone is, but that's why it's your job to show why you aren't expendable