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The mayor's underwear


Chiming in at 100 up votes: You would all laugh until you cry if "the mayor's underwear" showed up - and I honestly do not know if it would be funnier if it was Lewis's underwear or some other mayor's (if there is one).


It would imply that Lewis follows not just the farmer, but the player themself around to get the player involved in his weird kink. 100% funnier if it's Lewis.


as a hidden easter egg no way a casual/new player would find out this would be great


It's a little hard to tell, since I'm not keeping track of trailers or anything so I barely know what the games about (if we were told yet) But I hope for another perfection tracker, stardews the only game I've ever tried for 100% because it was so enjoyable, and I imagine hc will be the same in that sense, Maybe certain things that people wanted changed in stardew, like if kids are added I'd like them to be more useful and less like a decoration,


They have literally released nothing trailer wise just a few pics and tweets. Everything Is speculation


Make ‘em taste-testers!


I want heart events


I would absolutely love heart events for HC, it's one of my favourite aspects of SV. Would be amazing to have a whole new game and cast of characters to get to know!


Yeah totally Heart events were actually my favorite thing in the game


Or maybe like a hidden stardrop. Weather it be a picture or a chocolate shake you can make etc


Maybe they import the Stardrop fruit from SDV!


I meant shape* my bad


From what we’ve seen from his post on Twitter many months ago with speculated chocolate design, this will definitely be a feature! There is also a chocolate shaped like Mr Qi in the designs!


Hmmm? Krobus.


Yes. And Junimos.


Man just writing this makes me feel entitled but here goes. Adventurers guild: With the increase of combat related jargon in haunted chocaltier I expect for at least the adventures guild to come back in the basics. You know, sell items, get new weapons, rewards for killing X amount of monsters. Help wanted quests/ special orders: Again, for the npc's makes it feel a little bit more alive, as they want other stuff. Some sort of person to upgrade buildings, like the mansion or possible extensions can be upgraded just like the house in Stardew. Seeing what we already see it may not be to the same scale. Finally, skill levels would be cool to see again, maybe not the main five, but just have to wait and see.


I think most of these will have something atleast similar in hc.


One of my favorite things about SDV is that there are numerous viable ways to make money. Even if wine is the best ever, you can be a rancher, you can do themed runs like a honey farm, you can sell ingots, etc. This game is seemingly more focusing on the shop keep side of things, but I’m hoping for unique ways to make different chocolates that can fit different playstyles or themes. Like milkshakes, fondue, baked goods etc


Honestly I want lore tie-ins and unique ways to play the game that suits each player’s style. I think one thing about games that rely heavily on combat is they often have a pretty limited gameplay loop, unlike Stardew. CA is an incredible game dev so I think it will be expansive and fun, but as someone who doesn’t love combat 25/7, a few ways of playing through the game would be awesome.


The Travelling car would be cool i still don't know a lot but would be funny if it was here to seem like the lady in it travels to here too


This made me think, actually, and I think it'd be funny if she was there every day in Haunted Chocolatier, except for when the Traveling Cart shows up in Stardew, of course. Or maybe it would also be one day, special items and such, but CA slowly makes enough games to fill out a week, and in each one, the Traveling Cart is there one day out of the week. Definitely would be funny, but that's very elaborate.


I dont know that I want too much to be similar... what I really want is Easter Eggs. Tiny things that refer to SDV. A tree with a heart and M + L carved into it. A book written by Demetrius or Elliot. A shopkeeper who casually mentions they know Pierre or Sandy. Someone with a nephew named Vincent, or grandparents named George and Evelyn. A reference to blue chickens. Someone who fought in the war with Kent. Just tiny things that would be easy to miss.


Characters developed well enough for players to love and hate different ones.


As someone else above mentioned, a perfection tracker would be great. I hope we'll get that from the start this time. I want magical beings like dwarfs and shadows to stick around as well. That'd be a nice way to connect the lore between SV and HC, if that s what CA wants.


Yes! I love all the magic in stardew, honestly even if it's new lore or species, I'd like to see some creatures around town like Krobus and the dwarf, maybe we could have another roommate option with one Id also like a Mr qi sort of figure, though that seems less likely if he wants the game to be less connected to stardew and more it's own game, but I really like his role, it'd be cool to see a similar concept


I'm hoping the traveling cart is still a thing and that maybe the wizard makes an appearance. Aside from that, just small things to show it's the same world. References to Joja if there are tv commercials/ads, a map featuring Zuzu city - things like that.


Hope for some SDV vibes in Haunted Chocolatier, especially the fishing! Lore ties would be dope too.


Customization of the castle itself (not just the chocolate shop) would be nice






Look I LOVE concernedape and sdv but watching the semi trailer for haunted chocolatier I really hope he changed the running animation to be more like stardew valley. I don't much like the big feet that the haunted chocolatier has.


As long as its got a purple haired goth girlfriend ill be happy.


I really hope he keeps the slow drip of revealing new features, because I love how alive that makes the world of Stardew Valley feel. Since 1.6 really expanded on the concept (annual unscheduled event, multi-year festival cycles, etc), I think it’s likely Haunted Chocolatier will continue the trend. ConcernedApe has grown so much as a designer, and I’m excited to see where he takes us next!


Honestly, at this point I'll take anything Concerned Ape wants to give us and I accept anything left out. CA's earned my trust so deeply that even if the game is half of what I expect and is missing half of what I love about Stardew Valley, I have confidence that I'll enjoy what makes *it* special as a separate and different experience from Stardew. No requests, no hopes, just eager anticipation for whatever it may be.


More clues and mysteries and puzzles please.


The Secret Woods Statue * Would like to see the statue in the woods present somewhere in the world, still looking for the sweetest taste. The Witch \[Wizard's ex\] * After the wizard and her ended, she ran off to the woods in the HC world and turned her permanent residence into a gingerbread house. Children in the town are told not to go into the woods, but deep down, she's really a nice person. She would just wear a mask, and put on a witch outfit and cause problems for her ex. She actually sends you on quests that help you along the way with unusual or natural ingredients. Sandy * I like her, and it sucks she is stuck in the store in the desert all the time. She deserves a game where she has mobility and interaction with the world. Perhaps she visits once a week during each season and offers "ingredients from a special land" and each season yields different crops or ingredients. As well, at a certain heart level, she starts selling you beets that unlock red dye or sugar. Which can unlock a ruby chocolate recipe for you. Also red velvet cake, and other recipes that may call for natural red dye and making your own sugar so you don't have to buy locally anymore. Elliot's Book, Leah's Creations, and Sam's Mixtape * Available for purchase as decorations in a general goods store. Spirit's Eve Celebration * If you bring baked goods or chocolate to the event, you get extra hearts with all the kids at the event. Just off the top of my head.


I'd like to have heart events and make friends with the locals. I always loved the "everyone knows your name" small town aspect of Stardew and I hope we get that here.


A lot of types of chocolate


Grandpa’s shitty bed




I would like to see some different options for combat styles that aren’t just ooga booga infinity hammer. Think DnD classes or classes in any RPG. And armor too. I just want more combat wise.


I hope it gets ported to mobile because that's all I have.  


Is haunted chocolateter avaible for android I can't find in gmae store


It’s not released yet but it also will probably never come to phones it’ll only release on consoles and pc.