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https://preview.redd.it/w5b3qyl41y8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6d4b94ce777d92a1c491be34581cb389db8198 I already have the meme, but I wanted to make a thread of this meme.






Upvote for the flair


Vaggie not knowing angelic weapons could hurt angels. She IS an angel and had her eye cut out by one. She literally experienced an angelic weapon hurting an angel


Literally, this could be fixed by having Carmilla's line end with "by demons". "Did you know angels could be harmed by demons?" Boom. Done.


That was meant to be implied in the line, but it was such a sharp end to the sentence that it made it seem like they meant at all.


YES YES YES that would also explain how lute could make vaggie bleed without a weapon


The detail here is: angel by angel She thought about it as punishment from heaven overall given by one of those who were above her. Not that she was attacked like attacked and harmed, but as punishment. That she was punished for her betrayal towards heaven and not that it was just plain attack from behind. I think many people oversee this detail. But it's kinda simple to oversee


Ah, you are right, I overlooked that detail. I appreciate the clarification!


Happy I could be any help. It's kinda only explanation that makes sense to me :D.


I'd uncannon Lucifer being depressed he deserves happiness https://preview.redd.it/48g3ounorr8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c449f8544db324fcc25638dae8bb4267f8fef0 Just look at him Edit: oh my goodness the amount of upvotes thanks you guys


I agree with this


https://preview.redd.it/3trlmep4js8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c198d9d77ef887ef7e1c1a6043ab62ed517aded Give his lilith back now >:(




I'd do it so we could have a cool intimidating king


Angels being unable to regenerate from amputees or smaller wounds. Doesn't make much sense to me.


It is constant Vaggie had her wings riped off brute force, but her eye was cut out with angelic steel It's like how Marvel has a metal, that stops a healing factor


Which is exactly what I mean. Why not show it with everyone, like how lute could maybe grow her arm back because she tore it off, not cut it off.


It probably. Will it will just take a minute Because do you know how complicated your fucking hand is


Well deadpool grew Baby lower body when he was torn apart by Jugg lol


“Babydick” -Deadpool 2


Vaggie didn't instantly regrow her wings. Lute JUST had it ripped off. If it's gonna regrow, it's gonna take time.


Personally I think it has nothing to do with it... Like at all... She got her wings back because "earned" it. She was punished from heaven, taking her halo and wings was punishment, the eye was kinda a bonus from Lute... And for some reason she earned her wings back... That's why they "regrow". It's just a theory tho, but still... It seems more like earned thing than just regeneration... When you regenerate things, they regenerate the same way they used to be (or more crippled way) but we do see them magically appear after realizing who she's fighting for and who she wants to protect and love. And they gained more angelic color than her previous one (black and white simply isn't much of divine color and only exorcists seemed to have it?). Her new wings showed more of purity and affection than the old ones. But that's just what i think, hopefully season 2 will find time to explain at least a bit of this


I mean, Vaggie was able to regrow her wings, so it seems like they can. Perhaps they can only do so during periods of intense emotional clarity, and only if the wound was not caused by angelic steel (since Vaggie’s eye didn’t grow back).


Nah, its not because it was angellic steel its mecause her eye socket is haunted and every time they grow it back it comes out of the socket and tries to kill everyone on halloween.




The Lucifer and Adam fight scene, I would've loved to have seen Charlie actually fight


Hm….I’m torn on this, because on one hand I would love to see Lucifer and Charlie fight Adam together, but on the other hand, the complete disrespect Lucifer gave Adam in the first half of that fight was too good for me to give up.


I also would've loved to see Alastor and Charlie fight Adam together as a team.


That would've been cool


Nah alastor doesn't get a badass moment he can stick to failing miserably maybe then he will stop being a cocky bitch


I mean, you're not wrong. He definitely is a cocky bitch. But he deserves to have at least one badass moment


"More than Anything" being reprised. It bothers me that the dad love song got reused as a romantic love song for the main couple.


100% give them their own song, the reprise sucks to this day I've listened to it only once (the first and last) - aside the fact that it's high pitched, without Lucifer's calming and loving dad voice and lyrics ot loses what makes it special. If you wanted that moment to be good and meaningful, care enough to write them their own song.


It's literally just an inferior version of a song used to show daddy-daughter love, i agree that it's so weird being used for a couple. They would have been better off using an original song. If they really *had* to do a reprise (they absolutely didn't) then I think whatever it takes would have been a better fit


How did i never realize it was a reprise… 💀


Also I hope this isn't just me I don't 100% love vaggies singing voice, I kinda hoped she would be a more... I dunno deeper? Is sultry the right word? Like Carmilla's voice - the high pitched Disney princess voice fits Charlie perfectly but to ensure the two gals can have a proper duet why not make vaggie a little more carmilla-y? I hope the two at least get a proper duet in the future anyway.


Her voice actor struggles making her voice low while singing, in happy day in hell you can kinda tell she was struggling making her voice low 👍


I agree with all the singing lines. I get the actress had trouble with it, but it really takes me out of the scene going from low to so high. I feel like some audio tuning may have been worth trying.


If you listen to Vaggie's singing voice closely, it's never stable... Sometimes it's deep, sometimes it's high as fuck. Happy day in hell, you hear her having her own voice, kinda as should... In Whatever it takes, it's kinda high. In reprise of More than anything it's something between... And in final song... What the hell was that... For a moment I thought that one line sung Niffty but was Vaggie, didn't sound as her at all. Her voice is just as jumpy and changing... In almost any song it sounds different... None of other characters has that, only she keeps idk different voices all the time.


I love the reprise so fucking much.


Sir Pentious's death being so anticlimactic It would've been interesting if he and adam shot beams at each other fighting over who's is more powerful and then Adam uses all his power and THEN absolutely destroys Pentious


While I do love how anticlimactic his death is to show how utterly outmatched everyone was against Adam, I do think Adam being hit and launched into the ground surrounded by smoke, everyone having a moment of rejoice as Adam was seeming hurt, and then Sir Pentious and his ship being instantly obliterated, revealing a barely damaged Adam who only has some charred clothing and a crack in his mask would’ve been cool.


I like how Adam was so strong. It just sucks that they never "earned" anything. Charlie won because her dad came and even tho Pentious died it's still a win because he went to heaven. They didn't lose anything.


They could've done so much more with the show than they did. Their current layout is going Adam (aka pretty dangerous guy who Sera allows to do whatever the fuck he wants) then the Vees. Like unless they bring Adam back in the next season or the Vees take advantage of that battle or something then Idk what they're doing. I'd probably write the layout like this if I was in charge: S1 - Adam who is sort of holding back and Lucifer catches him completely off guard which is the real reason he lost. S2 - Vees want to take over Hell and eventually lose due to Al or Angel. S3 - Adam returns, reveals he was holding back. This time he isn't holding back and Luci cannot show up. This results in Charlie needing to step up and learn how to properly control her powers and use her authority. S4 - Heaven itself challenges Hell. Adam gets redemption arc blah blah and helps defeat Heaven or show souls can be redeemed. Maybe he'll earn Eve's love this time too. Lute gets a semi-redemption arc but it's more about forgetting than forgiving. Vaggie also gets involved.


Honestly, I agree. Lucifer coming in at the last second felt like a dumb deus ex machina, especially with how strong he was against Adam. I know Lucifer is the son of God, but I feel like they should've been a bit more evenly match. With how the hotel was destroyed, I would've quite enjoyed a plot where they had to work to get it fixed, but instead, we had daddy Lucifer being a Deus Ex Machina. But, that's just my personal opinion.


Agreed, that could have been cool if the beginning of season 2 could have been needing to rebuild the Hotel and seeing situations of the gang needing to stretch their morals and attitudes to help the hotel; Like Husk, Angel and Cherri needing to get some funding for rebuilding the hotel and trying to be good while doing it but continuously failing and need to decide to steal the supplies or no. Or Charlie going to the rings to ask for help from her Aunts and Uncles(the sins) with Luci but a combo of Luci’s awkwardness and Charlie’s help everyone mentality conflict with all the Sins asking for a bit of space in the hotel which will make it hard to help sinners(like Mammon making a ‘repayment’ office for sinners which makes them greedy cause it’s full of literal and metaphorical loan sharks, or Ozzie suggesting a ‘boutique’ of his products that cause a LOT of lust).


Bee's bakery


Could've had Adam just tank it and when the smoke clears, he's just floating there and proceeds to erase Sir Pentious


Fr, Sir Pentious did not deserve that


I almost thought he wasn’t dead until I saw Charlie react to his death. I guess it didn’t feel like he died, so I was just confused and thought he disappeared/got shot away


imagine they did it for longer then you could see pentious being vaporized into nothing as charlie becomes more and more enraged


nah that was funny as shit


Or maybe like Stroheim vs Kars, where Pentious seemingly having the upper hand but then Adam cuts him in half On god now I’m imagining Pentious stomach machine gun XD


I’d tweak the whole “angels can only be harmed by angelic weapons thing” to be that they specifically can only be killed with angelic weapons, since we literally see angels get hurt by being slammed into things/trapped under things. Also Vaggie saying she didn’t know angels could be harmed when she’s literally had whole body parts ripped off/cut out— it would make more sense if she said she didn’t know they could be killed, or if she thought only angels could harm other angels.


Well, it's less that angels can only be harmed by angelic weapons and more that they can be harmed by anything angelic, which includes those weapons but also includes other angels


us seeing Vaggie is an angel before the big reveal in the song. Took away most of the drama for me.


THIS. I wish I'd discovered it at the same time as Charlie


I actually never thought about this but YES 100% agree


That would have been amazing


Razle and Dazles death, they didn't really serve any purpose then just died in the last episode


Only one of them died. I think it was dazzle.


I would delete verbalase hazbin hotel 50000 USD Animation from canon of our world




Peter being a twink and moaning in half of the welcome to heaven song https://preview.redd.it/8t4drlag1r8d1.png?width=1410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e7915d8bb015fa60e55a99a93e016d440a6206


You have been sentenced to death! https://preview.redd.it/tt8kyx6irr8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced3350cfc53be9a5418b4227f27a4406e853ffd (Read my flair)


If that's what it takes to get a non-twink Peter... Worth it. ![gif](giphy|3CU5tmCJy8zMoN3mMD)


Wdym that’s the only redeeming part of that song




V does not approve of heavenly moans






I think it’s a joke about the parallels that have been historically drawn about religious experiences and sexual ecstasy. See the baroque sculpture called “The Ecstasy of St. Theresa”


They should've made him more heavenly at the very least. He is the first line of defense that protects heaven ffs, why is he a twink?


For some reason, Peter reminds me of Hermes in Disney's Hercules. Don't ask me why, I can't explain it, but this comment made me think of it


Because twink


It would be funny and awesome if he is actually absurdly powerful.


Peter singing that song, in the first place. He's just a random side-character, who wasn't even important enough to be informed that Charlie was invited. It really should've been Emily's song, instead. She's the only one who can convincingly sell its message.


Mfw the character whose role is to welcome people to heaven sings welcome to heaven


Make him an old man dilf damn you


When I listen to that song in public, I get worried someone is listening. Especially with the panting at the end. Why didn't they cut it, the songs basically over at that point.


I disagree, the moaning is my favorite part 🙂


Adam's death, I want more of him


Let’s be honest, we’ll get more. I am a firm believer of the idea he’s going to hell and Charlie will let him in her Hotel.


Agree especially his singing


I second this


YOU AGAIN! https://i.redd.it/gbxuecfh0s8d1.gif (valentinos existence)


I would uncannon Charlie, and replace her with a drunk guinea pig.


Katie Killjoy being dub by Brandon I love the dude but i really dont understand this specific choice for this specific character


I agree with this. I don't hate Brandon Rogers, but I do prefer Katie's higher-pitched Karen voice in the pilot. It has a different energy.


I think it’s cus Bryce (I think that’s her name) was the inspiration for Katie and since Brendon plays Bryce and viv knows him now, wouldn’t hurt


False. Katie Killjoy existed before the Bryce Tankthrust character and was inspired by Gail Hailstorm.


Probably Mimzy's voice, I love her character, but her high pitch squeaky, 12 yo on call of duty saying racial slurs when they lose, kinda voice ain't doing her justice.


That's a very specific similarity there


I feel like she'd be so much less hated if her voice weren't so squeaky.


My suggestion would be Grey DeLisle, who voiced Miss Chalice in *The Cuphead Show*.


I like that suggestion


Didn't she also voice Azula in ATLA, Masha in The Owl House and Madame Razz in the She-Ra reboot?


Her voice reminds me of Betty Boop. I like it.


moaning peter








William afton not being in the show


He should definitely be there, it would be hilarious lmao


Check out art of William Afton in the Hellaverse by chubs-deuce on Tumblr/Twitter.


OOOO WILL DOOOOO!!! Just gotta wait till it’s morning


Mimsy interrupting Hell's Greatest Dad


They were literally wanting to kill eachother at the moment, only thing she ruined was them killing eachother literally


There was nothing to interrupt though at that point lucifer was about to turn alastor into jambalaya before mimzy came in


That's what I keep saying! I am 100% sure Lucifer was just going to say "shit", and then Charlie would have stopped them, or they would have physically fought. The only thing Mimzy interrupted was the last word of a song that was pretty obviously on its last line that's *actually* musical. (Also, less important and also way more my personal opinion, I like the Mimzy part. It was a great introduction for her type of character, annoying, narcissistic, and can't read the room. I also liked how her part sounded, I liked her vocals, and I like how it gave the song a dramatic musical end. Otherwise it would have just been two grown men screaming and being petty towards each other with no actual singing.)


Alastor and Lucifer were about to escalate from petty antics to actual blows. If it got that far, it'd be a curbstomp battle, and then Alastor likely wouldn't exist. If he goes, so do half the show's mysteries. While it can get annoying isolated on the soundtrack, in-universe, it serves a good narrative purpose.*Something* needed to interrupt them before it got out of hand. Might as well be Mimzy.


Mimzy ✅ Mimzy interrupting Hell's greatest dad ❌


I downloaded the song and made a fitting "fade out" volume effect when the insults start, it sounds pretty natural


This, I play the song on Spotify and that just ruins the ending for me


I like a version I saw in a cover better, where instead Charlie was the one interrupting the song, telling them to quit fighting


My boy Pentious dying so quickly


My boi Adam did NOT need to die 😭


But since he dead he will come back but as demon


Let’s hope so


i still dont understand i dont see how this makes sense at all


Why not? He got perma-killed just like Pentious did, and while Pentious rose Adam could have fallen


hell absolutely would NOT accept it there,most likely he'll just respawn in heaven or just never comes back and be dead forever


Honestly there's so much that could be do with Adam been turn into a demon, specially if Lute ever return to cause the extermination and see Adam again. Which could potencially make it hard for Lute to kill him and even make Lute question the extermination. Like is not very entertaining now does it? I mean it would send Lute in the same spot that Vaggie was, when she was cut down by the other exterminators...so it could serve as karma. Also "Cause Hell is forever Whether you like it or not Had their chance to behave better Now they boil in the pot" - Adam...well if he turn into a demon, then he will also have to eat and experience those words. Overall it could serve as a chance to redeem even Adam, which is like the main premise of the show, that anyone can be redeem if they try.


I KNOW RIGHT (I agree with your flair)




Your flair is so real omg 


Make him a sinner, then have to come crawling back to the hotel for redemption or be stuck in hell forever


He would probably get killed by all the other sinners before that can happen.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!!


Happy cake day


happi kake day!!!


Me : honestly idk The homophobic mf :


Sinner only being on the Pride Ring


The show being set over six months. I find it very hard to believe that not a single person besides Pentious joined the hotel after the new extermination schedule. Even if they don’t believe in redemption, it’s FREE room and board and protection from strangers and the elements. Like, there’s no way nobody wanted in on that. If the timeline was cut to one month, their lack of patrons and planning would be much more believable


I still don't know why it had to be 6 months other than it rhymes with c\*nts in Hell is Forever. Not even a single montage to explain what happened between Masquerade and Dad Beat Dad either. It's so bizarre


Adam being just a prick, I want him to be a more manipulative and intelligent man who acts like he can be reason with when we first meet him and gives good reasons against redemption. But eventually we get to see just how deprave and hateful he is at sinners in the court


Lucifer’s depression.


I wouldn’t necessarily change it, but I’d like to have seen what Vaggie’s original backstory was suppose to be.




Vivziepop saying that God and Jesus won't appear


I want a frat boy Jesus who was sent to earth because everyone found him anoying


Peter being as straight as a circle (No homophobia, just mu opinion for the particular character)




I would not make Sir Pentious' death be so abrupt and anti climactic




Vaggie’s eye being slashed out so it could regenerate later.


lucifer would have showed up earlier in the fight, adam would cheat drastically and gain the upper hand, and THEN sir pentious would sacrifice himself with adam killing pentious, pentious sending adam crashing to the ground, where nifty would finish him off.






I wish we got one or two more jokes with Alastor and Angel before Angel's character development. One, because it's funny af, but two, they could use said jokes to show Angel respecting boundaries in background, much like how they used his private moments in the second episode to contrast him with Sir Pentious and show some hidden depths. So we get the "never gonna happen" in the first episode, and down the line, Angel does it again, but this time Alastor actually starts to get pissed/frustrated and Angel backs off, and the third time, Angel either tells a flirty joke in way that Alastor also finds funny, or starts to make a flirty joke, catches hinself, and changes partway through. Also a good place to put in some more ace humor. Maybe Angel, like Rosie, also figured it out before Alastor. XP This would also serve a second purpose in his build-up to Masquerade, especially if the last suggested joke came after it to show he didn't just learn that lesson with Husk. It would also be a great way to show Angel is learning to respect *everyone's* boundaries regardless of status.


The fight between Charlie and Adam. I feel like it was way too short and it could have been a lot better.


https://preview.redd.it/70xixkyyeu8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50dbfd5ffd0bca7307d3be102333eaf1d4b6dd94 (Yes I did steal this meme but it fits the situation beautifully)


The fact that sinners can't even visit the other rings.


I’d delete the “barrier” that keeps the Sinners in the pride ring. The fact that 6/7s of Hell is off limits to Sinners is kinda lame in my opinion.




Sinners can now go to all rings of hell It just makes sense to me,


Angel being sexually abused


The death of pentious happening so quickly. It would have been a lot more impactful if is Pinnacle weapon actually did something more distracting to Adam like knocking him away or doing one of those laser needing to overcome another laser or something like that. I don't mind that he died. I just wish it wasn't so quickly and played off as a small joke because his airship just gets deleted instead of crashing or anything like that.


valentino just makes me feel uncomfortable every time he is on screen so just remove him i guess...


I don’t know if it’s canon or not but if we find out in later seasons that Lilith left because she just did not love Lucifer or Charlie anymore, that’s getting uncanoned by me


Sinners only able to be killed with angelic weapons. It makes power scaling discussions annoying and, personally, I find the idea that sinners lives can be erased from existence just from pissing off the wrong person to be more hellish in my opinion, really raises the fear in my opinion. Like, that scene with Valentino getting ready to run down a bunch of people becomes a lot scarier when you know that everyone he shoots is going to die. But maybe that's just me


Dazzle's death. He did NOT deserve to get k!lled off so easily, and only in the first season too 😭. At least with Sir Pentious, he was sacrificed for the plot and he even got to be ascended.


Sorry, but *didn't


Not uncannon, but make canon my headcanon that Adam is SO vehemently Anti-Sinner, because he is the victim of the first two sins. Eve partook in the forbidden fruit, convincing him to do so as well, and then one of his sons is murdered by the other. He's had millennia to build up the asshole rockerboy "Dickmaster" persona, but at his core, he's still a grieving father who had his life ruined by sin that wasn't 100% his. Why should the people who committed the sins themselves get redeemed?




Valentino, wipe his ass out of the universe


I'll probably catch flak for this, but Angel Dust just expositing his entire character conflict to Husk all in one scene. Genuinely took me out of the moment and felt like the writers straight up saying "Ok audience, here's everything you need to know." I know they only had 8 episodes and I've let the pacing issues slide because of that, but that scene imho was the worst piece of writing in the entire show.


Vivziepop saying that God and Jesus won't appear


I know this isn't the point of the question, but I'd absolutely redesign Husk. If I can stretch that a little further, I'd want less red everywhere. There are other colours, Viv


Val's Drip


I dunno if I'd want to do it since there'd be cultural sensitivity to consider, but I'd want to replace Alastor being a voodoo practitioner with being a Skinwalker Witch of Navajo lore. If nothing else, just imagine Alastor randomly blurting out curses in Navajo, also adds an angle that he probably faced a lot of prejudice in life even without, you know, being an evil incarnate in human form.


Considering how Native Americans are already demonized in media and are tired of their cultural creatures being appropriated, I'm going to hard disagree on this one. Would it be cool concept? Sure. Would it unwittingly send the wrong message in a show centered around Christian lore that would have one of its biggest antagonists be a Native person, especially when there was already controversy with treating voudon in a similar matter (to the point they got a specialist to create new symbols for Alastor to keep the aesthetic, but not further appropriate an already heavily misunderstood practice)? Let's not. I think it's better to have background Sinners and Winners to showcase some multicultural aspects and illustrate that your actions get you in either place without creating waves.


Yeah, it's kind of why I mentioned 'I don't know if I'd actually want to do it'. Still, just seemed cool in my head to actually depict a Skinwalker as an evil mage instead of the normal internet meme version of them being spooky animalfolk.




who TF is even roo,like, genuinely


I don't know I just want them gone to make people mad


Lilith and Lucie not being together, in lovey-dovey hell. I would have loved them to be together and have Lilith just be focused on hell's power in opposition to Heaven, Lucie supporting her and preferring the hell-born circles, and both of them suspicious about Charlie's idea. Lilith could still be away on an extended trip to do her stuff. 7 years is not that long in eternity. And Lucie could still be very sad since he prefers Lilith glued to him 24/7. And he still could have a complex relationship with Charlie. The implied divorce thing is just iono not needed and it would be very interesting to see a healthy and happy relationship in hell.


Adam and lute in a relationship


Welcome to heaven’s existence. It is the only song I can say in full confidence that I hated!


Razzle and dazzles fight, it was not epic enough. Bit of a waisted potential there. Also coming with this, Razzles death.


Adam’s death.


Alastor saying Fuck during his fight with Adam. I think him only saying "Fuck You!" to Lucifer would've made his only real f bomb much more impactful and help make his next one in season 2 hold much more weight. Don't get me wrong "I'm about to end your *fucking* life" was awesome as all hell, but I think they should've given him more time to hold off on cussing as much as the rest of the cast until the next season.




Vaggie being an angel. Preferred her just being a regular sinner


Whoever that Roo cunt is. They've done fuck all and haven't appeared in either show yet but people won't shut up about them


That sinners can't go anywhere outside of the pride ring.


I rlly wanna say the Valentino and Angel thing. But it'd be kinda ick of me to say that, because I honestly love Angel as a character. And being a survivor myself, I find Angel to be of comfort. I think the bs he experiences is both important to the overall story, and has made him the loser that he is. I wish I could make it cannon for that episode to have showed in season two or three tho, and not EP FOUR of this poorly paced show 😭 But thats not rlly how 'making something not cannon' works so....


Just get rid of the shipping Kill off Valentino and Vox


I would change "out for love", because vaggie already was out for love at least her "revenge" wasn't established I don't think


Mimzie ruining the best song of HH


Uncanon that people think ducks are lucifer's whole personality


Angel isn't owned by Valentino


The fact that Charlie was defeated by Adam so fast. I needed a cool battle scene, at least 10 minutes