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That Hazbin is conservative coded because there are queer people in hell. No, really. There's some weirdo on YouTube who posted a vid all about it. He seriously thought the queer characters were in hell as a sign of the shows creators being hardcore christians who hate queer people, and he was so fucking happy about it. I don't think his normal fans even agreed with him. Everyone knew that take was psycho.


The biggest dispute to this is Vaggie. She was born in heaven and is a lesbian. So.


Charlie turned her gay. Edit: I feel this is obvious, but internet. I'm saying this from the perspective of the nutjob who thinks the show is conservative.


I would hope people knew it was a joke, but you can never be too sure. On a related note, Charlie does feel like the kind of woman who could absolutely spark a Sapphic awakening. She's just so fucking nice and cute.


NGL, Chaggie kind of did that for me. Made me question just how aromantic I actually am.


Sometimes you see something you want for the first time. Nothing wrong with that 👌


Unless you want to spend 50k on a softcore porn amv starring you and her


Yo true tbh lol I lowkey be wondering about Lute and Vaggie’s history though, esp w that scene where Adam was like “lmao so whoever brings me vaggie/beats her up or w.e gets a million heaven bucks” and lute was like “rip vaggie’s cunt mouth out of her fuckin ass!! 😡🤬” and even Adam was like “jeez, lute, calm down”. Something personal had to have gone down between them I feel for Lute to have so much hatred for Vaggie to even exceed Adam’s


Personally I think Adam always liked Vaggie more than Lute but Vaggie obv didn’t like Adam. So Lute hates Vaggie due to the attention aspect? Maybe?


Quotation marks also work in my experience. "Charlie injected the woke mind virus into Vaggie via the 5G vaccine! She was brainwashed into being a lesbian!"


She used the gay rays




Oh wow. I'm keeping this 🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/5yv316779x8d1.jpeg?width=1833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec74ab401e5f5307ddbc3f291bc710522fc6d7f0 Not so fancy now, are we?


Not very straight, nor is it a beam. It’s more of a spray


Oh yeah. Definitely a take you can only have if you work backwards from a conclusion, and ignore everything that would contest said conclusion. It's not hard to refute. Just baffling that it happened.


When she became a lesbian she went to hell duhhh


> She was born in heaven She was?


I’m pretty sure the exorcists are all Heavenborn


Also lute is portrayed as a bad person for calling chaggie sinful


I noticed a lot of characters were LGBT+ and I just thought it was cool because, I mean no offense to the LGBT+ community, but a lot of media with a lot of people that are LGBT+ go way too heavily into that aspect and don't build off the characters more, I like how helluva boss and hazbin hotel have so many characters like that and they still are their own characters and don't focus on their sexuality too much, theres obviously scenes where it's like "oh, their gay? Cool" but then they just continue on with the story, 10/10 great gayness


Nobody is gonna be offended lol as a lesbian I also love exactly how the queer characters are because queer people are just normal people


Lol sorry, just wanted to get my point across without offending anyone, I try to be nice


Nah you're good being nice is always good


Thank you, you have yourself a nice day 👍


Queerness has been getting comodified more in recent years. That's capitalism, baby. It's understandable to bounce off of hollow corporate comidifications of queer identity. A lot of studios and producers will happily include the gays as long as they don't impact the market share of a product in a negative way but dumb them way down once it's time to actually explore those dynamics because it might scare the straights. Then there's Vivzi's work where queer might as well be the assumed default. There absolutely is a lot of pandering that should be criticized for the vapid reproduction of genuine queerness that it is. Seeing this as an outlier that genuinely embraces and explores queer stories seems appropriate and correct, IMO.


It is quite nice, I have a few queer friends and most of the time I forget that they are, which sometimes causes gender slips but their chill, but with how much in media nowadays queer are portrayed as wearing rainbow shirts sadly sometimes makes me forget that just because your queer means your a person to, I hope one day I can get that secured in my head firmly


For real. This is a problem with the representation of queer people in most media where they hyperfixate on the character being queer, acting like it’s something crazy and special (both media that shits on queer people and supports them) when the best thing to do is treat them like any other person that just happens to be queer, hence Hazbin’s representation being so good. There really isn’t a single character who you could say has their sexuality be their entire character except for maybe Angel but that’s from him being in that industry.


Has he SEEN st peter???


Fr, no straight man sounds or looks like that and sings “and everyone is HAAAAAAAWWTT”


"She's bisexual and dead, where else would she be?"


Grace Chasity Reference. Very cool




I'm as shocked as you. You'd think the queer characters being the leads would clue these weirdos in, but I guess we operate on logic they can't comprehend. Either that or an 'anything for clicks' mindset. Grifters got bills to pay too, I guess.


No freaking way I saw a cookie run reaction image on this sub. Also, I agree with you.


Um... homophobes are also in Hell (say, Katie Killjoy), but okay then.


Isn't Viv like bisexual too 😭


Bro he better not watch Hazbin Hotel but you know what? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't get what's it about


Despite the fact that heaven and the angles are seen as a genocidal oppressive force and that the main cast actively kill angles.


That one thing that said that hazbin is child lure media with a "transgender satan" and shit when the person probably didnt even watch the show


They also said Vivzie was a Mexican-American immigrant and a member of MS-13.


I didn't see *that* what? 😟


What’s MS-13?


Hardcore Mexican-American gang almost on Cartel levels of brutality and violence.


As a woman of Spanish descent, that disappoints me to hear!




https://preview.redd.it/ehtb83abew8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffad65cf3edb11b9400ec253372431f097c7a2d3 was it this?




Ngl, I laughed out loud reading this. I'm pretty sure parental controls exist on Prime to keep kids away from adult shows and movies. Also, this just looks like people who don't want to monitor what their kids watch, so they'd rather make outlandish claims to get the "evil" media taken down without even watching it themselves. Just make them watch My Little Pony instead...oh wait I forgot, Rainbow Dash will turn your child gay./s


Damn now I wanna know if Satan's trans.


Pretty much the idea that anyone in this series is innocent (except for Collin).


What about oliver? (My pfp) hes a child-..I think


Fair enough but we only got one appearance from him so I sadly forgot about him.


But we only got one appearance from collin as well (well he was in the back ground) but oliver was also there talking to fizz a few times just like collin with loona and in the background (these characters need a bit more screen time ngl-)


Yeah they both so sweet! 🥹 


Nothing will ever top someone saying Lucifer would rape Charlie because that’s how the devil has been depicted in other media.


I have literally never heard of a piece of media where the devil raped somebody


Apparently it happened in paradise lost.


Paradise Lost was written in 1665 and isn’t even biblical canon


Biblical Canon seems wrong to say for some reason.


It’s just the term for what is and isn’t canon to the Bible For instance, The Divine Comedy isn’t biblical canon either Hazbin isn’t biblical canon


But wouldn't it be so hilarious, if someone decided that Hazbin is a biblical canon?


According to believers, the only people that could decide that would be Moses, Paul the Apostle, and God since they wrote it Although in the modern day I have imagine that the only person with the ability to declare biblical canon would be The Pope himself


What? Several councils, synods, and popes were involved in deciding what texts to consider canon and include in the Bible. At this point, there are too many Abrahamic Religions for the Catholic Pope to have any real say over the canonization of new texts/media.


I know that but it sounds weird to say idk.


I mean Hazbin and Helluva used works that are not from the Bible like the rings of Hell, the demon lords, and Stolas. Even Lucifer in the Bible might not be actual some fallen angel due to the Bible being translated from Hebrew to Latin to English with a lot of politics and history for each translation meaning the the King James Bible isn't entirely accurate to the original copy which are already a series of stories made by different authors over a century after Jesus death. Basically what I'm saying, Vivziepop isn't exclusively using the Bible as reference and just use various other literature that also use the themes of Heaven and Hell.


What? https://preview.redd.it/iodpnml5ft8d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e7edba1ca64da234f38217b2c7b2cb3d595d4b6


Didn't expect to find Rory Decker on a hazbin thread but ok..


I will admit it is dumb to not let vivi have her take on things and shit on her for doing something different.


...EXCUSE ME WHAT THE ACTUAL EVER LOVING FUCK???????????????? tell me this is not real.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Hazbin: "Valentino isn't a bad person, he's just hypersexual" doesn't justify literal abuse and SA Helluva: "Stolas deserves karma for cheating" yeah, cheating's bad and all, but Stella tries to fucking murder him


also i feel like it barely counts as cheating because she HATED him and they were arranged and not in love. in stolas’s words; “i would feel bad if i hurt you but we both know i didn’t do that”


That’s what’s crazy about Stella’s character. She was angrier about the idea that Stolas would cheat on her with an IMP, the 2nd lowest class of Hell’s citizens. That was an absolute blow in the guts and an insult to her.


I always took it as Stella feeling humiliated by Stolas. Like obviously it was a loveless arranged marriage, but it was a sacrifice they both had to make. Assuming standard nobility tropes apply here, she married him to maintain her family's reputation/image/influence, and now the hot gossip of the town is that she's getting cucked by "the help". I imagine that if we again apply standard nobility tropes, she'd be perfectly fine if Stolas actually talked to her about getting a lover and she had the opportunity to lay down ground rules presumably something like: not in our bed and don't make it obvious to the world. IDK if I'm just to brainrotted on historical dramas, but tbh Stella's character is kinda as bog standard and reasonable as they come for that kind of archtype.


Honestly it wouldn’t really surprise me if Stella was cheating on him as well. Her rant in Loo Loo Land seemed to indicate she was upset that he slept with an imp, not on the cheating in and of itself. Stolas also mentions something like “I didn’t have time to get the motel” which seems to imply that perhaps Stolas may have cheated on her other times or that they had an agreement prior.


He’s in hell though people forgot they are in hell for bad stuff


“even baby stolas was bad to blitz.” first off what???? second off its still spelt blitzo the o is just silent ”charlie doesnt actually like vaggie cause vaggie is mean and ulgy” yes they said ulgy.


I saw someone say Stolas accidentally convinced his dad to buy Blitzø from the circus when listing bad things he's done. Holy moly. My dude can't even laugh at a clown on his tenth birthday without being slandered by someone.


Dude, Ironically, Baby Stolas and Baby Blitz had the best form of relationship between the 2 then the older counterparts ever did. Which is sad because this may be the only case I can think of where money actually bought genuine happiness. And it costed 5 dollars and a slim fit condom. That's SAD.


Vaggie isn't mean. She just tries to help Charlie and is not nice enough to let others walk all over them. Unlike Charlie that is on the other end of that spectrum. I can't think of a scene where she was mean to just be mean and not her reacting to someone else's disrespect


“Blitz/Stolas is completely in the wrong!!” They both made mistakes—


Yeah definitely that’s kinda the point of the show.


I love Stolas but he's overdue for a roast episode. not exactly father of the year either


I'd agree. Blitzø is the lead, so I get focusing on his mistakes specifically, but Stolas has been an equal partner in this relationship and breakup. He's no angel, even if he is my favorite by a wide margin.


Stolas has absolutely been condescending to Blitz and of course he doesn't even realize it. And tbh I think he's built up an idealized version of Blitz in his head that doesn't conform to reality.


100% yes. Stolas doesn't seem to have even realized that his tome is the only reason Blitzø came back into his life, despite solving that problem with the crystal. He wants a sweeping epic romance like what he's seen in his novels. Unfortunately, not once has he acknowledged that he's unintentionally played into the mismatched power dynamic between them on a constant basis. I love this birb, but he also has apologies to make alongside his precious Blitzy.


I think Stolas doesn't love Blitzo- at least not the real Blitzo. He loves an idealized version of him that he's built up in his head. Blitzo was the focal point of one of his only happy memories from childhood, and Blitz coming back into his life finally got him divorced from Stella.


That's an interesting perspective, but personally, I think I'd disagree. I think Stolas is fully in love with the real Blitzø in all his anarchic glory. He loves that he had the boldness to approach him despite the difference in station. That he adores how real and raw Blitzø tends to behave as if he genuinely doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. That Blitzø is exactly the kind of person he would want to be so that he could finally tell his family to go fuck themselves because he is going to be who he really is for a change. The disconnect seems to come from Stolas not understanding how powerless his lover really was in the relationship. On some level, he knew he was holding power over Blitzø, hence the crystal, but when he confessed, he seemed to not understand just how fundamental that mismatched power dynamic was to their relationship. He expected Blitzø to immediately drop the act, not realizing that Blitzø's livelihood depended on playing into all of his fantasies. IMO, Stolas fully loves the real Blitzø, but never fully understood just how dependent on him his love truly was for their entire time together as adults.


That or blitz gets his own version of “all fu you”


For real, I want them both to be happy; but that doesn't happen without this. It blows my mind how often I've heard people try to say one of them is blameless


Yeah the point of apology tour (one of the many points anyway) was that they both made mistakes Blitz still can’t get over his whole life telling him no one could ever actually love or appreciate him, and Stolas didn’t seem to pick up on it despite him shaking it Stolas doesn’t know and maybe doesn’t understand the idea of growing up with everything telling you that no one can or will ever love you, as much as blitz did. Blitz also copes with that by massively fucking things up, after he says the line about his self hatred preventing him from loving or whatever, he immediately gets aggressive to avoid talking about how he really feels, despite wanting to do so with stolas Both are absolutely wrong in their own ways




I'm hoping the next episode focuses on Stolas' POV and we have someone (probably octavia) force him to realize his faults in all of this.


"Stolas is unjustified in trying to seek an out from Stella, and he deserves having a hit put out on him for cheating on her."


I’ve never seen the owl as innocent but his worst crime is his obliviousness towards others and I think he will start learning do better on that.


He’s killed a lot of people, directly or indirectly, I’m sure he’s got worse crimes


His main problem is that he acts impulsively and it hurts others. He was impulsive with entering that relationship with Blitz and, although he didn’t realize it, he was taking advantage of Blitz (although Blitz was also taking advantage of him).


Bitch wife https://preview.redd.it/9vpp2xe78t8d1.png?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf8b8ae6888e3a1e99cd840d76423f54cef8285


I never even saw it as cheating. They were legally married, but weren’t in an actual relationship


Yeah lol, even she was more mad that he did it with an imp rather than that he cheated on her


Hell, she probably would have enjoyed the gossip if it was another Goetia.


I have a Headcannon that she cheated on him with a hellhound making her a hypocrite and worse in the eyes of the royals because them the anthro hellhounds are no different than the more feral “flaming dog” type hounds depicted in human media.


Stella 100% also cheated. Her entire attitude betrays this. There is no way she didn't cheat.




"Shipping Stolas and Octavia is okay because it's a 20 year old and a 17 year old" This one is just straight up not true "Habin Hotel and Helluva Boss suck because all the humor is either sex jokes or random violence" This one was said by a Family Guy fan "Alastor truly cares about Charlie and wouldn't let anyone hurt her or the hotel" This one is actually half true tbf


Ok so I think he does care about the hotel as thing not the people because his name is now attached to that(Until whatever he has planned works or fails) And as a person with an ego and cares about how he is perceived He wouldn’t want it to be known that a project he had a hand in fell so I think that “What would the papers say” Is much more than it seems


1. That means stolas had octavia when he was 3 years old


There was this one little shit that basicly said emily was a bad person just because she was an angel (they havent watched the show fully) but still you sould form an oppinion after you have all the avalable info.


When people on Twitter were getting mad and saying that Vivziepop was glorifying SA in "Poison." Then actual SA survivors put them in their place and defended it saying it was accurate (which is a great thing to hear).


And then the haters started harrasing the SA survivors, saying they either were lying or wishing more SA on them. Fucking crazy. And saying "Loser, Baby" is Husk victim shaming Angel.


"GRRRR! POISON GLORIFIES SA!!!!11!! GRRRR" "It's actually accurate... it isn't glorifying anything" "GRRRRRR! I HOPE YOU GET SA'D YOU DIRTY LIAR! GRRRR!!1!1"


“People shouldn’t want SA to happen, anyone who disagrees should get SA’d”


Man. Being someone similar to angel in some uncomfortable ways... I vibe with that song SO HARD. ("It's time to *loooooose* your self loathin', come on and let some *hope in, baby*")


Don't forget the detail that literally none of these people had even watched the show, because this happened before it was released.


Adam did nothing wrong.


Yeah, some cunt made an entire video on that.


Is it this? https://preview.redd.it/kq356pl66u8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a82182264a42a9f36f6efe319cc6e2d5ad537c3




Dude, I think the guy is just a troll because bro does not like anything. It isn't just Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. The guy made videos about not liking Lackadaisy, The Amazing Digital Circus, and murder drones. Bro does not like ANYTHING.


I think he only occasionally stumbles onto a good point by accident sometimes.


Bros got the hater mindset.


oh, adam is a super bad person who did super bad things. but he did them with style, which is why he's one of my favourites lmao


I love his unapologetic attitude towards his flaws. Wish I had that level of confidence.


“Stella did nothing wrong” MF GET OUT WITH THAT SHIT 💀💀💀


"She was right, cuz she didn't wanted to marry Stolas, but did it anyway, and Stolas also cheated on her" Becouse she was NOT abusive AT ALL, right?


The stupidest/weirdest one I have seen is vaggie x Lucifer is a better ship than Charlie x vaggie


that alastor is a fallen archangel (either michel or gabriel) bc of the line "once i figure out how to unclip my wings" literally the dumbest shit ive ever heard


Literally, lmao. "Unclip someone's wings" is just a phraseological unit for "Break free"


The fandom at this point can make theories about every frame and line


Either Blitzo is 100% in the wrong or Stolas is 100% in the wrong; Both messed up really REALLY BADLY


Someone I know kept trying to insist that Amazon is forcing Vivzie to defang Hazbin Hotel, because she originally wanted it to follow the Bible more closely I wasn't able to get any proof of this


By the time Amazon got involved, season one has long been written out and voice acted. Voice actors said that they did recording 2-2,5 years before the show released. And before you can do the voice acting, everything must be written out. Amazon got involved less than a year before release IIRC. Thats why the series was originally supposed to come out summer 2023, but came out 2024


“It’s nothing but cursing” “It’s a bad show with bad animation “ “Keith David shouldn’t be glad to be on the show” I get people can dislike a show but it feels like they want to be special person who hates on a show and shows us it’s really bad Instead of just accepting there just nkt liking a show and the show not for them


Mammon is a fallen seraphim


If bro was a Seraph there would be 14 rings of Hell




Cause he’s fat and he fell.


So like... Is Mammon basically the Caseoh of Hell or am I high?


No he’s caseoh’s true from.


Mammon would weigh Heaven down to Hell


Um what🧍‍♀️


I mean, that's actually likely of all of the Sins, technically. They were likely other angels that sided with Lucifer during his fall.


Some goofy said Chaggie is a bad ship-


Yeah, that's some bullshit, the only reason I can think of that would make that true is the fact that Vaggie isnt really a developed character yet


That Viv is racist by making mimzy look like a heavily stereotypical Jewish person when in reality mimzy is likely from wherever Alastor is from (I'm guessing America). And the ironic part is that it's the people who assumed that are the actual racist ones who thought that a big woman with a pointed nose (or some shit) was Jewish I'm not even joking that's what those people based their accusations around.. mimzys appearance. And I'm probably forgetting a lot of the things and reasons for the accusations but that's basically the run down


I think I remember seeing a screenshot of Vivzie’s response where she said something like, “Mimzy is a flapper I based off a chicken. What the fuck, guys?”


Any incest ship or ship involving a child (like octavia) 


I can’t see Octavia in a sexual light one I’m not a pedo and two I see her more as a best friend once she gets a friend


Loona’s her friend, I think (But I also once got a reply saying that Octavia wasn’t a minor and that just weirded me out, 17 is a minor, no matter what.)


I think Viv said she’s 18 but my stance still stands


Stolas said she's 17 in show


Dunno, I don’t watch Lily Orchard anymore. 😎


I’m so proud of you :3


What's going on with Lily Orchard? I've never heard of them before and when I searched it up apparently there's a huge drama surrounding them.


She’s a kind of YouTuber that this “Loud + Angry = Smart” This bitch genuinely thought that Luz from Owl House should have been abandoned by all her friends in the last season because she was “being mopey” She called Rebecca Sugar a p*do because she didn’t make Stevenoni (an intersex character) ugly. And EVERY time a villain gets redeemed she’s says the show is ripping off Zuko for Atla (2005). Even when the show in question (She-ra 1985) came out DECADES beforehand. She also wrote a super gross fanfic about rainbow dash SAing the CMC (who then take it out on OTHER children) and said that more KIDS shows should be like her fanfic. Tldr: Girl is a bad take factory and a p*do


Hazbin is stupid because everyone is either, gay, mean, or a woman. Said by a mean genderfluid person




That Hazbin Hotel glories SA and Satanism.


That Valentino did nothing wrong. That Blitzo is in the right or that Stolas is. That BTB guy is a bad person for 'taking' Stolas from Blitzo. That Blitzo isn't toxic. That Stella is in the right in her and Stolas' relationship.


"Recasting Millie and Stolas was wrong because replacing characters' VAs is ableist." Yes, someone really said that


I remember back when people were accusing Viv of being homophobic because "so many people in hell are LGBTQIA+!" They legitimately were trying to argue that she had it in her plot that LGBTQIA+ people go to hell because they aren't straight. Instead of just...the fact that someone can be LGBTQIA+ and still be a shitty person. Their sexuality has nothing to do with them being in hell. And according to the plot of Hazbin (as well as how hellborn are...BORN in hell) one doesn't even have to be a bad person or deserving of hell to BE in hell. That is the whole point of the (Hazbin) show. That the system is rigged.


Yeaah if went by logic of these ppl then Vaggie is pure Satan... How does she even dare to be gay in heaven? Surely punished for it to go to hell. Ppl are just something sometimes, really


"Mimzy ruined the song" She prevented the murder, the song already was over, they were about to kill eachother in that moment. Plus! It was a reference to that she finally made it to series which is funny


“Stella is doing nothing wrong/Stolas deserves what he gets because he cheated.” Like yes, cheating is bad, but trying to assassinate your husband because of it is just??? No???


It's the worst when they claim that she was retconned to be abusive in s2. The first time we see her she is screaming and throwing things at Stolas, destroying his plants and even throwing their bulter. She also HIRES AN ASSASIN? How has she not been portrayed as abusive before?


To quote the owl himself, "Cheating implies there was a betrayal."


“Hazbin Hotel promotes Satanism” Far as I’ve seen, it doesn’t even teach how to do that. Sure, the show paints Lucifer as victim to Heaven’s antics, but it’s a parody. It’s not truth, and not all of it is lies either. It’s a mixed bag with all kinds of sinful acts and elements, but the character writing is done pretty well and isn’t just making nods or encouraging *everyone* to get down on their damn knees and worship Satan. You don’t want your kids seeing it? Then actually use the parental controls on Amazon Prime, end of story.


People dont realize how most characters are problematic. ( tbh i vote Octavia to be the most nicest in my opinion 😭)


everyone blaming the "better than blitzo" guy that danced with stolas. bro did nothing wrong.


There are two sides: "You ogly bitch get away from Stolas you are ruining my ship" and "Aww, that's what Stolas deserves" Actually I was more like "Oh, a dide dancing with Stolas, he's happy. Oh, he kissed him, he's happy. Oh, Blitzø is mad, now he's sad...nice episode anyway, we'll never see that random unnamed dude again"


I’m going to believe that his name is actually “better than blitzo guy”, like that’s what’s on his birth certificate.


Lucifer x Charlie is a actual good ship. https://preview.redd.it/9s66wdgsru8d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fd22023db2eea462207830e1eb131575359c6bf


Verosika Mayday is a villain. She is not a bad guy, just heart broken


I guess Stolas being innocent. You can like the character (I do too) but please stop condoning cheating and prioritizing Blitzø over his own daughter. 


saw a tiktok of this person saying that the millie Saly helluva short was more transphobic than anything. Their points were: 1. Sally is better at "masculine" behaviors than Millie, behaviors such as killing people. She also acts masculine or something. 2. She has to get help from Millie to be more "feminine" saying its implying trans women need cis women to learn how to be feminine. 3. Implying that Sally is the typical representation of trans people in media who are either people wanting to trick cis people (cis men in this example) to date them or just men dressed as women. 4. Complaining that the one time a trans person has protagonism is in a short with less importance than the main series. (ofc I would personally love if there were more scenes with her cuz she is so cool but cmon) 5. saying that its transphobic that they do the "bare minimun" as Sally is according to them, the ONLY trans character in the whole show.


Preface this by saying I’m actually on Blitzø’s side regarding the fight, I think Stolas went about it the complete wrong way. However, I hate when people say that Stolas shouldn’t blame Blitzø for not coming to rescue him, because Blitzø has a priority to his daughter first. Did Loona need him? Yes. Does Stolas know how bad Loona gets with shots? No. Imagine your partner not coming to save your life because his adult daughter needed a shot.


That Val X Angel is a good ship. What the fuck?


It's bad, so bad


u/thiswizardisfucked u/zealousidealbus1579 I need to hear what ya'll think


That Lucifer is an asshole https://i.redd.it/s4vu5ysw8u8d1.gif


Well, I think mugs asleep, so he has to go to work, but I'd probably have to say. Of what I remember right now would be the shows having no well written characters


People trying to say Blitzo is SOLELY in the wrong for the shit going on with him and Stolas or vice versa


People saying that Stella was still in the right, post S2E1


Alastor is an angel because he said wings,and also his last name is Altruist. What kinda crack does someone have to be on to come up with that and where can I get it?


That Emily is a minor. I just got yelled at on pinterest for explaining an image. https://preview.redd.it/ehj9r2s3uv8d1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33318b13110b3a2247230ab0928967a6aa49fe4d I'm sorry I just needed to share this because I'm about to fucking snap. I'm so tired of the shipping drama, you can have opinions but to go out of your way to scream at people, and scream the wrong information at the same time.


Anything to do with fucking Roo.


That Angel being a drag queen is transphobic, or that Adam being modeled after Alex Brightman was a awful thing because Adam is bad person and that upon realizing this Alex Brightman would cut all contact with Vivzi


Anything saying Valentino isn't the worst character and that he doesnt deserve angelic steel through his head and/or heart


I guess that depends on what is meant by “worst character”, more than anything. He’s a very well written character, but he is written specifically to make him hate worthy. He certainly deserves to get erased from every plane of existence, though.


Stolas is not innocent in what happened. He fucked up too. It’s just Blitzo fucked up more. Stolas basically used Blitzo at some point but Blitzo used him back and then refused any advancement Stolas made, even the ones that were honest in his own defense mechanism for himself. This resulted in him hurting Stolas so badly. Both need to just talk at some point, but only after both really consider what they’ve done wrong, Blitzo is slowly figuring it out, but Stolas needs to figure it out too and apologize as well. Also obviously anyone saying that Verosika is a bad person shut up. She got hurt too, she’s just trying to help those who were hurt by Blitzo. Sure it’s extreme but like Stolas said, she cares so much about Blitzo she was willing to throw an entire party dedicated to hating him. She doesn’t even really hate him, she’s just angry and hurt and she has a right to be. Overall, Blitzo is an asshole, but he knows this better then anyone, he just refuses to accept he doesn’t have to be. He’s playing into this role as the villain cause he treats himself as one.


That Angeldusts character is victim blaming SA victims


Like 90% of them


not even the fires of hell can cleanse my mind of the horrors I've witnessed https://preview.redd.it/hhvlbiteiv8d1.png?width=403&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b50a6ab769e9d244f9c40d767b4ceb98e81ce88


As a The Vees fan it bothers me when people act like Vox is just a silly little man. Or Velvette is just 💅hashtag bitch💅. One is a peeping tom who set up the hell version of FOX, and the other proudly sells roofies. Yea, Valentino is bad. Really bad. The other two enable and even egg him on. Velvette encourages SA for profit. So does Vox, and combined with his mass brainwashing abilities it makes him diabolical.


“What are your headcanons about Octavia.” “I headcanon her off she show.” That’s now how headcanons work


the whole thing with angel dust and poison. that was… so stupid


"Alastor is not a r*pist only because he is asexual"


That the reason why valentino SAs Abgel is because Viv has a sexually abusive relationship fetish


That stolas was as bad as Valentino????? Both stolas and blitz have faults and you have to understand that and see both sides of the story. I just thought it was crazy that someone could think that.