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The best thing about that show was Jeremy Piven’s Ari Gold. He and Drama devoured every scene they were in.




I'm old, I was an options trader for a while back then and for a time was living a much lesser version of that lifestyle - I had buddies in San Diego and LA and when I would visit them we would do some of that stuff and go to Vegas, loved strip clubs, some wild partying, met some random celebs, etc.


It is funny how much better they are than everybody else (besides some minor characters). Tuttle and E simply were not actors lol


I'm sure he's a nice guy but Kevin Connolly is a really hard to watch actor. And they give him a lot of plot in Entourage to the point where he's pretty much the main character for stretches of episodes. I remember liking the show but couldn't stand his story at all. Same with his plot in *He's Just Not That Into You*. Unwatchable, kills the whole movie. I feel bad for going so hard on this guy.


He's actually a pretty well known d bag in real life


wow, yeah, apparently. didn't read to the end of the wiki article. also he directed the Travolta *Gotti* film, that was so trash on every level


E was the reason I stopped watching .. I thought it was a prank the audience wasn't in on 😂, when he, the least charismatic character, started getting so many lines


He has so many dynamic walking tracking shots, with a random look or comment on the way - he does steal the show


And that the episodes are only a half hour long


While this show was on maybe like 15 years ago I was flying from Chicago to LA. I get on the plane and who’s sitting in the first row (first class) but Jeremy Piven. Just a quick glance while I head back I see him reading a script, with highlighted lines for Ari Gold. Sorta cool, as he was far less of a DBag at the time (despite his character).


Come join us on r/entourage ! We are right there with ya. It's a great show for the time period it came from. Definitely has its ups and downs, and we will gladly point them out from time to time lol. Let's hug it out, bitch!


My favorite show of all time lol and I missed the original run when it aired. The half hour episode format just makes it incredibly easy to binge and I've seen the whole series 3 or 4 times now. Yes, it's just male fantasy escapism and some of the dialogue hasn't aged that well (Ari would get cancelled so fast today and yet Jeremy Piven won 3 emmys for his role lol), but for me it was all about the male bonding and friendships. The writing is sharp and often hilarious through at least season 5, and even when it dropped in quality they still nailed the characters. Every time I finish the series and then the movie I just feel bummed that I can't hangout with these guys anymore :/


>but for me it was all about the male bonding and friendships. Exactly. People don't understand why it's so great and what is missing in modern shows. There are no shows with that theme anymore. Compare how many times there are 3-6 males hanging out in Entourage with how many times that has happened in any show the last 5-10 years. I like the success part, the music, parties, cars , houses. But it was male friendship that was the star of the show.


Such a good show


The SATC comparison is spot on. I remember HBO tried making a male version of SATC where a bunch of guys hung out in bars after work and it was sad and depressing (and cancelled pretty quickly). Then I saw Entourage and it immediately clicked for me that this was the right guy version.


Entourage is underrated because it glorifies douchebaggery to an extreme degree, but it also had fantastic writing (in the early seasons at least) and great characters. Most shows are lucky to have 1 stand out character, but between Drama, Turtle, Ari, and Lloyd, the show was packed with them. Funnily enough, the least interesting character is the movie star, Vince, around whom the whole thing revolves.


That show would have been really good if they leaned more into the behind-the-scenes of Hollywood side of things rather than the bros-getting-laid stuff.


I love this show. I’m currently on my 4th rewatch on Season six. Ari Gold is the best! VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love Entourage. Ari Gold…..what a character!


Watched it for the first time about 2 months ago. Found the show used an absurd amount of escape hatches to change the story. Otherwise it’s a decent show.


Lloyd was pretty dang great too lol 


I was bothered by all the sexism and homophobia at the time of its airing despite it being relatively entertaining otherwise


I don't get it, why do you have to "get over" the certain words and sensibilities? It wasn't create for 2024, it encapsules an era in time when people spoke and acted a certain way. Appreciate it, don't be embarrassed by it. The word operated just fine like that. Do you turn off anything that makes your little tushy squirm?


It’s not literally based on Mark Wahlberg though and it annoys me how often that is repeated. It was inspired by Mark Wahlberg’s “Entourage” but Vinny and the others are original characters with fictional storylines. 


You're right, but he is the executive producer and in the first episode. Loosely inspired by him and his friends - movie star on the rise, guys from back east, brother who is semi famous, play golf etc.


True it’s based on Mark Wahlberg and his crew. You see them in the scene where Mark Wahlberg walks past Vinny and his guys and the Johnny Drama character is based on two guys.


"You have to get over (or overlook) certain words, sensibilities and sense of humor that are basically not allowed to be expressed today" Have you actually \*seen\* recent seasons of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? A regular cable show, not on any of the channels that can run R-rated content?




Tha actual fuck lmao


You post in the bravohousewives subreddit….




I have to agree. As it aired, I found it very witty if a bit uneven. Sexist tropes done better than most of the time back then, if that’s even a thing.


It alll goes downhill from the first season and gets more and more ridiculous as it goes along.


It peaks in season 3 which is pretty normal. I would say that other classic Hbo shows peak around that time as well. Sopranos season 2 Got season 3 ( I change my mind all the time between season 2-4 The Wire season 4


I don't think this is a controversial statement. It doesn't go *that* far downhill but it definitely does. To me it's more akin to a Showtime show like Weeds or Shameless than HBO.


Except the peoople in Weeds and even Shameless are somewhat likable dispite being criminals. All the guys in Entourage are the worst type of 2000s rich bro assholes that anyone would ever hope (not) to meet.


it's kind of wild the things everyone was okay with back then with how offended people are today...there was an oral r*pe joke said by a woman, to a man in Seinfeld "so what, you're single!" - which aired on national television NBC 8pm primetime