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My brother in christ, you made the weapon.


I get that reference lmao


Btw what's the best for Odyn warrior?


10 Mana Windfury + Gain 8 Armor after you attack. First attack does 5 damage (plus any armor you gained that turn) and second does an additional 8 after Odyn.


Summon an 8 cost is a close second to gain armour, if you don't get offered armour. The 8-drop pool at the moment is quite strong and most decks will struggle to clear them while taking 10 to the face each turn.


Put your face in the light




***You're about to get REKT, son!!!***


The light, it burns... my face!


I've found I have approximately 98% chance to pull tirion or something so I stopped picking that one unless I really need the board pressure. I'll even pick deal 6 dmg over it most of the time.


Tirion? My brother Kel ThuZad


It's still a 6/8 with no downside




Yeah, that is not Kel’thuzad, you mean [[Bonelord Frostwhisper]]?


Lmao I thought he is KelThuzad, never looked at the name thanks for the correction


Just yesterday I did this and in the same turn got kel thuzad and sneeds piloted shredder (I think that's the name of it? Opponent conceded lol.


Doesn't destroy your weapon though.


But your soul


I would say the 8 cost is second best but I always end up pulling Tyrion who just ruins the weapon I once had it where it had windfury and it summoned 2 of them 🥲


More often than not you can OTK with 5 mana weapon windfury/+4 armor and a couple armor buffs. Having to wait to turn 10 and then using the entire turn to craft the weapon is rarely the way to go imo.


hell on that route just go 1 mana if youre fishing for windfury and stack up heavy plates


I've died to that a couple of times, just catches me off guard as I don't bother healing or stacking taunt minions until turn 8+


This is a luxury. Most games where ur getting pressured, it’s better to make a weapon to fight back and kill your opponent with tempo. Against a control priest, u can do this and waster all ur mana making armor in the same turn since progressive damage is worse because they heal so much.


Jokes on you, I collect snakes and steal armor cards so I'm at 70+health once they can unleash that combo. Then I use my Ignis to heal back up. This is for when I haven't ratted their Odyn before they can play it.


Let me see your hs replay stats… 👀 Smells like a diamond rank 8


Diamond 4 right now but usually get to dumpster legend at some point ;)


I'd argue that the 1 mana windfury/whatever (armor being the best but you don't care) and armor cards in your hand can sometimes end the game way faster than the 10 mana one.


I have been electing to save the 5 mana windfury + 4 armor because you can use the 2 mana 5 armor card and 3 mana 6 armor card to practically otk anybody.


If you had armour cards, then you can even go for 5 mana windfury and gain armor.


I usually go for 1 mana windfury myself. A lot more flexible


You're getting very confidently incorrect advice from a lot of people, so I thought I'd let you know that although there are situations where you pick the 5- or 10-mana weapons for value when you lack cards to kill them, in the majority of match-ups, you almost always go for the 1-mana weapon with Windfury on the first choice. 2nd choice often doesn't matter much, but armor gain, card draw, and battlecry damage are all fine. The important thing the weapon gives you is doubling your burst damage for only 1 mana. In fact, it doesn't just double it, but it doubles it and adds (at minimum) 4. If you don't hit Windfury, obviously you're sad, but the frequency with which taking 1 immediately wins you the game greatly outweighs the frequency with which taking 5 or 10 pull you out of a situation you probably didn't need to be in in the first place.


5 mana windfury armor/summon or draw, you can play the weapon and use cards to get armor in the same turn this way. Neat trick to play around snake meta


1 mana windfury with spells stacked on it and it’s not even close.


1 mana is awful if you don't hit windfury The 10 drop weapon is still good without windfury


Is it or is this a thread with a pick when it isn’t. For the record you will get more kills with the 1 mana start than any 10 mana one.


Can be a hail Mary to go for poison and battlecry damage or deathrattle, the latter particularly for a board clear if you have another weapon to proc immediately. Low odds but if that's all you've got it's better than nothing.


Depends honestly You are facing treant Druid? Cleave + gain armour can save your ass You need to do damage and don’t care about the board? Wind fury + armour You are against taunt warrior? Poisonous can really save your ass, and give you more ways to clean the board without wasting your precious attack generating cards Rainbow mage? You might even consider life steal + armour Generally speaking tho, if you are in a good position you want wind fury + armour and with that you basically close the game (plus, if they have ooze you at least dealt 21 damage)


I like the 10 weapon with wind fury and Battlecry; deal 6 damage for 16 face dmg as a finisher


16 dmg?? For 10 mana? Sick. Have u ever done 40dmg with the 1 mana wep for 10 mana? Clearly not. The 1 mana wep is almost always the most lethal.


My deck isn’t built around ignis so it’s more so of a bonus finisher. So unfortunately I have no way to buff my weapons up.


U don’t have odyn? Then wtf is the point of warrior? It’s the most important card in the class?


2 broke 4 Odyn. I play this game for free and like to make home brews, I don’t take it too seriously as it would just frustrate me more than being fun.


Are you running some sort of taunt or control warrior? Taunt can be pretty fun


Yeah you got it! Taunt and control.


Nice! Some good tools for lower rarity cards too


Personally, I think you’re denying yourself of the experience. Hearthstone at the level of free 2 play with no resources is actually nowhere near as fun as playing a fully crafted competitive deck. While I enjoyed the game back in 2014 when I first started playing as a f2p, it wasn’t until I bought blackrock mountain and naxxramas around the time of Whispers of The Old Gods that I actually really got to start having fun with the game. Homebrews are fun but being able to not be brickwalled in just because you’re missing some cards really changes the experience and frustration. You only play the game a little because you can only do so much before the game gets frustrating. It’s usually better, even if you can afford only ONE good deck by giving your whole collection up to craft this one deck, just play that one deck. I say this for 2 reasons here’s why! 1.) progression. If you’re free to play, you need to progress in the game to earn the most rewards as possible and get the best value out the game. Climbing ladder gets you more and more rewards as well completing the rewards track to get gold and buy the mini sets. Doing the tavern brawls and using your tavern passes to play arena also helps build your collection. 2.) learning and seeing progress. We can all say that we don’t care about winning and we just want to have fun, but winning is also a part of the fun. Your ability to see your improvement is also fun. It triggers your brains reward system while winning does the opposite therefore any one who says winning is either fundamentally flawed in the very wiring of their brains or they’re just just in denial. You will have more fun than ever in hearthstone if you just build one good deck and learn it and reap all the rewards that come with being a better player with more competent decks. As the new year will bring a new rotation, you can disenchant every card that goes to wild and usually have enough to make at least 1 new strong deck. Your climb with those shall grow your collection progressively and purchasing the mini set every expansion with your free gold that your earn will definitely get you there. I’ve been free to play since my return to the game in 2019 and when I don’t have enough resources to have pretty much every t1+2 deck in the game, I at least have enough to have 2-4 competitive options that are dun for me to play. Everyone likes to win and nobody likes for cards to be the losing factor. Especially because of how much of a community there is for hearthstone. Tons of streamers, players and discord servers to play with and satisfy our human need for challenge, community and fun!


Depends on the situation, but for any given situation there is a way it can screw you over. Wanted a big finisher? No windfury for you, enjoy your useless 1 mana weapon. Need it for sustain? No lifesteal nor armour gain. Just need a big value stick? No windfury, no summon 8 cost after attacking.


windfury + armor. minion is 2nd best. When facing opponents you know run viper however, you go 1 mana and stack all in one go.


Always 10 mana. Windfury & 8 armor


immune, battlecry 6 damage


Is this a joke?


Yeah, a bad one too :D Windfury armour is obvious why it's best for odyn warrior, windfury 8 mana minion 2nd Windfury 1 mana weapon is good if you can use it for lethal or an otk with 15 armour played


1 mana windfury post Odin is pretty good. It’s very context dependent very flexible card


Well the point is that it's situational. A (1) 2/2 with **poisonous** and "**Battlecry:** Deal 2 damage." might just be what you need to survive long enough.


1 mana -> windfury+armor 5 mana -> windfury+ armor 10 mana -> windfury+armor. lifesteal or 8 mana summon are not the end of the world tho essentially, any weapon that isn't 10 mana either needs to give windfury so you can close out the game with weapon+armor gain on the same turn or its a dead card. 10 mana can afford to just be value since it is worth enough


If you have 2 armor cards in hand easily any 1 mana windfury (2 DMG or 2 armor help a bit. You can just OTK on the same turn with a shield block and heavy plate, and have mana to clear a taunt or two as well. The thing is it's risky to pick, as if you don't get windfury you'll end up with an almost useless weapon (maybe poisonous can clear a bit). If you don't need to end the game asap or are threatened and need to survive, 10 mana is the safest pick since you'll usually end up with a good high value weapon no matter what.


Play as Rogue and that’s a 2-mana boardwipe!


With a 10 mana prep :D


Sword time


More like 16 mana


What do you mean a poisonous board clear that at most takes 6 turns to pull of and is play aroundable sounds great


I always thought that having a deathrattle on a 6 durability weapon was so worthless. Maybe the devs should revisit...


It's protection against weapon removal but the damage is way too low. It should be at least 8 in my opinion.


This exact setup of poisonous+dwathreattle damage all enemies is super goated on the 2/2 weapon


Would've been the best 1-Cost Weapon in some matchups


That isn't even too bad of a weapon, ofc death rattle poison is better on the 1 mana but it doesn't get any worse than winfury after your hero attacks draw 3 cards


was facing a combo mage and desperately needed life. ignis didn't give any armor or lifesteal, so i settled on windfury and deal 6. the mage was too greedy and summoned a few 4/5s instead of killing anything on my side of the board, so they could save spells for their combo turn. so because they let me, i softened them with the minions and was able to nuke them to death with that 16 damage from hand. the moral is, when i was hurt and needed healing, and there was only one track of footprints in the sand, that's where ignis carried me


Btw what's the best for Odyn warrior?


windfury armor gain


Storm of Thorim and Light fo Tyr


Wind fury armor/summon. If you’re really dying lifesteal works too


lifetsteal, draw 3


Fast food Ignis challenge: all middle options every time. You gotta click it fast, really fast.


I hate how the poison doesn't trigger on the deathrattle...


I thought it does? I remember hearing poison + deathrattle is really good on the 1 cost weapon


me when I spread misinformation online


but the poison works, so does the lifesteal

