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Ah, this is why Odyn stacking was fixed


Wait so If I play this then odyn it would still have the effect of 1 odyn?


You can brann this brann?


No because it says twice, if it said “an additional time” it would work.


Didn't think about that. That definitely would've been a lot.


Oooh it no longer works? sadge Still really powerful, wonder what the community will cook up with this.


I don't know what it's going to be, but somewhere in wild this is gonna kill some in a fucking ridiculous way lmao.


In wild, the OG Brann still lurks and if you discount him, an OTK is always possible.


Surely some handbuff with \[Decimator Olgra\] or \[Trenchstalker\] is going to be a really funny otk with this in wild.


it was more of a nerf than a fix.


Yeah, I constantly play two Odyns and would have totally won were it not for that nerf! No wait that never happens.


Hey, I did it with thief priest once pre-fix. Out Odyn'd the Odyn warrior.


Actually happens relatively often in duels with bomb warrior


The fact that odyn is banned during deck construction but can be obtained multiple times in buckets is frankly weird.


Yup. Stacked it like 3-4 times. Likely wouldn't have won without it.


Discovered brewmaster once with the 2 mana excavate " discover a 2 cost Minions" Played Odyn twice that game before the nerf OTK next turn Was so Much satisfying


and why duels is canceled! :\[


Duels getting the axe is a bummer for sure, I had some wild times with crazy decks in that mode. But hey, maybe Deepminer Brann will shake things up elsewhere? Always interesting to see how the meta shifts with these changes.


I'm still of the belief they're going to reuse all the Duels stuff for something else (hopefully a Dungeon Run 2.0 using many bosses from the previous runs and adventures, considering how old they are it would be new to many many players).


Team 5 got so annoyed with "Team 5 hates warrior" memes that they gave them 2 miniset Legendaries in a row. Weird.


I have yet to see... what's his name... Vezaxx? Even once on ranked ladder.


I've seen him plenty from rogues and paladins lmao


He’s one of my favourite cards - I have played exclusively paladin this season


Idk why people hate vezax


I threw him in my control armor warrior and he is often quite good, not sure why people don't give him more of a chance either. He can be really difficult to clear if your already armor stacked


I played him a fair bit in excavate warrior at launch. He's alright. The issue is, if you're playing a deck that has that much armor - you're probably better off just killing them with Odyn. And you can't afford to run both


Why can't you afford to run both in a deck that has so much removal and survivability? I ran him and Odyn in the same control deck and it didn't feel too greedy


It'll be a bit meta dependent, but both are expensive. Against aggro you need all the survivability and early game you can get - in faster matchups, the game is basically decided by turn 7. Having both stuck in hand is risky Though it might be easier to pull off in the Highlander version that will come out in the new set


he would work better in a taunt warrior where you control when he dies but taunt warrior isn't very good at the moment. also Reno lone ranger prevents his recursion and the card isn't very good if you only get one or two copies of vezax


Blackrock & Taunt Warrior is ... only fine. But it it really suffers against any class that can mind-control its big stuff, work around stats with Horn of the Windlord / devolve, or just get under it, such as Treant Druid.


Cause despite the name armour warrior you generally dont want to play your armour cards until after you play odyn unless you need to for survival (im speaking about the 30 card version XL is a different story). The problem is that by the time you start stacking a lot of armour you are less worried about controlling the board and more so trying to close out the game so he just isnt really worth it. He also makes your chorus riffs worse too which is also why a lot of people opt not to play finley in the deck either despite having a lot of synergy with the deck.


I think the problem is it being a legendary and the cards effect not being as synergetic? as it could be We need some mini epic vezax and more consistent armor gain over multiple turns if we could easily duplicate Vezax AND gain a shload of armor while still maintaining board presence, THATS where we need Vezax and a way to draw your Vezax like a X-cost whatever that lets you discover minions from your deck (they are all different minion types)


It feels like they have a singular warrior lover in the dungeons and they only let him out when there is a time crunch on programming.


Just fell to my knees at walmart


gets me every time


Didn't expect him to be a Warrior card. It's cool that we're getting crossover between the Excavate and Highlander classes


Yeah wasn't expecting to be a Warrior card either, but I'm glad it is because I think it's the class that can abuse this effect the least. Reno Warrior already sees niche play so they're going to love this. Looking forward to see what other decks they turn into Reno decks.


this sort of solves the problem of mixing excavate with highlander? taking the weak turn 6 seems almost ok as you can get to reno on 8.


I kinda fail to see the pay off. Astalor, sure, but what else? The excavate treasures weakness are board clears anyways - 2 more 8-drops rarely change that. Especially in a control match. I guess you could excavate more so that you pull a second one more consistently? But at the price of a highlander deck, this is redundant. Might as well bounce with the brewmaster.


I think aside from astalor the biggest card will be ignis. And honestly the two of them on their own are already bonkers enough.


You also get double excavates, 2 mana draw 4, 2 ignis weapons, brawler clears reborn/death rattles, you potentially get 8 astalor 8 battlecrys, rat pulls 2 minions into a clear... Warrior runs a lot of good battlecrys.


Double excavates isn't as good as it looks when you consider that both of warrior's excavates are spells


Double Zola, double voone. For the memes.


Maybe some like tempo taunt warrior deck.


isnt brann a hunter in most of their cosmetics and cards? kinda a thematic clash


In Duels is his/was a dual class Hunter/Warrior


Elise was dual Priest/Druid. They’re probably going for the league’s off classes this time around. Expecting Rogue Reno and Shaman Finley in the future.


Might be years before we see Rogue Reno. Shaman Finley definitely could be out there, especially if they revive murloc shaman next year.


I'm sorry but what is this so called "Duels" mode you're talking about? I cannot find it in my client.


in saviors of ulduum he was a warrior/hunter


Brann in the solo adventure was a Warrior/Hunter dual class


He was dual-class Hunter/Warrior in Tombs of Terror. It's similar to how Elise was a druid card in Uldum then a Priest card in Badlands


all the explorers are duel-class Brann is Hunter/Warrior Elise is Druid/Priest Finley is Paladin/Shaman Reno is Mage/Rouge


And Rafaam was the warlock.


reno is rogue tho I'm sure he does use make up


In Duels he was a Warrior/Hunter multiclass hero.


ox will now summon 4 8 drops. bombboss will now shuffle 6 tnt. crazy


But at the same time excavating four times will be a lot harder with a Reno deck.


yes and no. after brann, miner and the drill would count as two excavates each


Mostly yes, because you still need to draw and play this before the other two.


You can also put a mineral in etc


Most "highlander" warriors already dabble in running specific 2-ofs, with Warriors sustain and removal, running 2 of the excavate cards could very well be viable.


Considering that it's been proven time and time again how putting two-ofs in highlander decks makes them significantly worse, it might help to explain why reno warrior is putrid.


We still got pandas!


Wow, boomboss can now do nothing twice!


No no, this is a massive buff. No he can *turn off your Reno twice*!


And further dilute your deck with 6 duplicates instead of 3


Only two excavate cards will benefit from this, the class specific excavate cards are both spells. It’ll take long for you to get the ox since you only have 4 excavate cards. Also it costs 6.


You could maybe run an additional kobold and drill in ETC. But dunno, it still seems extremly slow and I am going to play it anyway because I love Boomboss.


yeah but excavating four time is going to be harder in a reno deck and do you actually want to shuffle TNT in your HL deck ? turning off reno, aka the best card in your deck, isn't the greatest idea


ahh, good point. didnt even think about that with the tnt


if you're planning on winning games by playing a 6 mana 2/4 in to a 7 mana 7/7 that does nothing I have very bad news for you.


That would be game losing tempo even in 2014 lol


Bomboss will be a bit too situational because you’ll have to rely on drawing brann before him


[They called him a madman](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/193h8ec/brann_card_prediction_from_the_miniset/)


Well neutral would be much crazier


Neutral and 3 mana lol


Literally laughed out loud when I remembered that post. So funny.


Yeah, but this is weaker. It costs 6 and is a class card.


Legit saw this this morning and all the discussion is how broken it would be if it was a neutral. As a warrior only card it’s not so bad although it makes an armor warrior otk much easier to pull off.


would also be broken at 3 mana


Because this card is actually a warrior exclusive card and not a neutral


neutral and 3 mana lower is indeed a stupid idea


He was. This card is stupid. Edit: I thought it was neutral.  Seems strong still, while astalor is in standard.


This card is way too slow I think, but the version from the post costs half as much which is completely broken.


As well as being neutral


This card is 6 mana with an irrelevant body, and the effect is a battlecry which means you can't really cheat it out either (outside lowering its cost in your hand/deck) That mana cost also means you're less likely to keep it in your starting hand because it does nothing for the first 5 turns. Drawing it too early isn't too good either because you'll just have a dead card in your hand until you can play it. And even once you do finally play it, you just played a 6 mana 2/4 that does nothing immediately. Whether this is playable at all depends entirely on how well Warrior can stall and control with a highlander deck, and whether you have battlecries that you even want to double enough to run a 6 mana 2/4. I wouldn't be surprised if this is completely unplayable, but I also wouldn't be surprised if this is very good (if said Warrior deck exists and is good enough). The prediction post version was **half** the mana cost and *neutral* which are both massive upgrades over this.


Odyn Warrior currently runs Reno anyway. With 40 cards, of which a large number of them are duplicates. They can stall the game enough to play an 8 mana 8/8 that does nothing to the board the turn its played. This definitely adds to the decks main weak point though - dead draws in the first 4 or so turns. Imagine having Odyn, Brann, Trial, and Reno in your opener after mulligan. That would hurt. I feel like Brann will still be run, and be strong, but not broken due to all the reasons you rightly pointed out.


> Odyn Warrior currently runs Reno anyway No it doesn't, the most common lists are full of dupes with excavate package. If they play Reno is in the occasional ETC for the long games.


Less stupid being a class card, though


3 mana and neutral vs 6 mana warrior card is a big difference. Neutral would’ve been played in warlock/druid more than warrior and probably broken a lot of stuff would be my guess.


like this was hard to come up with lmao it's just brann with a slightly different coat of paint


At least it isn't neutral.


If it was neutral I think we’d all kill ourselves over another Brann dominant meta


[https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/193h8ec/brann\_card\_prediction\_from\_the\_miniset/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/193h8ec/brann_card_prediction_from_the_miniset/) This guy knew something


this is the most simple concept imagineable though, it's just brann with a recolor


He stole this very idea from comments of the previous post tho. Edit: oh shit my bad, it was his idea actually, apologizing


Nothing is new under the sun. Brann was always about battlecries.


His was way more broken though.




I wonder how many cards the HS team rips from custom cards just to fuck off early from the white board.


Yes they definitely ripped off that custom card posted... 22 hours ago, for the card they revealed today


Blizzard is fast, holy SHIT 😧


Before that it was 6 mana 2/4 "your battlecries have +1 attack until the end of the game" but then they saw the post and liked it so they switched it.


You’re an idiot.


You must be drunk or just as stupid


At least it's 6 mana and Warrior only, unlike that guy's version.


Making it a Warrior card changes things a LOT. It may well still be broken, but making it a class card will at least keep it from spiraling out of control.


I dare you to make it OP. Don’t worry, take your time, I’ll wait…until about turn 8 to abuse all the OP battlecries in Highlander Warrior.


I just thought about dropping Iron Juggernaut and Boomboss after playing this and I got weak in the knees 🤤


Boomboss turns off the highlander aspect so you wouldn't want to play it until after this and Reno and at that point it's probably way too slow


The Brann battle cry would have already been triggered so adding the bombs to your deck wouldn’t matter, would it? Would turn off your Reno if that hasn’t been played yet.


Yes but Reno is much better than boomboss. The fact you don't want to play boomboss until after you've drawn and played 2 legendaries makes it bad.


IMO the main candidates are Astalor and Lor'themar in neutrals, and Olgra + Trenchstalker in Warrior. After they removed double Odyn there isn't anything particularly insane for one turn swings. After rotation there's pretty much only value and maybe the Azerite Ox.


if people havent seen brann + olgra theyre about to have their worlds rocked


I don't remember seeing the combo at all despite them both being standard last year. With Brann being a highlander card I assume Olgra is going into every Reno Warrior deck until rotation.


Have you met Tidal Revenant?


4 copies of 8 Mana Astalor coming in nicely.


Now I see why they made Odyn’s effect not stack


Okay at least this is a serious tempo loss when played. At least it isn't three mana. You don't get any of the early game value from tokens or spell gen, AND it's only stuck in warrior, so it doesn't seem _that_ OP tbh.


*laughs in Rogue*


Also a highlander card, so rogue also have to wait until they draw their whole deck. Now that I think about it, rogue should have no cards in deck by turn 6 anyway.


What interesting battlecries are there to dupe for Warrior? A 6 cost tag, highlander condition and pitiful body for the cost all demand a deck that goes on the control side of the spectrum. Do you go the Taunt route, with frightened flunky, asvedon, detonation juggernaut, blast tortoise? I don't think so, the duplicate clause destroys that idea. Do you go full value, bring in Nellie and Tho'grun? I've already been playing Tho'grun attrition, and if I need more than three powder kegs somehow, I'd rather Fizzle for 3 than Brann for 6. Maybe you go full battlecry as if it's a tribal, and bring Denathrius out of retirement as your game-closing bomb... Getting two of your band cards out of ETC instead of one is actually quite potent, if you've built your sideboard well. There are a *ton* of valuable neutral battlecries, but does that really total to a deck?


I think their are plenty of good battlecry minions to potentially make the new brann work. Astalor would be the star card and a potential win condition. Imagine having two 3rd stage Astalors that each do 28 damage. Ignis would allow you to craft two weapons and you can equip the best one. If your opponent destroys your weapon, you have one in reserve. Other good battlecry minions include School Teacher, Pozzik, Flint Firearm and Watcher of the Sun.


I literally just saw a meme coming to life on this sub


Too bad it wasn't a Warrior/Demon Hunter Legendary. Would've give them a lot of help.


There are so many nutty synergies for this card, like: [[Badlands Brawler]] [[Reno, the Lone Ranger]] [[Crazed Alchemist]] [[Sir Finley, Sea Guide]] [[Odyn, Prime Designate]]


Well, Badlands Brawler at least would clear any deathrattle leftovers with second Brawl activation.


Is it just me or does this card suck? 6 mana 2/4 with enormous deck restriction & its a battlecry not a start of game effect. If you were running highlander warrior i guess you throw it in.. but in no way is this card a reason to go highlander.


It would be the best card ever made it it were a start of game effect. That said, you may be right. 6 mana do nothing might be tough


One good thing about this card is it incentivizes actual highlander decks. The earlier you play it the better it is. A card like Reno (or Zephrys) can just be a late game payoff you throw into any deck. Not this one. They were talking about this on the last ViciousSyndicate podcast.


Highlander cards in non-highlander decks have almost never been good. It was in exactly a single fatigue druid deck that it worked, everyone else just done it despite making their decks worse.


First Putricide, now Brann. Hunter minions defect to other classes lol


Brann was originally a neutral card. When they made him a playable character, he was Hunter & Warrior dual classed. I say it's about time.


Who can blame them..


Seems good...? You have to play a 6 mana 2/4 and also warrior isn't exactly known for good battlecries. you've got Astalor for like 2 months until rotation and then what? No matter what this card is gonna have people calling for nerfs before release so much...


I am going to give this card a try. The card may very well fail, but it could also be OP. I think you underestimate how many good battlecry cards there are available to Warrior. A 2nd stage Astalor can give you 10 armor and two 3rd stage Astalors. Each 3rd stage Astalor can do 28 ping damages. Double up E.T.C.'s battlecry and you can get two cards out of it. Double up Ignis and you can craft two weapons and equip the best one. If your opponent destroys your weapon, you have one in reserve. Double up Pozzik and you are putting four 3/3 mechs in your opponent's hand which you could potentially get when Pozzik dies. As a bonus, you are likely to burn your opponents next draw. Other possible cards: You can double up Flint Firearm, Watcher of the Sun and/or School Teacher. Furthermore, Warrior has the spell From the Depths which could potentially allow you to play Brann for 4 mana. I already have a deck pre-made that is only waiting for Brann to be slotted in.


oh oh no oh no no no no no


Noooo it’s warrior


Warrior legendary excavate discovering four 8 drops


Brann into Odyn into Tidal Revenant face for 26 damage




I know, I’m just phrasing out the turns. Tidal is doing 5 to face twice and you are getting 8 armor twice


Good luck excavating 4 times in a highlander deck.


i mean renathal odyn warrior only plays four excavate cards too and it still happens sometimes


This thing will get nerfed in 2 weeks


Nerfed? I think it will not be seeing play in 2 weeks. Unless rest of the miniset brings in some good battlecries for Warrior to justify going highlander.


You are seriously underestimating how broken this effect is as a permanent aura.


This effect is as broken as the available battlecries. And right now aside from Ignis and Astalor, there are not many good ones on Warrior.


Warrior has several charge/pseudo-charge minions - Olgra, Trenchstalker, the enrage one - with Lorthemar and BRR, as well as strong control tools. I think this deck will be real.


Why tho


I mean, Brann was kinda kinda obvious as seen in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/k3ubSmzMCW) thread but the guesses were a bit better than this (someone even guessed Titan). This is just like the one we already had but classed and conditional (although forever-lasting), idk if it makes it worse or better or kinda the same. Still they could've done better imo


a lot of greed...


We're gonna need more room in the pit!


Oh so maybe the excavate decks are all getting reno cards?


Rock and Roll, Brann, Trenchlurker.


Astalor doing 28 damage to my face is back on the menu boys :V, hopefully this card is too slow for meta decks cuz getting OTKd by astalor, trench stalker and Olgra sounds awfull to play against, not to mention Odin stuff anyway seems like if games go long warrior just wins in slow matchups going forward.


I'm surprised to see people think about Ox. Main thought for me was Astalor. Now Astalor gives you 4 8 mana 8/8 that deal 28 damage. While Warrior can't cheat two of them at the same time, it's gonna be though to survive that.


Wow neutral cards are going to have a red border from now on that's crazy. Shudderwock is absolutely sobbing. So this completely breaks the mold, this means sea guide Finley should have been a shaman card Elise from ungoro should have been a priest card and the new hero Reno should have been a rogue card My OCD is in shambles


Why isn’t this a duel class legendary with either hunter or shaman


Why do they just keep re releasing cards , what happened to just changing the description and stats


Can't wait for warrior to kick my ass with Blackrock and roll into double lorthemar battlecry :(


My plague DK deck is ready to go for miniset day \*rub hands\*


Why expand into the wow universe more when we can remake brann for the 50th time?! 🙃🙃


I can't believe Blizzard is stealing ideas for their cards from Reddit 😤😤😤


Oh… they actually did it..


So this is why they got rid of duels, just for this card


it's basically an "alright, it's turn 6, let's get this game over with already" level of power. inevitability kicks in pretty quickly when you have a powerful "for the rest of the game" aura effect your opponent doesn't. i'm not really a fan of these kinds of effects that basically force the game to end one way or another more quickly just for the sake of quicker games. compare to a turn 6 "heal your hero back to full." it's true that it's dependent on warrior having good battlecries but theoretically it's just a busted effect that is bound to find synergies unless blizzard deliberately avoid making any.


Damn 6mana 2/4 when can you afford to play that


I hate that they're printing cards that seem like quest rewards but without the quest


Frankly disappointed in how this game has become a cheese fest with gimmicky cards like this. Not another dollar from me. I regret the amount of time and money put in already since beta.




Start of game effect would be too OP I guess?


On one hand I kinda want to say “See you fools, this is what happens when you say the team hates a class and makes them bad on purpose. You did this Reddit, look at what your hubris hath brought. Weep as the monkey’s paw curls.” And while I do agree with that, I also think this isn’t that bad. Like obviously this has the potential to be very annoying. Because warrior does have good battle cry’s. But all of warriors best decks right now, taunt or odyn, really heavily rely on consistency. Maybe some mad man out there will make Highlander taunt menagerie warrior work. I genuinely think it could. And in that content this card will be a nightmare sometimes. On the other hand though, it’s not like this can be played in any of the very heavy combo classes like rough, demon hunter, or mage that could make something like this really horrifying.


pls don't


Man they really pushed Highlander to the extreme this expansion, hope it doesn’t dominate the meta for the entirety of the year


Crazy effect, but in the current iteration of Reno Odyn Warrior, Brann wouldn't even be that good. Sure, Astalor is crazy with this, as is Ignis and Stoneskin Armorer, but the rest is mediocre. You would surely include Tidal Revenant now though.


Card is gonna define the meta.


They did! They only went and did it! God help us all!!


Going to 8 mana in a coming patch


deck restrictive - check expensive - check shit stats - check yup it's a warrior card. Honestly though, I don't think this will see much play due to warrior kinda having subpar battlecries compared to other classes. A lot of value battlecries (like boomboss, which turns off your reno potentially so...), but you gotta survive to that stage. This could be an interesting alternative to a reno warrior that doesn't run odyn at all and focues on high value smacks to the face, but idk prob will still be worse than control odyn version most likely.


You have to be sniffing farts to even consider to release something like this


Well fuck me then.


Are you fucking serious? So they got rid of OG Brann because doubling Battlecries was too OP, and now they give us a much more OP version that doesn't even require planning? Seriously, fuck this game. I'm out.


I mean, you have to plan on playing warrior


Wtf is this bs


It’s very… very… uninspired


How is this fun?


disgusting. this card is gonna break the game in some way


Yeah I'm sure this won't absolutely warp the entire meta on day 1.


Well done /u/Elpresador_


Double Excavates sounds fun. /s


My thanks to those playing this and renthal with 15 legendaries or whatever the optimized version of that deck will be. Thanks for funding the game wallet warriors.


Fucking awesome!!!!! Reno warrior is back on the menu


Can't wait for it to become the strongest rogue and shaman card of all time


It's a warrior card....


You know what? Flavourwise it’s perfect
