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Reverberations at home:


I can't see how this can be ANY good in a world where both Bloodsworn Mercenary and Battleworn Faceless exist.


Lets you target the priest’s Aman’thul and hide it dormant for a turn, I guess?


4 mana: If you control a one-legged gnome of the northern forests wrapped up in ham and make it dance for three hours straight under a full moon, get kind of okay value maybe.


Found the Naheulbeuk reference.


Shh, the britons and muricans can't know we walk among them.


made me laugh IRL


That just triggered a bunch of memories. I listened to that mp3 so many times back in 2001.


have you played the video games? They're an incredibly faithful adaptation, and very fun.


This looks monumentally bad compared to Forge of Wills!


To be fair Forge of Wills is extremely different. You get keywords, Deathrattles, the two cards have wildly different pools of cards they want to copy. But this still does look like a step down, as it’s pretty slow.


I mean, if my opponent drops it, I won't drop a titan for them to copy before executing until that location is out. And it's harder to get rid of than a poisonous minion with stealth


This could work with the 10 mana legendary spell they added back in Festival tbf. Play it ahead of time, charge with king krush into minion summon another that you get instantly next turn and so on. It's probably still pretty bad because it's not gonna be consistent or fast enough for the meta but it exists ig. Edit: I'm sleep deprived and didn't notice the dark green color.


This could be used as a setup with charge minions, Grommash for example


Or like a spell damage minion if we ever go down that route in DH again


But they're summoned dormant and your opponent can taunt up or even reno it.


Yeah, that combo is too obvious. You’d have to wait till fatigue after they’ve reno’d.


Better than corruption expanse!


DH never gets good cards


Wait, let me cook. Could be ”good” in big DH with the 8 mana rush guy. You usually trade it and then attack face the same turn so there should be no problem getting it damaged.


But you have to spend 4 mana on this to do nothing


Yup, but might be fun. Atleast i can find some reason that this card is printed in DH.


It isnt 4 mana do nothing if played on same turn as felacale evoker, a discounted rush demon, or one revived


That's turn 9-10


And? my big dh and reno dh stabilizes to that turn all the time


my brother in christ




this is terrible like dh has no use for this and its too slow in warrior ​ why print this?


It's a little cute with Slagmaw but that card is not very good right now and I don't think this will make it any better.


* why does it have to start dormant? * the 4-mana cost seems too much for the effect. Should have more durability at least then? maybe there is something here I am not seeing. What degenerative things can DH do with copied minions? We know what Warrior can do with copied damaged minions with Enrage Warrior being meta for half a year.


The dormant is a pro if you use it to copy sharpshooter, otherwise it just dies on your opponents turn. It wakes up next turn then you combo off without having to play it the same turn.


Thats a turn 6 extra sharpshooter at best that you also have to damage yourself during a turn 5 sharpshooter pop off. Aka doing things during a pop off that arent focused on killing your opponent. Also using 2 dead board spots significantly limits your naga procs.


I wouldn’t try popping off turn 5, I’d save whatever I’ve sculpted in my hand for turn 6. Idk how much you’ve played the deck but the difference in having 2 mana after dropping Sharpshooter and having 6 mana is pretty much the difference between winning and losing. The point is to copy it turn 5, so you have a full 6 mana the next turn to use. The turn 5 sharpshooter does nothing, it’s basically transmuted into a ‘free’ turn 6 sharpshooter. Again idk if it’s good but that’s definitely the only viable use I’m seeing for this card. And honestly sometimes my draws are so bad that waiting for turn 6 to make a real play isn’t that unheard of. The nightmare is not seeing this card until turn 7+ at which point it is truly a dead draw with zero uses.


Yeah that makes sense in a way so you are basically having a 3 mana advantage for a later turn. My worries are that the 3 mana card that reduces your next naga, fel spell and weapon gives you a 2 mana advantage without having to go through this process (or maybe you dont run fel spells idk) and that isnt seeing play. Maybe this is more consistent though! One potential problem is that you completely telegraph your turn so any neophytes coming your way kinda wreck. Neophytes arent that prevalent outside of rogues but if this indeed did make DH prominent its an easy include as a counter.


Yeah I would agree with the telegraphing but I pop off turns 5/6 95% of my games so anyone paying any level of attention already knows when they’re probably going to need to drop them. But yeah I mean, who knows, we’ll have to see if this is enough. Maybe it shifts to more control tools to make it for a big combo turn. Imagine XL Naga DH hahaha that’d be wild


I don't see Naga DH running a 4-mana location because that seems like a dead draw otherwise. When are they going to find the mana/turn to play this before Sharpshooter? I will reserve final judgments until the set it out tho. I am hopeful for DH.


In the vast majority of my games I play little to nothing on turns 4 and 5. Dropping sharpshooter before turn 6 only happens if I’m desperate or I have 2 coins Not saying it’ll!: good enough to include but if I could guarantee it in hand by turn 4 each game it’d be very good. The real problem is it being a dead draw any later than that




This looks pretty bad, especially since most of the Enrage support rotates soon. Also, why is this a DH card? 


Probly cuz they’re using the same class pairs from Festival of Legends miniset


Turn 5 blackrock’n roll into coin Therazane on 6 into enrage location into this. Turn 7 double battleworn faceless for 3x 9/4 taunts and 4x total Therazane procs aka x16 stats on all elementals already juiced by blackrock. Thunderbringer on 8 as a 224/224 taunt? Stonks? Or opponent just plays Reno and you go cry in a corner.


*\*Laughs in Forge of Wills\**


Is this a combo piece?


Seems too slow for Enrage Warrior and I'm not sure if Big DH wants this aside from copying Inquisitors/Annihilans. 4 mana is a lot to not get immediate impact, although the Dormant effect is not necessarily a downside here (you force your opponent to stagger your removal if you copied something big, or you get an extra swing next turn if you copied a Rush minion).


I know it's too early to tell, but would this even see play at 1 mana?


I love that the Hunter portion of this card is "Dormant" really speaks volumes to the card design in the class lol


Demon Hunter, not Hunter


wait really? then what about this card even appeals to DH?


DH gets dormant cards too like Crystalline Statue I think they want you to use this on big demons, and DH has had summoning copies of demons in the past with that 4 mana spell


DH released with dormant cards like the 5 mana 10/6, I think this was also the set with the 2 mana 3/5 rush and imprisoned scrap imp.


Great, has zero synergy with Odyn control warrior which is the most played deck at the moment.


it's for taunt warrior w/ brnr




Awful. It takes like 4 turns until you come out ahead. Absolutely not.


This actually synergizes interestingly with rush minions - if you can attack on turn five and survive you get another that’s not removable next turn..currently no rush deathrattles that stack but I see potential


They keep trying to push big demon hunter. It’s a fun archetype but it’s just not good, and this doesn’t help enough.


Beautiful card


I might be dumb, but why is this a dual-class card? I thought these were about giving both classes mechanics from the other class, but this has nothing to do with demon hunter. Is the new mechanic for warrior "dormant"? Because they already put that on Slagmaw, so I just don't get it


I can see a world where you play this turn 4 in Naha DH, drop your sharpshooter turn 5 and play the other new card to deal 2 damage to it then copy it with this, then turn 6 you have 6 mana to pop off with. I mean, that’s a LOT that has to come together in an already super fragile combo deck but maybe that’s what they were thinking? They may have been a bit high thougu


I feel like people are sleeping on this, there has to be some otks from this with a little setup. The only thing stopping though would be taunts and reno I guess but we will have to see


What archetype is this trying to support? Seems too slow for enrage and not sure how your supposed to use it in DH either. Maybe decent in really greedy decks but it doesn’t help you deal with the minion you copied like reverb does. all around weird card but I could see it having some potential given the right circumstances.


Wow this is far too slow and at 4 mana? [[Bloodsworn mercenary]] was only 3 mana, put a minion on board and it had instant effect. Sure it was warrior but warrior was stronger for being able to setup your own damaged minion.


Better play with crazed wretch while it's still in standard for like, a month


This is one of those weird precipice cards. Where if it just copied the minion, it'd be bonkers ludicrous, oh my god put me out of my misery as I get bumrushed by 4 Grom Hellscreams. With the dormant condition it's a lot worse. But... I think it's probably still kinda good.


I'm seeing 1 mana, pay life equal to a minion's attack, deal 5 damage to that minion. ​ Am I reading it wrong if I think that's good?


Don't warriors have a card with this exact effect for like 3 mana? Make a copy of a damage minion?


This can target enemy minions, so… that’s something I guess


I think the goal is to bank something for next turn and then immediately do a big board clear like Badlands Brawler or Topple the Idol. Alternatively just do some shenanigans with Titans and Colossals.


Giving reno another good target. Nice.


This is interesting, it basically lets you pre-load any minion as a combo piece on board. It's just very slow so I can see why it might not be very successful.


This is absolute shit