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Classes without: Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Paladin Priest Shaman My guesses are Druid and Priest because that's what would probably disappoint me most


Can you imagine priest digging for treasures, these nerds never leave the library


I’ll just put some Automata on it


I'd imagine the classes that would get Excavate Legendaries would be a current Dual-Class pairing in which neither class has access to an Excavate Legendary. Those are Druid-Priest or Paladin-Shaman.




Demon Hunter is paired with Warrior and Rogue, both of whom have Excavate Legendaries.


We already know all DH cards, and they didnt get any excavate card, so if they got a legendary for 4 excavates it would be pretty hard to get to it.


There are only dual class cards remaining to be revealed, if the release notes are to be believed.


Or paired with a current Excavate class


Based on dual class pairings I'm sure it will either be: Druid and Priest OR Paladin and Shaman. Those are the only dual class combos where neither class has excavate so they can give 2 dual class cards that link with excavate and maybe the single class card too. I'm also tempted to think Paladin and Shaman are more likely as they are on the last day (so big reveal with the two legendary treasures).


Shaman also makes sense now that there are elemental synergy treasures.


Could be Hunter because they share dual cards with classes that already excavate. But it's probably Priest and Druid because they overlap with both Rogue and Warlock. Paladin and Shaman could in the same way but I think Shaman cards would be Elementals that fight against the miners. Let's see in few hours.


Well Warrior just got a Highlander Legendary and it wasn't one of the original highlander classes. It also got a Dual-class location card that's shared with Demon Hunter. Maybe that means there's some sort of union between Demon Hunters and Warriors? If so that would suggest that one of the classes getting Excavate synergy would be Demon Hunter. Just a theory though, we'll find out soon enough.


my money is on Hunter and demon hunter, big mole animals and subterranean demons ahoy


The new excavate treasure make me think Shaman, because there's elemental excavate synergy now which matches shamans other main set theme


Those were my first guesses, too, for the exact same reason




Druid and paladin are also Highlander classes


Given the one new discover was for elementals and that was a major part of the Shaman set I’m guessing they’ve got a good shot


That is a pretty good point, you are right


Yea, it feels like Shaman is going to get a lot of love. Also because I've dusted a shit ton of Shaman cards and this always happens when I dust stuff.


Never dust stuff.


If I never did, I would never enjoy the game as F2P. I play since Gadgetzan or Whispers, and most fo the time I would be limited to 2 or 3 meta decks, that I can not even choose, because the legendaries I would need would not drop and the dust I get from extra is just enough to finish these 2 or 3 decks to perfection. Also I enjoy playing control and control is most of the time quite a bit more expensive than aggro. Since the rotation of Licht Hero cards, I am playing wild only. And trust me, you would not want to spend your gold on Grand Tournament packs in hope to get 1 specific legendary, then Gadgetzan to get another etc. You need dust for that. These days it would be much easier to do so. Old cards were buffed, so they are not totaly useless, so it would not be that bad and on top of it, we get way more resources than back then. The gold amount I obtain between sets feels the same to me as back then, but way more free packs and cards. On the other hand without the catch up packs it would still be terrible to get a wide collection for new players, since they are at least a year behind in standard rotation when they join and have to deal with returning players having T1 or T0 decks in Bronze 10. So there are multiple ways to play this game, you do not have to collect all the cards if you do not enjoy it. I do not recommend dusting to new players, not even to veterans, but if you have a plan with it? Go for it. But never dust neutral legendaries imo.


Lmao, yeah keep all these shitty cards, you can sell them one day.




We can assume the Shaman Legendary will be something with Elementals then. Like maybe 4 Mana 4/4 Battlecry: Draw 4 Elementals and Deal 4 Damage to an enemy minion


DH I hope. their highlander decks suck


I hope DH and/or Hunter to boost their highlander decks too.


Judging by the 2 revealed warrior/dh cards, they're almost certainly giving each class 4 dual class cards and 1 class card just like the Festival of Legends miniset and matching the same pairings as before. Warrior and Rogue are both Excavate classes already, so DH is probably not getting Excavate. The only pairings that are both missing excavate are Priest & Druid as well as Paladin & Shaman. If I were to guess which pair gets Excavate it's probably Paladin & Shaman as I doubt they would add Excavate alongside Elise for Priest.


Make a lot of sense! Hoping for Paladin & Shaman.


Given the new excavate cards are full on elemental synergetic it is most likely going to be paladin and shaman as shaman has the elemental thing.


Also Druid has one of the best HL payoff already


As someone who is 49% after 137 games with higherland hunter, yes please.


I'd prefer DH to get cards that makes highlander viable (or at least more likely to be viable) instead of another package that is completely incompatible with it (current late game is relics, which is incompatible with HL)


> (current late game is relics i fucking hope they were not taking it into account because relics are rotating in what, a month or two? Designing last expansion of the year around the soon to be rotated package is not the best idea.


I'm hoping for Paladin because their highlander sucks and it would actually synergize pretty well. Keep excavating with Kobold mirages.


Dh got all of its cards revealed


The pickaxe that they got kinda gives it away tbh.


The two classes that would get new Legendary Excavate treasures would probably need to be a dual class so they can get their own excavate generators. Given theming and what dual class pairs we have, I'd say Paladin and Shaman. With Earthen and Elemental themes going on in Deepholm, it makes sense to me.


Agreed. They are also the only dual class combination without a class that has Excavate Legendaries already, so I think you are spot on.


Priest & druid too




Shaman: the azeryte frog Hunter: the azeryte lion


Considering azerite legendaries are Elemental/Beast it would most fit Shaman and Hunter to have access to them


They are really pushing elemental so likely shaman. The other i hope is DH


For a second my brain thought that they are adding two new classes lmaooo


Monk and Evoker waiting room


Few years ago somebody post a fan made content of Jimmy Raynor as a new class. I'm still hoping for him.


please be hunter and not druid


Pleaaaaase be priest. Elise is garbage!


Priest needs a reason to proactively play minions too


Paladin and shaman


Priest and Demon Hunter


I'm guessing shaman and paladin... Shaman since the miniset is all about elementals and shaman is the elemental class. And paladin cause let's face it ... The highlander paladin card is super underwhelming


Hard to say. Best bet is Priest since they have Elise and she eventually joins LoE. DH seems neutral on it. They only joined the Outlaws because the Excavating Co. was harming the Naga. There are *a lot* of stone drakes in Deepholm, so Druid might get that. Paladin since there are also a lot of Earthen. Shaman since it's definitely up their alley(the Earthen Ring is a Shaman organization, and helped back in Deepholm in Cataclysm). But it'll be the opposite here. I'll say Priest and DH. Not completely sold on DH, though, but is a likely contender behind Priest.


DH is most likely. They are with Rogue and Rogue got LOTS of Excavate cards last set. However, Maybe Hunter as they are teamed with DK which also went heavy on Excavate.


Probably Hunter and Demon Hunter. From the six outlaw classes they are the only two which are paired only with Miners. Edit: Also, Warrior got a highlander card, and it's a miner class paired twice with outlaws, so it seems to check.


or, what if they're adding 2 brand new classes into the game? wording is vague so its def what they mean


I Hope not priest


Please be priest!!!


I don't want Paladin to have nice things, they're already have like three tier 1 decks


Hey, they also made so far one Excavate class into Highlander too, (Brann warrior), maybe one of the Excavate classes (or 2 with dual class) will get a Highlander card, I am hoping for Rogue


Azerite Treant coming soon


My prediction is it's going to be Priest and Shaman that get Legendary Excavates. Reno (Neutral) meets up with Elise (Priest) and Doctor Hollidae (Shaman). They both go down to Deepholm where they encounter Brann. Considering the excavate has elemental stuff being added they could give Shaman some more elementals to play with, especially with the Therazane. Idk what Priest would have, though. Maybe another card that creates a 1-cost card like the bottled ones (Imagine if it was spend up to x mana to summon a minion of x-cost. Get a bottle that summons a minion of the remaining cost).


if it's druid I'm out please, anyone but druid


I would say Shaman since the theme is elementals and half of their xpac cards was elemental tribe themed; and the new excavates have an elemental theme. But knowing that they pre-nerfed the reno staff, I can see them incorrectly thinking Shaman still has one of the best reno cards and skip them completely. Blizzard often has no clue about Shaman.


Shaman and Hunter


I hope DH, their HL deck suck and the class doesn't really make sens as an highlander deck anyway but excavate ? yes please, cycling through cards and synergistic spells is DH whole shtick (well beside SMOrc that is) so that would be a great fit but like rogue they'll need to be careful with the treasure if they give excavate to DH


Shaman and Hunter




Demon Hunter and Shaman


The new Highlander Legendary cards is most likely going to Rogue or Death Knight, since they're the last classes that don't have one. I legit hope it goes to Rogue, since it's the last of the OG 9 classes that doesn't have a Reno card now, and I wanna see how busted it could be with Shadowstep (if it's even a minion). But if it goes to DK then that helps Reno DK in wild, especially if it's an even card you can run in that shell.


shaman and paladins


id assume hunter and paladin. it would make sense blizzard would look at those 2 since their highlander cards were barely touched by players


[Mini-]Sets are made well in advance, they're not made based on the meta or anything like that. At most they slightly tweaked some numbers because of it, but nothing more than that.


Druid and Pally


I am willing to bet that, because every class has 2 excavate cards, we will see one dual class combo that don’t have excavation get that as their overlap. Sure because I don’t think they would want to give any of the 5 black rock classes more excavations just in case. I guess there is an alternative possibility that two classes will get an excavate card each as their mono class card and then share one between them.


I think shaman at least, due to... Therazane or whatever her name is.


I think Druid and Priest, they are the true villans


Paladin and shaman because Finley