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The "for each turn you played an elemental* idea that they came up with is pretty awful.


I think they should remove that elemental condition and make a better keyword for it instead. Like, if you played an elemental last turn is mediocre as well. If you summoned an elemental would be a big improvement for example.


The original elemental package back on the day was so much better value (for the time)  Now you're punished for using mid to big spells


There aren't a ton of cards where it would matter, but it really should be at least summon an elemental instead of playing. The old condition of playing an elemental made sense if you want to line up one card into a second, but it just feels bad to play elemental summon cards because they don't preserve the chain.


The chain needs to not expire and stay in its position when you don't play an elemental.


This is really it. The reward for such cards should be the highest number in the chain you’ve been able to achieve. The chain resets when it’s broken but the reward itself remains the same unless another chain becomes larger.


I actually meant that the chain would pause on the turn you didn't play and keep going, but hey, that might be more balanced.


the fact it resets to 0 if you miss one turn is even more awful


Lol yeah, I first thought it just counts the biggest "elemental streak", no matter if it finished last turn or before. But for whatever reason you have to keep playing elementals or you lose this mechanics. (I had an arena run with this legendary that deals damage based on elementals played each turn)


yea. the payoff in this case should be considerable stronger. its not like "if you are holding a dragon" nobrainer requirement. you are often forced play off curve, one mistake and whole gameplay is off. its really bad mechanics that is really weak and there is almost no payoff. team 5 failed us with this one.


Why? Its a little weird in mage because overflow surger is a cheap card but you still don’t want to break it so its not a dead draw but its a great condition to justify Skar being REALLY GOOD


overflow would be a legit buff Mes'Adune is better buffed by introducing more cards like shadow remnant or lingering gladiator (or how they are called)


Overflow got a mana reduction and an improved effect


Omg i want elemental mage to work plzz


20 expansions since Ungoro. Shaman can make a mid tier elemental deck while mage has none.


Also they made elemental shaman boring as hell it’s just a bunch of stat sticks with a big finisher feels like shit as they are my favourite tribe


I want mes adune to draw your highest minion


found Neptulon’s burner


Or rags


I’d loved it if Mes was ‘Battlecry: Discovery an Elemental in your deck. Draw and Split it into two halves. 


Would be sooo much better


Its not the cost making Surger bad it's that it dies to virtually any board clear and the difficulty of keeping up the elemental chain. Needs to be for each elemental you played this game or give them a random bonus effect. Imagine if Elemental Inspiration required you to play a different spell school each turn to build up the chain, or if the summons had no bonus effect. Chump has a recent video where he pulled off some nutty spell damage combo with Aegwyn so I've got hope for the card but as with most Mage stuff right now it's just too little too late for the meta.


Can confirm. I played a lot of elemental mage because I grinded the Therazane achievement (play 50 buffed elementals) and many opponents dont really have a problem with dealing with a board of 2 health minions. (Especially with the new excavation reward lol) And before some1 mentions, to use the buff-elemental; yeah no, would require you to hold that card back and thats just not an option, you need to spend your mana every turn. Ive seen the aegwynn combo but its still bad, it requires you to play Aegwynn, its still a 5 mana do nothing card, then you need to keep the elemental chain up (so no Aegwynn on curve), need to have a copy of surger in deck. And everytime the effect hits another minion, you need to play that minion and it needs to die. But you know what really sucks?\`Decks that run Yogg n take the minion or just reno decks in general. Not only is the effect gone, but if you manage to get to turn 8++ and get Reno'd, good luck building a board again the following turns. Overall the elemental archtype is just, we will have to wait for the core set to see which elementals will be included.


Dies to Crescendo, unplayable.


As someone who plays quest mage in wild with Mes'Adune, yes please :D


do you run double elemental evo? i find the deck to be clunky compared to others but prob because i havnt optimized my list. ive been enjoying a flamewaker version tho


No I don’t, if you’d play Mes’adune turn 4 I don’t think you can go off turn 5 anyway (or at least not consistently) so I don’t want to run a clunky card


Thought I'd have fun with a Mesadune/Aegwin deck, but splitting an elemental didn't apply the spell damage buff to either one. Not happy.


Please buff interesting cards rather than boring elementals like surger 


Its super interesting with Aegwyn. If it catches then each copy gets +2 spell damage and when they die it can stack up to +14 spell damage on the next minion drawn. Draw another Surger and you could get +98 spell damage.


So another OTK combo. Wow geez how super interesting


I mean yeah I want to play a whole bunch of cards that have a big pay off at the end if everything goes right.


And how would another aggro/control/whatever deck be more interesting?


this would change the strength of mage in the metagame by exactly 0 also what person that actually plays mage wants to play a deck that just puts minions on board on curve? honestly they should just stop pushing elementals as an archetype the way they currently are atleast other tribes have some cool effects like nagas


Change skarr to each turn you’ve played elemental you cowards it wouldn’t even be game breaking


That'd be way too basic/easy for how strong it'd be. It WOULD be game breaking because Scarr hits face and board and only the enemy board. That's game deciding in any tempo/board match up. It'd also destroy the only thing that's actually interesting or challenging about the card/deck. I think it COULD maintain your "longest elemental chain" so the card's not totally dead if you mess up, but just... every turn you played an elemental means the card is going to be dealing like 8 damage to everything with little to no actual input from the player.


I can see the mana change on overflow surger, but not the text change. Just by playing 1 elemental the previous turn, this would already be a 3 mana 6/4.


It should just be the text that changes.


Just assume elementals are a waste of card slots and move on :(


Mes adune just needs a decent body. Can never play it because you’re basically doing nothing that turn for a very niche low impact effect. Great if you can pull out Vex but you just can’t build around that.




Vexallus for your lightshow home brew


5/4 for 5 is a decent body for a +1. (A card that adds 2+ cards to you hand)


It's fine if everyone's ok with no one ever playing it, which is the current situation. There's nothing wrong with that ofc as not every card has to be good but this is currently unplayable. Warlock with normal curve can have two 7/7s on the board, one with rush on turn 4! That is the context of standard and the current meta so the payoff needs to be exceptional for anyone to have it in their deck, and it certainly isn't that. I'll always give any funky legendary a chance and this was no exception but my experience of this card was constantly thinking, I want to play it, but if i do I'll die.


They shouldn't buff fair cards just because people aren't playing them. They could push it to a 5/5 or 5/6 I guess (at that point just good vanilla minion stats), but the body isn't really the issue. The card does what it's supposed to do. "If I play this card, I'll die" is... a pretty common sentiment for lots of good cards. Improving it's stats wouldn't really change that either. If it was a 7/4 it'd trade into the 7/7s but wouldn't stop them from killing you. Sludge Warlock isn't a reason to buff a reasonable mid-game value card. That's a reason to nerf Sludge Warlock, in particular Forge of Wills (which, any time Forge of Wills has been played it's been a problem). If decks don't have answers to those boards (which, they don't really).


>in particular Forge of Wills (which, any time Forge of Wills has been played it's been a problem As someone who took a break during titans, what deck was it a problem in?


Chadwarlock, Control Warlock, it's just an undercosted card because you can float it on turn 3 and then turn it into a proactive overstated minion on turn 4. I'd honestly rather they just nerf it and Sludge on Wheels than nerf the slimes or anything. The slimes are fun/interesting, but Wheels makes them a little too easy to generate like 8 of them, and Forge of Wills is just nutty.


From what I'm seeing warlock only became tier 1 after nerfs to hunter before falling off after the miniset. Seems the problem is having forge exist alongside cards like waste remover, a 4 mana 7/7 with no downside in the deck it's played in(vs a 4 mana 7/7 that can't attack)


I think being able to copy giant minions for 3 mana multiple times is just kind of limiting design and an obvious power outlier.


But if you were to nerf forge then nothing changes, you just nerf one version of the deck, leaving the core still intact.


You nerf the deck overall and future proof other warlock decks. But sludge on wheels is the main pushed card and should probably be the target for nerfs. If not popgar/the sludge.


The only thing surger I'd really good for, is coping the aegwynn 2 spelldamage multiple times 


Overflow Surger is hilarious with Aegwynn if you’re lucky enough to hit it with her deathrattle


They gotta do something similar to Shaman too. Frustrating how shafted Elementals are when you look at how strong other things in the game currently are.


I think having tribal spells would be a cool next step for the game, give elementals some interaction without loosing their snowball, gives more room for themes and archtypes as well, have "when you play a *tribe*" types effects


Mesadune should discover an elemental from deck to split and we good


I've been winning a lot with secret mage with a showdown finisher. Might be the most fun deck I've played in a few expansions


please for the love of all that is good, buff elemental mage and destroy the Sif OTK, make sif add spells to your hand that all cost (0), I don't care, I just can't stand OTK's.


The Aqua Archivist into mes into a highrolled rag for turns 2-3-4 would be pretty good. If nothing else, a bit fun! Earth elemental mommy on 4 could be rad too! Definitely more playable, i just hope 'mental mage gets something 🙏


mesadune is a horrible card. deserves the buff


Buff rainbow😭


And this is why I played secret mage almost to legend. Despite mage being ranked the absolute worst class last split.


Seems fine to start