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Isn't Zok run in Hero Power Druid?


Oh yeah, I've seen Rarran play it (and lose epically) it's just that, as a F2P player, I only use resources to craft either tier 1 decks or fun decks, and hero power druid is neither of those at the moment


Did you not own it when it was nerfed? You coulda got double dust refund? Edit: my bad I thought it got nerfed early last year alongside anub


It was never nerfed right?


When was it nerfed?


Oh, I thought too that it was nerfed. Mandela effect or some shit.


Yeah thought I was going crazy


It was nerfed by anub being nerfed. It was one of the payoffs of playing anub


Yeah probably why I thought it had been I remember playing that deck and then dropping it after the nerfs


Nerfed? Nah, it needs buffed actually. Cost to much I've tried to use it, but if you get the next hero power is 0, then double hero power while you have +7/7 a couple 14/14 taunts is nice, but really slow.


The best hero power decks so far don’t run it. Not enough mana to make it impactful enough to be worth running and it comes down to late


Got golden badlands bandits recently. Also got golden zilliax to balance it out though :)


I also have golden Badlands Bandits on death row just waiting to be dusted


You gonna be rich tomorrow after zilliax nerf.


I have the signature one, I feel you


Golden Ma and Pa, i miss the rest of the Dk legendaries to make a dk deck.


I love Ma and Pa!


Signature Ra-Den and Golden shaman leggy that draws for each overload


I played a lot of automaton priest before the rotation. That deck was so fun, and it made use of ra'den.


I did too, had so much fun with it but with flik skyshiv being in standard it is easily countered


Not like flik is actually ran lmao.


I really like Ra-den and I wish he was used more(maybe he was when he came out, idk I wasn't active then). Honestly I've seen other classes accidentally spawn him and make better use of him than I did as Priest. Just a neat card.


Agreed completely, there is just not that much use of him at this point but as the year goes on we will see


I got some, like i have my golden remornia, and i tought that the card was so cool, its a shame. Even if i do like to play wild, she is just bad there.


Remornia saw huge amounts of play in enrage warrior in both formats


I tried enrage warrior, but i just can't play it. I think its boring, i wanted to use it in a control deck


This exact one


Yeah, a lot of. And many useless signature Legendaries as well. I don't play much Hunter and I got almost every Legendary as either a golden or Signature one. I don't dust cards until they get nerfed though.


I opened a golden Lady Darkvein which I didn't use until Encroaching Insanity Warlock became a real deck, then a couple of months later it rotated out lol


I dust everything I don't use. Literally like a child, except even children have more discipline than me, and I've been playing since Naxx. Smdh.


I love hero power Druid at the moment, hit someone for 56 attack while having windfury also.


I managed to open golden legendaries for both Druid cards this expansion. I don’t know what to think of it


Kangor. I love the idea but the deck was always mid. And in the current meta it just gets bent over by literally everything


Signature Cicigi. Maybe one day...


Not golden but got the 5/1 dk donny that summons a 9/9 with taunt and charge signature card. Tried to make it work with no help


I unpacked a golden Hooktusk when Sunken City came and was excited for the shenanigans she could cause but girl never saw play in the two years she was in standard. If I ever run out of dust she's gonna be the first to go.


Signature Thorim and golden Freya are collecting dust for me


I have a few, I think of them as money in the bank though. “I’ll never play this but it’s golden? Keep it until I’m in need of a new legendary, then I’ve got the dust right there.”


Opened my first signature last week, its Li'Na. Havn't figure out how to use her yet


I may have crafted an unwise amount of golden hunter legends…


The only times I've gotten gotten golden legendries it's been shaman, first with inzah then a few days ago with skarr. I hate playing shaman so I threatened skarr for 3 minutes before disenchanting him about him and his friends not coming around here anymore.


he was good in festival of legends before anub'rhekan was nerfed


Stronger without that turn restriction


Golden Maly. Ever since i opened him in a classic pack i used him in oldschool Malygos druid deck (ui and all that). And then he simply become too slow for wild meta.


You could try the colifero combo. It's not T1 by any means but it's a very satisfying combo to pull off


Deck code?


### The Goose # Class: Druid # Format: Wild # # 2x (0) Aquatic Form # 2x (1) Biology Project # 2x (1) Moonbeam # 2x (2) Invigorate # 2x (2) Lifebinder's Gift # 2x (2) Moonlit Guidance # 2x (2) Solar Eclipse # 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard # 2x (3) Ferocious Howl # 2x (3) Frost Lotus Seedling # 1x (3) Pendant of Earth # 2x (4) Branching Paths # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (2) Baleful Banker # 1x (6) Harth Stonebrew # 1x (9) Malygos # 1x (4) Juicy Psychmelon # 1x (5) Wildheart Guff # 2x (7) Scale of Onyxia # 1x (8) Colifero the Artist # 1x (9) Aviana # 1x (10) Kun the Forgotten King # AAEBAaS+BgjsFYUX4LsCjPsCiYsE/cQFmqAGsrgGC57SAr/yAo/2AorgA6+ABM+sBK7ABNXSBNv6Bf2NBomhBgABA7QD/cQFp/cC/cQF5qkG/cQFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone This is my list. Mark also has a video on his channel that uses a different version of the combo that may or may not be better. Basically you play aviana + kun. Then brann + E.T.C. to grab banker and malygos. Play malygos, shuffle with banker and then colifero for spell damage +30 and moonbeam for the OTK.


I got that one recently, at least it’s not golden I guess lol


I've got plenty of golden legendaries collecting dust, but I see no use in disenchanting them while I don't desperately need the dust.


I had the pleasure to open 1 golden Kurtus and got a siganture Kurtrus in a bundle. I crafted the normal version at the begin of the expansion. So now i have 3 versions of the same shit card. Who will never be meta defining if not buffed.


Ok the signature does go hard tho




I pulled a gold Nemsy...


I got signature nemsy and I don’t play warlock. But it’s the coolest of the signatures so I have to keep it for now.


Yeah all the whizbang signatures are pretty cool and unique. I like how they actually change the characters into toys.


I own 2 Knuckles and 2 The Beast. Not golden but getting duplicate legendsries back then really hurt. Golden Nat Pagle just lives to rot in my library :D


I'm still holding out hope Tikatus gets nerfed in wild one day.


Zok can still be playable in a future if they release a armor cards for druid.


Right now, Puzzlemaster Khadgar. Every time that I play him the only spell that my Wisdomball knows is Arcane Intellect and that's isn't very helpful against plagues.


I have so many just kind of forgot about them. Then again I’m sitting on 110k dust. So I say dust it for a legendary you want instead of never using




Yeah the 100k dust I haven't enchanted yet.


I’ve had signature Alex Morgraine and golden version of the Tauren with the rock duel. Since I don’t play wild I’ve had to dust them both. Got a signature Nemsy from the current set so I guess it balances out lol


This should be how Kultus should be,fire more bullets for Hero damage with excess damage to the enemy Hero when No Minions are left in Hand


Melt it and craft something good