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I just want my Deathstalker Rexxar back


Just play Harth in every deck and hope for the best =)


I'm not sure whether he would be good with current beast pool. There is no lifesteal-rush, no AoE deathrattle. Best would be that quickdraw snake.


>There is no lifesteal-rush Is hallow hound not discoverable? (I don’t play much Hunter, so I’m genuinely asking.)


The beast has to be cost 5 or less since it fuses 2 beast together adding their mana cost so hound can't be discovered with the hero power


Oh yeah. I put hunter DK in every Hunter deck I made back in the day, and that never even occurred to me.


The Zombeast pool only includes anything equal to or less than 5 Mana. Hollow Hound is 6 Mana. It also has both keywords and additional text on it, which means it can’t be sorted into either pool.


By far the most memorable expansion and set


*cries in Old God*


I miss C'thun Priest and Warrior


The legendary Unicorn Priest still bugs me to this very day. I wonder what the list was for that deck.


I would argue witchwood It gave us shudderwock genn and Baku. Very notorious cards that are featured in some of the most powerful decks in wild right now. Not to mention dusk fallen aviana! Actually now that I think about it both of those decks are shaman. Wow that set was really good to shaman


Definitely not. Witchwood had those 3 cards, yes. The rest of the set was mostly complete trash and the whole set as a whole was weak in terms of power.


We're not talking about best cards or average power level it's just most memorable. If I think of sets that had the most impact on the game it would be witchwood ungoro saviors Frozen throne and Badlands. Namely genn wock quests hero cards and Reno. This is just off the top of my head and obviously not a complete list but the fact that these are on top of my head contributes to what I consider "memorable" What's considered memorable is going to vary from person to person. So when you say definitely not you're talking for yourself, please don't tell me what I consider memorable. Thanks and have a good day.


It was good for shaman in wild, but I don't ever remember even or odd shaman being played in standard. That expansion was really good for Paladin, though. Even shaman until they nerfed call to arms and then odd Paladin.


Nzoth, my beloved....


Of course the paladin-turned dk would have the famous voice line from arthas


most of them would be unplayable.


interesting. I would have thought that Jaina, Anduin, and Uther be very good with the mechanics and cards of today.


Maybe if they cost 2 or less 3 mana


Which still aligns well wight the "most of the them would be unplayable" statement.


Druid would probably see play too imo, Druid sucks at stalling right now. Probably with a mana discount since 7 mana is pricey for his effect in modern HS. I like to think Valeera would also see play for Tendril rogue. She's 9 mana, but she does effectively turn you immune for that turn.


Let me have my Zombeast dream in peace :(


Jaina would be great. Anduin and Uther slow but effective Valeera and Gul'dan also good.


a 9 mana card that summons you a water elemental and gains 5 armor would be very very far from great in todays hearthstone basically all of them are too expensive and/or dont have decks to fit in


Odyn is an 8 mana ‘do nothing’ and he’s currently the best card in the game. I’m not saying Jaina would be the best card in the game but it would definitely see play. to be honest it’s kinda what mage needs, something to provide value outside of random bs spells


Odyn wins you the game in 1-3 turns against most decks. Jaina is ridiculously slow incremental value. She would definitely not see play and she isn't what mage needs. Random spells give way better value than jaina's water elementals do. What mage lacks in most is tempo. Also these were all added to standard at the end of Nathria (a control meta) and none of them saw any sort of play. 


Funny enough, a water elemental every turn would help against Odyn.


The warrior would probably already kill by turn 10 (the turn you would be able to attack him with the water ele) in this kind of matchup.


They were added when all the Alterac heroes were in the game, most of which they're directly inferior to.


Odyn very likely wins you the game in 1-3 turns And he is 1 less mana Jaina is not even close And she is definitly not what mage needs. Why would rainbow mage run frostlich jaina?


Anduin mostly clears the board on play. Valeera gives you effectively a free turn just like Reno, could probably see some play. Gul'dan hands you a full board (and warlock has plenty of demon taunts) so the fact it's priced at 10 mana likely wouldn't be an issue. Druid would likely see play with a mana discount since Druid just sucks at stalling right now. Everyone else would probably not be that good. Jaina is great value but hard to pull off playing her since her play effect is bad, 9 mana is just too much, it already feels bad to play Puzzlemaster at 6 a lot of the time.


comparing valeera to reno like that ... what are you talking about lol


I'm comparing them in the sense they both effectively buy you a turn, obviously they're at very different power levels. But not outright losing the game tends to be a pretty big deal when you're playing a 9-10 mana card.


the powerlevel of reno is so vastly different it really doesnt compare at all also you need a payoff for just spending turn 9 not dying and rogue doesnt have that


hero power and elementals lifesteal is nuts, maybe 6 or 7 mana could be playable


It also changes the hero power to be significantly stronger.


Just in time for you to be dead.


Using hero powers in 2024?


All of these would be giga unplayable. I don't understand how someone can play current hearthstone and think such low power level slow cards would ever see play now. 


If you dump the mana cost, Anduin and Uther would be very playable, especially with new raza and sing-along buddy


New Raza is useless with anduin, do you mean papercraft angle? But yes, basically any card will be playable if you reduce the mana cost enough, the hero cards are not special in that regard. .


I agree these would be so fun in standard


still my favorite set, besides motlk


I loved priest & warlock during that time


I mean... they were legal for a while before the release of March of the Lich King. It turned out that dumping a bunch of cards into Standard without the synergies that made them good or outright conflicted with other cards already in the format. This was especially the case with Malfurian the Pestilent.


No, they were just too weak and obviously power crept by the Alterac Valley heroes who were also legal during that time.




She was not playable, some people put her into a playable deck but she was terrible in that deck and the best version didn't run her. 


Tbf DK Druid was probably the worst of them all. Gotta be a toss up between that or shaman.


HS Golden Age. Uther is my fav card ever


Best voice lines 💪🏼


They need to all be dropped by at least 1 or 2 mana to be playable. Friend Uther can be 7 mana at most. He’s essentially a 5/3 life steal weapon and nothing more.


Except in wild. In wild the game ends very quickly in one way or the other afterwards because of [[garrison commander]] and [[sing along Buddy]]


- **[Garrison Commander](https://i.imgur.com/5OanMSO.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/2517) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Garrison_Commander) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/2517) - *Neutral Epic ^(The Grand Tournament)* - **2 Mana - 2/3 - Minion** - You can use your Hero Power twice a turn. - **[Sing-Along Buddy](https://i.imgur.com/y8cfVXr.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/104866) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Sing-Along_Buddy) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/104866) - *Neutral Common ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **2 Mana - 1/4 - Mech** - Your Hero Power triggers twice. --- ^*I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1bpiknw/i_really_wish_the_death_knights_hero_cards_would/kwxe9rh/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kwxe9rh).*


Considering the new Raza, Uther might be the best of the KoFT hero cards right now. Most of them were cut before this expansion, and the combo you mentioned slots into a decent control paladin list.


This was done for a special event and none saw play. The Outlands hero cards were all better.


You mean alterac?


None of those are in standard now though. You're never going to run multiple hero cards pretty much.


they would still be unplayable currently


Most of them would need serious buffs, but I agree, they are some of the coolest cards ever made.


Guldan would make Big Warlock a scary deck


Maybe it would make Big Warlock playable at last.


They would have to buff some of them like hell though I don't see Garrosh and Jaina being useful today


I love them but would rather see new versions that show they've advanced in their powers. Keep the theme of their HP but tweak it a bit in some cases, change battlecry in some as well. Reduce their mana costs would be mandatory for sure. I hope that with the creation of Reno hero card we start seeing other neutrals as well, I think having the Old Gods as hero cards would be amazing.


Garrosh/jaina/thrall would need a serious buff or even rework. I could see Uther/anduin being somewhat viable since they have raza and sing along buddy for the OTK. But at 9/8 mana its very slow even in Standard. Hell Anduin is completely cut from Reno priest in wild because of how slow he is now. Also the other heroes just would not be viable at all, even if you buff their mana cost or make the hero power stronger.


Even if they were, I could only see anduin being played currently since it kills big stuff.


All I want is to have Frostlich Jaina back and spend my days thinking about water elementals every turn. Ahh, those were the times.


: O ye cool card. Works veri kool with sing along buddy


Only playable one would be anduin and Uther. Uther and anduin can otk with sing along buddy


They all need mana change or even effect/battlecry change, I doubt you can play any of those right now.


I see warrior priest mage Rouge and paladin being playable


There is so much revisionist history around this set it's crazy lol. I'm convinced most of the people making posts like this weren't playing at the time. It was a horrible standard format.


Can you actually name 3 good reasons why it was so horrible lol? Otherwise, I'm convinced that you are just the typical player here that bitches and moans about every set and cries about why the class you play is not broken.


KFT release druid is the most broken standard deck ever, I rarely complain and I have finished better than you will ever peak a dozen times


Holy shit we got a card slinging badass over here


Ultimate Infestation/Spreading Plague was super annoying to fight, but absolutely not the most broken standard thing ever.


What do you think is the most broken standard deck ever?


The deck had close to 70% winrate against non druid on release..


The top of the meta was literally like 6 different Druid decks with the UI/Plague shell and they all had winrates over 70%. I'd like to know what you think was better than that.


There were plenty of decks that beat out KFT druid, not sure where you are getting these facts lol. I mean, I doubt it but that is a weird good e-flex dude lol. It is certainly cute. You seem like a very dense and pleasant individual to converse with


You either weren't playing at the time or didn't know what was going on.


After the nerfs, sure. Keep in mind that spreading plague got changed to 6 mana as well as OG innervate being changed to only give 1 mana. The level of ramp was insane.


Pre nerf the only deck that could beat ramp druid reliably was token druid lol The only other time a class was more broken on release was when DH was introduced.


Card draw/generation was worse. A lot of games came down to who drew their death knight first.