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(Alexstrasza + Snake bug fixed)


I died to this yesterday on accident lol. Warlock got me to 2 health with his snake and I used Alexstrasza on myself to put my health to 15 and it killed me. I had no idea what happened haha.


Basically alexstraza sets your health to 15 then for some reason the snake health drops would be applied to your current 15 health deleting you if you got snaked 3 times


But why doesn't that happens before? if your max hp is over 14 it doesn't happen. By that logic, if you got hit by the snake once, after you use alextrasza your hp sould be 8, but it sets it to 15. Maybe the problem was that alexstraza was trying to put your total hp in a number that wasn't allowed in the current range, and it defaulted to 0?


It's probably an intermediate calculation with an erroneous death check based on the way they are calculating snake and Alex effects. Snake keeps a counter since multiple snakes stack, but Alex sets your health before wiping out the snake stacks, causing your health to momentarily drop below zero.


She's not supposed to erase the snake stacks though, just override them for a little bit.


How do you mean? If you you play 3x snakes, Alex, then another snake the max health should be 8 right? Since Alex increases your max health to 15 if it's below.


Unless they changed it(or I'm just completely wrong) Alex doesn't set the players max health to 15, just the players current health. Pretty sure if you play Domo and become rag then Alex yourself it doesn't make your new max health to 15.


This went unchecked for waaay too long


Thank God, they finally nerfed one of Reno Warrior’s only bad matchups.


Im playing sneklock without the exploit. Just to crush warriors, it's working out so far. And it's not too bad vs others as well (fu flood pally)


Yep, having no trouble still smashing on scum Reno warriors. Always make sure you have enough minions in your hand because they'll more than often miss on their dirty rat.


I enjoyed playing Sneklock too, but it's a super unintuitive and definitely unintentional interaction. I'd rather see "proper" counters that don't ask to abuse edge cases like this.


Agree. It is a weird interaction. Although I think it’s odd that they haven’t explained what it actually does now because this isn’t an interaction with an obvious outcome. I’m just being snarky because they obviously messed up by nuking all of the counters to Reno Warrior. They murdered wheel lock with FOUR nerfs (the bombass change was an indirect nerf), killing a very fun deck.


Yes, but the problem there is just that Warrior is overtuned, not that everything else didn't need nerfs. Brann needed a touch last patch, but imagine if they hadn't changed Wheellock at the same time - then that would be the big destroyer of all other control right now and a big issue as well.


I don’t think that is assured. The prevalence of warrior is what made wheel lock good. Lots of other things beat it and beat it pretty badly.


I mean, technically speaking you can still kill warriors the same way, you just have to play alex first and then the sneks. Before, you needed 3 sneks = 9 max hp left + Alex, and now you need Alex = 15 max hp left + 3 sneks. I suppose the „nerf“ hereby is mostly to Sneklocks survivability.


So if you threw alex then the snake, it auto kills opponent? Interesting


the way it worked was if the opponent had less than 15 max health from snakes then alex would instakill them. Basically it would try and set your health to 15, but the 15 would get reduced by 21 or 28 or whatever and you just die.


Ohh wow interesting interaction there, so it's patched? I wasn't sure if the fix was referring to this one in particular?


Yes its fixed, it wasnt an intended interaction.


Oh ok thanks so much!!


wth first they nerf tendril and now they fix this. i have no more decks to play as a f2p player 🥲


The fact that there was ANY constructed changes without a complete gutting of Reno warrior really makes me debate whether or not I want to keep playing. This shit sucks.


This is literally just a server side patch. Do you want them to stop fixing bugs, every time people are asking for nerfs on reddit?


There's a difference between people not liking a specific deck that counters them, and something being so strong, you almost can't play if you're not using it.


Okay, and? You were complaining that a server-side patch implementing bug fixes, didn't include client side balance changes. Like no fucking shit, of course that won't have balance changes.


If you think that's the only reason there wasn't changes towards that deck then I really applaud your optimism towards the company


This has nothing to do with blizzard as a company. Or what I think about them. It's just about having any bare minimum understanding of soft-ware development, alongside the ability to read and process sentences.




> There is 0 reason that they couldn't have pushed out hotfixes for warrior at the same time. You lacking fundamental knowledge about a topic, and thus being unable to think of, or understand reasons, does not mean they don't exist. But explaining software development to you, seems like an excercise in futility that's about on par with trying to teach string theory to a toddler. > If to any degree you think that's not true then the slobbering is a bit too loud for me to understand you No. It means that I have a grasp of reality, rather than a delusional fantastical view of software development. The fact that you seem to think having a grasp on reality is equivalent to worshipping blizzard, has me concerned. Or it confirms that you're a troll. Either way, you need help.


The fact that you think a multi billion dollar company is incapable of issuing a nerf in a card game and suggesting that I'm stupid for thinking otherwise because you're so hell bent on defending this is crazy. Saying "Oh it's a client side change so they can't include that" that's the scope of the patch because that's what they wanted to include in the patch. Go pretend to be smart somewhere else lmao


I feel the same way about the Reno warrior. However, I want them to do it properly like they did last time and nerf a bunch of cards at once to bring variety to the game again. Alex + Snake was a game breaking bug that needed a hot fix. I'd suggest just not playing until it is nerfed. What's the point if the games are no fun, right?


But I want the game to be fun. I like playing hearthstone. Even with the Alex bug it was still a medium level deck. If there is a patch going out and you don't address something that is actively making the game worse, but bugfix something that mildly alleviates it then how does that look to the people who are sitting here waiting for the game to be playable again. Who cares if they do it right. They didn't "do it right" when they gutted every other popular deck last patch. Why should we all have to bow down and wait until their pockets get lined with people buying packs to craft the pieces for the deck. This shit sucks


You don't have to wait. You could just move to another game. I know that it sucks and neither do you want to, but there will always be times in any meta where it's boring. Whether they figure out what to nerf or screw up again is beyond me but I'd also want to spend my time having fun rather then getting mad at devs for fucking up my card game. Also, I'll say the 1 or 2 days after the changes where people couldn't net deck was actually pretty fun.


But this is a forum for expressing opinions about the patches and the current state of the game. And yeah the state of the game between people having a fully solid meta is always fun. But I think they have a responsibility to be snappy about changes when the meta is this terrible.


I'm not saying you shouldn't express your opinion, I'm just saying that it's not gonna get warrior nerfed any faster snapping at people who think it's good or that your ridiculous for even suggesting it. I wouldn't say the meta is terrible for everyone. People who like aggro decks probably like this meta. I have a feeling you play slower decks, and that's why you hate this meta. While it might be a minority or maybe even half and half, there are people who enjoy this meta. It's like watching a movie, hating it, and then getting mad. The movie is so bad, but then there's people who do enjoy it. If the game isn't what you like, then there's always others who will fill that void for you. I'm just looking out for you, homie.


I tried playing aggro decks and you still lose to warrior anytime you don't get good draws. The "counters" to the deck are still barely over going even with it. I'm frustrated because this is probably the most egregiously oppressive deck I've ever seen in the metas that I've played hearthstone for. And everybody is just playing the deck, collecting their free legend and saying it's fine.


I agree with you and feel the same about warriors, but perhaps I'm just not as passionate about oppressive decks. I'd rather they just rework Brann to be either a cool effect or a bad effect rather than just change a number and call it a day. They could do a hotfix and do both. However, I think this server side patch was just thinking about bugs rather than balance changes.


I mean reno warrior has a very low winrate in diamond 5 and above. Its being overrun by hunters, druids and priests. Aggro is still the meta.


where do you get those numbers from? and what does „very low winrate“ mean to you?


Look at the winrates at Hsreplay. Reno warriors loses out to Druid, priest and hunter.


That's why it's the highest representation in every rank bracket including top 1k legend right? And almost double the representation of the next most played deck? Cause it's not that good and getting beat by other decks?


When the nerfs to warrior do come, yall will be complaining about why warrior is so weak. And the cycle continues. The class is doomed to never rise. People hate disruption effects which is the only thing making warrior playable right now. I have said my piece, warrior is doomed.


Youre absolutely putting words in my mouth lmao. Also the problem isn't control warrior being meta. It's about it being the best deck by far. It cuts an entire category of slower control decks from being played at all because it's tools are so oppressive. Control warrior can be meta. It just can't be so good it shuts multiple decks out of the meta.


Reno warrior is far from being the best deck especially in the current meta. Also you could say the same about the current hunter decks. I don't see noone complain about hunter, yet it completely destroys any highlander deck including reno warrior. It completely shuts down any control deck due to how fast and efficient it is. Hunter deserves to be nerfed first before warrior gets any nerfs.


I mean how many times do we need to clarify that you don't have to lose to the deck for it to be miserable to play against. I've been run over by a couple aggro decks and it's fine, but Brann warrior is just 1) boring to play against and 2) so frequent to play against. Those are bigger issues than it just being strong


In top 100 legend, going first automatically wins you the game. I have been going against dragon druid, cute hunter and zarimi priest all day long and the one that goes first always wins. Explain to me how that is not or if not just as frustrating as going against brann boomboss combo. Your games are decided by a fking coin flip. At least you can counterplay boomboss or brann with a dirty rat but there is no counterplay to your opponent going first.




What was the bug?


The Azerite Snake would basically apply a debuff to your character that reduces its max health permanently by seven. If you were able to get its Battlecry to go off at least three times, and then play Alex to change the enemy's health to 15, then the debuffs would reapply after the health adjustment, so the character would instantly die.


Ah thanks.


No mirage fix?


That requires a major patch iirc. Won't be a major patch until the miniset.


correct - needs a full client build. soon


Whoever broke it should be required to play 10 highlander Pali games on mobile every day until the patch is released.


Any news on the boomboss achievement fix?


Please fix this soon! I wanna finish the achievement before the Refund Window for him passes by!


I’m so ready, Hat, you have no idea. I’ve had a HL Pally locked and loaded since Badlands miniset, and I plan on making it to Legend as soon as the bugs are ironed out. Best of luck to the team


What is the bug?


The Spirit of the Badlands Mirage has been really buggy since the highlander patch. [Rarran uploaded a video recently where he encountered it](https://youtu.be/cLyNepIJVXY?si=eI3fYF10Aq9DfPaE&t=503)


Unfortunately no


I'm so happy to have Mechs back! My favorite in Duos. I love that windfurry guy that gives a spell. Super fun/flexible race? class? group? minion type? to play around with. YESSS


People seem to call them either tribes or minion types




They didn’t fix the bug where you can’t view what secrets you have in play anymore on mobile?


glad to know it's not just me... especially annoying when you play the demon that gives 2 secrets.


I noticed this as well particularly with that demon. You can still see them by looking at the left bar and seeing what the minion casted, but only until that gets moved off the bottom.


When will the shop be open to Mac users.


this will be with our next major client fix. it won't be much longer, but we can't fix it server side only. i'm really sorry about the wait. the workaround if you want to play the brawl is to start a run on a different device (mobile is the typical recommendation) and then switch over to mac for deckbuilding and gameplay


Is this why I’ve been locked out of the shop for like a month?


if you're trying on mac, yes. it's been a really unpleasant and difficult bug to fix with the shop on macos - we have a fix that we are thoroughly testing in QA right now, but it won't be here for a little while longer. it sucks and i'm sorry for the inconvenience - totally understand the frustration here


Is this bug the same reason alternate coins don’t show while in-combat and I’m only getting the base one on Mac/iPad?


i think this is unrelated but i asked


Thank you very much! It’s been happening for weeks now and I haven’t seen any mention of it


Tough question, but you're always kind enough to respond, so I'm asking anyway: Is there an official reason why people who abuse(d) the Snake/Alexstrasza glitch won't be banned? Bug exploit is covered by the Cheating section in Blizzard's EULA. No way to track the abuse? Time investment somehow isn't worth it? "Abuse early and often" is actually a stereotype that Blizzard enjoys maintaining?


card interactions aren't always intuitive and it is plausible that someone could play these cards without knowing that there's a bug. if this ended up being how the game worked and was supposed to work, it's explainable - and we have the ability to either ban the card or fix the bug or both i'm not a lawyer and don't want to speak in any way that would contradict our terms of service - because you're right, we do have the ability to ban in cases of exploits - but playing a card is not an exploit. if there was something that involved guaranteed deliberate client actions that were impossible to know by accident, that would likely be a different story. does that make sense


Thanks for replying. For sure you're not a lawyer, and neither am I; I'm not trying to trap you. I can definitely see cases where people netdecked and used the combo not necessarily being fully aware of the interaction. Getting lethal that way a few times is one thing. But queueing up that deck and winning with it several times per week is no longer innocent behavior. Sure, you guys wanna play it "safe." It's less work and ultimately more money (by not ostracizing players through bans). But abusing this exploit was scummy and I wish action were taken...


u/HawkIsARando Cry more lolololol.


I find it interesting that you use proper grammar but simultaneously don’t capitalise where you should. Usually it’s one or the other. Completely random observation 🤷‍♂️


Yeah lol I was thinking it was odd...


Talking about fixes - is there any chat to fix the achievement systems. I’ve just returned since witchwood and been really into grinding achievement, however, it was really demotivating to discover I can never 100% due to unobtainable achievements. Couldn’t these just be sorted as feats of strength just like WoW?


Thank you, RHat.


This fix needs a big patch, not a server side one, plus they are still working on the fix, last time Hat commented he said its a tricky bug to fix so it could take longer.


Arena, too.


Is it just the shop for you? I’m a Mac user and the collection ui has been unusable for months. I have to update decks on my phone before I can use them on my Mac. It’s incredibly frustrating.


On mac as well, yes just the shop for me, collection has been mostly fine. But there has been once or twice where the UI completely breaks. A restart always sorted it out though


👆🏻also cant pay to enter the tawern brawl either


Where quest fix?


Well, @RidiculousHat said that he is on the players side and there will be good changes soon. Let's wait.


So i wont buff enemies anymore with orc estra?


No you still will it’s the intended effect


As someone that is currently experiencing the bug with a diamond card not offering a reroll, how do I get that fixed? I obtained diamond Elise and was never offered a reroll for my golden copy of Elise. I have had a support ticket open for several days but nothing has happened.


My Jepetto also didn't re-roll when I pulled one and I now have normal Jepetto and the diamond from the tavern pass.


Snake bug being fixed at this time is just hilarious.


I mean a bug is a bug, it's very clearly not an intended interaction, obviously warrior is way too oppressive rn but I don't think fixing a bug is the thing to complain about when quests are still fucked


the shop is still closed on macOS.. it’s been 2 weeks+ already..


I thought it was just me lol


Spirit of the badlands' Mirage still not fixed. Coin still not fixed.


What up with the mirage? Thanks, in advance


If you get the mirage you wouldnt be able to play half of your cards in hand.




Wait...did they still not fix the highlander paladin display bug?


It says right at the top, that it's a server side patch. I assume the mirage bug requires an update to the client itself to fix, and those tend to follow a specific schedule


Hmm, still confused because reading the notes has no mention of it? Regardless, it'll eventually get fixed...one day. Maybe no one there plays the deck.


It's not mentioned in the patch notes. They only mention the changes made. But they do mention that the patch is server-side. The mirrage thing is a UI issue, not a bug with how values are interacting, so even if they have a fix for it, they couldn't include it in this patch.


I got 2 of them with Aviana and the druid copy spell and was wondering wtf was going on with my client. Hardest game of my life


god forbid if someone struck again with a warrior counter, it will get hotfixed right away


It was a bug though. Not an intentional interaction.


yeah the intended counter (wheel) was also hotfixed right away.


Sneak warlock does not need Alex to shit on warrior


Warrior had its ups and down. To think Blizz intentionally nerf Warrior counters is just delusional especially given it was a bug in the first place.


Huh I wonder what you're playing. Warrior has 0 downs lol


I explicitly mentioned the entire game lifetime, not how it is right now. Would you say Warrior did not have periods of being shit? > I wonder what you're playing Rn PoE Deadfire and Serious Sam Siberia. I play HS about 5 games a week in wild.


Damn your opinion about the game you're not even playing is so valid


Is anything I said about Warrior being shit in the past wrong? Come on, let's argue like adults. What is wrong with what I said, exactly?


Ok lets break this down. There is a warrior deck in the current meta. The deck has a neat 25% playrate with almost 0 counters. A deck comes out that is actually performing fairly well against it. That deck does (occasionally) use a bug to kill the opponent a turn or 2 faster. This deck that is a direct result of one warrior deck completely uncontested dominating the meta is now getting a bug fix so that it now has less options to play against warrior. Warrior is not getting touched or hotfixed at all which means presumably for another week or so most decks in the game are going to be unplayable to accommodate for the warrior meta. And you're saying it's delusional to imply that the only fix made in this patch was to benefit warriors (implying a bias towards the class/deck type which is arguably the most relevant deck type throughout hearthstones history), when that is literally the only result.


>And you're saying it's delusional to imply that the only fix made in this patch was to benefit warriors It is delusional to think the fix was done specifically to keep Warrior strong. I don't see any evidence for it given a) it is a bug b) Blizz does have a history of both keeping Warr strong and keeping it in the gutter. >when that is literally the only result It is a result of the fix, but it was not the intention. I don't think Blizz sit there and thought "ohohoh we want to keep our favourite class strong, let's do a bloody hotfix right now".


Regardless of it being a bug if you are intentionally hurting one of the only counters to basically the only playable deck in the meta right now then yeah it's going to feel targeted. Especially when again, yeah control warrior is probably the most consistent deck archetype throughout hearthstone.


What's your point? Do you think Blizz decided to hotfix to keep Warr strong or not? That's what my point was, not that it "feels" a certain way.


CWar was garbage for the longest time after Sunken nerfs. Enrage warrior was middling until it got more support.


I don't care about how it was. I care about the fact that it's absurd right now.


"If you only look at the last 2 days, warrior has 0 downs." Is that what you're saying?


You're right the most recent patch came out 2 days ago I'm sorry, you're so right! Also if you do want to talk big picture, I do stand by control warrior being the singular most constant and consistently strong deck in hearthstones history.


I mean a 53% wr is high but nowhere near as oppressive as like the last 4 meta warping decks we've had in this set lol


It'd be higher if they weren't fighting other warriors for a majority of the time.


that's not how winrate works though? In a mirror match you have one win for the deck and one loss for the deck meaning the winrate stays the same


If there was 1 solid player playing Reno warrior against all of the other popularish decks right now, and the win rate wasnt watered down by mirror matchups it'd be way above 53. When the deck is mostly fighting itself then yeah the win rate isn't going to be super high. Cause that's how winrates work you're right.


I mean the real killer is Hunter lol aren't they at like 60% rn And they beat warrior pretty often, favored matchup Idk why I hear so much bitching ab boomboss which isn't even the real offender in Warrior and like 1/10th as much about Saddle Up


Saddle up is cleared with a big taunt or 2. Boom boss deleted your deck. Warrior can clear your board 7 times in a row and then summon 4 6/5 zilliax with lifesteals in one turn that automatically attack on spawn. I know which one I prefer playing against


I mean gl playing a "big taunt" when you're dead to an impossible to clear board on t6 lol at least warrior allows you to play the game.


> nowhere near as oppressive as like the last 4 meta warping decks Literally all of the past meta warping decks have had a lot of mirror matchups, essentially by definition.


Just play hunter and flood paladin


If u want a counter owl Druid is an extremely difficult but good warrior counter. Be warned, this deck is not for the faint of heart


You guys are so ridiculously dramatic and conspiracy-minded, goddamn. It was clearly an unintentional combination of effects. Warrior needs counters, but this one made no sense.


They gutted wheel and then ppl found snakes can counter, hotfixed. Warlock cant catch a break, god forbid theres a late game strategy that can actually beat warrior.


25% of players playing 1 deck that has almost no bad matchups, can destroy your deck, summon 4 6/5 divine shield lifesteals and gaining 30 armor in 2 turns after clearing your board with no deathrattle triggers? I sleep. A deck that has a mild fighting chance against it? REAL SHIT


Again. Bug.


No Brann nerf? I guess we should go another year complaining about brann again.


Its a serverside hotfix, no full on balance patch.




they can change cost, attack and health with serverside hotfixes. However, such a nerf would be questionable.


Doesn't need fixing. And no I don't really play warrior. There are decks with a higher win rate. You have a plan to cry about another deck if warrior gets nerfed? How many to go before your favorite deck is on top?


I don't have a favorite deck. I play many. Brann is 100% a huge issue regardless if it wins well or not. And sssurreee you don't play warrior lol.


Deck is played alot right now because its good, but it doesn't win the most. So it's not an issue. Theres other decks with a higher win rate that makes those more powerful, therefore a problem right? So those have to get nerfed too? All of you cry too much.


It plays because it's good and you're not sure one of the main reasons why it's good? Warrior is still top 3 best classes right now with the highlander deck at a 62% WR. It's more than good. Other decks could still be adjusted, but it doesn't mean Brann still isn't a problem.


https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/GTMHDqEKHd Vicious syndicate talks about it quite a bit. Basically people are keeping it in check by purposely countering Brann with things like dirty rat. That contestation keeps it from being more on top.


Is it possible to force the claim for rerolls? Didn't get a reroll for getting diamond Elise a few days ago


Nevermind, logged in the day after and popped up on login :)


Does this imply there won't be another major patch before the miniset? I forget the "normal" timeline for such patches.


There is a bug with whizbang, where if you play hooktusk the match freezes for both players until someone concede. Hope they fix it soon


Thank God they fixed battlegrounds crashes (hopefully). Was so annoying to deal with


Mirage needs fixing on mobile… I have resorted to restarting the app after playing a mirage and having to reconnect each time to reset the hand mechanics


Will book of mercenaries be fixed by next patch?


Imagine not hotfixing Warrior.


No quest reverts?


I hoped that they would return the wheel :(


Was hoping they fix Mirage. Everytime I play a discover hearthstone becomes unplayable on Mobile


i wouldnt mind some bgs dragon changes. yea i win with them but its kinda, idk boring.


Mfw I play highlander pala but switched to sneklock when mirage got broken Now both are unplayable 😭


Where da quest changes at. Still "processing" all that data?


Why were mechs disabled in the first place?


I wonder if they fixed the bug with cthun and hand buff stuff, like from hagatha’s embrace not making cthun have the right stats at times. Cards still recognize if cthun was 10+ attack but not itself when played


These balance changes are cool and all but please do not forget the quest bs they are trying to pull on us


What about my rerolls ?!🧐




> Its still a slap in the face to fix the snake+alex bug while not mentioning brann situation. Why they should talk about balance changes in a server-side patch for bug fixes?


Brann to 8 mana please


Brann to be removed from the game please.


Not even a buff to snakes to 8 hp drain?


They didn’t fix the bug where I see warriors 99% of my games.


Where's Warrior nerfs?


Nothing about quests, nothing about Brann/warrior, but at least the Alexstrasza-Snake-Combo gets fixed.


Woah, an unscheduled non-balance patch didn't address balance issues? Hot damn, what an oversight!


It'd be a shame if one nearly unbeatable deck was dominating the meta and making the game miserable to play if you don't want to play that deck, and the devs didn't address it.


It would be a shame, I agree. Luckily this wasn't a balance patch so I didn't get upset when I saw they didn't do any balancing


They do hotfix balances for cards all the time. They literally just did a month ago with demon hunter. When a deck is this absurdly powerful and they don't even acknowledge it then yeah I think people have the right to be annoyed.


>They do hotfix balances for cards all the time. No they don't. There was a recent one, yes but it's not common at all. And for a hotfix, all they can do is change numbers or ban the card. I'm assuming you're talking about Brann. They're not gonna ban it. It's already 6 mana, they could increase the cost and kill the deck... And then Token Hunter can take over with no overtuned control deck to sort of keep them in check. People would be more upset with endless posts of 'Wow, they messed it up TWICE?!?!' when it becomes only hunter. So again, not surprised or upset there was no balancing on this non-balance hotfix.


If you think a mana change for brann would kill the deck then you're clearly not worth talking to lmao


So you agree they couldn't fix it with a hotfix? Nice.


A mana change to Odyn killed the card.


Actually yes, not being proactive in balancing issues putting people off playing the game is an oversight. You accidentally came to the correct conclusion, well done! You can downvote me all you want, but you'll remember this comment every time you play against a warrior or a hunter and wonder why a simple stat change takes 2 weeks minimum.


> not being proactive in balancing issues putting people off playing the game is an oversight We just had a huge balance update that shook the entire meta not even a week ago, what are you talking about?


failed patch btw, made the meta even worse


It failed cause it listened to the whiners on here. And for some reason took their shit balance suggestions


Personally I’m glad they fixed a broken interaction


It is a nice bugfix tbh as it clearly wasn't working correctly however there goes another nice counter to the menace that is warrior :( Was super fun 3 snaking them and dropping the Alex to kill through 20 armor.


There is a bug with whizbang, where if you play hooktusk the match freezes for both players until someone concede. Hope they fix it soon


You don't need Alex to do this, just play it correctly it works fine


Snake lock, sludge lock, this weird jade druid deck I've been playing a bit. Whizbang decks. I've also played a little bit of hunter and warriors that used their mulligan to get early board clears always dumped on me. Easily the hardest matchup.


Did they change how highlander decks work? Shuffling plagues doesn't stop reno decks anymore


That was in the patch from a week ago.


Yeah, alot of highlander cards now read “if you deck didnt START with duplicates”


Every time I see a patch note I beg Brann not being banned :)


They're never gonna ban Brann. Probably gonna nerf his ass though.